You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
385 lines
31 KiB
385 lines
31 KiB
3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Strings for component 'format_tiles', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_33_STABLE'
* @package format_tiles
* @copyright David Watson {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['admintools'] = 'Administrator tools';
$string['all'] = "All";
$string['allcomplete'] = 'All complete';
$string['allcoursescomplypalette'] = 'All courses already have permitted tile colours. Nothing to reset. Make sure you save any changes to permitted colours before pressing reset.';
$string['allowlabelconversion'] = 'Allow label conversion to page';
$string['allowlabelconversion_desc'] = 'If checked, editing teachers will be given an option in each label\'s edit settings drop down to convert the label to a page.';
$string['allowphototiles'] = 'Allow photo tiles';
$string['allowphototiles_desc'] = 'If selected, teachers will be able to upload a photo to serve as a tile background. They will still be able to use standard tile icons as well, in the same course. (If not selected, only tile icons will be allowed and other photo tile settings below will be ignored.)';
$string['allowsubtilesview'] = 'Allow sub tiles view';
$string['allowsubtilesview_desc'] = 'Allow use of a course setting which, if selected, within a tile shows activities (except labels) as sub tiles, instead of standard list';
$string['alternativelink'] = "alternative link";
$string['areyousure?'] = 'Are you sure?';
$string['asfraction'] = 'Show as fraction';
$string['aspectratiotootallorwide'] = 'The uploaded image has been saved, but please check, as it may be <strong>{$a->tallorwide}</strong>. If it doesn\'t look right, please crop it to standard landscape dimensions and upload again. E.g. 200 wide x 300 high would fit.';
$string['aspercentagedial'] = 'Show as % in circle';
$string['basecolour_help'] = 'Colour set here will be applied to all tiles in the course. (The available colours are determined by your site administrator through the Tiles plugin settings page).';
$string['basecolour'] = 'Colour for tiles';
$string['blockedpopuptitle'] = 'Blocked pop up window';
$string['blockedpopup'] = 'Your browser has blocked a pop up window. Please allow popups from this site, or click the link below to visit the site in this window';
$string['brandcolour'] = 'Brand colour';
$string['browserstorage'] = 'Browser storage';
$string['changedcolour'] = 'Tile colour reset to default for course {$a}';
$string['clickiffailstoload'] = 'Click if page fails to load';
$string['colourblue'] = 'Blue';
$string['colourdarkgreen'] = 'Dark Green';
$string['colourgreen'] = 'Green';
$string['colourlightblue'] = 'Light Blue';
$string['colourpurple'] = 'Purple';
$string['colourred'] = 'Red';
$string['contact'] = 'Get in touch';
$string['contactdeveloper'] = 'Contact developer';
$string['close'] = 'Close';
$string['collapse'] = 'Collapse section';
$string['collapsesections'] = 'Collapse all';
$string['colours'] = 'Colours';
$string['complete'] = 'complete';
$string['completion_help'] = 'A tick to the right of an activity may be used to indicate when the activity is complete (an empty circle will be shown if not).<br><br>
Depending on the setting, a tick may appear automatically when you have completed the activity according to conditions set by the teacher.<br><br>
In other cases, you can click the empty circle when you think you have completed the activity and it will turn into a solid green tick. (Clicking it again removes the tick if you change your mind.)';
$string['completionswitchhelp'] = '<p>You have selected to show completion tracking on each tile. We have therefore set "Completion Tracking > Enable" further down this page to "Yes".</p>
<p>In addition, you need to switch on completion tracking for <b>each item</b> that you are tracking. e.g. for a PDF, click "Edit settings", look under Activity Completion, and pick the setting you need.</p>
<p>You can also do this in <b>bulk</b> as explained in the <a href="" target="_blank">detailed explanation of completion tracking on</a></p>';
$string['complete-n-auto'] = 'Item not complete. It will be marked as complete when you meet the completion criteria. You cannot change this manually.';
$string['complete-y-auto'] = 'Item complete. It was marked as complete when you met the completion criteria. You cannot change this manually.';
