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3 years ago
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('gesture-simulate', function (Y, NAME) {
* Simulate high-level user gestures by generating a set of native DOM events.
* @module gesture-simulate
* @requires event-simulate, async-queue, node-screen
var NAME = "gesture-simulate",
// phantomjs check may be temporary, until we determine if it really support touch all the way through, like it claims to (
SUPPORTS_TOUCH = (( && ("ontouchstart" in && !(Y.UA.phantomjs) && !( && < 6)),
gestureNames = {
tap: 1,
doubletap: 1,
press: 1,
move: 1,
flick: 1,
pinch: 1,
rotate: 1
touchEvents = {
touchstart: 1,
touchmove: 1,
touchend: 1,
touchcancel: 1
document = Y.config.doc,
EVENT_INTERVAL = 20, // 20ms
START_PAGEX, // will be adjusted to the node element center
START_PAGEY, // will be adjusted to the node element center
// defaults that user can override.
// tap gestures
HOLD_TAP: 10, // 10ms
DELAY_TAP: 10, // 10ms
// press gesture
HOLD_PRESS: 3000, // 3sec
MIN_HOLD_PRESS: 1000, // 1sec
MAX_HOLD_PRESS: 60000, // 1min
// move gesture
DISTANCE_MOVE: 200, // 200 pixels
DURATION_MOVE: 1000, // 1sec
MAX_DURATION_MOVE: 5000,// 5sec
// flick gesture
DISTANCE_FLICK: 200, // 200 pixels
DURATION_FLICK: 1000, // 1sec
MAX_DURATION_FLICK: 5000,// 5sec
// pinch/rotation
DURATION_PINCH: 1000 // 1sec
TOUCH_START = 'touchstart',
TOUCH_MOVE = 'touchmove',
TOUCH_END = 'touchend',
GESTURE_START = 'gesturestart',
GESTURE_CHANGE = 'gesturechange',
GESTURE_END = 'gestureend',
MOUSE_UP = 'mouseup',
MOUSE_MOVE = 'mousemove',
MOUSE_DOWN = 'mousedown',
MOUSE_CLICK = 'click',
MOUSE_DBLCLICK = 'dblclick',
X_AXIS = 'x',
Y_AXIS = 'y';
function Simulations(node) {
if(!node) {
Y.error(NAME+': invalid target node');
this.node = node;
| = Y.Node.getDOMNode(node);
var startXY = this.node.getXY(),
dims = this._getDims();
START_PAGEX = startXY[0] + (dims[0])/2;
START_PAGEY = startXY[1] + (dims[1])/2;
Simulations.prototype = {
* Helper method to convert a degree to a radian.
* @method _toRadian
* @private
* @param {Number} deg A degree to be converted to a radian.
* @return {Number} The degree in radian.
_toRadian: function(deg) {
return deg * (Math.PI/180);
* Helper method to get height/width while accounting for
* rotation/scale transforms where possible by using the
* bounding client rectangle height/width instead of the
* offsetWidth/Height which region uses.
* @method _getDims
* @private
* @return {Array} Array with [height, width]
_getDims : function() {
var region,
// Ideally, this should be in DOM somewhere.
if ( {
region =;
if ("height" in region) {
height = region.height;
} else {
// IE7,8 has getBCR, but no height.
height = Math.abs(region.bottom -;
if ("width" in region) {
width = region.width;
} else {
// IE7,8 has getBCR, but no width.
width = Math.abs(region.right - region.left);
} else {
region = this.node.get("region");
width = region.width;
height = region.height;
return [width, height];
* Helper method to convert a point relative to the node element into
* the point in the page coordination.
* @method _calculateDefaultPoint
* @private
* @param {Array} point A point relative to the node element.
* @return {Array} The same point in the page coordination.
_calculateDefaultPoint: function(point) {
var height;
if(!Y.Lang.isArray(point) || point.length === 0) {
} else {
if(point.length == 1) {
height = this._getDims[1];
point[1] = height/2;
// convert to page(viewport) coordination
point[0] = this.node.getX() + point[0];
point[1] = this.node.getY() + point[1];
return point;
* The "rotate" and "pinch" methods are essencially same with the exact same
* arguments. Only difference is the required parameters. The rotate method
* requires "rotation" parameter while the pinch method requires "startRadius"
* and "endRadius" parameters.
