You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1421 lines
53 KiB
1421 lines
53 KiB
3 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Solr engine.
* @package search_solr
* @copyright 2015 Daniel Neis Araujo
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace search_solr;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Solr engine.
* @package search_solr
* @copyright 2015 Daniel Neis Araujo
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class engine extends \core_search\engine {
* @var string The date format used by solr.
const DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z';
* @var int Commit documents interval (number of miliseconds).
const AUTOCOMMIT_WITHIN = 15000;
* The maximum number of results to fetch at a time.
const QUERY_SIZE = 120;
* Highlighting fragsize. Slightly larger than output size (500) to allow for ... appending.
const FRAG_SIZE = 510;
* Marker for the start of a highlight.
const HIGHLIGHT_START = '@@HI_S@@';
* Marker for the end of a highlight.
const HIGHLIGHT_END = '@@HI_E@@';
/** @var float Boost value for matching course in location-ordered searches */
const COURSE_BOOST = 1;
/** @var float Boost value for matching context (in addition to course boost) */
const CONTEXT_BOOST = 0.5;
* @var \SolrClient
protected $client = null;
* @var bool True if we should reuse SolrClients, false if not.
protected $cacheclient = true;
* @var \curl Direct curl object.
protected $curl = null;
* @var array Fields that can be highlighted.
protected $highlightfields = array('title', 'content', 'description1', 'description2');
* @var int Number of total docs reported by Sorl for the last query.
protected $totalenginedocs = 0;
* @var int Number of docs we have processed for the last query.
protected $processeddocs = 0;
* @var int Number of docs that have been skipped while processing the last query.
protected $skippeddocs = 0;
* Solr server major version.
* @var int
protected $solrmajorversion = null;
* Initialises the search engine configuration.
* @return void
public function __construct() {
$curlversion = curl_version();
if (isset($curlversion['version']) && stripos($curlversion['version'], '7.35.') === 0) {
// There is a flaw with curl 7.35.0 that causes problems with client reuse.
$this->cacheclient = false;
* Prepares a Solr query, applies filters and executes it returning its results.
* @throws \core_search\engine_exception
* @param \stdClass $filters Containing query and filters.
* @param \stdClass $accessinfo Information about areas user can access.
* @param int $limit The maximum number of results to return.
* @return \core_search\document[] Results or false if no results
public function execute_query($filters, $accessinfo, $limit = 0) {
global $USER;
if (empty($limit)) {
$limit = \core_search\manager::MAX_RESULTS;
// If there is any problem we trigger the exception as soon as possible.
$client = $this->get_search_client();
// Create the query object.
$query = $this->create_user_query($filters, $accessinfo);
// If the query cannot have results, return none.
if (!$query) {
return [];
// We expect good match rates, so for our first get, we will get a small number of records.
// This significantly speeds solr response time for first few pages.
$query->setRows(min($limit * 3, static::QUERY_SIZE));
$response = $this->get_query_response($query);
// Get count data out of the response, and reset our counters.
list($included, $found) = $this->get_response_counts($response);
$this->totalenginedocs = $found;
$this->processeddocs = 0;
$this->skippeddocs = 0;
if ($included == 0 || $this->totalenginedocs == 0) {
// No results.
return array();
// Get valid documents out of the response.
$results = $this->process_response($response, $limit);
// We have processed all the docs in the response at this point.
$this->processeddocs += $included;
// If we haven't reached the limit, and there are more docs left in Solr, lets keep trying.
while (count($results) < $limit && ($this->totalenginedocs - $this->processeddocs) > 0) {
// Offset the start of the query, and since we are making another call, get more per call.
$response = $this->get_query_response($query);
list($included, $found) = $this->get_response_counts($response);
if ($included == 0 || $found == 0) {
// No new results were found. Found being empty would be weird, so we will just return.
return $results;
$this->totalenginedocs = $found;
// Get the new response docs, limiting to remaining we need, then add it to the end of the results array.
$newdocs = $this->process_response($response, $limit - count($results));
$results = array_merge($results, $newdocs);
// Add to our processed docs count.
$this->processeddocs += $included;
return $results;
* Takes a query and returns the response in SolrObject format.
* @param SolrQuery $query Solr query object.
* @return SolrObject|false Response document or false on error.
protected function get_query_response($query) {
try {
return $this->get_search_client()->query($query)->getResponse();
} catch (\SolrClientException $ex) {
debugging('Error executing the provided query: ' . $ex->getMessage(), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->queryerror = $ex->getMessage();
return false;
} catch (\SolrServerException $ex) {
debugging('Error executing the provided query: ' . $ex->getMessage(), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->queryerror = $ex->getMessage();
return false;
* Returns the total number of documents available for the most recently call to execute_query.
* @return int
public function get_query_total_count() {
// Return the total engine count minus the docs we have determined are bad.
return $this->totalenginedocs - $this->skippeddocs;
* Returns count information for a provided response. Will return 0, 0 for invalid or empty responses.
* @param SolrDocument $response The response document from Solr.
* @return array A two part array. First how many response docs are in the response.
