You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1494 lines
54 KiB
1494 lines
54 KiB
3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Utils to set Behat config
* @package core
* @copyright 2016 Rajesh Taneja
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../lib.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/behat_command.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../testing/classes/tests_finder.php');
* Behat configuration manager
* Creates/updates Behat config files getting tests
* and steps from Moodle codebase
* @package core
* @copyright 2016 Rajesh Taneja
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_config_util {
* @var array list of features in core.
private $features;
* @var array list of contexts in core.
private $contexts;
* @var array list of theme specific contexts.
private $themecontexts;
* @var array list of overridden theme contexts.
private $overriddenthemescontexts;
* @var array list of components with tests.
private $componentswithtests;
* @var array|string keep track of theme to return suite with all core features included or not.
private $themesuitewithallfeatures = array();
* @var string filter features which have tags.
private $tags = '';
* @var int number of parallel runs.
private $parallelruns = 0;
* @var int current run.
private $currentrun = 0;
* @var string used to specify if behat should be initialised with all themes.
* Set value for theme suite to include all core features. This should be used if your want all core features to be
* run with theme.
* @param bool $themetoset
public function set_theme_suite_to_include_core_features($themetoset) {
// If no value passed to --add-core-features-to-theme or ALL is passed, then set core features for all themes.
if (!empty($themetoset)) {
if (is_number($themetoset) || is_bool($themetoset) || (self::ALL_THEMES_TO_RUN === strtoupper($themetoset))) {
$this->themesuitewithallfeatures = self::ALL_THEMES_TO_RUN;
} else {
$this->themesuitewithallfeatures = explode(',', $themetoset);
$this->themesuitewithallfeatures = array_map('trim', $this->themesuitewithallfeatures);
* Set the value for tags, so features which are returned will be using filtered by this.
* @param string $tags
public function set_tag_for_feature_filter($tags) {
$this->tags = $tags;
* Set parallel run to be used for generating config.
* @param int $parallelruns number of parallel runs.
* @param int $currentrun current run
public function set_parallel_run($parallelruns, $currentrun) {
if ($parallelruns < $currentrun) {
'Parallel runs('.$parallelruns.') should be more then current run('.$currentrun.')');
$this->parallelruns = $parallelruns;
$this->currentrun = $currentrun;
* Return parallel runs
* @return int number of parallel runs.
public function get_number_of_parallel_run() {
// Get number of parallel runs if not passed.
if (empty($this->parallelruns) && ($this->parallelruns !== false)) {
$this->parallelruns = behat_config_manager::get_behat_run_config_value('parallel');
return $this->parallelruns;
* Return current run
* @return int current run.
public function get_current_run() {
global $CFG;
// Get number of parallel runs if not passed.
if (empty($this->currentrun) && ($this->currentrun !== false) && !empty($CFG->behatrunprocess)) {
$this->currentrun = $CFG->behatrunprocess;
return $this->currentrun;
* Return list of features.
* @param string $tags tags.
* @return array
public function get_components_features($tags = '') {
global $CFG;
// If we already have a list created then just return that, as it's up-to-date.
// If tags are passed then it's a new filter of features we need.
if (!empty($this->features) && empty($tags)) {
return $this->features;
// Gets all the components with features.
$features = array();
$featurespaths = array();
$components = $this->get_components_with_tests();
if ($components) {
foreach ($components as $componentname => $path) {
$path = $this->clean_path($path) . self::get_behat_tests_path();
if (empty($featurespaths[$path]) && file_exists($path)) {
list($key, $featurepath) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($path);
$featurespaths[$key] = $featurepath;
foreach ($featurespaths as $path) {
$additional = glob("$path/*.feature");
$additionalfeatures = array();
foreach ($additional as $featurepath) {
list($key, $path) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($featurepath);
$additionalfeatures[$key] = $path;
$features = array_merge($features, $additionalfeatures);
// Optionally include features from additional directories.
if (!empty($CFG->behat_additionalfeatures)) {
$additional = array_map("realpath", $CFG->behat_additionalfeatures);
$additionalfeatures = array();
foreach ($additional as $featurepath) {
list($key, $path) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($featurepath);
$additionalfeatures[$key] = $path;
$features = array_merge($features, $additionalfeatures);
// Sanitize feature key.
$cleanfeatures = array();
foreach ($features as $featurepath) {
list($key, $path) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($featurepath);
$cleanfeatures[$key] = $path;
// Sort feature list.
$this->features = $cleanfeatures;
// If tags are passed then filter features which has sepecified tags.
if (!empty($tags)) {
$cleanfeatures = $this->filtered_features_with_tags($cleanfeatures, $tags);
return $cleanfeatures;
* Return feature key for featurepath
* @param string $featurepath
* @return array key and featurepath.
public function get_clean_feature_key_and_path($featurepath) {
global $CFG;
// Fix directory path.
