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3 years ago
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('tree', function (Y, NAME) {
/*jshint boss:true, expr:true, onevar:false */
Provides a generic tree data structure and related functionality.
A tree has a root node, which may contain any number of child nodes, which may
themselves contain child nodes, ad infinitum.
Child nodes are lightweight function instances which delegate to the tree for
all significant functionality, so trees remain performant and memory-efficient
even with thousands and thousands of nodes.
@module tree
@main tree
The `Tree` class represents a generic tree data structure. A tree has a root
node, which may contain any number of child nodes, which may themselves contain
child nodes, ad infinitum.
This class doesn't expose any UI, but is intended to be used as a data structure
or base class for other components. For example, the SmugMug TreeView gallery
module extends Tree and provides a TreeView UI.
@class Tree
@param {Object} [config] Config options.
@param {Object[]|Tree.Node[]} [config.nodes] Array of tree node config
objects or `Tree.Node` instances to add to this tree at initialization
@param {Object|Tree.Node} [config.rootNode] Node to use as the root node of
this tree.
@extends Base
var Lang = Y.Lang,
Fired when a node is added to this Tree. The `src` property will indicate
how the node was added ("append", "insert", "prepend", etc.).
@event add
@param {Number} index Index at which the node will be added.
@param {Tree.Node} node Node being added.
@param {Tree.Node} parent Parent node to which the node will be added.
@param {String} src Source of the event ("append", "insert", "prepend",
@preventable _defAddFn
EVT_ADD = 'add',
Fired when this Tree is cleared.
@event clear
@param {Tree.Node} rootNode New root node of this tree (the old root node is
always destroyed when a tree is cleared).
@param {String} src Source of the event.
@preventable _defClearFn
EVT_CLEAR = 'clear',
Fired when a node is removed from this Tree.
@event remove
@param {Boolean} destroy Whether or not the node will be destroyed after
being removed from this tree.
@param {Tree.Node} node Node being removed.
@param {Tree.Node} parent Parent node from which the node will be removed.
@param {String} src Source of the event.
@preventable _defRemoveFn
EVT_REMOVE = 'remove';
var Tree = Y.Base.create('tree', Y.Base, [], {
// -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
Reference to the `children` array of this Tree's `rootNode`.
This is a convenience property to allow you to type `tree.children` instead
of `tree.rootNode.children`.
@property {Tree.Node[]} children
The `Tree.Node` class or subclass that should be used for nodes created by
this tree.
You may specify an actual class reference or a string that resolves to a
class reference at runtime.
@property {String|Tree.Node} nodeClass
@default Y.Tree.Node
nodeClass: Y.Tree.Node,
Optional array containing one or more extension classes that should be mixed
into the `nodeClass` when this Tree is instantiated. The resulting composed
node class will be unique to this Tree instance and will not affect any
other instances, nor will it modify the defined `nodeClass` itself.
This provides a late-binding extension mechanism for nodes that doesn't
require them to extend `Y.Base`, which would incur a significant performance
@property {Array} nodeExtensions
@default []
nodeExtensions: [],
Root node of this Tree.
@property {Tree.Node} rootNode
// -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
Simple way to type-check that this is a Tree instance.
@property {Boolean} _isYUITree
@default true
_isYUITree: true,
Composed node class based on `nodeClass` that mixes in any extensions
specified in `nodeExtensions`. If there are no extensions, this will just be
a reference to `nodeClass`.
@property {Tree.Node} _nodeClass
Mapping of node ids to node instances for nodes in this tree.
@property {Object} _nodeMap
Default config object for the root node.
@property {Object} _rootNodeConfig
_rootNodeConfig: {canHaveChildren: true},
// -- Lifecycle ------------------------------------------------------------
initializer: function (config) {
config || (config = {});
if (config.nodeClass) {
this.nodeClass = config.nodeClass;
if (config.nodeExtensions) {
this.nodeExtensions = this.nodeExtensions.concat(config.nodeExtensions);
Hash of published custom events.
