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268 lines
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268 lines
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3 years ago
@version v5.20.9 21-Dec-2016
@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
the BSD license will take precedence.
Contribution by Frank M. Kromann <>.
Set tabs to 8.
// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
if (! defined("_ADODB_FBSQL_LAYER")) {
define("_ADODB_FBSQL_LAYER", 1 );
class ADODB_fbsql extends ADOConnection {
var $databaseType = 'fbsql';
var $hasInsertID = true;
var $hasAffectedRows = true;
var $metaTablesSQL = "SHOW TABLES";
var $metaColumnsSQL = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s";
var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
var $hasLimit = false;
function __construct()
function _insertid()
return fbsql_insert_id($this->_connectionID);
function _affectedrows()
return fbsql_affected_rows($this->_connectionID);
function MetaDatabases()
$qid = fbsql_list_dbs($this->_connectionID);
$arr = array();
$i = 0;
$max = fbsql_num_rows($qid);
while ($i < $max) {
$arr[] = fbsql_tablename($qid,$i);
$i += 1;
return $arr;
// returns concatenated string
function Concat()
$s = "";
$arr = func_get_args();
$first = true;
$s = implode(',',$arr);
if (sizeof($arr) > 0) return "CONCAT($s)";
else return '';
// returns true or false
function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
$this->_connectionID = fbsql_connect($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword);
if ($this->_connectionID === false) return false;
if ($argDatabasename) return $this->SelectDB($argDatabasename);
return true;
// returns true or false
function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
$this->_connectionID = fbsql_pconnect($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword);
if ($this->_connectionID === false) return false;
if ($argDatabasename) return $this->SelectDB($argDatabasename);
return true;
function MetaColumns($table, $normalize=true)
if ($this->metaColumnsSQL) {
$rs = $this->Execute(sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL,$table));
if ($rs === false) return false;
$retarr = array();
while (!$rs->EOF){
$fld = new ADOFieldObject();
$fld->name = $rs->fields[0];
$fld->type = $rs->fields[1];
// split type into type(length):
if (preg_match("/^(.+)\((\d+)\)$/", $fld->type, $query_array)) {
$fld->type = $query_array[1];
$fld->max_length = $query_array[2];
} else {
$fld->max_length = -1;
$fld->not_null = ($rs->fields[2] != 'YES');
$fld->primary_key = ($rs->fields[3] == 'PRI');
$fld->auto_increment = (strpos($rs->fields[5], 'auto_increment') !== false);
$fld->binary = (strpos($fld->type,'blob') !== false);
$retarr[strtoupper($fld->name)] = $fld;
return $retarr;
return false;
// returns true or false
function SelectDB($dbName)
$this->database = $dbName;
if ($this->_connectionID) {
return @fbsql_select_db($dbName,$this->_connectionID);
else return false;
// returns queryID or false
function _query($sql,$inputarr=false)
return fbsql_query("$sql;",$this->_connectionID);
/* Returns: the last error message from previous database operation */
function ErrorMsg()
$this->_errorMsg = @fbsql_error($this->_connectionID);
return $this->_errorMsg;
/* Returns: the last error number from previous database operation */
function ErrorNo()
return @fbsql_errno($this->_connectionID);
// returns true or false
function _close()
return @fbsql_close($this->_connectionID);
Class Name: Recordset
class ADORecordSet_fbsql extends ADORecordSet{
var $databaseType = "fbsql";
var $canSeek = true;
function __construct($queryID,$mode=false)
if (!$mode) {
switch ($mode) {
case ADODB_FETCH_NUM: $this->fetchMode = FBSQL_NUM; break;
case ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC: $this->fetchMode = FBSQL_ASSOC; break;
$this->fetchMode = FBSQL_BOTH; break;
return parent::__construct($queryID);
function _initrs()
$this->_numOfRows = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS) ? @fbsql_num_rows($this->_queryID):-1;
$this->_numOfFields = @fbsql_num_fields($this->_queryID);
function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1) {
if ($fieldOffset != -1) {
$o = @fbsql_fetch_field($this->_queryID, $fieldOffset);
//$o->max_length = -1; // fbsql returns the max length less spaces -- so it is unrealiable
$f = @fbsql_field_flags($this->_queryID,$fieldOffset);
$o->binary = (strpos($f,'binary')!== false);
else if ($fieldOffset == -1) { /* The $fieldOffset argument is not provided thus its -1 */
$o = @fbsql_fetch_field($this->_queryID);// fbsql returns the max length less spaces -- so it is unrealiable
//$o->max_length = -1;
return $o;
function _seek($row)
return @fbsql_data_seek($this->_queryID,$row);
function _fetch($ignore_fields=false)
$this->fields = @fbsql_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->fetchMode);
return ($this->fields == true);
function _close() {
return @fbsql_free_result($this->_queryID);
function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false)
if (is_object($t)) {
$fieldobj = $t;
$t = $fieldobj->type;
$len = $fieldobj->max_length;
$len = -1; // fbsql max_length is not accurate
switch (strtoupper($t)) {
case 'BLOB':
case 'CLOB':
case 'BIT':
if ($len <= $this->blobSize) return 'C';
// so we have to check whether binary...
case 'IMAGE':
case 'LONGBLOB':
case 'BLOB':
return !empty($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X';
case 'DATE': return 'D';
case 'TIME':
case 'TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE': return 'T';
return 'R';
case 'INTEGER':
case 'SMALLINT':
case 'BOOLEAN':
if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) return 'R';
else return 'I';
default: return 'N';
} //class
} // defined