You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
556 lines
20 KiB
556 lines
20 KiB
3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// (at your option) any later version.
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* Privacy provider tests.
* @package mod_quiz
* @copyright 2018 Andrew Nicols <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
use core_privacy\local\metadata\collection;
use core_privacy\local\request\deletion_criteria;
use core_privacy\local\request\writer;
use mod_quiz\privacy\provider;
use mod_quiz\privacy\helper;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/tests/privacy_helper.php');
* Privacy provider tests class.
* @package mod_quiz
* @copyright 2018 Andrew Nicols <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class mod_quiz_privacy_provider_testcase extends \core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase {
use core_question_privacy_helper;
* Test that a user who has no data gets no contexts
public function test_get_contexts_for_userid_no_data() {
global $USER;
$contextlist = provider::get_contexts_for_userid($USER->id);
* Test for provider::get_contexts_for_userid() when there is no quiz attempt at all.
public function test_get_contexts_for_userid_no_attempt_with_override() {
global $DB;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Make a quiz with an override.
$quiz = $this->create_test_quiz($course);
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', [
'quiz' => $quiz->id,
'userid' => $user->id,
'timeclose' => 1300,
'timelimit' => null,
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Fetch the contexts - only one context should be returned.
$contextlist = provider::get_contexts_for_userid($user->id);
$this->assertCount(1, $contextlist);
$this->assertEquals($context, $contextlist->current());
* The export function should handle an empty contextlist properly.
public function test_export_user_data_no_data() {
global $USER;
$approvedcontextlist = new \core_privacy\tests\request\approved_contextlist(
// No data should have been exported.
$writer = \core_privacy\local\request\writer::with_context(\context_system::instance());
* The delete function should handle an empty contextlist properly.
public function test_delete_data_for_user_no_data() {
global $USER;
$approvedcontextlist = new \core_privacy\tests\request\approved_contextlist(
* Export + Delete quiz data for a user who has made a single attempt.
public function test_user_with_data() {
global $DB;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Make a quiz with an override.
$quiz = $this->create_test_quiz($course);
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', [
'quiz' => $quiz->id,
'userid' => $user->id,
'timeclose' => 1300,
'timelimit' => null,
// Run as the user and make an attempt on the quiz.
list($quizobj, $quba, $attemptobj) = $this->attempt_quiz($quiz, $user);
$this->attempt_quiz($quiz, $otheruser);
$context = $quizobj->get_context();
// Fetch the contexts - only one context should be returned.
$contextlist = provider::get_contexts_for_userid($user->id);
$this->assertCount(1, $contextlist);
$this->assertEquals($context, $contextlist->current());
// Perform the export and check the data.
$approvedcontextlist = new \core_privacy\tests\request\approved_contextlist(
// Ensure that the quiz data was exported correctly.
$writer = writer::with_context($context);
$quizdata = $writer->get_data([]);
$this->assertEquals($quizobj->get_quiz_name(), $quizdata->name);
// Every module has an intro.
// Fetch the attempt data.
$attempt = $attemptobj->get_attempt();
$attemptsubcontext = [
get_string('attempts', 'mod_quiz'),
$attemptdata = writer::with_context($context)->get_data($attemptsubcontext);
$attempt = $attemptobj->get_attempt();
$this->assertEquals(\quiz_attempt::state_name($attemptobj->get_state()), $attemptdata->state);
$this->assertEquals(100.00, $attemptdata->grade->grade);
// Check that the exported question attempts are correct.
$attemptsubcontext = helper::get_quiz_attempt_subcontext($attemptobj->get_attempt(), $user);
quiz_get_review_options($quiz, $attemptobj->get_attempt(), $context),
// Delete the data and check it is removed.
* Export + Delete quiz data for a user who has made a single attempt.
public function test_user_with_preview() {
global $DB;
// Make a quiz.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance([
'course' => $course->id,
'questionsperpage' => 0,
'grade' => 100.0,
'sumgrades' => 2,
// Create a couple of questions.
$questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question');
$cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category();
$saq = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $cat->id));
quiz_add_quiz_question($saq->id, $quiz);
$numq = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, array('category' => $cat->id));
quiz_add_quiz_question($numq->id, $quiz);
// Run as the user and make an attempt on the quiz.
$starttime = time();
$quizobj = quiz::create($quiz->id, $user->id);
$context = $quizobj->get_context();
$quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context());
// Start the attempt.
$attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 1, false, $starttime, true, $user->id);
quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $starttime);
quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt);
// Answer the questions.
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id);
$tosubmit = [
1 => ['answer' => 'frog'],
2 => ['answer' => '3.14'],
$attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($starttime, false, $tosubmit);
// Finish the attempt.
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id);
$attemptobj->process_finish($starttime, false);
// Fetch the contexts - no context should be returned.
$contextlist = provider::get_contexts_for_userid($user->id);
$this->assertCount(0, $contextlist);
* Export + Delete quiz data for a user who has made a single attempt.
public function test_delete_data_for_all_users_in_context() {
global $DB;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Make a quiz with an override.
$quiz = $this->create_test_quiz($course);
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', [
'quiz' => $quiz->id,
'userid' => $user->id,
'timeclose' => 1300,
'timelimit' => null,
// Run as the user and make an attempt on the quiz.
list($quizobj, $quba, $attemptobj) = $this->attempt_quiz($quiz, $user);
list($quizobj, $quba, $attemptobj) = $this->attempt_quiz($quiz, $otheruser);
// Create another quiz and questions, and repeat the data insertion.