* @method rotate
* @param {Function} cb The callback to execute when the gesture simulation
* is completed.
* @param {Array} center A center point where the pinch gesture of two fingers
* should happen. It is relative to the top left corner of the target
* node element.
* @param {Number} startRadius A radius of start circle where 2 fingers are
* on when the gesture starts. This is optional. The default is a fourth of
* either target node width or height whichever is smaller.
* @param {Number} endRadius A radius of end circle where 2 fingers will be on when
* the pinch or spread gestures are completed. This is optional.
* The default is a fourth of either target node width or height whichever is less.
* @param {Number} duration A duration of the gesture in millisecond.
* @param {Number} start A start angle(0 degree at 12 o'clock) where the
* gesture should start. Default is 0.
* @param {Number} rotation A rotation in degree. It is required.
rotate: function(cb, center, startRadius, endRadius, duration, start, rotation) {
var radius,
r1 = startRadius, // optional
r2 = endRadius; // optional
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(r1) || !Y.Lang.isNumber(r2) || r1<0 || r2<0) {
radius = ( <
| :;
r1 = radius;
r2 = radius;
// required
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(rotation)) {
Y.error(NAME+'Invalid rotation detected.');
this.pinch(cb, center, r1, r2, duration, start, rotation);
* The "rotate" and "pinch" methods are essencially same with the exact same
* arguments. Only difference is the required parameters. The rotate method
* requires "rotation" parameter while the pinch method requires "startRadius"
* and "endRadius" parameters.
* The "pinch" gesture can simulate various 2 finger gestures such as pinch,
* spread and/or rotation. The "startRadius" and "endRadius" are required.
* If endRadius is larger than startRadius, it becomes a spread gesture
* otherwise a pinch gesture.
* @method pinch
* @param {Function} cb The callback to execute when the gesture simulation
* is completed.
* @param {Array} center A center point where the pinch gesture of two fingers
* should happen. It is relative to the top left corner of the target
* node element.
* @param {Number} startRadius A radius of start circle where 2 fingers are
* on when the gesture starts. This paramenter is required.
* @param {Number} endRadius A radius of end circle where 2 fingers will be on when
* the pinch or spread gestures are completed. This parameter is required.
* @param {Number} duration A duration of the gesture in millisecond.
* @param {Number} start A start angle(0 degree at 12 o'clock) where the
* gesture should start. Default is 0.
* @param {Number} rotation If rotation is desired during the pinch or
* spread gestures, this parameter can be used. Default is 0 degree.
pinch: function(cb, center, startRadius, endRadius, duration, start, rotation) {
var eventQueue,
interval = EVENT_INTERVAL,
id = 0,
r1 = startRadius, // required
r2 = endRadius, // required
centerX, centerY,
startScale, endScale, scalePerStep,
startRot, endRot, rotPerStep,
path1 = {start: [], end: []}, // paths for 1st and 2nd fingers.
path2 = {start: [], end: []},
center = this._calculateDefaultPoint(center);
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(r1) || !Y.Lang.isNumber(r2) || r1<0 || r2<0) {
Y.error(NAME+'Invalid startRadius and endRadius detected.');
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(duration) || duration <= 0) {
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(start)) {
start = 0.0;
} else {
start = start%360;
while(start < 0) {
start += 360;
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(rotation)) {
rotation = 0.0;
Y.AsyncQueue.defaults.timeout = interval;
eventQueue = new Y.AsyncQueue();
// range determination
centerX = center[0];
centerY = center[1];
startRot = start;
endRot = start + rotation;
// 1st finger path
path1.start = [
centerX + r1*Math.sin(this._toRadian(startRot)),
centerY - r1*Math.cos(this._toRadian(startRot))
path1.end = [
centerX + r2*Math.sin(this._toRadian(endRot)),
centerY - r2*Math.cos(this._toRadian(endRot))
// 2nd finger path
path2.start = [
centerX - r1*Math.sin(this._toRadian(startRot)),
centerY + r1*Math.cos(this._toRadian(startRot))
path2.end = [
centerX - r2*Math.sin(this._toRadian(endRot)),
centerY + r2*Math.cos(this._toRadian(endRot))
startScale = 1.0;
endScale = endRadius/startRadius;
// touch/gesture start
fn: function() {
var coord1, coord2, coord, touches;
// coordinate for each touch object.