@property {Object} _published
@default {}
this._published || (this._published = {});
this._nodeMap = {};
// Allow all extensions to initialize, then finish up.
this.onceAfter('initializedChange', function () {
this.clear(config.rootNode, {silent: true});
if (config.nodes) {
this.insertNode(this.rootNode, config.nodes, {silent: true});
destructor: function () {
this.destroyNode(this.rootNode, {silent: true});
this.children = null;
this.rootNode = null;
this._nodeClass = null;
this._nodeMap = null;
this._published = null;
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
Appends a node or array of nodes as the last child of the specified parent
If a node being appended is from another tree, it and all its children will
be removed from that tree and moved to this one.
@method appendNode
@param {Tree.Node} parent Parent node.
@param {Object|Object[]|Tree.Node|Tree.Node[]} node Child node, node config
object, array of child nodes, or array of node config objects to append
to the given parent. Node config objects will automatically be converted
into node instances.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, the `add` event will
be suppressed.
@return {Tree.Node|Tree.Node[]} Node or array of nodes that were
appendNode: function (parent, node, options) {
return this.insertNode(parent, node, Y.merge(options, {
index: parent.children.length,
src : 'append'
Clears this tree by destroying the root node and all its children. If a
`rootNode` argument is provided, that node will become the root node of this
tree; otherwise, a new root node will be created.
@method clear
@param {Object|Tree.Node} [rootNode] If specified, this node will be used as
the new root node.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, the `clear` event
will be suppressed.
@param {String} [options.src] Source of the change, to be passed along
to the event facade of the resulting event. This can be used to
distinguish between changes triggered by a user and changes
triggered programmatically, for example.
clear: function (rootNode, options) {
return this._fireTreeEvent(EVT_CLEAR, {
rootNode: this.createNode(rootNode || this._rootNodeConfig),
src : options && options.src
}, {
defaultFn: this._defClearFn,
silent : options && options.silent
Creates and returns a new `Tree.Node` instance associated with (but not
yet appended to) this tree.
@method createNode
@param {Object|Tree.Node} [config] Node configuration. If a `Tree.Node`
instance is specified instead of a config object, that node will be
adopted into this tree (if it doesn't already belong to this tree) and
removed from any other tree to which it belongs.
@return {Tree.Node|null} New node, or `null` if a node could not be created
from the given _config_.
createNode: function (config) {
config || (config = {});
// If `config` is already a node, just ensure it hasn't been destroyed
// and is in the node map, then return it.
if (config._isYUITreeNode) {
if (config.state.destroyed) {
Y.error('Cannot insert a node that has already been destroyed.', null, 'tree');
return null;
return config;
// First, create nodes for any children of this node.
if (config.children) {
var children = [];
for (var i = 0, len = config.children.length; i < len; i++) {
config = Y.merge(config, {children: children});
var node = new this._nodeClass(this, config);
return this._nodeMap[] = node;
Removes and destroys a node and all its child nodes. Once destroyed, a node
is eligible for garbage collection and cannot be reused or re-added to the
@method destroyNode
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to destroy.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, `remove` events will
be suppressed.
@param {String} [options.src] Source of the change, to be passed along
to the event facade of the resulting events. This can be used to
distinguish between changes triggered by a user and changes
triggered programmatically, for example.
destroyNode: function (node, options) {
var child, i, len;
options || (options = {});
for (i = 0, len = node.children.length; i < len; i++) {
child = node.children[i];
// Manually remove the child from its parent; this makes destroying
// all children of the parent much faster since there's no splicing
// involved.
child.parent = null;
// Destroy the child.
this.destroyNode(child, options);
if (node.parent) {
this.removeNode(node, options);
node.children = [];
| = {};
node.state = {destroyed: true};
node.tree = null;
node._indexMap = {};
delete this._nodeMap[];
return this;
Removes all children from the specified node. The removed children will
still be reusable unless the `destroy` option is truthy.
@method emptyNode
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to empty.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Boolean} [options.destroy=false] If `true`, the children will
also be destroyed, which makes them available for garbage collection
and means they can't be reused.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, `remove` events will
be suppressed.
@param {String} [options.src] Source of the change, to be passed along
to the event facade of the resulting events. This can be used to
distinguish between changes triggered by a user and changes
triggered programmatically, for example.