$otherquiz = $this->create_test_quiz($course);
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', [
'quiz' => $otherquiz->id,
'userid' => $user->id,
'timeclose' => 1300,
'timelimit' => null,
// Run as the user and make an attempt on the quiz.
list($otherquizobj, $otherquba, $otherattemptobj) = $this->attempt_quiz($otherquiz, $user);
list($otherquizobj, $otherquba, $otherattemptobj) = $this->attempt_quiz($otherquiz, $otheruser);
// Delete all data for all users in the context under test.
$context = $quizobj->get_context();
// The quiz attempt should have been deleted from this quiz.
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('quiz_attempts', ['quiz' => $quizobj->get_quizid()]));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('quiz_overrides', ['quiz' => $quizobj->get_quizid()]));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('question_attempts', ['questionusageid' => $quba->get_id()]));
// But not for the other quiz.
$this->assertNotCount(0, $DB->get_records('quiz_attempts', ['quiz' => $otherquizobj->get_quizid()]));
$this->assertNotCount(0, $DB->get_records('quiz_overrides', ['quiz' => $otherquizobj->get_quizid()]));
$this->assertNotCount(0, $DB->get_records('question_attempts', ['questionusageid' => $otherquba->get_id()]));
* Export + Delete quiz data for a user who has made a single attempt.
public function test_wrong_context() {
global $DB;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Make a choice.
$plugingenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_choice');
$choice = $plugingenerator->create_instance(['course' => $course->id]);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('choice', $choice->id);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Fetch the contexts - no context should be returned.
$contextlist = provider::get_contexts_for_userid($user->id);
$this->assertCount(0, $contextlist);
// Perform the export and check the data.
$approvedcontextlist = new \core_privacy\tests\request\approved_contextlist(
// Ensure that nothing was exported.
$writer = writer::with_context($context);
$dbwrites = $DB->perf_get_writes();
// Perform a deletion with the approved contextlist containing an incorrect context.
$approvedcontextlist = new \core_privacy\tests\request\approved_contextlist(
$this->assertEquals($dbwrites, $DB->perf_get_writes());
// Perform a deletion of all data in the context.
$this->assertEquals($dbwrites, $DB->perf_get_writes());
* Create a test quiz for the specified course.
* @param \stdClass $course
* @return array
protected function create_test_quiz($course) {
global $DB;
$quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance([
'course' => $course->id,
'questionsperpage' => 0,
'grade' => 100.0,
'sumgrades' => 2,
// Create a couple of questions.
$questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question');
$cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category();
$saq = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $cat->id));
quiz_add_quiz_question($saq->id, $quiz);
$numq = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, array('category' => $cat->id));
quiz_add_quiz_question($numq->id, $quiz);
return $quiz;
* Answer questions for a quiz + user.
* @param \stdClass $quiz
* @param \stdClass $user
* @return array
protected function attempt_quiz($quiz, $user) {
$starttime = time();
$quizobj = quiz::create($quiz->id, $user->id);
$context = $quizobj->get_context();
$quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context());
// Start the attempt.
$attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 1, false, $starttime, false, $user->id);
quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $starttime);
quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt);
// Answer the questions.
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id);
$tosubmit = [
1 => ['answer' => 'frog'],
2 => ['answer' => '3.14'],
$attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($starttime, false, $tosubmit);
// Finish the attempt.
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id);
$attemptobj->process_finish($starttime, false);
return [$quizobj, $quba, $attemptobj];
* Test for provider::get_users_in_context().
public function test_get_users_in_context() {
global $DB;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$anotheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$extrauser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Make a quiz.
$quiz = $this->create_test_quiz($course);
// Create an override for user1.
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', [
'quiz' => $quiz->id,
'userid' => $user->id,
'timeclose' => 1300,
'timelimit' => null,
// Make an attempt on the quiz as user2.
list($quizobj, $quba, $attemptobj) = $this->attempt_quiz($quiz, $anotheruser);
$context = $quizobj->get_context();
// Fetch users - user1 and user2 should be returned.
$userlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\userlist($context, 'mod_quiz');
[$user->id, $anotheruser->id],
'', 0.0, 10, true);
* Test for provider::delete_data_for_users().
public function test_delete_data_for_users() {
global $DB;
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
// Make a quiz in each course.
$quiz1 = $this->create_test_quiz($course1);
$quiz2 = $this->create_test_quiz($course2);
// Attempt quiz1 as user1 and user2.
list($quiz1obj) = $this->attempt_quiz($quiz1, $user1);
$this->attempt_quiz($quiz1, $user2);
// Create an override in quiz1 for user3.
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', [
'quiz' => $quiz1->id,
'userid' => $user3->id,
'timeclose' => 1300,
'timelimit' => null,
// Attempt quiz2 as user1.
$this->attempt_quiz($quiz2, $user1);
// Delete the data for user1 and user3 in course1 and check it is removed.
$quiz1context = $quiz1obj->get_context();
$approveduserlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist($quiz1context, 'mod_quiz',
[$user1->id, $user3->id]);
// Only the attempt of user2 should be remained in quiz1.
$DB->get_fieldset_select('quiz_attempts', 'userid', 'quiz = ?', [$quiz1->id])
// The attempt that user1 made in quiz2 should be remained.
$DB->get_fieldset_select('quiz_attempts', 'userid', 'quiz = ?', [$quiz2->id])
// The quiz override in quiz1 that we had for user3 should be deleted.
$DB->get_fieldset_select('quiz_overrides', 'userid', 'quiz = ?', [$quiz1->id])