coord1 = {
pageX: path1.start[0],
pageY: path1.start[1],
clientX: path1.start[0],
clientY: path1.start[1]
coord2 = {
pageX: path2.start[0],
pageY: path2.start[1],
clientX: path2.start[0],
clientY: path2.start[1]
touches = this._createTouchList([Y.merge({
identifier: (id++)
}, coord1), Y.merge({
identifier: (id++)
}, coord2)]);
// coordinate for top level event
coord = {
pageX: (path1.start[0] + path2.start[0])/2,
pageY: (path1.start[0] + path2.start[1])/2,
clientX: (path1.start[0] + path2.start[0])/2,
clientY: (path1.start[0] + path2.start[1])/2
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_START, Y.merge({
touches: touches,
targetTouches: touches,
changedTouches: touches,
scale: startScale,
rotation: startRot
}, coord));
if(Y.UA.ios >= 2.0) {
/* gesture starts when the 2nd finger touch starts.
* The implementation will fire 1 touch start event for both fingers,
* simulating 2 fingers touched on the screen at the same time.
this._simulateEvent(, GESTURE_START, Y.merge({
scale: startScale,
rotation: startRot
}, coord));
timeout: 0,
context: this
// gesture change
steps = Math.floor(duration/interval);
radiusPerStep = (r2 - r1)/steps;
scalePerStep = (endScale - startScale)/steps;
rotPerStep = (endRot - startRot)/steps;
touchMove = function(step) {
var radius = r1 + (radiusPerStep)*step,
px1 = centerX + radius*Math.sin(this._toRadian(startRot + rotPerStep*step)),
py1 = centerY - radius*Math.cos(this._toRadian(startRot + rotPerStep*step)),
px2 = centerX - radius*Math.sin(this._toRadian(startRot + rotPerStep*step)),
py2 = centerY + radius*Math.cos(this._toRadian(startRot + rotPerStep*step)),
px = (px1+px2)/2,
py = (py1+py2)/2,
coord1, coord2, coord, touches;
// coordinate for each touch object.
coord1 = {
pageX: px1,
pageY: py1,
clientX: px1,
clientY: py1
coord2 = {
pageX: px2,
pageY: py2,
clientX: px2,
clientY: py2
touches = this._createTouchList([Y.merge({
identifier: (id++)
}, coord1), Y.merge({
identifier: (id++)
}, coord2)]);
// coordinate for top level event
coord = {
pageX: px,
pageY: py,
clientX: px,
clientY: py
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_MOVE, Y.merge({
touches: touches,
targetTouches: touches,
changedTouches: touches,
scale: startScale + scalePerStep*step,
rotation: startRot + rotPerStep*step
}, coord));
if(Y.UA.ios >= 2.0) {
this._simulateEvent(, GESTURE_CHANGE, Y.merge({
scale: startScale + scalePerStep*step,
rotation: startRot + rotPerStep*step
}, coord));
for (i=0; i < steps; i++) {
fn: touchMove,
args: [i],
context: this
// gesture end
fn: function() {
var emptyTouchList = this._getEmptyTouchList(),
coord1, coord2, coord, touches;
// coordinate for each touch object.