$featurepath = testing_cli_fix_directory_separator($featurepath);
$dirroot = testing_cli_fix_directory_separator($CFG->dirroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$key = basename($featurepath, '.feature');
// Get relative path.
$featuredirname = str_replace($dirroot , '', $featurepath);
// Get 5 levels of feature path to ensure we have a unique key.
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
if (($featuredirname = dirname($featuredirname)) && $featuredirname !== '.') {
if ($basename = basename($featuredirname)) {
$key .= '_' . $basename;
return array($key, $featurepath);
* Get component contexts.
* @param string $component component name.
* @return array
private function get_component_contexts($component) {
if (empty($component)) {
return $this->contexts;
$componentcontexts = array();
foreach ($this->contexts as $key => $path) {
if ($component == '' || $component === $key) {
$componentcontexts[$key] = $path;
return $componentcontexts;
* Gets the list of Moodle behat contexts
* Class name as a key and the filepath as value
* Externalized from update_config_file() to use
* it from the steps definitions web interface
* @param string $component Restricts the obtained steps definitions to the specified component
* @return array
public function get_components_contexts($component = '') {
// If we already have a list created then just return that, as it's up-to-date.
if (!empty($this->contexts)) {
return $this->get_component_contexts($component);
$components = $this->get_components_with_tests();
$this->contexts = array();
foreach ($components as $componentname => $componentpath) {
if (false !== strpos($componentname, 'theme_')) {
$componentpath = self::clean_path($componentpath);
if (!file_exists($componentpath . self::get_behat_tests_path())) {
$diriterator = new DirectoryIterator($componentpath . self::get_behat_tests_path());
$regite = new RegexIterator($diriterator, '|^behat_.*\.php$|');
// All behat_*.php inside self::get_behat_tests_path() are added as steps definitions files.
foreach ($regite as $file) {
$key = $file->getBasename('.php');
$this->contexts[$key] = $file->getPathname();
// Sort contexts with there name.
return $this->get_component_contexts($component);
* Behat config file specifing the main context class,
* the required Behat extensions and Moodle test wwwroot.
* @param array $features The system feature files
* @param array $contexts The system steps definitions
* @param string $tags filter features with specified tags.
* @param int $parallelruns number of parallel runs.
* @param int $currentrun current run for which config file is needed.
* @return string
public function get_config_file_contents($features = '', $contexts = '', $tags = '', $parallelruns = 0, $currentrun = 0) {
global $CFG;
// Set current run and parallel run.
if (!empty($parallelruns) && !empty($currentrun)) {
$this->set_parallel_run($parallelruns, $currentrun);
// If tags defined then use them. This is for BC.
if (!empty($tags)) {
// If features not passed then get it. Empty array means we don't need to include features.
if (empty($features) && !is_array($features)) {
$features = $this->get_components_features();
} else {
$this->features = $features;
// If stepdefinitions not passed then get the list.
if (empty($contexts)) {
} else {
$this->contexts = $contexts;
// We require here when we are sure behat dependencies are available.
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$config = $this->build_config();
$config = $this->merge_behat_config($config);
$config = $this->merge_behat_profiles($config);
// Return config array for phpunit, so it can be tested.
if (defined('PHPUNIT_TEST') && PHPUNIT_TEST) {
return $config;
return Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::dump($config, 10, 2);
* Search feature files for set of tags.
* @param array $features set of feature files.
* @param string $tags list of tags (currently support && only.)
* @return array filtered list of feature files with tags.
public function filtered_features_with_tags($features = '', $tags = '') {
// This is for BC. Features if not passed then we already have a list in this object.
if (empty($features)) {
$features = $this->features;
// If no tags defined then return full list.
if (empty($tags) && empty($this->tags)) {
return $features;
// If no tags passed by the caller, then it's already set.
if (empty($tags)) {
$tags = $this->tags;
$newfeaturelist = array();
// Split tags in and and or.
$tags = explode('&&', $tags);
$andtags = array();
$ortags = array();
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
// Explode all tags seperated by , and add it to ortags.
$ortags = array_merge($ortags, explode(',', $tag));
// And tags will be the first one before comma(,).
$andtags[] = preg_replace('/,.*/', '', $tag);
foreach ($features as $key => $featurefile) {
$contents = file_get_contents($featurefile);
$includefeature = true;
foreach ($andtags as $tag) {
// If negitive tag, then ensure it don't exist.
if (strpos($tag, '~') !== false) {
$tag = substr($tag, 1);
if ($contents && strpos($contents, $tag) !== false) {
$includefeature = false;
} else if ($contents && strpos($contents, $tag) === false) {
$includefeature = false;
// If feature not included then check or tags.
if (!$includefeature && !empty($ortags)) {
foreach ($ortags as $tag) {
if ($contents && (strpos($tag, '~') === false) && (strpos($contents, $tag) !== false)) {
$includefeature = true;
if ($includefeature) {
$newfeaturelist[$key] = $featurefile;
return $newfeaturelist;
* Build config for behat.yml.