* Second, how many results are vailable in the engine.
protected function get_response_counts($response) {
$found = 0;
$included = 0;
if (isset($response->grouped->solr_filegroupingid->ngroups)) {
// Get the number of results for file grouped queries.
$found = $response->grouped->solr_filegroupingid->ngroups;
$included = count($response->grouped->solr_filegroupingid->groups);
} else if (isset($response->response->numFound)) {
// Get the number of results for standard queries.
$found = $response->response->numFound;
if ($found > 0 && is_array($response->response->docs)) {
$included = count($response->response->docs);
return array($included, $found);
* Prepares a new query object with needed limits, filters, etc.
* @param \stdClass $filters Containing query and filters.
* @param \stdClass $accessinfo Information about contexts the user can access
* @return \SolrDisMaxQuery|null Query object or null if they can't get any results
protected function create_user_query($filters, $accessinfo) {
global $USER;
// Let's keep these changes internal.
$data = clone $filters;
$query = new \SolrDisMaxQuery();
$this->set_query($query, $data->q);
// Search filters applied, we don't cache these filters as we don't want to pollute the cache with tmp filters
// we are really interested in caching contexts filters instead.
if (!empty($data->title)) {
$query->addFilterQuery('{!field cache=false f=title}' . $data->title);
if (!empty($data->areaids)) {
// If areaids are specified, we want to get any that match.
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}areaid:(' . implode(' OR ', $data->areaids) . ')');
if (!empty($data->courseids)) {
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}courseid:(' . implode(' OR ', $data->courseids) . ')');
if (!empty($data->groupids)) {
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}groupid:(' . implode(' OR ', $data->groupids) . ')');
if (!empty($data->userids)) {
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}userid:(' . implode(' OR ', $data->userids) . ')');
if (!empty($data->timestart) or !empty($data->timeend)) {
if (empty($data->timestart)) {
$data->timestart = '*';
} else {
$data->timestart = \search_solr\document::format_time_for_engine($data->timestart);
if (empty($data->timeend)) {
$data->timeend = '*';
} else {
$data->timeend = \search_solr\document::format_time_for_engine($data->timeend);
// No cache.
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}modified:[' . $data->timestart . ' TO ' . $data->timeend . ']');
// Restrict to users who are supposed to be able to see a particular result.
$query->addFilterQuery('owneruserid:(' . \core_search\manager::NO_OWNER_ID . ' OR ' . $USER->id . ')');
// And finally restrict it to the context where the user can access, we want this one cached.
// If the user can access all contexts $usercontexts value is just true, we don't need to filter
// in that case.
if (!$accessinfo->everything && is_array($accessinfo->usercontexts)) {
// Join all area contexts into a single array and implode.
$allcontexts = array();
foreach ($accessinfo->usercontexts as $areaid => $areacontexts) {
if (!empty($data->areaids) && !in_array($areaid, $data->areaids)) {
// Skip unused areas.
foreach ($areacontexts as $contextid) {
// Ensure they are unique.
$allcontexts[$contextid] = $contextid;
if (empty($allcontexts)) {
// This means there are no valid contexts for them, so they get no results.
return null;
$query->addFilterQuery('contextid:(' . implode(' OR ', $allcontexts) . ')');
if (!$accessinfo->everything && $accessinfo->separategroupscontexts) {
// Add another restriction to handle group ids. If there are any contexts using separate
// groups, then results in that context will not show unless you belong to the group.
// (Note: Access all groups is taken care of earlier, when computing these arrays.)
// This special exceptions list allows for particularly pig-headed developers to create
// multiple search areas within the same module, where one of them uses separate
// groups and the other uses visible groups. It is a little inefficient, but this should
// be rare.
$exceptions = '';
if ($accessinfo->visiblegroupscontextsareas) {
foreach ($accessinfo->visiblegroupscontextsareas as $contextid => $areaids) {
$exceptions .= ' OR (contextid:' . $contextid . ' AND areaid:(' .
implode(' OR ', $areaids) . '))';
if ($accessinfo->usergroups) {
// Either the document has no groupid, or the groupid is one that the user
// belongs to, or the context is not one of the separate groups contexts.
$query->addFilterQuery('(*:* -groupid:[* TO *]) OR ' .
'groupid:(' . implode(' OR ', $accessinfo->usergroups) . ') OR ' .
'(*:* -contextid:(' . implode(' OR ', $accessinfo->separategroupscontexts) . '))' .
} else {
// Either the document has no groupid, or the context is not a restricted one.
$query->addFilterQuery('(*:* -groupid:[* TO *]) OR ' .
'(*:* -contextid:(' . implode(' OR ', $accessinfo->separategroupscontexts) . '))' .
if ($this->file_indexing_enabled()) {
// Now group records by solr_filegroupingid. Limit to 3 results per group.
} else {
// Make sure we only get text files, in case the index has pre-existing files.
