You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

413 lines
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YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('features', function (Y, NAME) {
var feature_tests = {};
Contains the core of YUI's feature test architecture.
@module features
* Feature detection
* @class Features
* @static
Y.mix(Y.namespace('Features'), {
* Object hash of all registered feature tests
* @property tests
* @type Object
tests: feature_tests,
* Add a test to the system
* ```
* Y.Features.add("load", "1", {});
* ```
* @method add
* @param {String} cat The category, right now only 'load' is supported
* @param {String} name The number sequence of the test, how it's reported in the URL or config: 1, 2, 3
* @param {Object} o Object containing test properties
* @param {String} The name of the test
* @param {Function} o.test The test function to execute, the only argument to the function is the `Y` instance
* @param {String} o.trigger The module that triggers this test.
add: function(cat, name, o) {
feature_tests[cat] = feature_tests[cat] || {};
feature_tests[cat][name] = o;
* Execute all tests of a given category and return the serialized results
* ```
* caps=1:1;2:1;3:0
* ```
* @method all
* @param {String} cat The category to execute
* @param {Array} args The arguments to pass to the test function
* @return {String} A semi-colon separated string of tests and their success/failure: 1:1;2:1;3:0
all: function(cat, args) {
var cat_o = feature_tests[cat],
// results = {};
result = [];
if (cat_o) {
Y.Object.each(cat_o, function(v, k) {
result.push(k + ':' + (Y.Features.test(cat, k, args) ? 1 : 0));
return (result.length) ? result.join(';') : '';
* Run a specific test and return a Boolean response.
* ```
* Y.Features.test("load", "1");
* ```
* @method test
* @param {String} cat The category of the test to run
* @param {String} name The name of the test to run
* @param {Array} args The arguments to pass to the test function
* @return {Boolean} True or false if the test passed/failed.
test: function(cat, name, args) {
args = args || [];
var result, ua, test,
cat_o = feature_tests[cat],
feature = cat_o && cat_o[name];
if (!feature) {
} else {
result = feature.result;
if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(result)) {
ua =;
if (ua) {
result = (Y.UA[ua]);
test = feature.test;
if (test && ((!ua) || result)) {
result = test.apply(Y, args);
feature.result = result;
return result;
// Y.Features.add("load", "1", {});
// Y.Features.test("load", "1");
// caps=1:1;2:0;3:1;
/* This file is auto-generated by (yogi.js loader --mix --yes) */
/*jshint maxlen:900, eqeqeq: false */
var add = Y.Features.add;
// app-transitions-native
add('load', '0', {
"name": "app-transitions-native",
"test": function (Y) {
var doc = Y.config.doc,
node = doc ? doc.documentElement : null;
if (node && {
return ('MozTransition' in || 'WebkitTransition' in || 'transition' in;
return false;
"trigger": "app-transitions"
// autocomplete-list-keys
add('load', '1', {
"name": "autocomplete-list-keys",
"test": function (Y) {
// Only add keyboard support to autocomplete-list if this doesn't appear to
// be an iOS or Android-based mobile device.
// There's currently no feasible way to actually detect whether a device has
// a hardware keyboard, so this sniff will have to do. It can easily be
// overridden by manually loading the autocomplete-list-keys module.
// Worth noting: even though iOS supports bluetooth keyboards, Mobile Safari
// doesn't fire the keyboard events used by AutoCompleteList, so there's
// no point loading the -keys module even when a bluetooth keyboard may be
// available.
