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367 lines
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3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Contains class mod_feedback_structure
* @package mod_feedback
* @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Stores and manipulates the structure of the feedback or template (items, pages, etc.)
* @package mod_feedback
* @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class mod_feedback_structure {
/** @var stdClass record from 'feedback' table.
* Reliably has fields: id, course, timeopen, timeclose, anonymous, completionsubmit.
* For full object or to access any other field use $this->get_feedback()
protected $feedback;
/** @var cm_info */
protected $cm;
/** @var int course where the feedback is filled. For feedbacks that are NOT on the front page this is 0 */
protected $courseid = 0;
/** @var int */
protected $templateid;
/** @var array */
protected $allitems;
/** @var array */
protected $allcourses;
/** @var int */
protected $userid;
* Constructor
* @param stdClass $feedback feedback object, in case of the template
* this is the current feedback the template is accessed from
* @param stdClass|cm_info $cm course module object corresponding to the $feedback
* (at least one of $feedback or $cm is required)
* @param int $courseid current course (for site feedbacks only)
* @param int $templateid template id if this class represents the template structure
* @param int $userid User id to use for all capability checks, etc. Set to 0 for current user (default).
public function __construct($feedback, $cm, $courseid = 0, $templateid = null, $userid = 0) {
global $USER;
if ((empty($feedback->id) || empty($feedback->course)) && (empty($cm->instance) || empty($cm->course))) {
throw new coding_exception('Either $feedback or $cm must be passed to constructor');
$this->feedback = $feedback ?: (object)['id' => $cm->instance, 'course' => $cm->course];
$this->cm = ($cm && $cm instanceof cm_info) ? $cm :
$this->templateid = $templateid;
$this->courseid = ($this->feedback->course == SITEID) ? $courseid : 0;
if (empty($userid)) {
$this->userid = $USER->id;
} else {
$this->userid = $userid;
if (!$feedback) {
// If feedback object was not specified, populate object with fields required for the most of methods.
// These fields were added to course module cache in feedback_get_coursemodule_info().
// Full instance record can be retrieved by calling mod_feedback_structure::get_feedback().
$customdata = ($this->cm->customdata ?: []) + ['timeopen' => 0, 'timeclose' => 0, 'anonymous' => 0];
$this->feedback->timeopen = $customdata['timeopen'];
$this->feedback->timeclose = $customdata['timeclose'];
$this->feedback->anonymous = $customdata['anonymous'];
$this->feedback->completionsubmit = empty($this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionsubmit']) ? 0 : 1;
* Current feedback
* @return stdClass
public function get_feedback() {
global $DB;
if (!isset($this->feedback->publish_stats) || !isset($this->feedback->name)) {
// Make sure the full object is retrieved.
$this->feedback = $DB->get_record('feedback', ['id' => $this->feedback->id], '*', MUST_EXIST);
return $this->feedback;
* Current course module
* @return stdClass
public function get_cm() {
return $this->cm;
* Id of the current course (for site feedbacks only)
* @return stdClass
public function get_courseid() {
return $this->courseid;
* Template id
* @return int
public function get_templateid() {
return $this->templateid;
* Is this feedback open (check timeopen and timeclose)
* @return bool
public function is_open() {
$checktime = time();
return (!$this->feedback->timeopen || $this->feedback->timeopen <= $checktime) &&
(!$this->feedback->timeclose || $this->feedback->timeclose >= $checktime);
* Get all items in this feedback or this template
* @param bool $hasvalueonly only count items with a value.
* @return array of objects from feedback_item with an additional attribute 'itemnr'
public function get_items($hasvalueonly = false) {
global $DB;
if ($this->allitems === null) {
if ($this->templateid) {
$this->allitems = $DB->get_records('feedback_item', ['template' => $this->templateid], 'position');
} else {
$this->allitems = $DB->get_records('feedback_item', ['feedback' => $this->feedback->id], 'position');
$idx = 1;
foreach ($this->allitems as $id => $item) {
$this->allitems[$id]->itemnr = $item->hasvalue ? ($idx++) : null;
if ($hasvalueonly && $this->allitems) {
return array_filter($this->allitems, function($item) {
return $item->hasvalue;
return $this->allitems;
* Is the items list empty?
* @return bool
public function is_empty() {
$items = $this->get_items();
$displayeditems = array_filter($items, function($item) {
return $item->typ !== 'pagebreak';
return !$displayeditems;
* Is this feedback anonymous?