coord1 = {
pageX: path1.end[0],
pageY: path1.end[1],
clientX: path1.end[0],
clientY: path1.end[1]
coord2 = {
pageX: path2.end[0],
pageY: path2.end[1],
clientX: path2.end[0],
clientY: path2.end[1]
touches = this._createTouchList([Y.merge({
identifier: (id++)
}, coord1), Y.merge({
identifier: (id++)
}, coord2)]);
// coordinate for top level event
coord = {
pageX: (path1.end[0] + path2.end[0])/2,
pageY: (path1.end[0] + path2.end[1])/2,
clientX: (path1.end[0] + path2.end[0])/2,
clientY: (path1.end[0] + path2.end[1])/2
if(Y.UA.ios >= 2.0) {
this._simulateEvent(, GESTURE_END, Y.merge({
scale: endScale,
rotation: endRot
}, coord));
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_END, Y.merge({
touches: emptyTouchList,
targetTouches: emptyTouchList,
changedTouches: touches,
scale: endScale,
rotation: endRot
}, coord));
context: this
if(cb && Y.Lang.isFunction(cb)) {
fn: cb,
// by default, the callback runs the node context where
// simulateGesture method is called.
context: this.node
//TODO: Use args to pass error object as 1st param if there is an error.
* The "tap" gesture can be used for various single touch point gestures
* such as single tap, N number of taps, long press. The default is a single
* tap.
* @method tap
* @param {Function} cb The callback to execute when the gesture simulation
* is completed.
* @param {Array} point A point(relative to the top left corner of the
* target node element) where the tap gesture should start. The default
* is the center of the taget node.
* @param {Number} times The number of taps. Default is 1.
* @param {Number} hold The hold time in milliseconds between "touchstart" and
* "touchend" event generation. Default is 10ms.
* @param {Number} delay The time gap in millisecond between taps if this
* gesture has more than 1 tap. Default is 10ms.
tap: function(cb, point, times, hold, delay) {
var eventQueue = new Y.AsyncQueue(),
emptyTouchList = this._getEmptyTouchList(),
point = this._calculateDefaultPoint(point);
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(times) || times < 1) {
times = 1;
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(hold)) {
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(delay)) {
coord = {
pageX: point[0],
pageY: point[1],
clientX: point[0],
clientY: point[1]
touches = this._createTouchList([Y.merge({identifier: 0}, coord)]);
touchStart = function() {
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_START, Y.merge({
touches: touches,
targetTouches: touches,
changedTouches: touches
}, coord));
touchEnd = function() {
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_END, Y.merge({
touches: emptyTouchList,
targetTouches: emptyTouchList,
changedTouches: touches
}, coord));
for (i=0; i < times; i++) {
fn: touchStart,
context: this,
timeout: (i === 0)? 0 : delay
fn: touchEnd,
context: this,
timeout: hold
if(times > 1 && !SUPPORTS_TOUCH) {
fn: function() {
this._simulateEvent(, MOUSE_DBLCLICK, coord);
context: this
if(cb && Y.Lang.isFunction(cb)) {
fn: cb,
// by default, the callback runs the node context where
// simulateGesture method is called.
context: this.node
//TODO: Use args to pass error object as 1st param if there is an error.
* The "flick" gesture is a specialized "move" that has some velocity
* and the movement always runs either x or y axis. The velocity is calculated
* with "distance" and "duration" arguments. If the calculated velocity is
* below than the minimum velocity, the given duration will be ignored and
* new duration will be created to make a valid flick gesture.
* @method flick
* @param {Function} cb The callback to execute when the gesture simulation
* is completed.
* @param {Array} point A point(relative to the top left corner of the
* target node element) where the flick gesture should start. The default
* is the center of the taget node.
* @param {String} axis Either "x" or "y".
* @param {Number} distance A distance in pixels to flick.
* @param {Number} duration A duration of the gesture in millisecond.
flick: function(cb, point, axis, distance, duration) {
var path;
point = this._calculateDefaultPoint(point);
if(!Y.Lang.isString(axis)) {
axis = X_AXIS;
} else {
axis = axis.toLowerCase();
if(axis !== X_AXIS && axis !== Y_AXIS) {
Y.error(NAME+'(flick): Only x or y axis allowed');
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(distance)) {
} else {
* Check if too slow for a flick.
* Adjust duration if the calculated velocity is less than
* the minimum velcocity to be claimed as a flick.
if(Math.abs(distance)/duration < DEFAULTS.MIN_VELOCITY_FLICK) {
duration = Math.abs(distance)/DEFAULTS.MIN_VELOCITY_FLICK;
path = {
start: Y.clone(point),
end: [
(axis === X_AXIS) ? point[0]+distance : point[0],
(axis === Y_AXIS) ? point[1]+distance : point[1]
this._move(cb, path, duration);
* The "move" gesture simulate the movement of any direction between
* the straight line of start and end point for the given duration.