$string['completionwarning'] = 'You have completion tracking switched on at the course level, but at the individual activity level, no items have tracking enabled, so there is nothing to track.';
$string['completionwarning_help'] = 'You need to make individual items trackable by editing them (under Activity Completion > Completion tracking) or you can do this in bulk under Course Administration > Course Completion > Bulk edit activity completion';
$string['completionwarning_changeinbulk'] = 'Change in bulk';
$string['contents'] = 'Contents';
$string['converttopage'] = 'Convert to page';
$string['converttopage_confirm'] = 'Are you sure?. This cannot be un-done (you would have to create the label again manually if needed).';
$string['courseshowtileprogress_error'] = "You have 'Completion tracking > Enable completion tracking' set to 'No' (see further down this page) which conflicts with this setting. If you wish to display progress on the tiles, please set 'Completion tracking > Enable completion tracking' to 'Yes'. Otherwise, please set this setting to 'No'.";
$string['courseshowtileprogress_help'] = '<p>When selected, the user\'s progress with activities will be shown in each tile, either as a <em>fraction</em> (e.g. \'Progress 2/10\' meaning 2 out of 10 activities complete), or as a <em>percentage</em> in a circle.</p><p>This can only be used if \'Completion > Enable completion tracking\' has been switched on.</p><p>If there are no trackable activities within a given tile, indicator will not be shown for that tile.</p>';
$string['courseshowtileprogress_link'] = 'Activity_completion_settings#Activity_settings';
$string['courseshowtileprogress'] = 'Progress on each tile';
$string['courseusebarforheadings_help'] = 'Display a coloured tab to the left of the heading in the course whenever a heading style is selected in the text editor';
$string['courseusebarforheadings'] = 'Emphasise headings with coloured tab';
$string['courseusesubtiles'] = 'Use sub tiles for activities';
$string['courseusesubtiles_help'] = 'Within each tile, show every activity as a sub tile, instead of as a list of activities down the page. This does not apply to labels which will not be shown as sub tiles so can be used as headings between tiles. ';
$string['currentsection'] = 'This tile';
$string['datapref'] = 'Data preference';
$string['dataprefquestion'] = '<p>To make this site easier to use, we store functional information in your browser such as the contents of the last tile you opened. This remains on your machine for a short while in case you visit that page again. We do not use it for tracking. Is that okay?</p><p>We will remember your choice until you clear your browsing history. Saying "No" may result in slower page loading times.</p>';
$string['datapreferror'] = 'The data preference feature is ony available if you have JavaScript available in your browser. Otherwise, data storage cannot be enabled.';
$string['defaulttileicon_help'] = 'The icon selected here will appear on <em>all</em> tiles in this course by default. Individual tiles can have a different icon selected, or a background photograph, using the different setting at the tile level.';
$string['defaulttilecolour'] = 'Default tile colour';
$string['defaulttileicon'] = 'Tile icon';
$string['defaultthiscourse'] = 'Default for this course';
$string['deletesection'] = 'Delete tile';
$string['deleteimage'] = 'Delete image';
$string['developedby'] = '"Tiles" developed by {$a}';
$string['developer'] = 'Developer';
$string['disabledbyadmin'] = 'Disabled by Site Administrator';
$string['displayfilterbar_error'] = 'Unless you have set up outcomes for this course, you can only display a filter bar based on tile numbers, and not based on outcomes. Create some outcomes first then come back here. See';
$string['displayfilterbar_help'] = '<p>When selected, will automatically display an array of buttons before the tile screen in a course, which users can click to filter down tiles to certain ranges</p><p>When \'based on tile numbers\' is selected, a series of buttons will be displayed e.g. a button for tiles 1-4, a button for tiles 5-8 etc.</p><p>When \'based on course outcomes\' is selected, there will be one button per course outcome. Each each tile can be assigned to a given outcome (and therefore to a given button) from that tile\'s settings page.</p> ';
$string['displayfilterbar_link'] = 'Outcomes';
$string['displayfilterbar'] = 'Filter bar';
$string['displaytitle_mod_pdf'] = 'PDF';
$string['displaytitle_mod_mp3'] = 'Audio';