@return {Tree.Node[]} Array of removed child nodes.
emptyNode: function (node, options) {
var children = node.children,
removed = [];
for (var i = children.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
removed[i] = this.removeNode(children[i], options);
return removed;
Performs a depth-first traversal of _node_, passing it and each of its
descendants to the specified _callback_, and returning the first node for
which the callback returns a truthy value.
Traversal will stop as soon as a truthy value is returned from the callback.
See `traverseNode()` for more details on how depth-first traversal works.
@method findNode
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to traverse.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Number} [options.depth] Depth limit. If specified, descendants
will only be traversed to this depth before backtracking and moving
@param {Function} callback Callback function to call with the traversed
node and each of its descendants. If this function returns a truthy
value, traversal will be stopped and the current node will be returned.
@param {Tree.Node} callback.node Node being traversed.
@param {Object} [thisObj] `this` object to use when executing _callback_.
@return {Tree.Node|null} Returns the first node for which the _callback_
returns a truthy value, or `null` if the callback never returns a truthy
findNode: function (node, options, callback, thisObj) {
var match = null;
// Allow callback as second argument.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
thisObj = callback;
callback = options;
options = {};
this.traverseNode(node, options, function (descendant) {
if (, descendant)) {
match = descendant;
return match;
Returns the tree node with the specified id, or `undefined` if the node
doesn't exist in this tree.
@method getNodeById
@param {String} id Node id.
@return {Tree.Node} Node, or `undefined` if not found.
getNodeById: function (id) {
return this._nodeMap[id];
Inserts a node or array of nodes at the specified index under the given
parent node, or appends them to the parent if no index is specified.
If a node being inserted is from another tree, it and all its children will
be removed from that tree and moved to this one.
@method insertNode
@param {Tree.Node} parent Parent node.
@param {Object|Object[]|Tree.Node|Tree.Node[]} node Child node, node config
object, array of child nodes, or array of node config objects to insert
under the given parent. Node config objects will automatically be
converted into node instances.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Number} [options.index] Index at which to insert the child node.
If not specified, the node will be appended as the last child of the
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, the `add` event will
be suppressed.
@param {String} [options.src='insert'] Source of the change, to be
passed along to the event facade of the resulting event. This can be
used to distinguish between changes triggered by a user and changes
triggered programmatically, for example.
@return {Tree.Node|Tree.Node[]} Node or array of nodes that were inserted.
insertNode: function (parent, node, options) {
options || (options = {});
parent || (parent = this.rootNode);
// If `node` is an array, recurse to insert each node it contains.
// Note: If you're getting an exception here because `node` is null when
// you've passed in a reference to some other node's `children` array,
// that's happening because nodes must be removed from their current
// parent before being added to the new one, and the `children` array is
// being modified while the nodes are inserted.
// Solution: pass a copy of the other node's `children` array instead of
// the original. Doing the copy operation here would have a negative
// impact on performance, so you're on your own since this is such a
// rare edge case.
if ('length' in node && Lang.isArray(node)) {
var hasIndex = 'index' in options,
insertedNodes = [],
for (var i = 0, len = node.length; i < len; i++) {
insertedNode = this.insertNode(parent, node[i], options);
if (insertedNode) {
if (hasIndex) {
options.index += 1;
return insertedNodes;
node = this.createNode(node);
if (node) {
var index = options.index;
if (typeof index === 'undefined') {
index = this._getDefaultNodeIndex(parent, node, options);
this._fireTreeEvent(EVT_ADD, {
index : index,
node : node,
parent: parent,
src : options.src || 'insert'
}, {
defaultFn: this._defAddFn,
silent : options.silent
return node;
Prepends a node or array of nodes at the beginning of the specified parent
If a node being prepended is from another tree, it and all its children will
be removed from that tree and moved to this one.
@method prependNode
@param {Tree.Node} parent Parent node.
@param {Object|Object[]|Tree.Node|Tree.Node[]} node Child node,
node config object, array of child nodes, or array of node config
objects to prepend to the given parent. Node config objects will
automatically be converted into node instances.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, the `add` event will
be suppressed.
@return {Tree.Node|Tree.Node[]} Node or array of nodes that were
prependNode: function (parent, node, options) {
return this.insertNode(parent, node, Y.merge(options, {
index: 0,
src : 'prepend'
Removes the specified node from its parent node. The removed node will still
be reusable unless the `destroy` option is truthy.