* The path argument is an object with "point", "xdist" and "ydist" properties.
* The "point" property is an array with x and y coordinations(relative to the
* top left corner of the target node element) while "xdist" and "ydist"
* properties are used for the distance along the x and y axis. A negative
* distance number can be used to drag either left or up direction.
* If no arguments are given, it will simulate the default move, which
* is moving 200 pixels from the center of the element to the positive X-axis
* direction for 1 sec.
* @method move
* @param {Function} cb The callback to execute when the gesture simulation
* is completed.
* @param {Object} path An object with "point", "xdist" and "ydist".
* @param {Number} duration A duration of the gesture in millisecond.
move: function(cb, path, duration) {
var convertedPath;
if(!Y.Lang.isObject(path)) {
path = {
point: this._calculateDefaultPoint([]),
ydist: 0
} else {
// convert to the page coordination
if(!Y.Lang.isArray(path.point)) {
path.point = this._calculateDefaultPoint([]);
} else {
path.point = this._calculateDefaultPoint(path.point);
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(path.xdist)) {
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(path.ydist)) {
path.ydist = 0;
duration = DEFAULTS.DURATION_MOVE; // ms
} else {
convertedPath = {
start: Y.clone(path.point),
end: [path.point[0]+path.xdist, path.point[1]+path.ydist]
this._move(cb, convertedPath, duration);
* A base method on top of "move" and "flick" methods. The method takes
* the path with start/end properties and duration to generate a set of
* touch events for the movement gesture.
* @method _move
* @private
* @param {Function} cb The callback to execute when the gesture simulation
* is completed.
* @param {Object} path An object with "start" and "end" properties. Each
* property should be an array with x and y coordination (e.g. start: [100, 50])
* @param {Number} duration A duration of the gesture in millisecond.
_move: function(cb, path, duration) {
var eventQueue,
interval = EVENT_INTERVAL,
steps, stepX, stepY,
id = 0,
duration = DEFAULTS.DURATION_MOVE; // ms
} else {
if(!Y.Lang.isObject(path)) {
path = {
start: [
end: [
} else {
if(!Y.Lang.isArray(path.start)) {
path.start = [
if(!Y.Lang.isArray(path.end)) {
path.end = [
Y.AsyncQueue.defaults.timeout = interval;
eventQueue = new Y.AsyncQueue();
// start
fn: function() {
var coord = {
pageX: path.start[0],
pageY: path.start[1],
clientX: path.start[0],
clientY: path.start[1]
touches = this._createTouchList([
Y.merge({identifier: (id++)}, coord)
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_START, Y.merge({
touches: touches,
targetTouches: touches,
changedTouches: touches
}, coord));
timeout: 0,
context: this
// move
steps = Math.floor(duration/interval);
stepX = (path.end[0] - path.start[0])/steps;
stepY = (path.end[1] - path.start[1])/steps;
touchMove = function(step) {
var px = path.start[0]+(stepX * step),
py = path.start[1]+(stepY * step),
coord = {
pageX: px,
pageY: py,
clientX: px,
clientY: py
touches = this._createTouchList([
Y.merge({identifier: (id++)}, coord)
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_MOVE, Y.merge({
touches: touches,
targetTouches: touches,
changedTouches: touches
}, coord));
for (i=0; i < steps; i++) {
fn: touchMove,
args: [i],
context: this
// last move
fn: function() {
var coord = {
pageX: path.end[0],
pageY: path.end[1],
clientX: path.end[0],
clientY: path.end[1]
touches = this._createTouchList([
Y.merge({identifier: id}, coord)
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_MOVE, Y.merge({
touches: touches,
targetTouches: touches,
changedTouches: touches
}, coord));
timeout: 0,
context: this
// end
fn: function() {
var coord = {
pageX: path.end[0],
pageY: path.end[1],
clientX: path.end[0],
clientY: path.end[1]
emptyTouchList = this._getEmptyTouchList(),
touches = this._createTouchList([
Y.merge({identifier: id}, coord)
this._simulateEvent(, TOUCH_END, Y.merge({
touches: emptyTouchList,
targetTouches: emptyTouchList,
changedTouches: touches
}, coord));
context: this
if(cb && Y.Lang.isFunction(cb)) {
fn: cb,
// by default, the callback runs the node context where
// simulateGesture method is called.
context: this.node
//TODO: Use args to pass error object as 1st param if there is an error.