$string['displaytitle_mod_mp4'] = 'Video';
$string['displaytitle_mod_doc'] = 'Word document';
$string['displaytitle_mod_jpeg'] = 'Image';
$string['displaytitle_mod_html'] = 'Web page';
$string['displaytitle_mod_xls'] = 'Spreadsheet';
$string['displaytitle_mod_txt'] = 'Text';
$string['displaytitle_mod_ppt'] = 'Powerpoint presentation';
$string['displaytitle_mod_zip'] = 'Zip';
$string['documentation'] = 'Documentation';
$string['documentationurl'] = 'Documentation URL';
$string['documentationurl_descr'] = 'URL where Tiles documentation can be found.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['editsectionname'] = 'Edit tile name';
$string['embeddedurlerror'] = 'If the external website refuses to connect in the window above, use this: ';
$string['entersection'] = 'Enter section';
$string['existingimage'] = 'Existing image for this tile';
$string['expand'] = 'Expand';
$string['expandall'] = 'Expand all';
$string['expandsections'] = 'Reveal all activities (all sections)';
$string['fileaddedtobottom'] = 'File added to bottom of section';
$string['filenoshowtext'] = 'If file does not show here, please use the buttons on the right to download or view in new window';
$string['filterboth'] = 'Show buttons based on tile numbers and course outcomes';
$string['filternumbers'] = 'Show buttons based on tile numbers';
$string['filteroutcomes'] = 'Show buttons based on course outcomes';
$string['folderdisplayerror'] = 'Folders set to display content inline are not compatible with sub-tiles format. This <a href="{$a}">folder</a> has therefore been changed to display on a separate page';
$string['guidance'] = 'Guidance';
$string['hide'] = 'Hide';
$string['hidefromothers'] = 'Hide tile';
$string['highlightoff'] = 'De-highlight';
$string['home'] = 'Course home';
$string['icontitle-address-book-o'] = 'Address book';
$string['icontitle-assessment_graded'] = 'Assessment A+';
$string['icontitle-assessment_timer'] = 'Assessment timer';
$string['icontitle-asterisk'] = 'Asterisk';
$string['icontitle-award-solid'] = 'Award rosette';
$string['icontitle-balance-scale'] = 'Balance scales';
$string['icontitle-bar-chart'] = 'Bar Chart';
$string['icontitle-bell-o'] = 'Bell';
$string['icontitle-binoculars'] = 'Binoculars';
$string['icontitle-bitcoin'] = 'Bitcoin';
$string['icontitle-book'] = 'Book';
$string['icontitle-bookmark-o'] = 'Bookmark';
$string['icontitle-briefcase'] = 'Briefcase';
$string['icontitle-building'] = 'Building';
$string['icontitle-bullhorn'] = 'Bullhorn';
$string['icontitle-bullseye'] = 'Bullseye';
$string['icontitle-calculator'] = 'Calculator';
$string['icontitle-calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$string['icontitle-calendar-check-o'] = 'Calendar with check mark';
$string['icontitle-check'] = 'Check';
$string['icontitle-child'] = 'Child';
$string['icontitle-clock-o'] = 'Clock';
$string['icontitle-clone'] = 'Clone';
$string['icontitle-cloud-download'] = 'Cloud (download)';
$string['icontitle-cloud-upload'] = 'Cloud (upload)';
$string['icontitle-comment-o'] = 'Comment';
$string['icontitle-comments-o'] = 'Comments';
$string['icontitle-compass'] = 'Compass';
$string['icontitle-diamond'] = 'Diamond';
$string['icontitle-dollar'] = 'Dollar';
$string['icontitle-euro'] = 'Euro';
$string['icontitle-exclamation-triangle'] = 'Exclamation in triangle';
$string['icontitle-feed'] = 'Feed';
$string['icontitle-file-text-o'] = 'Text file';
$string['icontitle-film'] = 'Film';
$string['icontitle-flag-checkered'] = 'Flag (checkered)';
$string['icontitle-flag-o'] = 'Flag';
$string['icontitle-flash'] = 'Flash';
$string['icontitle-flask'] = 'Flask';
$string['icontitle-flipchart'] = 'Flip chart';
$string['icontitle-frown-o'] = 'Frown';
$string['icontitle-gavel'] = 'Gavel';
$string['icontitle-gbp'] = 'British pound';
$string['icontitle-globe'] = 'Globe';
$string['icontitle-handshake-o'] = 'Handshake';
$string['icontitle-headphones'] = 'Headphones';
$string['icontitle-heartbeat'] = 'Heartbeat';
$string['icontitle-history'] = 'History clock';
$string['icontitle-home'] = 'Home';
$string['icontitle-id-card-o'] = 'ID card';
$string['icontitle-info'] = 'Info';
$string['icontitle-jigsaw'] = 'Jigsaw';
$string['icontitle-key'] = 'Key';
$string['icontitle-laptop'] = 'Laptop';
$string['icontitle-life-buoy'] = 'Life belt / life buoy';
$string['icontitle-lightbulb-o'] = 'Light bulb';
$string['icontitle-line-chart'] = 'Line chart';
$string['icontitle-list'] = 'List (bullet points)';
$string['icontitle-list-ol'] = 'List (numbered)';
