You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

535 lines
18 KiB

YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('sortable', function (Y, NAME) {
* The class allows you to create a Drag & Drop reordered list.
* @module sortable
* The class allows you to create a Drag & Drop reordered list.
* @class Sortable
* @extends Base
* @constructor
var Sortable = function() {
Sortable.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
CURRENT_NODE = 'currentNode',
OPACITY_NODE = 'opacityNode',
CONT = 'container',
ID = 'id',
ZINDEX = 'zIndex',
OPACITY = 'opacity',
PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
NODES = 'nodes',
NODE = 'node';
Y.extend(Sortable, Y.Base, {
* @property delegate
* @type DD.Delegate
* @description A reference to the DD.Delegate instance.
delegate: null,
* @property drop
* @type DD.Drop
* @description A reference to the DD.Drop instance
drop: null,
initializer: function() {
var id = 'sortable-' + Y.guid(),
delConfig = {
container: this.get(CONT),
nodes: this.get(NODES),
target: true,
invalid: this.get('invalid'),
dragConfig: {
groups: [ id ]
}, del;
if (this.get('handles')) {
delConfig.handles = this.get('handles');
del = new Y.DD.Delegate(delConfig);
this.set(ID, id);
del.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {
moveOnEnd: false,
cloneNode: true
this.drop = new Y.DD.Drop({
node: this.get(CONT),
bubbleTarget: del,
groups: del.dd.get('groups')
this.drop.on('drop:enter', Y.bind(this._onDropEnter, this));
'drag:start': Y.bind(this._onDragStart, this),
'drag:end': Y.bind(this._onDragEnd, this),
'drag:over': Y.bind(this._onDragOver, this),
'drag:drag': Y.bind(this._onDrag, this)
this.delegate = del;
Sortable.reg(this, id);
_up: null,
_y: null,
_onDrag: function(e) {
if (e.pageY < this._y) {
this._up = true;
} else if (e.pageY > this._y) {
this._up = false;
this._y = e.pageY;
* @private
* @method _onDropEnter
* @param Event e The Event Object
* @description Handles the DropEnter event to append a new node to a target.
_onDropEnter: function(e) {
var dropNode = e.drop.get(NODE),
dragNode = e.drag.get(NODE);
if (!dropNode.test(this.get(NODES)) &&
!dragNode.get(PARENT_NODE).compareTo(dropNode)) {
* @private
* @method _onDragOver
* @param Event e The Event Object
* @description Handles the DragOver event that moves the object in the list or to another list.
_onDragOver: function(e) {
if (!e.drop.get(NODE).test(this.get(NODES))) {
if (e.drag.get(NODE) === e.drop.get(NODE)) {
// is drop a child of drag?
if (e.drag.get(NODE).contains(e.drop.get(NODE))) {
var same = false, dir, oldNode, newNode, dropsort, dropNode,
moveType = this.get('moveType').toLowerCase();
if (e.drag.get(NODE).get(PARENT_NODE).contains(e.drop.get(NODE))) {
same = true;
if (same && moveType === 'move') {
moveType = 'insert';
switch (moveType) {
case 'insert':
dir = ((this._up) ? 'before' : 'after');
dropNode = e.drop.get(NODE);
if (Y.Sortable._test(dropNode, this.get(CONT))) {
} else {
dropNode.insert(e.drag.get(NODE), dir);
case 'swap':
Y.DD.DDM.swapNode(e.drag, e.drop);
case 'move':
case 'copy':
dropsort = Y.Sortable.getSortable(e.drop.get(NODE).get(PARENT_NODE));
if (!dropsort) {
//Same List
if (same) {
Y.DD.DDM.swapNode(e.drag, e.drop);
} else {
if (this.get('moveType') === 'copy') {
//New List
oldNode = e.drag.get(NODE);
newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true);
newNode.set(ID, '');
e.drag.set(NODE, newNode);
dropsort.delegate.createDrop(newNode, [dropsort.get(ID)]);
top: '',
left: ''
e.drop.get(NODE).insert(e.drag.get(NODE), 'before');
}, { same: same, drag: e.drag, drop: e.drop });'moved', { same: same, drag: e.drag, drop: e.drop });
* @private
* @method _onDragStart
* @param Event e The Event Object
* @description Handles the DragStart event and initializes some settings.
_onDragStart: function() {
var del = this.delegate,
lastNode = del.get('lastNode');
if (lastNode && lastNode.getDOMNode()) {
lastNode.setStyle(ZINDEX, '');
del.get(this.get(OPACITY_NODE)).setStyle(OPACITY, this.get(OPACITY));
del.get(CURRENT_NODE).setStyle(ZINDEX, '999');
* @private
* @method _onDragEnd
* @param Event e The Event Object
* @description Handles the DragEnd event that cleans up the settings in the drag:start event.
_onDragEnd: function() {
this.delegate.get(this.get(OPACITY_NODE)).setStyle(OPACITY, 1);
this.delegate.get(CURRENT_NODE).setStyle(ZINDEX, '');
top: '',
left: ''
* @method plug
* @param Class cls The class to plug
* @param Object config The class config
* @description Passthrough to the DD.Delegate.ddplug method
* @chainable
plug: function(cls, config) {
//I don't like this.. Not at all, need to discuss with the team
if (cls && cls.NAME.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() === 'sort') {, cls, config);
} else {
this.delegate.dd.plug(cls, config);
return this;
* @method sync
* @description Passthrough to the DD.Delegate syncTargets method.