* Helper method to return a singleton instance of empty touch list.
* @method _getEmptyTouchList
* @private
* @return {TouchList | Array} An empty touch list object.
_getEmptyTouchList: function() {
if(!emptyTouchList) {
emptyTouchList = this._createTouchList([]);
return emptyTouchList;
* Helper method to convert an array with touch points to TouchList object as
* defined in
* @method _createTouchList
* @private
* @param {Array} touchPoints
* @return {TouchList | Array} If underlaying platform support creating touch list
* a TouchList object will be returned otherwise a fake Array object
* will be returned.
_createTouchList: function(touchPoints) {
* Android 4.0.3 emulator:
* Native touch api supported starting in version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).
* However the support seems limited. In Android 4.0.3 emulator, I got
* "TouchList is not defined".
var touches = [],
self = this;
if(!!touchPoints && Y.Lang.isArray(touchPoints)) {
if( && >= 4.0 || Y.UA.ios && Y.UA.ios >= 2.0) {
Y.each(touchPoints, function(point) {
if(!point.identifier) {point.identifier = 0;}
if(!point.pageX) {point.pageX = 0;}
if(!point.pageY) {point.pageY = 0;}
if(!point.screenX) {point.screenX = 0;}
if(!point.screenY) {point.screenY = 0;}
point.pageX, point.pageY,
point.screenX, point.screenY));
touchList = document.createTouchList.apply(document, touches);
} else if(Y.UA.ios && Y.UA.ios < 2.0) {
Y.error(NAME+': No touch event simulation framework present.');
} else {
// this will inclide android( && < 4.0)
// and desktops among all others.
* Touch APIs are broken in androids older than 4.0. We will use
* simulated touch apis for these versions.
touchList = [];
Y.each(touchPoints, function(point) {
if(!point.identifier) {point.identifier = 0;}
if(!point.clientX) {point.clientX = 0;}
if(!point.clientY) {point.clientY = 0;}
if(!point.pageX) {point.pageX = 0;}
if(!point.pageY) {point.pageY = 0;}
if(!point.screenX) {point.screenX = 0;}
if(!point.screenY) {point.screenY = 0;}
identifier: point.identifier,
clientX: point.clientX,
clientY: point.clientY,
pageX: point.pageX,
pageY: point.pageY,
screenX: point.screenX,
screenY: point.screenY
touchList.item = function(i) {
return touchList[i];
} else {
Y.error(NAME+': Invalid touchPoints passed');
return touchList;
* @method _simulateEvent
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} target The DOM element that's the target of the event.
* @param {String} type The type of event or name of the supported gesture to simulate
* (i.e., "click", "doubletap", "flick").
* @param {Object} options (Optional) Extra options to copy onto the event object.
* For gestures, options are used to refine the gesture behavior.
_simulateEvent: function(target, type, options) {
var touches;
if (touchEvents[type]) {
Y.Event.simulate(target, type, options);
} else {
// simulate using mouse events if touch is not applicable on this platform.
// but only single touch event can be simulated.
if(this._isSingleTouch(options.touches, options.targetTouches, options.changedTouches)) {
type = {
touchstart: MOUSE_DOWN,
touchmove: MOUSE_MOVE,
touchend: MOUSE_UP
options.button = 0;
options.relatedTarget = null; // since we are not using mouseover event.
// touchend has none in options.touches.
touches = (type === MOUSE_UP)? options.changedTouches : options.touches;
options = Y.mix(options, {
screenX: touches.item(0).screenX,
screenY: touches.item(0).screenY,
clientX: touches.item(0).clientX,
clientY: touches.item(0).clientY
}, true);
Y.Event.simulate(target, type, options);
if(type == MOUSE_UP) {
Y.Event.simulate(target, MOUSE_CLICK, options);
} else {
Y.error("_simulateEvent(): Event '" + type + "' has multi touch objects that can't be simulated in your platform.");
} else {
// pass thru for all non touch events
Y.Event.simulate(target, type, options);
* Helper method to check the single touch.