* @param int $parallelruns how many parallel runs feature needs to be divided.
* @param int $currentrun current run for which features should be returned.
* @return array
protected function build_config($parallelruns = 0, $currentrun = 0) {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($parallelruns) && !empty($currentrun)) {
$this->set_parallel_run($parallelruns, $currentrun);
} else {
$currentrun = $this->get_current_run();
$parallelruns = $this->get_number_of_parallel_run();
$selenium2wdhost = array('wd_host' => 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub');
// If parallel run, then set wd_host if specified.
if (!empty($currentrun) && !empty($parallelruns)) {
// Set proper selenium2 wd_host if defined.
if (!empty($CFG->behat_parallel_run[$currentrun - 1]['wd_host'])) {
$selenium2wdhost = array('wd_host' => $CFG->behat_parallel_run[$currentrun - 1]['wd_host']);
// It is possible that it has no value as we don't require a full behat setup to list the step definitions.
if (empty($CFG->behat_wwwroot)) {
$CFG->behat_wwwroot = '';
$suites = $this->get_behat_suites($parallelruns, $currentrun);
$selectortypes = ['named_partial', 'named_exact'];
$allpaths = [];
foreach (array_keys($suites) as $theme) {
// Remove selectors from step definitions.
foreach ($selectortypes as $selectortype) {
// Don't include selector classes.
$selectorclass = self::get_behat_theme_selector_override_classname($theme, $selectortype);
if (isset($suites[$theme]['contexts'][$selectorclass])) {
// Get a list of all step definition paths.
$allpaths = array_merge($allpaths, $suites[$theme]['contexts']);
// Convert the contexts array to a list of names only.
$suites[$theme]['contexts'] = array_keys($suites[$theme]['contexts']);
// Comments use black color, so failure path is not visible. Using color other then black/white is safer.
$config = array(
'default' => array(
'formatters' => array(
'moodle_progress' => array(
'output_styles' => array(
'comment' => array('magenta'))
'suites' => $suites,
'extensions' => array(
'Behat\MinkExtension' => array(
'base_url' => $CFG->behat_wwwroot,
'goutte' => null,
'selenium2' => $selenium2wdhost
'Moodle\BehatExtension' => array(
'moodledirroot' => $CFG->dirroot,
'steps_definitions' => $allpaths,
return $config;
* Divide features between the runs and return list.
* @param array $features list of features to be divided.
* @param int $parallelruns how many parallel runs feature needs to be divided.
* @param int $currentrun current run for which features should be returned.
* @return array
protected function get_features_for_the_run($features, $parallelruns, $currentrun) {
// If no features are passed then just return.
if (empty($features)) {
return $features;
$allocatedfeatures = $features;
// If parallel run, then only divide features.
if (!empty($currentrun) && !empty($parallelruns)) {
$featurestodivide['withtags'] = $features;
$allocatedfeatures = array();
// If tags are set then split features with tags first.
if (!empty($this->tags)) {
$featurestodivide['withtags'] = $this->filtered_features_with_tags($features);
$featurestodivide['withouttags'] = $this->remove_blacklisted_features_from_list($features,
// Attempt to split into weighted buckets using timing information, if available.
foreach ($featurestodivide as $tagfeatures) {
if ($alloc = $this->profile_guided_allocate($tagfeatures, max(1, $parallelruns), $currentrun)) {
$allocatedfeatures = array_merge($allocatedfeatures, $alloc);
} else {
// Divide the list of feature files amongst the parallel runners.
// Pull out the features for just this worker.
if (count($tagfeatures)) {
$splitfeatures = array_chunk($tagfeatures, ceil(count($tagfeatures) / max(1, $parallelruns)));
// Check if there is any feature file for this process.
if (!empty($splitfeatures[$currentrun - 1])) {
$allocatedfeatures = array_merge($allocatedfeatures, $splitfeatures[$currentrun - 1]);
return $allocatedfeatures;
* Parse $CFG->behat_profile and return the array with required config structure for behat.yml.
* $CFG->behat_profiles = array(
* 'profile' = array(
* 'browser' => 'firefox',
* 'tags' => '@javascript',
* 'wd_host' => '',
* 'capabilities' => array(
* 'platform' => 'Linux',
* 'version' => 44
* )
* )
* );
* @param string $profile profile name
* @param array $values values for profile.
* @return array
protected function get_behat_profile($profile, $values) {
// Values should be an array.
if (!is_array($values)) {
return array();
// Check suite values.
