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3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage backup-plan
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* Abstract class defining the needed stuff to restore one xml file
* TODO: Finish phpdocs
abstract class restore_structure_step extends restore_step {
protected $filename; // Name of the file to be parsed
protected $contentprocessor; // xml parser processor being used
// (need it here, apart from parser
// thanks to serialized data to process -
// say thanks to blocks!)
protected $pathelements; // Array of pathelements to process
protected $elementsoldid; // Array to store last oldid used on each element
protected $elementsnewid; // Array to store last newid used on each element
protected $pathlock; // Path currently locking processing of children
const SKIP_ALL_CHILDREN = -991399; // To instruct the dispatcher about to ignore
// all children below path processor returning it
* Constructor - instantiates one object of this class
public function __construct($name, $filename, $task = null) {
if (!is_null($task) && !($task instanceof restore_task)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('wrong_restore_task_specified');
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->contentprocessor = null;
$this->pathelements = array();
$this->elementsoldid = array();
$this->elementsnewid = array();
$this->pathlock = null;
parent::__construct($name, $task);
final public function execute() {
if (!$this->execute_condition()) { // Check any condition to execute this
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
// We MUST have one fullpath here, else, error
if (empty($fullpath)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_structure_step_undefined_fullpath');
// Append the filename to the fullpath
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
// And it MUST exist
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) { // Shouldn't happen ever, but...
throw new restore_step_exception('missing_moodle_backup_xml_file', $fullpath);
// Get restore_path elements array adapting and preparing it for processing
$structure = $this->define_structure();
if (!is_array($structure)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_step_structure_not_array', $this->get_name());
// Create parser and processor
$xmlparser = new progressive_parser();
$xmlprocessor = new restore_structure_parser_processor($this->task->get_courseid(), $this);
$this->contentprocessor = $xmlprocessor; // Save the reference to the contentprocessor
// as far as we are going to need it out
// from parser (blame serialized data!)
// Add pathelements to processor
foreach ($this->pathelements as $element) {
$xmlprocessor->add_path($element->get_path(), $element->is_grouped());
// Set up progress tracking.
$progress = $this->get_task()->get_progress();
$progress->start_progress($this->get_name(), \core\progress\base::INDETERMINATE);
// And process it, dispatch to target methods in step will start automatically
// Have finished, launch the after_execute method of all the processing objects
* Receive one chunk of information form the xml parser processor and
* dispatch it, following the naming rules
final public function process($data) {
if (!array_key_exists($data['path'], $this->pathelements)) { // Incorrect path, must not happen
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_structure_step_missing_path', $data['path']);
$element = $this->pathelements[$data['path']];
$object = $element->get_processing_object();
$method = $element->get_processing_method();
$rdata = null;
if (empty($object)) { // No processing object defined
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_structure_step_missing_pobject', $object);
// Release the lock if we aren't anymore within children of it
if (!is_null($this->pathlock) and strpos($data['path'], $this->pathlock) === false) {
$this->pathlock = null;
if (is_null($this->pathlock)) { // Only dispatch if there isn't any lock
$rdata = $object->$method($data['tags']); // Dispatch to proper object/method
// If the dispatched method returns SKIP_ALL_CHILDREN, we grab current path in order to
// lock dispatching to any children
if ($rdata === self::SKIP_ALL_CHILDREN) {
// Check we haven't any previous lock
if (!is_null($this->pathlock)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_structure_step_already_skipping', $data['path']);
// Set the lock
$this->pathlock = $data['path'] . '/'; // Lock everything below current path
// Continue with normal processing of return values
} else if ($rdata !== null) { // If the method has returned any info, set element data to it
} else { // Else, put the original parsed data
* To send ids pairs to backup_ids_table and to store them into paths
* This method will send the given itemname and old/new ids to the
* backup_ids_temp table, and, at the same time, will save the new id
* into the corresponding restore_path_element for easier access
* by children. Also will inject the known old context id for the task
* in case it's going to be used for restoring files later