* @return bool
public function is_anonymous() {
return $this->feedback->anonymous == FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_YES;
* Returns the formatted text of the page after submit or null if it is not set
* @return string|null
public function page_after_submit() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
$pageaftersubmit = $this->get_feedback()->page_after_submit;
if (empty($pageaftersubmit)) {
return null;
$pageaftersubmitformat = $this->get_feedback()->page_after_submitformat;
$context = context_module::instance($this->get_cm()->id);
$output = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($pageaftersubmit,
'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'mod_feedback', 'page_after_submit', 0);
return format_text($output, $pageaftersubmitformat, array('overflowdiv' => true));
* Checks if current user is able to view feedback on this course.
* @return bool
public function can_view_analysis() {
global $USER;
$context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
if (has_capability('mod/feedback:viewreports', $context, $this->userid)) {
return true;
if (intval($this->get_feedback()->publish_stats) != 1 ||
!has_capability('mod/feedback:viewanalysepage', $context, $this->userid)) {
return false;
if ((!isloggedin() && $USER->id == $this->userid) || isguestuser($this->userid)) {
// There is no tracking for the guests, assume that they can view analysis if condition above is satisfied.
return $this->feedback->course == SITEID;
return $this->is_already_submitted(true);
* check for multiple_submit = false.
* if the feedback is global so the courseid must be given
* @param bool $anycourseid if true checks if this feedback was submitted in any course, otherwise checks $this->courseid .
* Applicable to frontpage feedbacks only
* @return bool true if the feedback already is submitted otherwise false
public function is_already_submitted($anycourseid = false) {
global $DB, $USER;
if ((!isloggedin() && $USER->id == $this->userid) || isguestuser($this->userid)) {
return false;
$params = array('userid' => $this->userid, 'feedback' => $this->feedback->id);
if (!$anycourseid && $this->courseid) {
$params['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
return $DB->record_exists('feedback_completed', $params);
* Check whether the feedback is mapped to the given courseid.
public function check_course_is_mapped() {
global $DB;
if ($this->feedback->course != SITEID) {
return true;
if ($DB->get_records('feedback_sitecourse_map', array('feedbackid' => $this->feedback->id))) {
$params = array('feedbackid' => $this->feedback->id, 'courseid' => $this->courseid);
if (!$DB->get_record('feedback_sitecourse_map', $params)) {
return false;
// No mapping means any course is mapped.
return true;
* If there are any new responses to the anonymous feedback, re-shuffle all
* responses and assign response number to each of them.
public function shuffle_anonym_responses() {
global $DB;
$params = array('feedback' => $this->feedback->id,
'random_response' => 0,
'anonymous_response' => FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_YES);
if ($DB->count_records('feedback_completed', $params, 'random_response')) {
// Get all of the anonymous records, go through them and assign a response id.
$feedbackcompleteds = $DB->get_records('feedback_completed', $params, 'id');
$num = 1;
foreach ($feedbackcompleteds as $compl) {
$compl->random_response = $num++;
$DB->update_record('feedback_completed', $compl);
* Counts records from {feedback_completed} table for a given feedback
* If $groupid or $this->courseid is set, the records are filtered by the group/course
* @param int $groupid
* @return mixed array of found completeds otherwise false
public function count_completed_responses($groupid = 0) {
global $DB;
if (intval($groupid) > 0) {
FROM {feedback_completed} fbc, {groups_members} gm
WHERE = :feedback
AND gm.groupid = :groupid
AND fbc.userid = gm.userid";
} else if ($this->courseid) {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(
FROM {feedback_completed} fbc
WHERE = :feedback
AND fbc.courseid = :courseid";
} else {
$query = "SELECT COUNT( FROM {feedback_completed} fbc WHERE = :feedback";
$params = ['feedback' => $this->feedback->id, 'groupid' => $groupid, 'courseid' => $this->courseid];
return $DB->get_field_sql($query, $params);
* For the frontpage feedback returns the list of courses with at least one completed feedback
* @return array id=>name pairs of courses
public function get_completed_courses() {
global $DB;
if ($this->get_feedback()->course != SITEID) {
return [];
if ($this->allcourses !== null) {
return $this->allcourses;
$courseselect = "SELECT fbc.courseid
FROM {feedback_completed} fbc
WHERE = :feedbackid";
$ctxselect = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
$sql = 'SELECT, c.shortname, c.fullname, c.idnumber, c.visible, '. $ctxselect. '
FROM {course} c
JOIN {context} ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextcourse
WHERE IN ('. $courseselect.') ORDER BY c.sortorder';
$list = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, ['contextcourse' => CONTEXT_COURSE, 'feedbackid' => $this->get_feedback()->id]);
$this->allcourses = array();
foreach ($list as $course) {
if (!$course->visible &&
!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', context_course::instance($course->id), $this->userid)) {
// Do not return courses that current user can not see.
$label = get_course_display_name_for_list($course);
$this->allcourses[$course->id] = $label;
return $this->allcourses;