You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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9.4 KiB

YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('calendarnavigator', function (Y, NAME) {
* Provides a plugin which adds navigation controls to Calendar.
* @module calendarnavigator
var CONTENT_BOX = "contentBox",
HOST = "host",
getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
substitute = Y.Lang.sub,
node = Y.Node,
create = node.create,
CALENDAR = 'calendar',
CALENDARNAV = 'calendarnav',
CAL_HD = getCN(CALENDAR, 'header'),
CAL_PREV_M = getCN(CALENDARNAV, 'prevmonth'),
CAL_NEXT_M = getCN(CALENDARNAV, 'nextmonth'),
CAL_DIS_M = getCN(CALENDARNAV, 'month-disabled'),
ydate = Y.DataType.Date;
* A plugin class which adds navigation controls to Calendar.
* @class CalendarNavigator
* @extends Plugin.Base
* @namespace Plugin
function CalendarNavigator() {
CalendarNavigator.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
* The namespace for the plugin. This will be the property on the widget, which will
* reference the plugin instance, when it's plugged in.
* @property NS
* @static
* @type String
* @default "navigator"
CalendarNavigator.NS = "navigator";
* The NAME of the CalendarNavigator class. Used to prefix events generated
* by the plugin class.
* @property NAME
* @static
* @type String
* @default "pluginCalendarNavigator"
CalendarNavigator.NAME = "pluginCalendarNavigator";
* Static property used to define the default attribute
* configuration for the plugin.
* @property ATTRS
* @type Object
* @static
CalendarNavigator.ATTRS = {
* The number of months to shift by when the control arrows are clicked.
* @attribute shiftByMonths
* @type Number
* @default 1 (months)
shiftByMonths : {
value: 1
* The CSS classnames for the calendar navigator controls.
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
CalendarNavigator.CALENDARNAV_STRINGS = {
prev_month_class: CAL_PREV_M,
next_month_class: CAL_NEXT_M
* The template for the calendar navigator previous month control.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
CalendarNavigator.PREV_MONTH_CONTROL_TEMPLATE = '<a class="yui3-u {prev_month_class}" role="button" aria-label="{prev_month_arialabel}" ' +
'tabindex="{control_tabindex}" />';
* The template for the calendar navigator next month control.
* @type String
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
CalendarNavigator.NEXT_MONTH_CONTROL_TEMPLATE = '<a class="yui3-u {next_month_class}" role="button" aria-label="{next_month_arialabel}" ' +
'tabindex="{control_tabindex}" />';
Y.extend(CalendarNavigator, Y.Plugin.Base, {
_eventAttachments : {},
_controls: {},
* The initializer lifecycle implementation. Modifies the host widget's
* render to add navigation controls.
* @method initializer
initializer : function() {
// After the host has rendered its UI, place the navigation cotnrols
this._controls = {};
this._eventAttachments = {};
this.afterHostMethod("renderUI", this._initNavigationControls);
* The initializer destructor implementation. Responsible for destroying the initialized
* control mechanisms.
* @method destructor
destructor : function() {
* Private utility method that focuses on a navigation button when it is clicked
* or pressed with a keyboard.
* @method _focusNavigation
* @param {Event} ev Click or keydown event from the controls
* @protected
_focusNavigation : function (ev) {
* Private utility method that subtracts months from the host calendar date
* based on the control click and the shiftByMonths property.
* @method _subtractMonths
* @param {Event} ev Click event from the controls
* @protected
_subtractMonths : function (ev) {
if ( (ev.type === "click") || (ev.type === "keydown" && (ev.keyCode === 13 || ev.keyCode === 32)) ) {
var host = this.get(HOST),
oldDate = host.get("date");
host.set("date", ydate.addMonths(oldDate, -1*this.get("shiftByMonths")));
* Private utility method that adds months to the host calendar date
* based on the control click and the shiftByMonths property.
* @method _addMonths
* @param {Event} ev Click event from the controls
* @protected
_addMonths : function (ev) {
if ( (ev.type === "click") || (ev.type === "keydown" && (ev.keyCode === 13 || ev.keyCode === 32)) ) {
var host = this.get(HOST),
oldDate = host.get("date");
host.set("date", ydate.addMonths(oldDate, this.get("shiftByMonths")));
_updateControlState : function () {
var host = this.get(HOST),
startDate = host.get('date'),
endDate = ydate.addMonths(startDate, host._paneNumber - 1),
minDate = host._normalizeDate(host.get("minimumDate")),
maxDate = host._normalizeDate(host.get("maximumDate"));
if (ydate.areEqual(minDate, startDate)) {
if (this._eventAttachments.prevMonth) {
this._eventAttachments.prevMonth = false;
if (!this._controls.prevMonth.hasClass(CAL_DIS_M)) {
this._controls.prevMonth.addClass(CAL_DIS_M).setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
else {
if (!this._eventAttachments.prevMonth) {
this._eventAttachments.prevMonth = this._controls.prevMonth.on(["click", "keydown"], this._subtractMonths, this);
if (this._controls.prevMonth.hasClass(CAL_DIS_M)) {
this._controls.prevMonth.removeClass(CAL_DIS_M).setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false");
if (ydate.areEqual(maxDate, endDate)) {
if (this._eventAttachments.nextMonth) {
this._eventAttachments.nextMonth = false;
if (!this._controls.nextMonth.hasClass(CAL_DIS_M)) {
this._controls.nextMonth.addClass(CAL_DIS_M).setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
else {
if (!this._eventAttachments.nextMonth) {
this._eventAttachments.nextMonth = this._controls.nextMonth.on(["click", "keydown"], this._addMonths, this);
if (this._controls.nextMonth.hasClass(CAL_DIS_M)) {
this._controls.nextMonth.removeClass(CAL_DIS_M).setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false");
this._controls.prevMonth.on(["click", "keydown"], this._focusNavigation, this);
this._controls.nextMonth.on(["click", "keydown"], this._focusNavigation, this);
* Private render assist method that renders the previous month control
* @method _renderPrevControls
* @private
_renderPrevControls : function () {
var prevControlNode = create(substitute (CalendarNavigator.PREV_MONTH_CONTROL_TEMPLATE,
prevControlNode.on("selectstart", this.get(HOST)._preventSelectionStart);
return prevControlNode;
* Private render assist method that renders the next month control
* @method _renderNextControls
* @private
_renderNextControls : function () {
var nextControlNode = create(substitute (CalendarNavigator.NEXT_MONTH_CONTROL_TEMPLATE,
nextControlNode.on("selectstart", this.get(HOST)._preventSelectionStart);
return nextControlNode;
* Protected render assist method that initialized and renders the navigation controls.
* @method _initNavigationControls
* @protected
_initNavigationControls : function() {
var host = this.get(HOST),
headerCell = host.get(CONTENT_BOX).one("." + CAL_HD);
CalendarNavigator.CALENDARNAV_STRINGS.control_tabindex = host.get("tabIndex");
CalendarNavigator.CALENDARNAV_STRINGS.prev_month_arialabel = "Go to previous month";
CalendarNavigator.CALENDARNAV_STRINGS.next_month_arialabel = "Go to next month";
this._controls.prevMonth = this._renderPrevControls();
this._controls.nextMonth = this._renderNextControls();
host.after(["dateChange", "minimumDateChange", "maximumDateChange"], this._updateControlState, this);
Y.namespace("Plugin").CalendarNavigator = CalendarNavigator;
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["plugin", "classnamemanager", "datatype-date", "node"], "skinnable": true});