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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Base class for unit tests for profilefield_checkbox.
* @package profilefield_checkbox
* @copyright 2018 Mihail Geshoski <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
use \core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase;
use profilefield_checkbox\privacy\provider;
use core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist;
* Unit tests for user\profile\field\checkbox\classes\privacy\provider.php
* @copyright 2018 Mihail Geshoski <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class profilefield_checkbox_testcase extends provider_testcase {
* Basic setup for these tests.
public function setUp() {
* Test getting the context for the user ID related to this plugin.
public function test_get_contexts_for_userid() {
global $DB;
// Create profile category.
$categoryid = $this->add_profile_category();
// Create profile field.
$profilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'checkbox');
// Create a user.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $profilefieldid, 'test data');
// Get the field that was created.
$userfielddata = $DB->get_records('user_info_data', array('userid' => $user->id));
// Confirm we got the right number of user field data.
$this->assertCount(1, $userfielddata);
$context = context_user::instance($user->id);
$contextlist = provider::get_contexts_for_userid($user->id);
$this->assertEquals($context, $contextlist->current());
* Test that data is exported correctly for this plugin.
public function test_export_user_data() {
// Create profile category.
$categoryid = $this->add_profile_category();
// Create checkbox profile field.
$checkboxprofilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'checkbox');
// Create datetime profile field.
$datetimeprofilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'datetime');
// Create a user.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$context = context_user::instance($user->id);
// Add checkbox user info data.
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $checkboxprofilefieldid, 'test data');
// Add datetime user info data.
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $datetimeprofilefieldid, '1524067200');
$writer = \core_privacy\local\request\writer::with_context($context);
$this->export_context_data_for_user($user->id, $context, 'profilefield_checkbox');
$data = $writer->get_data([get_string('pluginname', 'profilefield_checkbox')]);
$this->assertCount(3, (array) $data);
$this->assertEquals('Test field', $data->name);
$this->assertEquals('This is a test.', $data->description);
$this->assertEquals('test data', $data->data);
* Test that user data is deleted using the context.
public function test_delete_data_for_all_users_in_context() {
global $DB;
// Create profile category.
$categoryid = $this->add_profile_category();
// Create checkbox profile field.
$checkboxprofilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'checkbox');
// Create datetime profile field.
$datetimeprofilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'datetime');
// Create a user.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$context = context_user::instance($user->id);
// Add checkbox user info data.
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $checkboxprofilefieldid, 'test data');
// Add datetime user info data.
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $datetimeprofilefieldid, '1524067200');
// Check that we have two entries.
$userinfodata = $DB->get_records('user_info_data', ['userid' => $user->id]);
$this->assertCount(2, $userinfodata);
// Check that the correct profile field has been deleted.
$userinfodata = $DB->get_records('user_info_data', ['userid' => $user->id]);
$this->assertCount(1, $userinfodata);
$this->assertNotEquals('test data', reset($userinfodata)->data);
* Test that user data is deleted for this user.
public function test_delete_data_for_user() {
global $DB;
// Create profile category.
$categoryid = $this->add_profile_category();
// Create checkbox profile field.
$checkboxprofilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'checkbox');
// Create datetime profile field.
$datetimeprofilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'datetime');
// Create a user.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$context = context_user::instance($user->id);
// Add checkbox user info data.
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $checkboxprofilefieldid, 'test data');
// Add datetime user info data.
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $datetimeprofilefieldid, '1524067200');
// Check that we have two entries.
$userinfodata = $DB->get_records('user_info_data', ['userid' => $user->id]);
$this->assertCount(2, $userinfodata);
$approvedlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist($user, 'profilefield_checkbox',
// Check that the correct profile field has been deleted.
$userinfodata = $DB->get_records('user_info_data', ['userid' => $user->id]);
$this->assertCount(1, $userinfodata);
$this->assertNotEquals('test data', reset($userinfodata)->data);
* Test that only users with a user context are fetched.
public function test_get_users_in_context() {
$component = 'profilefield_checkbox';
// Create profile category.