$string['icontitle-location-arrow'] = 'Location arrow';
$string['icontitle-map-marker'] = 'Map marker';
$string['icontitle-map-o'] = 'Map';
$string['icontitle-map-signs'] = 'Map signs';
$string['icontitle-microphone'] = 'Microphone';
$string['icontitle-mobile-phone'] = 'Mobile phone';
$string['icontitle-mortar-board'] = 'Mortar board';
$string['icontitle-music'] = 'Music';
$string['icontitle-newspaper-o'] = 'Newspaper';
$string['icontitle-number_1'] = 'Number 1';
$string['icontitle-number_10'] = 'Number 10';
$string['icontitle-number_2'] = 'Number 2';
$string['icontitle-number_3'] = 'Number 3';
$string['icontitle-number_4'] = 'Number 4';
$string['icontitle-number_5'] = 'Number 5';
$string['icontitle-number_6'] = 'Number 6';
$string['icontitle-number_7'] = 'Number 7';
$string['icontitle-number_8'] = 'Number 8';
$string['icontitle-number_9'] = 'Number 9';
$string['icontitle-pencil-square-o'] = 'Pencil in square';
$string['icontitle-person'] = 'Person';
$string['icontitle-pie-chart'] = 'Pie chart';
$string['icontitle-podcast'] = 'Podcast';
$string['icontitle-puzzle-piece'] = 'Puzzle piece';
$string['icontitle-question-circle'] = 'Question mark in circle';
$string['icontitle-random'] = 'Random';
$string['icontitle-refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$string['icontitle-road'] = 'Road';
$string['icontitle-search'] = 'Magnifying glass';
$string['icontitle-sliders'] = 'Sliders';
$string['icontitle-smile-o'] = 'Smile';
$string['icontitle-star'] = 'Star (shaded)';
$string['icontitle-star-half-o'] = 'Star (half shaded)';
$string['icontitle-star-o'] = 'Star (unshaded)';
$string['icontitle-survey'] = 'Survey';
$string['icontitle-tags'] = 'Tags';
$string['icontitle-tasks'] = 'Tasks';
$string['icontitle-television'] = 'Television';
$string['icontitle-thinking-person'] = 'Person with light bulb';
$string['icontitle-thumbs-o-down'] = 'Thumbs down';
$string['icontitle-thumbs-o-up'] = 'Thumbs up';
$string['icontitle-trophy'] = 'Trophy';
$string['icontitle-umbrella'] = 'Umbrella';
$string['icontitle-university'] = 'University';
$string['icontitle-user-o'] = 'Person (unshaded)';
$string['icontitle-users'] = 'People';
$string['icontitle-volume-up'] = 'Speaker';
$string['icontitle-wrench'] = 'Wrench';
$string['imagecannotbeused'] = 'Image cannot be used';
$string['imagesavedfor'] = 'Image saved for tile {$a}';
$string['imagesize'] = 'Image size';
$string['tootall'] = 'too tall for the tile';
$string['height'] = 'height';
$string['imagedeletedfrom'] = 'Image deleted from "{$a}"';
$string['items'] = 'items';
$string['jsdeactivate'] = 'Animated navigation off';
$string['jsactivate'] = 'Animated navigation on';
$string['jsdeactivated'] = 'You have deactivated animated navigation on your account';
$string['jsreactivated'] = 'You have activated animated navigation on your account. This may be quicker to use. It requires JavaScript enabled.';
$string['labelconverted'] = 'Converted label';
$string['links'] = 'Links';
$string['loading'] = 'Loading';
$string['newsectionname'] = 'New name for topic {$a}';
$string['notrecommended'] = 'Not recommended';
$string['modalwindows'] = 'Modal windows';
$string['modalmodules'] = 'Modal modules';
$string['modalmodules_desc'] = 'Launch these course modules in a modal window. (Other modules may be added in a later release.)';
$string['modalresources'] = 'Modal resources ';
$string['modalresources_desc'] = 'Launch these resources in modal window. Note: if allowed here, URL activities will only open in a modal window if they are set to {$a->displayembed} at the activity level (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo videos). Even then, they may be blocked by the website owner from showing embedded - see {$a->link}';
$string['nexttopic'] = 'Next topic';
$string['nojswarning'] = 'Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript, or it is disabled. An enhanced interface is available if you enable Javascript';
$string['none'] = 'None';
$string['noconnectionerror'] = 'Unable to load content. Check your internet connection';
$string['notcomplete'] = 'Not complete';
$string['notregistered'] = 'Your tiles plugin is not yet registered with the plugin developer.';
$string['novaliddefaultcolour'] = 'No valid colour set for the default tile colour below';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['other'] = 'Other';
$string['outcomes'] = 'outcomes';
$string['outcomesunavailable'] = 'Outcomes unavailable';
$string['overallprogress'] = 'Activity completion - progress overall';