$behatprofilesuites = array();
// Automatically set tags information to skip app testing if necessary. We skip app testing
// if the browser is not Chrome. (Note: We also skip if it's not configured, but that is
// done on the theme/suite level.)
if (empty($values['browser']) || $values['browser'] !== 'chrome') {
if (!empty($values['tags'])) {
$values['tags'] .= ' && ~@app';
} else {
$values['tags'] = '~@app';
// Automatically add Chrome command line option to skip the prompt about allowing file
// storage - needed for mobile app testing (won't hurt for everything else either).
// We also need to disable web security, otherwise it can't make CSS requests to the server
// on localhost due to CORS restrictions.
if (!empty($values['browser']) && $values['browser'] === 'chrome') {
if (!isset($values['capabilities'])) {
$values['capabilities'] = [];
if (!isset($values['capabilities']['chrome'])) {
$values['capabilities']['chrome'] = [];
if (!isset($values['capabilities']['chrome']['switches'])) {
$values['capabilities']['chrome']['switches'] = [];
$values['capabilities']['chrome']['switches'][] = '--unlimited-storage';
$values['capabilities']['chrome']['switches'][] = '--disable-web-security';
// If the mobile app is enabled, check its version and add appropriate tags.
if ($mobiletags = $this->get_mobile_version_tags()) {
if (!empty($values['tags'])) {
$values['tags'] .= ' && ' . $mobiletags;
} else {
$values['tags'] = $mobiletags;
// Fill tags information.
if (isset($values['tags'])) {
$behatprofilesuites = array(
'suites' => array(
'default' => array(
'filters' => array(
'tags' => $values['tags'],
// Selenium2 config values.
$behatprofileextension = array();
$seleniumconfig = array();
if (isset($values['browser'])) {
$seleniumconfig['browser'] = $values['browser'];
if (isset($values['wd_host'])) {
$seleniumconfig['wd_host'] = $values['wd_host'];
if (isset($values['capabilities'])) {
$seleniumconfig['capabilities'] = $values['capabilities'];
if (!empty($seleniumconfig)) {
$behatprofileextension = array(
'extensions' => array(
'Behat\MinkExtension' => array(
'selenium2' => $seleniumconfig,
return array($profile => array_merge($behatprofilesuites, $behatprofileextension));
* Gets version tags to use for the mobile app.
* This is based on the current mobile app version (from its package.json) and all known
* mobile app versions (based on the list appversions.json in the lib/behat directory).
* @param bool $verbose If true, outputs information about installed app version
* @return string List of tags or '' if not supporting mobile
protected function get_mobile_version_tags($verbose = true) : string {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->behat_ionic_dirroot)) {
// Get app version from package.json.
$jsonpath = $CFG->behat_ionic_dirroot . '/package.json';
$json = @file_get_contents($jsonpath);
if (!$json) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to load app version from ' . $jsonpath);
$package = json_decode($json);
if ($package === null || empty($package->version)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid app package data in ' . $jsonpath);
$installedversion = $package->version;
} else if (!empty($CFG->behat_ionic_wwwroot)) {
// Get app version from config.json inside wwwroot.
$jsonurl = $CFG->behat_ionic_wwwroot . '/config.json';
$json = @download_file_content($jsonurl);
if (!$json) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to load app version from ' . $jsonurl);
$config = json_decode($json);
if ($config === null || empty($config->versionname)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid app config data in ' . $jsonurl);
$installedversion = str_replace('-dev', '', $config->versionname);
} else {
return '';
// Read all feature files to check which mobile tags are used. (Note: This could be cached
// but ideally, it is the sort of thing that really ought to be refreshed by doing a new
// Behat init. Also, at time of coding it only takes 0.3 seconds and only if app enabled.)
$usedtags = [];
foreach ($this->features as $filepath) {
$feature = file_get_contents($filepath);
// This may incorrectly detect versions used e.g. in a comment or something, but it
// doesn't do much harm if we have extra ones.
if (preg_match_all('~@app_(?:from|upto)(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)~', $feature, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $tag) {
// Store as key in array so we don't get duplicates.
$usedtags[$tag] = true;
// Set up relevant tags for each version.
$tags = [];
foreach ($usedtags as $usedtag => $ignored) {
if (!preg_match('~^@app_(from|upto)([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)$~', $usedtag, $matches)) {
throw new coding_exception('Unexpected tag format');
$direction = $matches[1];
$version = $matches[2];
switch (version_compare($installedversion, $version)) {
case -1:
// Installed version OLDER than the one being considered, so do not
// include any scenarios that only run from the considered version up.
if ($direction === 'from') {
$tags[] = '~@app_from' . $version;
case 0:
// Installed version EQUAL to the one being considered - no tags need
// excluding.
case 1:
// Installed version NEWER than the one being considered, so do not
// include any scenarios that only run up to that version.
if ($direction === 'upto') {
$tags[] = '~@app_upto' . $version;
if ($verbose) {
mtrace('Configured app tests for version ' . $installedversion);
return join(' && ', $tags);
* Attempt to split feature list into fairish buckets using timing information, if available.