@method removeNode
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to remove.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Boolean} [options.destroy=false] If `true`, the node and all its
children will also be destroyed, which makes them available for
garbage collection and means they can't be reused.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, the `remove` event
will be suppressed.
@param {String} [options.src] Source of the change, to be passed along
to the event facade of the resulting event. This can be used to
distinguish between changes triggered by a user and changes
triggered programmatically, for example.
@return {Tree.Node} Node that was removed.
removeNode: function (node, options) {
options || (options = {});
this._fireTreeEvent(EVT_REMOVE, {
destroy: !!options.destroy,
node : node,
parent : node.parent,
src : options.src || 'remove'
}, {
defaultFn: this._defRemoveFn,
silent : options.silent
return node;
Returns the total number of nodes in this tree, at all levels.
Use `rootNode.children.length` to get only the number of top-level nodes.
@method size
@return {Number} Total number of nodes in this tree.
size: function () {
return this.rootNode.size() + 1;
Serializes this tree to an object suitable for use in JSON.
@method toJSON
@return {Object} Serialized tree object.
toJSON: function () {
return this.rootNode.toJSON();
Performs a depth-first traversal of _node_, passing it and each of its
descendants to the specified _callback_.
If the callback function returns `Tree.STOP_TRAVERSAL`, traversal will be
stopped immediately. Otherwise, it will continue until the deepest
descendant of _node_ has been traversed, or until each branch has been
traversed to the optional maximum depth limit.
Since traversal is depth-first, that means nodes are traversed like this:
/ | \
2 8 9
/ \ \
3 7 10
/ | \ / \
4 5 6 11 12
@method traverseNode
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to traverse.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Number} [options.depth] Depth limit. If specified, descendants
will only be traversed to this depth before backtracking and moving
@param {Function} callback Callback function to call with the traversed
node and each of its descendants.
@param {Tree.Node} callback.node Node being traversed.
@param {Object} [thisObj] `this` object to use when executing _callback_.
@return {Mixed} Returns `Tree.STOP_TRAVERSAL` if traversal was stopped;
otherwise returns `undefined`.
traverseNode: function (node, options, callback, thisObj) {
if (node.state.destroyed) {
Y.error('Cannot traverse a node that has been destroyed.', null, 'tree');
// Allow callback as second argument.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
thisObj = callback;
callback = options;
options = {};
options || (options = {});
var stop = Tree.STOP_TRAVERSAL,
unlimited = typeof options.depth === 'undefined';
if (, node) === stop) {
return stop;
var children = node.children;
if (unlimited || options.depth > 0) {
var childOptions = unlimited ? options : {depth: options.depth - 1};
for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.traverseNode(children[i], childOptions, callback, thisObj) === stop) {
return stop;
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
Moves the specified node and all its children from another tree to this
@method _adoptNode
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to adopt.
@param {Object} [options] Options to pass along to `removeNode()`.
_adoptNode: function (node, options) {
var oldTree = node.tree,
if (oldTree === this) {
for (var i = 0, len = node.children.length; i < len; i++) {
child = node.children[i];
child.parent = null; // Prevents the child from being removed from
// its parent during the adoption.
this._adoptNode(child, {silent: true});
child.parent = node;
if (node.parent) {
oldTree.removeNode(node, options);
delete oldTree._nodeMap[];
// If this node isn't an instance of this tree's composed _nodeClass,
// then we need to recreate it to avoid potentially breaking things in
// really weird ways.
if (!(node instanceof this._nodeClass)
|| oldTree._nodeClass !== this._nodeClass) {
node = this.createNode(node.toJSON());
node.tree = this;
node._isIndexStale = true;
this._nodeMap[] = node;
Composes a custom late-bound tree node class (if necessary) based on the
classes specified in this Tree's `nodeClass` and `nodeExtensions`
The composed class is stored in this Tree's `_nodeClass` property. If
composition wasn't necessary, then `_nodeClass` will just be a reference to
@method _composeNodeClass
_composeNodeClass: function () {
var nodeClass = this.nodeClass,
nodeExtensions = this.nodeExtensions,
if (typeof nodeClass === 'string') {
// Look for a namespaced node class on `Y`.
