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3 years ago
@mod @mod_forum
Feature: Forum discussions can be split
In order to manage forum discussions in my course
As a Teacher
I need to be able to split threads to keep them on topic.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
| student1 | Student | 1 | |
| student2 | Student | 2 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Science 101 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Science 101" course homepage with editing mode on
And I add a "Forum" to section "1" and I fill the form with:
| Forum name | Study discussions |
| Forum type | Standard forum for general use |
| Description | Forum to discuss your coursework. |
And I add a new discussion to "Study discussions" forum with:
| Subject | Photosynethis discussion |
| Message | Lets discuss our learning about Photosynethis this week in this thread. |
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I am on "Science 101" course homepage
And I reply "Photosynethis discussion" post from "Study discussions" forum with:
| Message | Can anyone tell me which number is the mass number in the periodic table? |
And I log out
And I log in as "student2"
And I am on "Science 101" course homepage
And I follow "Study discussions"
And I follow "Photosynethis discussion"
And I click on "Reply" "link" in the "//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' forumpost ')][contains(., 'Can anyone tell me which number is the mass number in the periodic table?')]" "xpath_element"
And I wait to be redirected
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Message | I would also like to know this |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I log out
Scenario: Split a forum discussion
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Science 101" course homepage
And I follow "Study discussions"
And I follow "Photosynethis discussion"
When I follow "Split"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Discussion name | Mass number in periodic table |
And I press "Split"
Then I should see "Mass number in periodic table"
And I follow "Study discussions"
And I should see "Teacher 1" in the "Photosynethis" "table_row"
# Confirm that the last post author has been updated.
And I should not see "Student 2" in the "Photosynethis" "table_row"
# Confirm that the corrent author has been shown for the new split discussion.
And I should see "Student 1" in the "Mass number in periodic table" "table_row"
# Confirm that the last post author has been updated for the new discussion.
And I should see "Student 2" in the "Mass number in periodic table" "table_row"