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3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package core_backup
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* step tests (all)
class backup_step_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
protected $moduleid; // course_modules id used for testing
protected $sectionid; // course_sections id used for testing
protected $courseid; // course id used for testing
protected $userid; // user record used for testing
protected function setUp() {
global $DB, $CFG;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$page = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('page', array('course'=>$course->id), array('section'=>3));
$coursemodule = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id'=>$page->cmid));
$this->moduleid = $coursemodule->id;
$this->sectionid = $DB->get_field("course_sections", 'id', array("section"=>$coursemodule->section, "course"=>$course->id));
$this->courseid = $coursemodule->course;
$this->userid = 2; // admin
// Disable all loggers
$CFG->backup_error_log_logger_level = backup::LOG_NONE;
$CFG->backup_file_logger_level = backup::LOG_NONE;
$CFG->backup_database_logger_level = backup::LOG_NONE;
$CFG->backup_file_logger_level_extra = backup::LOG_NONE;
* test base_step class
function test_base_step() {
$bp = new mock_base_plan('planname'); // We need one plan
$bt = new mock_base_task('taskname', $bp); // We need one task
// Instantiate
$bs = new mock_base_step('stepname', $bt);
$this->assertTrue($bs instanceof base_step);
$this->assertEquals($bs->get_name(), 'stepname');
* test backup_step class
function test_backup_step() {
// We need one (non interactive) controller for instatiating plan
$bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY, $this->moduleid, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE,
backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $this->userid);
// We need one plan
$bp = new backup_plan($bc);
// We need one task
$bt = new mock_backup_task('taskname', $bp);
// Instantiate step
$bs = new mock_backup_step('stepname', $bt);
$this->assertTrue($bs instanceof backup_step);
$this->assertEquals($bs->get_name(), 'stepname');
* test restore_step class, decrypt method
public function test_restore_step_decrypt() {
if (!function_exists('openssl_encrypt')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('OpenSSL extension is not loaded.');
} else if (!function_exists('hash_hmac')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Hash extension is not loaded.');
} else if (!in_array(backup::CIPHER, openssl_get_cipher_methods())) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Expected cipher not available: ' . backup::CIPHER);
$bt = new mock_restore_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_restore_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$this->assertTrue(method_exists($bs, 'decrypt'));
// Let's prepare a string for being decrypted.
$secret = 'This is a secret message that nobody else will be able to read but me 💩 ';
$key = hash('md5', 'Moodle rocks and this is not secure key, who cares, it is a test');
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length(backup::CIPHER));
$message = $iv . openssl_encrypt($secret, backup::CIPHER, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $message, $key, true);
$crypt = base64_encode($hmac . $message);
// Running it without a key configured, returns null.
// Store the key into config.
set_config('backup_encryptkey', base64_encode($key), 'backup');
// Verify decrypt works and returns original.
$this->assertSame($secret, $bs->decrypt($crypt));
// Finally, test the integrity failure detection is working.
// (this can be caused by changed hmac, key or message, in
// this case we are just forcing it via changed hmac).
$hmac = md5($message);
$crypt = base64_encode($hmac . $message);
* test backup_structure_step class
function test_backup_structure_step() {
global $CFG;
$file = $CFG->tempdir . '/test/test_backup_structure_step.txt';
// Remove the test dir and any content
// Recreate test dir
if (!check_dir_exists(dirname($file), true, true)) {
throw new moodle_exception('error_creating_temp_dir', 'error', dirname($file));
// We need one (non interactive) controller for instatiating plan
$bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY, $this->moduleid, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE,
backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $this->userid);
// We need one plan
$bp = new backup_plan($bc);
// We need one task with mocked basepath
$bt = new mock_backup_task_basepath('taskname');
// Instantiate backup_structure_step (and add it to task)
$bs = new mock_backup_structure_step('steptest', basename($file), $bt);
// Execute backup_structure_step
// Test file has been created
// Some simple tests with contents
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($contents, '<?xml version="1.0"') !== false);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($contents, '<test id="1">') !== false);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($contents, '<field1>value1</field1>') !== false);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($contents, '<field2>value2</field2>') !== false);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($contents, '</test>') !== false);
unlink($file); // delete file
// Remove the test dir and any content
* Verify the add_plugin_structure() backup method behavior and created structures.
public function test_backup_structure_step_add_plugin_structure() {
// Create mocked task, step and element.
$bt = new mock_backup_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_backup_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$el = new backup_nested_element('question', array('id'), array('one', 'two', 'qtype'));
// Wrong plugintype.
try {
$bs->add_plugin_structure('fakeplugin', $el, true);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_plugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Correct plugintype qtype call (@ 'question' level).
$bs->add_plugin_structure('qtype', $el, false);
$ch = $el->get_children();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($ch));
$og = reset($ch);
$this->assertTrue($og instanceof backup_optigroup);
$ch = $og->get_children();
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('optigroup_qtype_calculatedsimple_question', $ch));
$this->assertTrue($ch['optigroup_qtype_calculatedsimple_question'] instanceof backup_plugin_element);
* Verify the add_subplugin_structure() backup method behavior and created structures.
public function test_backup_structure_step_add_subplugin_structure() {
// Create mocked task, step and element.