* Simply add each one to lightest buckets until all files allocated.
* PGA = Profile Guided Allocation. I made it up just now.
* CAUTION: workers must agree on allocation, do not be random anywhere!
* @param array $features Behat feature files array
* @param int $nbuckets Number of buckets to divide into
* @param int $instance Index number of this instance
* @return array|bool Feature files array, sorted into allocations
public function profile_guided_allocate($features, $nbuckets, $instance) {
// No profile guided allocation is required in phpunit.
if (defined('PHPUNIT_TEST') && PHPUNIT_TEST) {
return false;
$behattimingfile = defined('BEHAT_FEATURE_TIMING_FILE') &&
if (!$behattimingfile || !$behattimingdata = @json_decode(file_get_contents($behattimingfile), true)) {
// No data available, fall back to relying on steps data.
$stepfile = "";
// We should never get this. But in case we can't do this then fall back on simple splitting.
if (empty($stepfile) || !$behattimingdata = @json_decode(file_get_contents($stepfile), true)) {
return false;
arsort($behattimingdata); // Ensure most expensive is first.
$realroot = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../').'/';
$defaultweight = array_sum($behattimingdata) / count($behattimingdata);
$weights = array_fill(0, $nbuckets, 0);
$buckets = array_fill(0, $nbuckets, array());
$totalweight = 0;
// Re-key the features list to match timing data.
foreach ($features as $k => $file) {
$key = str_replace($realroot, '', $file);
$features[$key] = $file;
if (!isset($behattimingdata[$key])) {
$behattimingdata[$key] = $defaultweight;
// Sort features by known weights; largest ones should be allocated first.
$behattimingorder = array();
foreach ($features as $key => $file) {
$behattimingorder[$key] = $behattimingdata[$key];
// Finally, add each feature one by one to the lightest bucket.
foreach ($behattimingorder as $key => $weight) {
$file = $features[$key];
$lightbucket = array_search(min($weights), $weights);
$weights[$lightbucket] += $weight;
$buckets[$lightbucket][] = $file;
$totalweight += $weight;
if ($totalweight && !defined('BEHAT_DISABLE_HISTOGRAM') && $instance == $nbuckets
&& (!defined('PHPUNIT_TEST') || !PHPUNIT_TEST)) {
echo "Bucket weightings:\n";
foreach ($weights as $k => $weight) {
echo $k + 1 . ": " . str_repeat('*', 70 * $nbuckets * $weight / $totalweight) . PHP_EOL;
// Return the features for this worker.
return $buckets[$instance - 1];
* Overrides default config with local config values
* array_merge does not merge completely the array's values
* @param mixed $config The node of the default config
* @param mixed $localconfig The node of the local config
* @return mixed The merge result
public function merge_config($config, $localconfig) {
if (!is_array($config) && !is_array($localconfig)) {
return $localconfig;
// Local overrides also deeper default values.
if (is_array($config) && !is_array($localconfig)) {
return $localconfig;
foreach ($localconfig as $key => $value) {
// If defaults are not as deep as local values let locals override.
if (!is_array($config)) {
// Add the param if it doesn't exists or merge branches.
if (empty($config[$key])) {
$config[$key] = $value;
} else {
$config[$key] = $this->merge_config($config[$key], $localconfig[$key]);
return $config;
* Merges $CFG->behat_config with the one passed.
* @param array $config existing config.
* @return array merged config with $CFG->behat_config
public function merge_behat_config($config) {
global $CFG;
// In case user defined overrides respect them over our default ones.
if (!empty($CFG->behat_config)) {
foreach ($CFG->behat_config as $profile => $values) {
$config = $this->merge_config($config, $this->get_behat_config_for_profile($profile, $values));
return $config;
* Parse $CFG->behat_config and return the array with required config structure for behat.yml
* @param string $profile profile name
* @param array $values values for profile
* @return array
public function get_behat_config_for_profile($profile, $values) {
// Only add profile which are compatible with Behat 3.x
// Just check if any of Bheat 2.5 config is set. Not checking for 3.x as it might have some other configs
// Like : rerun_cache etc.
if (!isset($values['filters']['tags']) && !isset($values['extensions']['Behat\MinkExtension\Extension'])) {
return array($profile => $values);
// Parse 2.5 format and get related values.