* @method _isSingleTouch
* @private
* @param {TouchList} touches
* @param {TouchList} targetTouches
* @param {TouchList} changedTouches
_isSingleTouch: function(touches, targetTouches, changedTouches) {
return (touches && (touches.length <= 1)) &&
(targetTouches && (targetTouches.length <= 1)) &&
(changedTouches && (changedTouches.length <= 1));
* A gesture simulation class.
Y.GestureSimulation = Simulations;
* Various simulation default behavior properties. If user override
* Y.GestureSimulation.defaults, overriden values will be used and this
* should be done before the gesture simulation.
Y.GestureSimulation.defaults = DEFAULTS;
* The high level gesture names that YUI knows how to simulate.
Y.GestureSimulation.GESTURES = gestureNames;
* Simulates the higher user level gesture of the given name on a target.
* This method generates a set of low level touch events(Apple specific gesture
* events as well for the iOS platforms) asynchronously. Note that gesture
* simulation is relying on `Y.Event.simulate()` method to generate
* the touch events under the hood. The `Y.Event.simulate()` method
* itself is a synchronous method.
* Users are suggested to use `Node.simulateGesture()` method which
* basically calls this method internally. Supported gestures are `tap`,
* `doubletap`, `press`, `move`, `flick`, `pinch` and `rotate`.
* The `pinch` gesture is used to simulate the pinching and spreading of two
* fingers. During a pinch simulation, rotation is also possible. Essentially
* `pinch` and `rotate` simulations share the same base implementation to allow
* both pinching and rotation at the same time. The only difference is `pinch`
* requires `start` and `end` option properties while `rotate` requires `rotation`
* option property.
* The `pinch` and `rotate` gestures can be described as placing 2 fingers along a
* circle. Pinching and spreading can be described by start and end circles while
* rotation occurs on a single circle. If the radius of the start circle is greater
* than the end circle, the gesture becomes a pinch, otherwise it is a spread spread.
* @example
* var node ="#target");
* // double tap example
* node.simulateGesture("doubletap", function() {
* // my callback function
* });
* // flick example from the center of the node, move 50 pixels down for 50ms)
* node.simulateGesture("flick", {
* axis: y,
* distance: -100
* duration: 50
* }, function() {
* // my callback function
* });
* // simulate rotating a node 75 degrees counter-clockwise
* node.simulateGesture("rotate", {
* rotation: -75
* });
* // simulate a pinch and a rotation at the same time.
* // fingers start on a circle of radius 100 px, placed at top/bottom
* // fingers end on a circle of radius 50px, placed at right/left
* node.simulateGesture("pinch", {
* r1: 100,
* r2: 50,
* start: 0
* rotation: 90
* });
* @method simulateGesture
* @param {HTMLElement|Node} node The YUI node or HTML element that's the target
* of the event.
* @param {String} name The name of the supported gesture to simulate. The
* supported gesture name is one of "tap", "doubletap", "press", "move",
* "flick", "pinch" and "rotate".
* @param {Object} [options] Extra options used to define the gesture behavior:
* Valid options properties for the `tap` gesture:
* @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates
* where the tap should be simulated. Default is the center of the node
* element.
* @param {Number} [options.hold=10] (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds.
* This is the time between `touchstart` and `touchend` event generation.
* @param {Number} [options.times=1] (Optional) Indicates the number of taps.
* @param {Number} [options.delay=10] (Optional) The number of milliseconds
* before the next tap simulation happens. This is valid only when `times`
* is more than 1.
* Valid options properties for the `doubletap` gesture:
* @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates
* where the doubletap should be simulated. Default is the center of the
* node element.
* Valid options properties for the `press` gesture:
* @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates
* where the press should be simulated. Default is the center of the node
* element.
* @param {Number} [options.hold=3000] (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds.