$bt = new mock_backup_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_backup_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$el = new backup_nested_element('workshop', array('id'), array('one', 'two', 'qtype'));
// Wrong plugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, true, 'fakeplugintype', 'fakepluginname');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_plugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong plugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, true, 'mod', 'fakepluginname');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_plugin_name', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong plugin not having subplugins.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, true, 'mod', 'page');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('plugin_missing_subplugins_php_file', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong BC (defaulting to mod and modulename) use not having subplugins.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, true);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('plugin_missing_subplugins_php_file', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong subplugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, true, 'mod', 'workshop');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_subplugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong BC subplugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, true);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_subplugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Correct call to workshopform subplugin (@ 'workshop' level).
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('workshopform', $el, true, 'mod', 'workshop');
$ch = $el->get_children();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($ch));
$og = reset($ch);
$this->assertTrue($og instanceof backup_optigroup);
$ch = $og->get_children();
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('optigroup_workshopform_accumulative_workshop', $ch));
$this->assertTrue($ch['optigroup_workshopform_accumulative_workshop'] instanceof backup_subplugin_element);
// Correct BC call to workshopform subplugin (@ 'assessment' level).
$el = new backup_nested_element('assessment', array('id'), array('one', 'two', 'qtype'));
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('workshopform', $el, true);
$ch = $el->get_children();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($ch));
$og = reset($ch);
$this->assertTrue($og instanceof backup_optigroup);
$ch = $og->get_children();
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('optigroup_workshopform_accumulative_assessment', $ch));
$this->assertTrue($ch['optigroup_workshopform_accumulative_assessment'] instanceof backup_subplugin_element);
// TODO: Add some test covering a non-mod subplugin once we have some implemented in core.
* Verify the add_plugin_structure() restore method behavior and created structures.
public function test_restore_structure_step_add_plugin_structure() {
// Create mocked task, step and element.
$bt = new mock_restore_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_restore_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$el = new restore_path_element('question', '/some/path/to/question');
// Wrong plugintype.
try {
$bs->add_plugin_structure('fakeplugin', $el);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_plugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Correct plugintype qtype call (@ 'question' level).
$bs->add_plugin_structure('qtype', $el);
$patheles = $bs->get_pathelements();
// Verify some well-known qtype plugin restore_path_elements have been added.
$keys = array(
foreach ($keys as $key) {
// Verify the element exists.
$this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $patheles);
// Verify the element is a restore_path_element.
$this->assertTrue($patheles[$key] instanceof restore_path_element);
// Check it has a processing object.
$po = $patheles[$key]->get_processing_object();
$this->assertTrue($po instanceof restore_plugin);
* Verify the add_subplugin_structure() restore method behavior and created structures.
public function test_restore_structure_step_add_subplugin_structure() {
// Create mocked task, step and element.
$bt = new mock_restore_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_restore_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$el = new restore_path_element('workshop', '/path/to/workshop');
// Wrong plugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, 'fakeplugintype', 'fakepluginname');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_plugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong plugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, 'mod', 'fakepluginname');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_plugin_name', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong plugin not having subplugins.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, 'mod', 'page');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('plugin_missing_subplugins_php_file', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong BC (defaulting to mod and modulename) use not having subplugins.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('plugin_missing_subplugins_php_file', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong subplugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el, 'mod', 'workshop');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_subplugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Wrong BC subplugin type.
try {
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('fakesubplugin', $el);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof restore_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals('incorrect_subplugin_type', $e->errorcode);
// Correct call to workshopform subplugin (@ 'workshop' level).
$bt = new mock_restore_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_restore_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$el = new restore_path_element('workshop', '/path/to/workshop');
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('workshopform', $el, 'mod', 'workshop');
$patheles = $bs->get_pathelements();
// Verify some well-known workshopform subplugin restore_path_elements have been added.
$keys = array(
foreach ($keys as $key) {
// Verify the element exists.
$this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $patheles);
// Verify the element is a restore_path_element.
$this->assertTrue($patheles[$key] instanceof restore_path_element);
// Check it has a processing object.
$po = $patheles[$key]->get_processing_object();
$this->assertTrue($po instanceof restore_subplugin);
// Correct BC call to workshopform subplugin (@ 'assessment' level).
$bt = new mock_restore_task_basepath('taskname');
$bs = new mock_restore_structure_step('steptest', null, $bt);
$el = new restore_path_element('assessment', '/a/assessment');
$bs->add_subplugin_structure('workshopform', $el);
$patheles = $bs->get_pathelements();
// Verify some well-known workshopform subplugin restore_path_elements have been added.
$keys = array(
foreach ($keys as $key) {
// Verify the element exists.
$this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $patheles);
// Verify the element is a restore_path_element.
$this->assertTrue($patheles[$key] instanceof restore_path_element);
// Check it has a processing object.
$po = $patheles[$key]->get_processing_object();
$this->assertTrue($po instanceof restore_subplugin);
// TODO: Add some test covering a non-mod subplugin once we have some implemented in core.
* wrong base_step class tests
function test_base_step_wrong() {
// Try to pass one wrong task
try {
$bt = new mock_base_step('teststep', new stdclass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'wrong_base_task_specified');
* wrong backup_step class tests
function test_backup_test_wrong() {
// Try to pass one wrong task
try {
$bt = new mock_backup_step('teststep', new stdclass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'backup_step_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_step_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'wrong_backup_task_specified');