public function set_mapping($itemname, $oldid, $newid, $restorefiles = false, $filesctxid = null, $parentid = null) {
if ($restorefiles && $parentid) {
throw new restore_step_exception('set_mapping_cannot_specify_both_restorefiles_and_parentitemid');
// If we haven't specified one context for the files, use the task one
if (is_null($filesctxid)) {
$parentitemid = $restorefiles ? $this->task->get_old_contextid() : null;
} else { // Use the specified one
$parentitemid = $restorefiles ? $filesctxid : null;
// We have passed one explicit parentid, apply it
$parentitemid = !is_null($parentid) ? $parentid : $parentitemid;
// Let's call the low level one
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), $itemname, $oldid, $newid, $parentitemid);
// Now, if the itemname matches any pathelement->name, store the latest $newid
if (array_key_exists($itemname, $this->elementsoldid)) { // If present in $this->elementsoldid, is valid, put both ids
$this->elementsoldid[$itemname] = $oldid;
$this->elementsnewid[$itemname] = $newid;
* Returns the latest (parent) old id mapped by one pathelement
public function get_old_parentid($itemname) {
return array_key_exists($itemname, $this->elementsoldid) ? $this->elementsoldid[$itemname] : null;
* Returns the latest (parent) new id mapped by one pathelement
public function get_new_parentid($itemname) {
return array_key_exists($itemname, $this->elementsnewid) ? $this->elementsnewid[$itemname] : null;
* Return the new id of a mapping for the given itemname
* @param string $itemname the type of item
* @param int $oldid the item ID from the backup
* @param mixed $ifnotfound what to return if $oldid wasnt found. Defaults to false
public function get_mappingid($itemname, $oldid, $ifnotfound = false) {
$mapping = $this->get_mapping($itemname, $oldid);
return $mapping ? $mapping->newitemid : $ifnotfound;
* Return the complete mapping from the given itemname, itemid
public function get_mapping($itemname, $oldid) {
return restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), $itemname, $oldid);
* Add all the existing file, given their component and filearea and one backup_ids itemname to match with
public function add_related_files($component, $filearea, $mappingitemname, $filesctxid = null, $olditemid = null) {
// If the current progress object is set up and ready to receive
// indeterminate progress, then use it, otherwise don't. (This check is
// just in case this function is ever called from somewhere not within
// the execute() method here, which does set up progress like this.)
$progress = $this->get_task()->get_progress();
if (!$progress->is_in_progress_section() ||
$progress->get_current_max() !== \core\progress\base::INDETERMINATE) {
$progress = null;
$filesctxid = is_null($filesctxid) ? $this->task->get_old_contextid() : $filesctxid;
$results = restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), $component,
$filearea, $filesctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), $mappingitemname, $olditemid, null, false,
$resultstoadd = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$this->log($result->message, $result->level);
$resultstoadd[$result->code] = true;
* As far as restore structure steps are implementing restore_plugin stuff, they need to
* have the parent task available for wrapping purposes (get course/context....)
* @return restore_task|null
public function get_task() {
return $this->task;
// Protected API starts here
* Add plugin structure to any element in the structure restore tree
* @param string $plugintype type of plugin as defined by core_component::get_plugin_types()
* @param restore_path_element $element element in the structure restore tree that
* we are going to add plugin information to
protected function add_plugin_structure($plugintype, $element) {
global $CFG;
// Check the requested plugintype is a valid one
if (!array_key_exists($plugintype, core_component::get_plugin_types($plugintype))) {
throw new restore_step_exception('incorrect_plugin_type', $plugintype);
// Get all the restore path elements, looking across all the plugin dirs
$pluginsdirs = core_component::get_plugin_list($plugintype);
foreach ($pluginsdirs as $name => $pluginsdir) {
// We need to add also backup plugin classes on restore, they may contain
// some stuff used both in backup & restore
$backupclassname = 'backup_' . $plugintype . '_' . $name . '_plugin';
$backupfile = $pluginsdir . '/backup/moodle2/' . $backupclassname . '.class.php';
if (file_exists($backupfile)) {
// Now add restore plugin classes and prepare stuff
$restoreclassname = 'restore_' . $plugintype . '_' . $name . '_plugin';
$restorefile = $pluginsdir . '/backup/moodle2/' . $restoreclassname . '.class.php';
if (file_exists($restorefile)) {
$restoreplugin = new $restoreclassname($plugintype, $name, $this);
// Add plugin paths to the step
* Add subplugin structure for a given plugin to any element in the structure restore tree
* This method allows the injection of subplugins (of a specific plugin) parsing and proccessing
* to any element in the restore structure.