* This is the time between `touchstart` and `touchend` event generation.
* Default is 3000ms (3 seconds).
* Valid options properties for the `move` gesture:
* @param {Object} [options.path] (Optional) Indicates the path of the finger
* movement. It's an object with three optional properties: `point`,
* `xdist` and `ydist`.
* @param {Array} [options.path.point] A starting point of the gesture.
* Default is the center of the node element.
* @param {Number} [options.path.xdist=200] A distance to move in pixels
* along the X axis. A negative distance value indicates moving left.
* @param {Number} [options.path.ydist=0] A distance to move in pixels
* along the Y axis. A negative distance value indicates moving up.
* @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
* gesture in milliseconds.
* Valid options properties for the `flick` gesture:
* @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x, y] coordinates
* where the flick should be simulated. Default is the center of the
* node element.
* @param {String} [options.axis='x'] (Optional) Valid values are either
* "x" or "y". Indicates axis to move along. The flick can move to one of
* 4 directions(left, right, up and down).
* @param {Number} [options.distance=200] (Optional) Distance to move in pixels
* @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
* gesture in milliseconds. User given value could be automatically
* adjusted by the framework if it is below the minimum velocity to be
* a flick gesture.
* Valid options properties for the `pinch` gesture:
* @param {Array} [] (Optional) The center of the circle where
* two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element.
* @param {Number} [options.r1] (Required) Pixel radius of the start circle
* where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are
* centered at the center of the element.
* @param {Number} [options.r2] (Required) Pixel radius of the end circle
* when this gesture ends.
* @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
* gesture in milliseconds.
* @param {Number} [options.start=0] (Optional) Starting degree of the first
* finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0
* (i.e., 12:00 on a clock).
* @param {Number} [options.rotation=0] (Optional) Degrees to rotate from
* the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the
* counter-clockwise direction.
* Valid options properties for the `rotate` gesture:
* @param {Array} [] (Optional) The center of the circle where
* two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element.
* @param {Number} [options.r1] (Optional) Pixel radius of the start circle
* where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are
* centered at the center of the element. Default is a fourth of the node
* element width or height, whichever is smaller.
* @param {Number} [options.r2] (Optional) Pixel radius of the end circle
* when this gesture ends. Default is a fourth of the node element width or
* height, whichever is smaller.
* @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
* gesture in milliseconds.
* @param {Number} [options.start=0] (Optional) Starting degree of the first
* finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0
* (i.e., 12:00 on a clock).
* @param {Number} [options.rotation] (Required) Degrees to rotate from
* the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the
* counter-clockwise direction.
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback to execute when the asynchronouse gesture
* simulation is completed.
* @param {Error} cb.err An error object if the simulation is failed.
* @for Event
* @static
Y.Event.simulateGesture = function(node, name, options, cb) {
node =;
var sim = new Y.GestureSimulation(node);
name = name.toLowerCase();
if(!cb && Y.Lang.isFunction(options)) {
cb = options;
options = {};
options = options || {};
if (gestureNames[name]) {
switch(name) {
// single-touch: point gestures
case 'tap':
sim.tap(cb, options.point, options.times, options.hold, options.delay);
case 'doubletap':
sim.tap(cb, options.point, 2);
case 'press':
if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(options.hold)) {
options.hold = DEFAULTS.HOLD_PRESS;
} else if(options.hold < DEFAULTS.MIN_HOLD_PRESS) {
} else if(options.hold > DEFAULTS.MAX_HOLD_PRESS) {
sim.tap(cb, options.point, 1, options.hold);
// single-touch: move gestures
case 'move':
sim.move(cb, options.path, options.duration);
case 'flick':
sim.flick(cb, options.point, options.axis, options.distance,
// multi-touch: pinch/rotation gestures
case 'pinch':
sim.pinch(cb,, options.r1, options.r2,
options.duration, options.start, options.rotation);
case 'rotate':
sim.rotate(cb,, options.r1, options.r2,
options.duration, options.start, options.rotation);
} else {
Y.error(NAME+': Not a supported gesture simulation: '+name);
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["async-queue", "event-simulate", "node-screen"]});