$oldconfigvalues = array();
if (isset($values['extensions']['Behat\MinkExtension\Extension'])) {
$extensionvalues = $values['extensions']['Behat\MinkExtension\Extension'];
if (isset($extensionvalues['selenium2']['browser'])) {
$oldconfigvalues['browser'] = $extensionvalues['selenium2']['browser'];
if (isset($extensionvalues['selenium2']['wd_host'])) {
$oldconfigvalues['wd_host'] = $extensionvalues['selenium2']['wd_host'];
if (isset($extensionvalues['capabilities'])) {
$oldconfigvalues['capabilities'] = $extensionvalues['capabilities'];
if (isset($values['filters']['tags'])) {
$oldconfigvalues['tags'] = $values['filters']['tags'];
if (!empty($oldconfigvalues)) {
behat_config_manager::$autoprofileconversion = true;
return $this->get_behat_profile($profile, $oldconfigvalues);
// If nothing set above then return empty array.
return array();
* Merges $CFG->behat_profiles with the one passed.
* @param array $config existing config.
* @return array merged config with $CFG->behat_profiles
public function merge_behat_profiles($config) {
global $CFG;
// Check for Moodle custom ones.
if (!empty($CFG->behat_profiles) && is_array($CFG->behat_profiles)) {
foreach ($CFG->behat_profiles as $profile => $values) {
$config = $this->merge_config($config, $this->get_behat_profile($profile, $values));
return $config;
* Cleans the path returned by get_components_with_tests() to standarize it
* @see tests_finder::get_all_directories_with_tests() it returns the path including /tests/
* @param string $path
* @return string The string without the last /tests part
public final function clean_path($path) {
$path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$parttoremove = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tests';
$substr = substr($path, strlen($path) - strlen($parttoremove));
if ($substr == $parttoremove) {
$path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - strlen($parttoremove));
return rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
* The relative path where components stores their behat tests
* @return string
public static final function get_behat_tests_path() {
* Return context name of behat_theme selector to use.
* @param string $themename name of the theme.
* @param string $selectortype The type of selector (partial or exact at this stage)
* @param bool $includeclass if class should be included.
* @return string
public static final function get_behat_theme_selector_override_classname($themename, $selectortype, $includeclass = false) {
global $CFG;
if ($selectortype !== 'named_partial' && $selectortype !== 'named_exact') {
throw new coding_exception("Unknown selector override type '{$selectortype}'");
$overridebehatclassname = "behat_theme_{$themename}_behat_{$selectortype}_selectors";
if ($includeclass) {
$themeoverrideselector = $CFG->dirroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'theme' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $themename .
self::get_behat_tests_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $overridebehatclassname . '.php';
if (file_exists($themeoverrideselector)) {
return $overridebehatclassname;
* List of components which contain behat context or features.
* @return array
protected function get_components_with_tests() {
if (empty($this->componentswithtests)) {
$this->componentswithtests = tests_finder::get_components_with_tests('behat');
return $this->componentswithtests;
* Remove list of blacklisted features from the feature list.
* @param array $features list of original features.
* @param array|string $blacklist list of features which needs to be removed.
* @return array features - blacklisted features.
protected function remove_blacklisted_features_from_list($features, $blacklist) {
// If no blacklist passed then return.
if (empty($blacklist)) {
return $features;
// If there is no feature in suite then just return what was passed.
if (empty($features)) {
return $features;
if (!is_array($blacklist)) {
$blacklist = array($blacklist);
// Remove blacklisted features.
foreach ($blacklist as $blacklistpath) {
list($key, $featurepath) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($blacklistpath);
if (isset($features[$key])) {
$features[$key] = null;
} else {
$featurestocheck = $this->get_components_features();
if (!isset($featurestocheck[$key]) && (!defined('PHPUNIT_TEST') || !PHPUNIT_TEST)) {
behat_error(BEHAT_EXITCODE_REQUIREMENT, 'Blacklisted feature "' . $blacklistpath . '" not found.');
return $features;
* Return list of behat suites. Multiple suites are returned if theme
* overrides default step definitions/features.
* @param int $parallelruns number of parallel runs
* @param int $currentrun current run.
* @return array list of suites.
protected function get_behat_suites($parallelruns = 0, $currentrun = 0) {
$features = $this->get_components_features();
// Get number of parallel runs and current run.
if (!empty($parallelruns) && !empty($currentrun)) {
$this->set_parallel_run($parallelruns, $currentrun);
} else {
$parallelruns = $this->get_number_of_parallel_run();
$currentrun = $this->get_current_run();;
$themefeatures = array();
$themecontexts = array();
$themes = $this->get_list_of_themes();
// Create list of theme suite features and contexts.
foreach ($themes as $theme) {
// Get theme features and contexts.
$themefeatures[$theme] = $this->get_behat_features_for_theme($theme);
$themecontexts[$theme] = $this->get_behat_contexts_for_theme($theme);
// Remove list of theme features for default suite, as default suite should not run theme specific features.
foreach ($themefeatures as $themename => $removethemefeatures) {
if (!empty($removethemefeatures['features'])) {
$features = $this->remove_blacklisted_features_from_list($features, $removethemefeatures['features']);
// Set suite for each theme.
