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3 years ago
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('dd-delegate', function (Y, NAME) {
* Provides the ability to drag multiple nodes under a container element using only one Y.DD.Drag instance as a delegate.
* @module dd
* @submodule dd-delegate
* Provides the ability to drag multiple nodes under a container element using only one Y.DD.Drag instance as a delegate.
* @class Delegate
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @namespace DD
var Delegate = function() {
Delegate.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
CONT = 'container',
NODES = 'nodes',
_tmpNode = Y.Node.create('<div>Temp Node</div>');
Y.extend(Delegate, Y.Base, {
* The default bubbleTarget for this object. Default: Y.DD.DDM
* @private
* @property _bubbleTargets
_bubbleTargets: Y.DD.DDM,
* A reference to the temporary dd instance used under the hood.
* @property dd
dd: null,
* The state of the Y.DD.DDM._noShim property to it can be reset.
* @property _shimState
* @private
_shimState: null,
* Array of event handles to be destroyed
* @private
* @property _handles
_handles: null,
* Listens to the nodeChange event and sets the dragNode on the temp dd instance.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
* @param {Event} e The Event.
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
this.set('dragNode', e.newVal);
* Listens for the drag:end event and updates the temp dd instance.
* @private
* @method _afterDragEnd
* @param {Event} e The Event.
_afterDragEnd: function() {
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = this._shimState;
this.set('lastNode', this.dd.get('node'));
this.get('lastNode').removeClass(Y.DD.DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging');
this.dd.set('node', _tmpNode);
* The callback for the Y.DD.Delegate instance used
* @private
* @method _delMouseDown
* @param {Event} e The MouseDown Event.
_delMouseDown: function(e) {
var tar = e.currentTarget,
dd = this.dd,
dNode = tar,
config = this.get('dragConfig');
if (tar.test(this.get(NODES)) && !tar.test(this.get('invalid'))) {
this._shimState = Y.DD.DDM._noShim;
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = true;
this.set('currentNode', tar);
dd.set('node', tar);
if (config && config.dragNode) {
dNode = config.dragNode;
} else if (dd.proxy) {
dNode = Y.DD.DDM._proxy;
dd.set('dragNode', dNode);
|'drag:mouseDown', { ev: e });
* Sets the target shim state
* @private
* @method _onMouseEnter
* @param {Event} e The MouseEnter Event
_onMouseEnter: function() {
this._shimState = Y.DD.DDM._noShim;
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = true;
* Resets the target shim state
* @private
* @method _onMouseLeave
* @param {Event} e The MouseLeave Event
_onMouseLeave: function() {
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = this._shimState;
initializer: function() {
this._handles = [];
//Create a tmp DD instance under the hood.
//var conf = Y.clone(this.get('dragConfig') || {}),
var conf = this.get('dragConfig') || {},
cont = this.get(CONT);
conf.node = _tmpNode.cloneNode(true);
conf.bubbleTargets = this;
if (this.get('handles')) {
conf.handles = this.get('handles');
this.dd = new Y.DD.Drag(conf);
//On end drag, detach the listeners
this.dd.after('drag:end', Y.bind(this._afterDragEnd, this));
this.dd.on('dragNodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
this.dd.after('drag:mouseup', function() {
//Attach the delegate to the container
this._handles.push(Y.delegate(Y.DD.Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._delMouseDown, this), cont, this.get(NODES)));
this._handles.push(Y.on('mouseenter', Y.bind(this._onMouseEnter, this), cont));
this._handles.push(Y.on('mouseleave', Y.bind(this._onMouseLeave, this), cont));
Y.later(50, this, this.syncTargets);
* Applies the Y.Plugin.Drop to all nodes matching the cont + nodes selector query.
* @method syncTargets
* @chainable
syncTargets: function() {
if (!Y.Plugin.Drop || this.get('destroyed')) {
var items, groups, config;
if (this.get('target')) {
items =;
groups = this.dd.get('groups');
config = this.get('dragConfig');
if (config && config.groups) {
groups = config.groups;
items.each(function(i) {
this.createDrop(i, groups);
}, this);
return this;
* Apply the Drop plugin to this node
* @method createDrop
* @param {Node} node The Node to apply the plugin to
* @param {Array} groups The default groups to assign this target to.
* @return Node
createDrop: function(node, groups) {
var config = {
useShim: false,
bubbleTargets: this
if (!node.drop) {
node.plug(Y.Plugin.Drop, config);
node.drop.set('groups', groups);
return node;
destructor: function() {
if (this.dd) {
if (Y.Plugin.Drop) {
var targets =;
Y.Array.each(this._handles, function(v) {
}, {
NAME: 'delegate',
* A selector query to get the container to listen for mousedown events on. All "nodes" should be a child of this container.
* @attribute container
* @type String
container: {
value: 'body'
* A selector query to get the children of the "container" to make draggable elements from.
* @attribute nodes
* @type String
nodes: {
value: '.dd-draggable'
* A selector query to test a node to see if it's an invalid item.
* @attribute invalid
* @type String
invalid: {
value: 'input, select, button, a, textarea'
* Y.Node instance of the last item dragged.
* @attribute lastNode
* @type Node
lastNode: {
value: _tmpNode
* Y.Node instance of the dd node.
* @attribute currentNode
* @type Node
currentNode: {
value: _tmpNode
* Y.Node instance of the dd dragNode.
* @attribute dragNode
* @type Node
dragNode: {
value: _tmpNode
* Is the mouse currently over the container
* @attribute over
* @type Boolean
over: {
value: false
* Should the items also be a drop target.
* @attribute target
* @type Boolean
target: {
value: false
* The default config to be used when creating the DD instance.
* @attribute dragConfig
* @type Object
dragConfig: {
value: null
* The handles config option added to the temp DD instance.
* @attribute handles
* @type Array
handles: {
value: null
Y.mix(Y.DD.DDM, {
* Holder for all Y.DD.Delegate instances
* @private
* @for DDM
* @property _delegates
* @type Array
_delegates: [],
* Register a Delegate with the DDM
* @for DDM
* @method regDelegate
regDelegate: function(del) {
* Get a delegate instance from a container node
* @for DDM
* @method getDelegate
* @return Y.DD.Delegate
getDelegate: function(node) {
var del = null;
node =;
Y.Array.each(this._delegates, function(v) {
if (node.test(v.get(CONT))) {
del = v;
}, this);
return del;
Y.DD.Delegate = Delegate;
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["dd-drag", "dd-drop-plugin", "event-mouseenter"]});