* NOTE: Initially subplugins were only available for activities (mod), so only the
* {@link restore_activity_structure_step} class had support for them, always
* looking for /mod/modulenanme subplugins. This new method is a generalization of the
* existing one for activities, supporting all subplugins injecting information everywhere.
* @param string $subplugintype type of subplugin as defined in plugin's db/subplugins.php.
* @param restore_path_element $element element in the structure restore tree that
* we are going to add subplugin information to.
* @param string $plugintype type of the plugin.
* @param string $pluginname name of the plugin.
* @return void
protected function add_subplugin_structure($subplugintype, $element, $plugintype = null, $pluginname = null) {
global $CFG;
// This global declaration is required, because where we do require_once($backupfile);
// That file may in turn try to do require_once($CFG->dirroot ...).
// That worked in the past, we should keep it working.
// Verify if this is a BC call for an activity restore. See NOTE above for this special case.
if ($plugintype === null and $pluginname === null) {
$plugintype = 'mod';
$pluginname = $this->task->get_modulename();
// TODO: Once all the calls have been changed to add both not null plugintype and pluginname, add a debugging here.
// Check the requested plugintype is a valid one.
if (!array_key_exists($plugintype, core_component::get_plugin_types())) {
throw new restore_step_exception('incorrect_plugin_type', $plugintype);
// Check the requested pluginname, for the specified plugintype, is a valid one.
if (!array_key_exists($pluginname, core_component::get_plugin_list($plugintype))) {
throw new restore_step_exception('incorrect_plugin_name', array($plugintype, $pluginname));
// Check the requested subplugintype is a valid one.
$subpluginsfile = core_component::get_component_directory($plugintype . '_' . $pluginname) . '/db/subplugins.php';
if (!file_exists($subpluginsfile)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('plugin_missing_subplugins_php_file', array($plugintype, $pluginname));
if (!array_key_exists($subplugintype, $subplugins)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('incorrect_subplugin_type', $subplugintype);
// Every subplugin optionally can have a common/parent subplugin
// class for shared stuff.
$parentclass = 'restore_' . $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname . '_' . $subplugintype . '_subplugin';
$parentfile = core_component::get_component_directory($plugintype . '_' . $pluginname) .
'/backup/moodle2/' . $parentclass . '.class.php';
if (file_exists($parentfile)) {
// Get all the restore path elements, looking across all the subplugin dirs.
$subpluginsdirs = core_component::get_plugin_list($subplugintype);
foreach ($subpluginsdirs as $name => $subpluginsdir) {
$classname = 'restore_' . $subplugintype . '_' . $name . '_subplugin';
$restorefile = $subpluginsdir . '/backup/moodle2/' . $classname . '.class.php';
if (file_exists($restorefile)) {
$restoresubplugin = new $classname($subplugintype, $name, $this);
// Add subplugin paths to the step.