$categoryid = $this->add_profile_category();
// Create profile field.
$profilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'checkbox');
// Create a user.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
// The list of users should not return anything yet (related data still haven't been created).
$userlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($usercontext, $component);
$this->assertCount(0, $userlist);
$this->add_user_info_data($user->id, $profilefieldid, 'test data');
// The list of users for user context should return the user.
$this->assertCount(1, $userlist);
$expected = [$user->id];
$actual = $userlist->get_userids();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
// The list of users for system context should not return any users.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
$userlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($systemcontext, $component);
$this->assertCount(0, $userlist);
* Test that data for users in approved userlist is deleted.
public function test_delete_data_for_users() {
$component = 'profilefield_checkbox';
// Create profile category.
$categoryid = $this->add_profile_category();
// Create profile field.
$profilefieldid = $this->add_profile_field($categoryid, 'checkbox');
// Create user1.
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$usercontext1 = context_user::instance($user1->id);
// Create user2.
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$usercontext2 = context_user::instance($user2->id);
$this->add_user_info_data($user1->id, $profilefieldid, 'test data');
$this->add_user_info_data($user2->id, $profilefieldid, 'test data');
// The list of users for usercontext1 should return user1.
$userlist1 = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($usercontext1, $component);
$this->assertCount(1, $userlist1);
$expected = [$user1->id];
$actual = $userlist1->get_userids();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
// The list of users for usercontext2 should return user2.
$userlist2 = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($usercontext2, $component);
$this->assertCount(1, $userlist2);
$expected = [$user2->id];
$actual = $userlist2->get_userids();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
// Add userlist1 to the approved user list.
$approvedlist = new approved_userlist($usercontext1, $component, $userlist1->get_userids());
// Delete user data using delete_data_for_user for usercontext1.
// Re-fetch users in usercontext1 - The user list should now be empty.
$userlist1 = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($usercontext1, $component);
$this->assertCount(0, $userlist1);
// Re-fetch users in usercontext2 - The user list should not be empty (user2).
$userlist2 = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($usercontext2, $component);
$this->assertCount(1, $userlist2);
// User data should be only removed in the user context.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Add userlist2 to the approved user list in the system context.
$approvedlist = new approved_userlist($systemcontext, $component, $userlist2->get_userids());
// Delete user1 data using delete_data_for_user.
// Re-fetch users in usercontext2 - The user list should not be empty (user2).
$userlist1 = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($usercontext2, $component);
$this->assertCount(1, $userlist1);
* Add dummy user info data.
* @param int $userid The ID of the user
* @param int $fieldid The ID of the field
* @param string $data The data
private function add_user_info_data($userid, $fieldid, $data) {
global $DB;
$userinfodata = array(
'userid' => $userid,
'fieldid' => $fieldid,
'data' => $data,
'dataformat' => 0
$DB->insert_record('user_info_data', $userinfodata);
* Add dummy profile category.
* @return int The ID of the profile category
private function add_profile_category() {
global $DB;
// Create a new profile category.
$cat = new stdClass();
$cat->name = 'Test category';
$cat->sortorder = 1;
return $DB->insert_record('user_info_category', $cat);
* Add dummy profile field.
* @param int $categoryid The ID of the profile category
* @param string $datatype The datatype of the profile field
* @return int The ID of the profile field
private function add_profile_field($categoryid, $datatype) {
global $DB;
// Create a new profile field.
$data = new stdClass();
$data->datatype = $datatype;
$data->shortname = 'tstField';
$data->name = 'Test field';
$data->description = 'This is a test.';
$data->required = false;
$data->locked = false;
$data->forceunique = false;
$data->signup = false;
$data->visible = '0';
$data->categoryid = $categoryid;
return $DB->insert_record('user_info_field', $data);