$string['overallprogressshort'] = 'Overall progress';
$string['overall'] = 'Overall';
$string['picknewicon'] = 'Pick a new icon';
$string['picknewiconphoto'] = 'Pick a new icon or background photo';
$string['photoguidance_desc'] = '<p>Upload a photo in <strong>landscape</strong> format. The width should be about 1.35 times the height. E.g. 270 width x 200 height would fit well. You need not be exact.</p>
<p>Photos in portrait format will not match the shape of the tile. Large images or files will be scaled down and compressed if necessary, after upload.</p>';
$string['photolibrary'] = 'Photo library';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Tiles format';
$string['previoustopic'] = 'Previous topic';
$string['privacypolicy'] = 'Privacy policy';
$string['progress'] = 'Progress';
$string['reactivate'] = 'reactivate';
$string['register'] = 'Register';
$string['tilesformatregistration'] = 'Tiles format registration';
$string['registeragreeprivacy'] = 'I agree to the plugin developer\'s {$a->privacypolicylink}';
$string['registerpolicyagreedlinktext'] = 'Privacy policy and Data Processing Agreement';
$string['registerintro1'] = "We'd love to stay in touch! When you register";
$string['registerintro2'] = 'you support the future development of this plugin';
$string['registerintro3'] = 'you can hear promptly about important updates and future plans';
$string['registerintro4'] = 'we can find out more about what you would like this plugin to do.';
$string['registerintro5'] = 'Your details will kept private by the developer as set out in the privacy policy linked below. Thank you for your support!';
$string['registermissingemail'] = 'Please complete your email address (you have selected "Yes" for emails below)';
$string['registeredthanks'] = 'Your plugin is registered. Thank you.';
$string['registrationdeferred'] = 'Thank you. We are trying to register your plugin (this is not yet complete).';
$string['registerpickemailpref'] = 'Please select your email preference';
$string['registeremailyes'] = 'Yes I am willing to receive occasional update notifications and other information about the Tiles plugin';
$string['registeremailno'] = 'No I do not wish to receive any emails';
$string['registerclicktocomplete'] = 'Click OK to complete the process';
$string['reopenlastsection'] = 'Re-open last visited tile';
$string['reopenlastsection_desc'] = 'When checked, if a user revisits a course, the last section they had open will be re-opened on arrival';
$string['resetallcoursecolours'] = 'Reset all course colours';
$string['section0name'] = 'General';
$string['sectionname'] = 'Tile';
$string['sectionnumber'] = 'Section / tile number';
$string['sectionerrorstring'] = "Your session may have expired. Try refreshing this page.";
$string['sectionerrortitle'] = 'Error loading content';
$string['selected'] = 'Selected';
$string['settings'] = 'Tiles format settings';
$string['show'] = 'Show';
$string['showalltiles'] = "Show all tiles";
$string['showseparatewin'] = 'Show file in separate window';
$string['sitename'] = 'Site name';
$string['snapwarning'] = 'It may be possible to edit your course in Tiles format using another theme, and then switch back to Snap theme once you have finished editing.';
$string['snapwarning_help'] = 'Theme_settings#Allow_user_themes';
$string['subtileszeczerotoggled'] = 'Top section toggled between list and sub tiles format';
$string['sureresetcolours'] = 'Are you sure you wish to reset course tile colours to default? This will affect {$a} courses';
$string['revealcontents'] = 'Reveal tile contents';
$string['showfromothers'] = 'Show tile';
$string['tilecolourschanged'] = 'Tiles colours have been reset. All tiles now have colours conforming to the colours below.';
$string['tileicon_help'] = 'Item selected here will override, for this tile only, whatever tile icon has been set at the course level.';
$string['tileicon'] = 'Icon to display on this tile only';
$string['tileicons'] = 'Tile icons';
$string['tileselecttip'] = "Here's an easier way to change a tile icon or photo: in the course, with editing mode on, simply click the icon or photo you want to change. The icon picker window will pop up.";
$string['tip'] = 'Tip';
$string['togglecompletion'] = 'Click to toggle completion status';
$string['toowide'] = 'too wide for the tile';
$string['uploadnewphoto'] = 'Upload new photo';
$string['uploadnewphoto_help'] = 'Upload an image to be used on this tile';
$string['width'] = 'width';
// Admin Settings page strings.