* Launch all the after_execute methods present in all the processing objects
* This method will launch all the after_execute methods that can be defined
* both in restore_plugin and restore_structure_step classes
* For restore_plugin classes the name of the method to be executed will be
* "after_execute_" + connection point (as far as can be multiple connection
* points in the same class)
* For restore_structure_step classes is will be, simply, "after_execute". Note
* that this is executed *after* the plugin ones
protected function launch_after_execute_methods() {
$alreadylaunched = array(); // To avoid multiple executions
foreach ($this->pathelements as $key => $pathelement) {
// Get the processing object
$pobject = $pathelement->get_processing_object();
// Skip null processors (child of grouped ones for sure)
if (is_null($pobject)) {
// Skip restore structure step processors (this)
if ($pobject instanceof restore_structure_step) {
// Skip already launched processing objects
if (in_array($pobject, $alreadylaunched, true)) {
// Add processing object to array of launched ones
$alreadylaunched[] = $pobject;
// If the processing object has support for
// launching after_execute methods, use it
if (method_exists($pobject, 'launch_after_execute_methods')) {
// Finally execute own (restore_structure_step) after_execute method
* Launch all the after_restore methods present in all the processing objects
* This method will launch all the after_restore methods that can be defined
* both in restore_plugin class
* For restore_plugin classes the name of the method to be executed will be
* "after_restore_" + connection point (as far as can be multiple connection
* points in the same class)
public function launch_after_restore_methods() {
$alreadylaunched = array(); // To avoid multiple executions
foreach ($this->pathelements as $pathelement) {
// Get the processing object
$pobject = $pathelement->get_processing_object();
// Skip null processors (child of grouped ones for sure)
if (is_null($pobject)) {
// Skip restore structure step processors (this)
if ($pobject instanceof restore_structure_step) {
// Skip already launched processing objects
if (in_array($pobject, $alreadylaunched, true)) {
// Add processing object to array of launched ones
$alreadylaunched[] = $pobject;
// If the processing object has support for
// launching after_restore methods, use it
if (method_exists($pobject, 'launch_after_restore_methods')) {
// Finally execute own (restore_structure_step) after_restore method
* This method will be executed after the whole structure step have been processed
* After execution method for code needed to be executed after the whole structure
* has been processed. Useful for cleaning tasks, files process and others. Simply
* overwrite in in your steps if needed
protected function after_execute() {
// do nothing by default
* This method will be executed after the rest of the restore has been processed.
* Use if you need to update IDs based on things which are restored after this
* step has completed.
protected function after_restore() {
// do nothing by default
* Prepare the pathelements for processing, looking for duplicates, applying
* processing objects and other adjustments
protected function prepare_pathelements($elementsarr) {
// First iteration, push them to new array, indexed by name
// detecting duplicates in names or paths
$names = array();
$paths = array();
foreach($elementsarr as $element) {
if (!$element instanceof restore_path_element) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_path_element_wrong_class', get_class($element));
if (array_key_exists($element->get_name(), $names)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_path_element_name_alreadyexists', $element->get_name());
if (array_key_exists($element->get_path(), $paths)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_path_element_path_alreadyexists', $element->get_path());
$names[$element->get_name()] = true;
$paths[$element->get_path()] = $element;
// Now, for each element not having one processing object, if
// not child of grouped element, assign $this (the step itself) as processing element
// Note method must exist or we'll get one @restore_path_element_exception
foreach($paths as $key => $pelement) {
if ($pelement->get_processing_object() === null && !$this->grouped_parent_exists($pelement, $paths)) {
// Populate $elementsoldid and $elementsoldid based on available pathelements
$this->elementsoldid[$pelement->get_name()] = null;
$this->elementsnewid[$pelement->get_name()] = null;
// Done, add them to pathelements (dupes by key - path - are discarded)
$this->pathelements = array_merge($this->pathelements, $paths);
* Given one pathelement, return true if grouped parent was found
protected function grouped_parent_exists($pelement, $elements) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($pelement->get_path() == $element->get_path()) {
continue; // Don't compare against itself
// If element is grouped and parent of pelement, return true
if ($element->is_grouped() and strpos($pelement->get_path() . '/', $element->get_path()) === 0) {
return true;
return false; // no grouped parent found
* To conditionally decide if one step will be executed or no
* For steps needing to be executed conditionally, based in dynamic
* conditions (at execution time vs at declaration time) you must
* override this function. It will return true if the step must be
* executed and false if not
protected function execute_condition() {
return true;
* Function that will return the structure to be processed by this restore_step.
* Must return one array of @restore_path_element elements
abstract protected function define_structure();