$suites = array();
foreach ($themes as $theme) {
// Get list of features which will be included in theme.
// If theme suite with all features or default theme, then we want all core features to be part of theme suite.
if ((is_string($this->themesuitewithallfeatures) && ($this->themesuitewithallfeatures === self::ALL_THEMES_TO_RUN)) ||
in_array($theme, $this->themesuitewithallfeatures) || ($this->get_default_theme() === $theme)) {
// If there is no theme specific feature. Then it's just core features.
if (empty($themefeatures[$theme]['features'])) {
$themesuitefeatures = $features;
} else {
$themesuitefeatures = array_merge($features, $themefeatures[$theme]['features']);
} else {
$themesuitefeatures = $themefeatures[$theme]['features'];
// Remove blacklisted features.
$themesuitefeatures = $this->remove_blacklisted_features_from_list($themesuitefeatures,
// Return sub-set of features if parallel run.
$themesuitefeatures = $this->get_features_for_the_run($themesuitefeatures, $parallelruns, $currentrun);
// Default theme is part of default suite.
if ($this->get_default_theme() === $theme) {
$suitename = 'default';
} else {
$suitename = $theme;
// Add suite no matter what. If there is no feature in suite then it will just exist successfully with no scenarios.
// But if we don't set this then the user has to know which run doesn't have suite and which run do.
$suites = array_merge($suites, array(
$suitename => array(
'paths' => array_values($themesuitefeatures),
'contexts' => $themecontexts[$theme],
return $suites;
* Return name of default theme.
* @return string
protected function get_default_theme() {
return theme_config::DEFAULT_THEME;
* Return list of themes which can be set in moodle.
* @return array list of themes with tests.
protected function get_list_of_themes() {
$selectablethemes = array();
// Get all themes installed on site.
$themes = core_component::get_plugin_list('theme');
foreach ($themes as $themename => $themedir) {
// Load the theme config.
try {
$theme = $this->get_theme_config($themename);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Bad theme, just skip it for now.
if ($themename !== $theme->name) {
// Obsoleted or broken theme, just skip for now.
if ($theme->hidefromselector) {
// The theme doesn't want to be shown in the theme selector and as theme
// designer mode is switched off we will respect that decision.
$selectablethemes[] = $themename;
return $selectablethemes;
* Return the theme config for a given theme name.
* This is done so we can mock it in PHPUnit.
* @param $themename name of theme
* @return theme_config
public function get_theme_config($themename) {
return theme_config::load($themename);
* Return theme directory.
* @param string $themename name of theme
* @return string theme directory
protected function get_theme_test_directory($themename) {
global $CFG;
$themetestdir = "/theme/" . $themename;
return $CFG->dirroot . $themetestdir . self::get_behat_tests_path();
* Returns all the directories having overridden tests.
* @param string $theme name of theme
* @param string $testtype The kind of test we are looking for
* @return array all directories having tests
protected function get_test_directories_overridden_for_theme($theme, $testtype) {
global $CFG;
$testtypes = array(
'contexts' => '|behat_.*\.php$|',
'features' => '|.*\.feature$|',
$themetestdirfullpath = $this->get_theme_test_directory($theme);
// If test directory doesn't exist then return.
if (!is_dir($themetestdirfullpath)) {
return array();
$directoriestosearch = glob($themetestdirfullpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*' , GLOB_ONLYDIR);
// Include theme directory to find tests.
$dirs[realpath($themetestdirfullpath)] = trim(str_replace('/', '_', $themetestdirfullpath), '_');
// Search for tests in valid directories.
foreach ($directoriestosearch as $dir) {
$dirite = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
$iteite = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirite);
$regexp = $testtypes[$testtype];
$regite = new RegexIterator($iteite, $regexp);
foreach ($regite as $path => $element) {
$key = dirname($path);
$value = trim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', str_replace($CFG->dirroot, '', $key)), '_');
$dirs[$key] = $value;
return array_flip($dirs);
* Return blacklisted contexts or features for a theme, as defined in blacklist.json.
* @param string $theme themename
* @param string $testtype test type (contexts|features)
* @return array list of blacklisted contexts or features
protected function get_blacklisted_tests_for_theme($theme, $testtype) {
$themetestpath = $this->get_theme_test_directory($theme);
if (file_exists($themetestpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blacklist.json')) {
// Blacklist file exist. Leave it for last to clear the feature and contexts.
$blacklisttests = @json_decode(file_get_contents($themetestpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blacklist.json'), true);
if (empty($blacklisttests)) {
behat_error(BEHAT_EXITCODE_REQUIREMENT, $themetestpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blacklist.json is empty');
// If features or contexts not defined then no problem.
if (!isset($blacklisttests[$testtype])) {
$blacklisttests[$testtype] = array();
return $blacklisttests[$testtype];
return array();
* Return list of features and step definitions in theme.