return !(Y.UA.ios ||;
"trigger": "autocomplete-list"
// dd-gestures
add('load', '2', {
"name": "dd-gestures",
"trigger": "dd-drag",
"ua": "touchEnabled"
// dom-style-ie
add('load', '3', {
"name": "dom-style-ie",
"test": function (Y) {
var testFeature = Y.Features.test,
addFeature = Y.Features.add,
DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement',
ret = false;
addFeature('style', 'computedStyle', {
test: function() {
return WINDOW && 'getComputedStyle' in WINDOW;
addFeature('style', 'opacity', {
test: function() {
return DOCUMENT && 'opacity' in DOCUMENT[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].style;
ret = (!testFeature('style', 'opacity') &&
!testFeature('style', 'computedStyle'));
return ret;
"trigger": "dom-style"
// editor-para-ie
add('load', '4', {
"name": "editor-para-ie",
"trigger": "editor-para",
"ua": "ie",
"when": "instead"
// event-base-ie
add('load', '5', {
"name": "event-base-ie",
"test": function(Y) {
var imp = Y.config.doc && Y.config.doc.implementation;
return (imp && (!imp.hasFeature('Events', '2.0')));
"trigger": "node-base"
// graphics-canvas
add('load', '6', {
"name": "graphics-canvas",
"test": function(Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
useCanvas = Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine && Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine == "canvas",
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas"),
svg = (DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"));
return (!svg || useCanvas) && (canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d"));
"trigger": "graphics"
// graphics-canvas-default
add('load', '7', {
"name": "graphics-canvas-default",
"test": function(Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
useCanvas = Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine && Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine == "canvas",
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas"),
svg = (DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"));
return (!svg || useCanvas) && (canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d"));
"trigger": "graphics"
// graphics-svg
add('load', '8', {
"name": "graphics-svg",
"test": function(Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
useSVG = !Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine || Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine != "canvas",
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas"),
svg = (DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"));
return svg && (useSVG || !canvas);
"trigger": "graphics"
// graphics-svg-default
add('load', '9', {
"name": "graphics-svg-default",
"test": function(Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
useSVG = !Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine || Y.config.defaultGraphicEngine != "canvas",
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas"),
svg = (DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"));
return svg && (useSVG || !canvas);
"trigger": "graphics"
// graphics-vml
add('load', '10', {
"name": "graphics-vml",
"test": function(Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas");
return (DOCUMENT && !DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1") && (!canvas || !canvas.getContext || !canvas.getContext("2d")));
"trigger": "graphics"
// graphics-vml-default
add('load', '11', {
"name": "graphics-vml-default",
"test": function(Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas");
return (DOCUMENT && !DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1") && (!canvas || !canvas.getContext || !canvas.getContext("2d")));
"trigger": "graphics"
// history-hash-ie
add('load', '12', {
"name": "history-hash-ie",
"test": function (Y) {
var docMode = Y.config.doc && Y.config.doc.documentMode;
return && (!('onhashchange' in ||
!docMode || docMode < 8);
"trigger": "history-hash"
// io-nodejs
add('load', '13', {
"name": "io-nodejs",
"trigger": "io-base",
"ua": "nodejs"
// json-parse-shim
add('load', '14', {
"name": "json-parse-shim",
"test": function (Y) {
var _JSON =,
Native = === '[object JSON]' && _JSON,
nativeSupport = Y.config.useNativeJSONParse !== false && !!Native;
function workingNative( k, v ) {
return k === "ok" ? true : v;
// Double check basic functionality. This is mainly to catch early broken
// implementations of the JSON API in Firefox 3.1 beta1 and beta2
if ( nativeSupport ) {
try {
nativeSupport = ( Native.parse( '{"ok":false}', workingNative ) ).ok;
catch ( e ) {
nativeSupport = false;
return !nativeSupport;
"trigger": "json-parse"
// json-stringify-shim
add('load', '15', {
"name": "json-stringify-shim",
"test": function (Y) {
var _JSON =,
Native = === '[object JSON]' && _JSON,
nativeSupport = Y.config.useNativeJSONStringify !== false && !!Native;
// Double check basic native functionality. This is primarily to catch broken
// early JSON API implementations in Firefox 3.1 beta1 and beta2.
if ( nativeSupport ) {
try {
nativeSupport = ( '0' === Native.stringify(0) );
} catch ( e ) {
nativeSupport = false;
return !nativeSupport;
"trigger": "json-stringify"
// scrollview-base-ie
add('load', '16', {
"name": "scrollview-base-ie",
"trigger": "scrollview-base",
"ua": "ie"
// selector-css2
add('load', '17', {
"name": "selector-css2",
"test": function (Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
ret = DOCUMENT && !('querySelectorAll' in DOCUMENT);
return ret;
"trigger": "selector"
// transition-timer
add('load', '18', {
"name": "transition-timer",
"test": function (Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
node = (DOCUMENT) ? DOCUMENT.documentElement: null,
ret = true;
if (node && {
ret = !('MozTransition' in || 'WebkitTransition' in || 'transition' in;
return ret;
"trigger": "transition"
// widget-base-ie
add('load', '19', {
"name": "widget-base-ie",
"trigger": "widget-base",
"ua": "ie"
// yql-jsonp
add('load', '20', {
"name": "yql-jsonp",
"test": function (Y) {
/* Only load the JSONP module when not in nodejs or winjs
TODO Make the winjs module a CORS module
return (!Y.UA.nodejs && !Y.UA.winjs);
"trigger": "yql"
// yql-nodejs
add('load', '21', {
"name": "yql-nodejs",
"trigger": "yql",
"ua": "nodejs"
// yql-winjs
add('load', '22', {
"name": "yql-winjs",
"trigger": "yql",
"ua": "winjs"
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["yui-base"]});