* @chainable
sync: function() {
return this;
destructor: function() {
Sortable.unreg(this, this.get(ID));
* @method join
* @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
* @param String type The type of join to do: full, inner, outer, none. Default: full
* @description Join this Sortable with another Sortable instance.
* <ul>
* <li>full: Exchange nodes with both lists.</li>
* <li>inner: Items can go into this list from the joined list.</li>
* <li>outer: Items can go out of the joined list into this list.</li>
* <li>none: Removes the join.</li>
* </ul>
* @chainable
join: function(sel, type) {
if (!(sel instanceof Y.Sortable)) {
Y.error('Sortable: join needs a Sortable Instance');
return this;
if (!type) {
type = 'full';
type = type.toLowerCase();
var method = '_join_' + type;
if (this[method]) {
return this;
* @private
* @method _join_none
* @param Sortable sel The Sortable to remove the join from
* @description Removes the join with the passed Sortable.
_join_none: function(sel) {
* @private
* @method _join_full
* @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
* @description Joins both of the Sortables together.
_join_full: function(sel) {
* @private
* @method _join_outer
* @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
* @description Allows this Sortable to accept items from the passed Sortable.
_join_outer: function(sel) {
* @private
* @method _join_inner
* @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
* @description Allows this Sortable to give items to the passed Sortable.
_join_inner: function(sel) {
* A custom callback to allow a user to extract some sort of id or any other data
* from the node to use in the "ordering list" and then that data should be returned from the callback.
* @method getOrdering
* @param Function callback
* @return Array
getOrdering: function(callback) {
var ordering = [];
if (!Y.Lang.isFunction(callback)) {
callback = function (node) {
return node;
} {
return ordering;
}, {
NAME: 'sortable',
* @attribute handles
* @description Drag handles to pass on to the internal DD.Delegate instance.
* @type Array
handles: {
value: false
* @attribute container
* @description A selector query to get the container to listen for mousedown events on. All "nodes" should be a child of this container.
* @type String
container: {
value: 'body'
* @attribute nodes
* @description A selector query to get the children of the "container" to make draggable elements from.
* @type String
nodes: {
value: '.dd-draggable'
* @attribute opacity
* @description The opacity to change the proxy item to when dragging.
* @type String
opacity: {
value: '.75'
* @attribute opacityNode
* @description The node to set opacity on when dragging (dragNode or currentNode). Default: currentNode.
* @type String
opacityNode: {
value: 'currentNode'
* @attribute id
* @description The id of this Sortable, used to get a reference to this Sortable list from another list.
* @type String
id: {
value: null
* @attribute moveType
* @description How should an item move to another list: insert, swap, move, copy. Default: insert
* @type String
moveType: {
value: 'insert'
* @attribute invalid
* @description A selector string to test if a list item is invalid and not sortable
* @type String
invalid: {
value: ''
* @static
* @property _sortables
* @private
* @type Object
* @description Hash map of all Sortables on the page.
_sortables: {},
* @static
* @method _test
* @param {Node} node The node instance to test.
* @param {String|Node} test The node instance or selector string to test against.
* @description Test a Node or a selector for the container
_test: function(node, test) {
var ret;
if (test instanceof Y.Node) {
ret = (test === node);
} else {
ret = node.test(test);
return ret;
* @static
* @method getSortable
* @param {String|Node} node The node instance or selector string to use to find a Sortable instance.
* @description Get a Sortable instance back from a node reference or a selector string.
getSortable: function(node) {
var s = null,
id = null;
node =;
id = node.get(ID);
if(id && Y.Sortable._sortables[id]) {
return Y.Sortable._sortables[id];
Y.Object.each(Y.Sortable._sortables, function(v) {
if (Y.Sortable._test(node, v.get(CONT))) {
s = v;
return s;
* @static
* @method reg
* @param Sortable s A Sortable instance.
* @param String id (optional) The id of the sortable instance.
* @description Register a Sortable instance with the singleton to allow lookups later.
reg: function(s, id) {
if (!id) {
id = s.get(ID);
Y.Sortable._sortables[id] = s;
* @static
* @method unreg
* @param Sortable s A Sortable instance.
* @param String id (optional) The id of the sortable instance.
* @description Unregister a Sortable instance with the singleton.
unreg: function(s, id) {
if (!id) {
id = s.get(ID);
if (id && Y.Sortable._sortables[id]) {
delete Y.Sortable._sortables[id];
Y.Object.each(Y.Sortable._sortables, function(v, k) {
if (v === s) {
delete Sortable._sortables[k];
Y.Sortable = Sortable;
* @event copy
* @description A Sortable node was moved with a copy.
* @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object
* @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
* @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
* @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
* @event move
* @description A Sortable node was moved with a move.
* @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
* @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
* @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
* @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
* @event insert
* @description A Sortable node was moved with an insert.
* @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
* @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
* @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
* @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
* @event swap
* @description A Sortable node was moved with a swap.
* @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
* @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
* @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
* @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
* @event moved
* @description A Sortable node was moved.
* @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
* @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
* @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
* @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["dd-delegate", "dd-drop-plugin", "dd-proxy"]});