* @param string $theme theme name
* @param string $testtype test type, either features or contexts
* @return array list of contexts $contexts or $features
protected function get_tests_for_theme($theme, $testtype) {
$tests = array();
$testtypes = array(
'contexts' => '|^behat_.*\.php$|',
'features' => '|.*\.feature$|',
// Get all the directories having overridden tests.
$directories = $this->get_test_directories_overridden_for_theme($theme, $testtype);
// Get overridden test contexts.
foreach ($directories as $dirpath) {
// All behat_*.php inside overridden directory.
$diriterator = new DirectoryIterator($dirpath);
$regite = new RegexIterator($diriterator, $testtypes[$testtype]);
// All behat_*.php inside behat_config_manager::get_behat_tests_path() are added as steps definitions files.
foreach ($regite as $file) {
$key = $file->getBasename('.php');
$tests[$key] = $file->getPathname();
return $tests;
* Return list of blacklisted behat features for theme and features defined by theme only.
* @param string $theme theme name.
* @return array ($blacklistfeatures, $blacklisttags, $features)
protected function get_behat_features_for_theme($theme) {
global $CFG;
// Get list of features defined by theme.
$themefeatures = $this->get_tests_for_theme($theme, 'features');
$themeblacklistfeatures = $this->get_blacklisted_tests_for_theme($theme, 'features');
$themeblacklisttags = $this->get_blacklisted_tests_for_theme($theme, 'tags');
// Mobile app tests are not theme-specific, so run only for the default theme (and if
// configured).
if ((empty($CFG->behat_ionic_dirroot) && empty($CFG->behat_ionic_wwwroot)) ||
$theme !== $this->get_default_theme()) {
$themeblacklisttags[] = '@app';
// Clean feature key and path.
$features = array();
$blacklistfeatures = array();
foreach ($themefeatures as $themefeature) {
list($featurekey, $featurepath) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($themefeature);
$features[$featurekey] = $featurepath;
foreach ($themeblacklistfeatures as $themeblacklistfeature) {
list($blacklistfeaturekey, $blacklistfeaturepath) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($themeblacklistfeature);
$blacklistfeatures[$blacklistfeaturekey] = $blacklistfeaturepath;
// If blacklist tags then add those features to list.
if (!empty($themeblacklisttags)) {
// Remove @ if given, so we are sure we have only tag names.
$themeblacklisttags = array_map(function($v) {
return ltrim($v, '@');
}, $themeblacklisttags);
$themeblacklisttags = '@' . implode(',@', $themeblacklisttags);
$blacklistedfeatureswithtag = $this->filtered_features_with_tags($this->get_components_features(),
// Add features with blacklisted tags.
if (!empty($blacklistedfeatureswithtag)) {
foreach ($blacklistedfeatureswithtag as $themeblacklistfeature) {
list($key, $path) = $this->get_clean_feature_key_and_path($themeblacklistfeature);
$blacklistfeatures[$key] = $path;
$retval = array(
'blacklistfeatures' => $blacklistfeatures,
'features' => $features
return $retval;
* Return list of behat contexts for theme and update $this->stepdefinitions list.
* @param string $theme theme name.
* @return List of contexts
protected function get_behat_contexts_for_theme($theme) : array {
// If we already have this list then just return. This will not change by run.
if (!empty($this->themecontexts[$theme])) {
return $this->themecontexts[$theme];
try {
$themeconfig = $this->get_theme_config($theme);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// This theme has no theme config.
return [];
// The theme will use all core contexts, except the one overridden by theme or its parent.
$parentcontexts = [];
if (isset($themeconfig->parents)) {
foreach ($themeconfig->parents as $parent) {
if ($parentcontexts = $this->get_behat_contexts_for_theme($parent)) {
if (empty($parentcontexts)) {
$parentcontexts = $this->get_components_contexts();
// Remove contexts which have been actively blacklisted.
$blacklistedcontexts = $this->get_blacklisted_tests_for_theme($theme, 'contexts');
foreach ($blacklistedcontexts as $blacklistpath) {
$blacklistcontext = basename($blacklistpath, '.php');
// Apply overrides.
$contexts = array_merge($parentcontexts, $this->get_tests_for_theme($theme, 'contexts'));
// Remove classes which are overridden.
foreach ($contexts as $contextclass => $path) {
if (!class_exists($contextclass)) {
// This may be a Poorly named class.
$rc = new \ReflectionClass($contextclass);
while ($rc = $rc->getParentClass()) {
if (isset($contexts[$rc->name])) {
// Sort the list of contexts.
$this->themecontexts[$theme] = $contexts;
return $contexts;