$string['addsections'] = 'Add tiles';
$string['assumedatastoreconsent'] = 'Assume consent to browser local storage';
$string['assumedatastoreconsent_desc'] = 'If selected, user will <b>not</b> be shown a dialogue asking for consent to store data in browser local storage';
$string['colourname_descr'] = 'Display name for the colour (name is not usually seen by users- they see a coloured swatch instead)';
$string['colournamegeneral'] = 'Display name for colour above';
$string['customcss'] = 'Custom CSS';
$string['customcssdesc'] = 'Custom CSS to apply to course content section while course format is used. This will not be validated, so take care to enter valid code. For example: <p>.section { color: red; }</p><p>li.activity.subtile.resource.pdf { background-color: orange !important; }</p>';
$string['experimentalsetting'] = "(experimental setting)";
$string['fittilestowidth'] = 'Fit tiles to screen width';
$string['fittilestowidth_desc'] = 'If checked, when a user accesses a course on a non-mobile device, tiles will delay loading for half a second while a calculation is made as to the best layout. E.g. avoid one tile per row, centre tiles on screen. This will only happen the first time they enter the course in a given session and will then be remembered for the session or until the user adjusts their screen size.';
$string['followthemecolour_desc'] = 'If set to yes, teachers will not be given a choice by this plugin and all tile colours below will be ignored. Instead an attempt will be made to get the theme\'s main brand colour and use that instead';
$string['followthemecolour'] = 'Force follow theme colour';
$string['filteroutcomesrestore'] = 'The original course used outcomes in the filter bar, which are not yet supported during the restore process. The filter bar setting has therefore been changed in the restored course. If you wish to use outcomes to filter tiles in the restored course, please set up the outcomes again. The original course has not been changed.';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$string['hovercolour_descr'] = 'Colour which tiles will display on mouseover';
$string['hovercolour'] = 'Tile hover colour';
$string['jsmaxstoreditems'] = 'Max content items in browser session storage';
$string['jsmaxstoreditems_desc'] = 'When users are browsing on the main tiles screen, the browser will store the HTML for the Tiles overview screen itself, and the content of each Tile, up to the maximum number of items selected here. This enables a very fast response when a new tile is clicked. Setting this too high may result in the browser storage becoming full (although in testing so far this has not been an issue)';
$string['jsnavsettings'] = 'JavaScript navigation';
$string['jsstoredcontentexpirysecs'] = 'Session stored content expires after (seconds)';
$string['jsstoredcontentexpirysecs_desc'] = 'When a user clicks a tile, if the tile content in the browser\'s Session Storage is older than this, it will still be displayed, but a background request will be made to the server for a fresh copy to replace it. This is to allow for subsequent updates to the course after the browser stored its copy. If the stored content is younger than this, it will be assumed to be up to date and will be displayed, with no server request made';
$string['jsstoredcontentdeletemins'] = 'Session stored content delete after (minutes)';
$string['jsstoredcontentdeletemins_desc'] = 'After each tile click, in order to keep space free for current HTML, the user\'s browser will run a clean up and <em>delete</em> from Session storage all stored content older than this (on the basis that it is no longer reliable, and that a new copy will be needed from the server anyway)';
$string['phototilesettings'] = 'Photo tiles';
$string['phototilesaltstyle'] = 'Photo tiles alternative style';
$string['phototilesaltstyle_desc'] = 'If not selected (which is the default), photo tiles will show the title at the top of the tile. The alternative style shows the title at the bottom';
$string['phototiletitletransarency'] = 'Photo tile title transparency';
$string['phototiletitletransarency_desc'] = 'The title overlay on a photo tile can have a slightly transparent background (30% transparent default) or a solid colour background (0%)';
$string['photolibrary_desc'] = 'These are the photos you have uploaded or used recently. To use one as the background for this tile, click it. To upload a new one, use the upload tab above.';
$string['transparenttitleadjustments'] = 'Transparent title adjustments';
$string['transparenttitleadjustments_desc'] = 'On photo tiles with transparent title backgrounds, depending on your theme, you may want to adjust these to ensure that the transparent lines of the title do not overlap when they wrap.