nodeClass = Y.Object.getValue(Y, nodeClass.split('.'));
if (nodeClass) {
this.nodeClass = nodeClass;
} else {
Y.error('Node class not found: ' + nodeClass, null, 'tree');
if (!nodeExtensions.length) {
this._nodeClass = nodeClass;
// Compose a new class by mixing extensions into nodeClass.
composedClass = function () {
var extensions = composedClass._nodeExtensions;
nodeClass.apply(this, arguments);
for (var i = 0, len = extensions.length; i < len; i++) {
extensions[i].apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(composedClass, nodeClass);
for (var i = 0, len = nodeExtensions.length; i < len; i++) {
Y.mix(composedClass.prototype, nodeExtensions[i].prototype, true);
composedClass._nodeExtensions = nodeExtensions;
this._nodeClass = composedClass;
Utility method for lazily publishing and firing events.
@method _fireTreeEvent
@param {String} name Event name to fire.
@param {Object} facade Event facade.
@param {Object} [options] Options.
@param {Function} [options.defaultFn] Default handler for this event.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] Whether the default handler
should be executed directly without actually firing the event.
_fireTreeEvent: function (name, facade, options) {
if (options && options.silent) {
if (options.defaultFn) {
facade.silent = true; // intentionally modifying the facade
|, facade);
} else {
if (options && options.defaultFn && !this._published[name]) {
this._published[name] = this.publish(name, {
defaultFn: options.defaultFn
|, facade);
return this;
Returns the default insertion index that should be used when _node_ is
inserted as a child of _parent_ without an explicit index.
The primary purpose of this method is to serve as a hook point for
extensions and plugins that need to customize insertion order.
@method _getDefaultNodeIndex
@param {Tree.Node} parent Parent node.
@param {Tree.Node} node Node being inserted.
@param {Object} [options] Options passed to `insertNode()`.
@return {Number} Index at which _node_ should be inserted into _parent_'s
`children` array.
_getDefaultNodeIndex: function (parent/*, node, options*/) {
return parent.children.length;
Removes the specified node from its parent node if it has one.
@method _removeNodeFromParent
@param {Tree.Node} node Node to remove.
_removeNodeFromParent: function (node) {
var parent = node.parent,
if (parent) {
index = parent.indexOf(node);
if (index > -1) {
var children = parent.children;
if (index === children.length - 1) {
} else {
children.splice(index, 1);
parent._isIndexStale = true;
node.parent = null;
// -- Default Event Handlers -----------------------------------------------
_defAddFn: function (e) {
var index = e.index,
node = e.node,
parent = e.parent,
// Remove the node from its existing parent if it has one.
if (node.parent) {
// If the node's existing parent is the same parent it's being
// inserted into, adjust the index to avoid an off-by-one error.
if (node.parent === parent) {
oldIndex = parent.indexOf(node);
if (oldIndex === index) {
// Old index is the same as the new index, so just don't do
// anything.
} else if (oldIndex < index) {
// Removing the node from its old index will affect the new
// index, so decrement the new index by one.
index -= 1;
this.removeNode(node, {
silent: e.silent,
src : 'add'
// Add the node to its new parent at the desired index.
node.parent = parent;
parent.children.splice(index, 0, node);
parent.canHaveChildren = true;
parent._isIndexStale = true;
_defClearFn: function (e) {
var newRootNode = e.rootNode;
if (this.rootNode) {
this.destroyNode(this.rootNode, {silent: true});
this._nodeMap = {};
this._nodeMap[] = newRootNode;
this.rootNode = newRootNode;
this.children = newRootNode.children;
_defRemoveFn: function (e) {
var node = e.node;
if (e.destroy) {
this.destroyNode(node, {silent: true});
} else if (e.parent) {
} else if (this.rootNode === node) {
// Guess we'll need a new root node!
this.rootNode = this.createNode(this._rootNodeConfig);
this.children = this.rootNode.children;
}, {
Return this value from a `Tree#traverseNode()` or `Tree.Node#traverse()`
callback to immediately stop traversal.
Y.Tree = Y.mix(Tree, Y.Tree);
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["base-build", "tree-node"]});