Note that these vary a little across browsers too. Suggested values for Chrome: Boost and Clean based themes: 30.5 and 4 | Adaptable: 32 and 4 | Moove: 32 and 2 | Remui: 32 and 2.5';
$string['phototitletitlelineheight'] = 'Title line height';
$string['phototitletitlepadding'] = 'Title vertical line padding';
$string['resetcolours'] = 'Reset colours';
$string['resetcolours_desc'] = 'Press this button to reset the tile colour for all courses which do not have one of the colours below. Courses will be changed to the default tile colour below. You can use this after you have changed the colour palette below, but make sure you have <strong>saved any changes</strong> to colours below before pressing this button. Be careful as this could change the colour of many courses!';
$string['showseczerocoursewide'] = 'Show section zero at top of all sections';
$string['showseczerocoursewide_desc'] = 'If checked, section zero (the very top section) will be shown on the course landing page and at the top of <b>every course section page</b> (i.e. at the top of every tile\'s contents). If unchecked (recommended), it will only be shown on the course landing page';
$string['setavailabletilecolours'] = 'Permitted tile colours (site wide)';
$string['tilecolourgeneral_descr'] = 'These settings allow the administrator to set which colours will be available for teachers to apply to courses. Set the colour to black (#000) to disable that colour. If you change the colours here, no changes will be made to existing courses, until the next time the teacher tries to change tile colour. At that point, only the colours you have set here will be available to the teacher.';
$string['tilecolourgeneral'] = 'Colour palette - optional colour';
$string['tileoutcome_help'] = 'If you select an outcome for this tile, you will then under course settings be able to display a set of <em>filter buttons</em>, one for each outcome, which when pressed filter the displayed tiles according to which outcome they have been assigned';
$string['tileoutcome'] = 'Outcome for this tile';
$string['usejavascriptnav'] = 'Use JavaScript navigation from Tiles main page';
$string['usejavascriptnav_desc'] = 'When checked, if user clicks a Tile on the main course overview page, and has JavaScript, JS will be used to transition to tile contents. Tile contents will be stored locally in browser according to the other settings below. If unchecked, JS will not be used and legacy navigation will be used instead. The other JS settings below will be ignored.';
$string['usejseditingexpandcollapse'] = 'Editing mode - use JavaScript to expand/collapse tiles';
$string['usejseditingexpandcollapse_desc'] = 'If selected, in editing mode a teacher can expand and collapse editing tiles with animated transitions. Tile content will be loaded on expand, without page reloads.';
$string['usejsnavforsinglesection'] = 'Use JS navigation for single section page';
$string['usejsnavforsinglesection_desc'] = 'When checked, any call for a single section page (§ion=xx) will be handled using JavaScript, by launching the course main page, animated to open at the requested section via JS, rather than calling the old style PHP single section page';
$string['usesubtilesseczero'] = 'Use sub tiles in top section';
$string['usesubtilesseczero_help'] = 'If selected, sub tiles will be used in top section of course as well as within all tiles. This is as the sub tiles take up a lot of room at the very top of the course. It may be better to leave this unselected, so that any items in the top section are shown in standard list format instead.';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:format_tiles_stopjsnav'] = 'Whether the user has disabled animated JavaScript navigation.';