// If ordering by location, add in boost for the relevant course or context ids.
if (!empty($filters->order) && $filters->order === 'location') {
$coursecontext = $filters->context->get_course_context();
$query->addBoostQuery('courseid', $coursecontext->instanceid, self::COURSE_BOOST);
if ($filters->context->contextlevel !== CONTEXT_COURSE) {
// If it's a block or activity, also add a boost for the specific context id.
$query->addBoostQuery('contextid', $filters->context->id, self::CONTEXT_BOOST);
return $query;
* Prepares a new query by setting the query, start offset and rows to return.
* @param SolrQuery $query
* @param object $q Containing query and filters.
protected function set_query($query, $q) {
// Set hightlighting.
foreach ($this->highlightfields as $field) {
// A reasonable max.
* Sets fields to be returned in the result.
* @param SolrDisMaxQuery|SolrQuery $query object.
public function add_fields($query) {
$documentclass = $this->get_document_classname();
$fields = $documentclass::get_default_fields_definition();
$dismax = false;
if ($query instanceof \SolrDisMaxQuery) {
$dismax = true;
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
if ($dismax && !empty($field['mainquery'])) {
// Add fields the main query should be run against.
* Finds the key common to both highlighing and docs array returned from response.
* @param object $response containing results.
public function add_highlight_content($response) {
if (!isset($response->highlighting)) {
// There is no highlighting to add.
$highlightedobject = $response->highlighting;
foreach ($response->response->docs as $doc) {
$x = $doc->id;
$highlighteddoc = $highlightedobject->$x;
$this->merge_highlight_field_values($doc, $highlighteddoc);
* Adds the highlighting array values to docs array values.
* @throws \core_search\engine_exception
* @param object $doc containing the results.
* @param object $highlighteddoc containing the highlighted results values.
public function merge_highlight_field_values($doc, $highlighteddoc) {
foreach ($this->highlightfields as $field) {
if (!empty($doc->$field)) {
// Check that the returned value is not an array. No way we can make this work with multivalued solr fields.
if (is_array($doc->{$field})) {
throw new \core_search\engine_exception('multivaluedfield', 'search_solr', '', $field);
if (!empty($highlighteddoc->$field)) {
// Replace by the highlighted result.
$doc->$field = reset($highlighteddoc->$field);
* Filters the response on Moodle side.
* @param SolrObject $response Solr object containing the response return from solr server.
* @param int $limit The maximum number of results to return. 0 for all.
* @param bool $skipaccesscheck Don't use check_access() on results. Only to be used when results have known access.
* @return array $results containing final results to be displayed.
protected function process_response($response, $limit = 0, $skipaccesscheck = false) {
global $USER;
if (empty($response)) {
return array();
if (isset($response->grouped)) {
return $this->grouped_files_process_response($response, $limit);
$userid = $USER->id;
$noownerid = \core_search\manager::NO_OWNER_ID;
$numgranted = 0;
if (!$docs = $response->response->docs) {
return array();
$out = array();
if (!empty($response->response->numFound)) {
// Iterate through the results checking its availability and whether they are available for the user or not.
foreach ($docs as $key => $docdata) {
if ($docdata['owneruserid'] != $noownerid && $docdata['owneruserid'] != $userid) {
// If owneruserid is set, no other user should be able to access this record.
if (!$searcharea = $this->get_search_area($docdata->areaid)) {
$docdata = $this->standarize_solr_obj($docdata);
if ($skipaccesscheck) {
$access = \core_search\manager::ACCESS_GRANTED;
} else {
$access = $searcharea->check_access($docdata['itemid']);
switch ($access) {
case \core_search\manager::ACCESS_DELETED:
// Remove one from our processed and total counters, since we promptly deleted.
case \core_search\manager::ACCESS_DENIED:
case \core_search\manager::ACCESS_GRANTED:
// Add the doc.
$out[] = $this->to_document($searcharea, $docdata);
// Stop when we hit our limit.
if (!empty($limit) && count($out) >= $limit) {
return $out;
* Processes grouped file results into documents, with attached matching files.
* @param SolrObject $response The response returned from solr server
* @param int $limit The maximum number of results to return. 0 for all.
* @return array Final results to be displayed.
protected function grouped_files_process_response($response, $limit = 0) {
// If we can't find the grouping, or there are no matches in the grouping, return empty.
if (!isset($response->grouped->solr_filegroupingid) || empty($response->grouped->solr_filegroupingid->matches)) {
return array();
$numgranted = 0;
$orderedids = array();
$completedocs = array();
$incompletedocs = array();
$highlightingobj = $response->highlighting;
// Each group represents a "master document".
$groups = $response->grouped->solr_filegroupingid->groups;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groupid = $group->groupValue;
$groupdocs = $group->doclist->docs;
$firstdoc = reset($groupdocs);
if (!$searcharea = $this->get_search_area($firstdoc->areaid)) {
// Well, this is a problem.
// Check for access.
$access = $searcharea->check_access($firstdoc->itemid);
switch ($access) {
case \core_search\manager::ACCESS_DELETED:
// If deleted from Moodle, delete from index and then continue.
// Remove one from our processed and total counters, since we promptly deleted.
continue 2;
case \core_search\manager::ACCESS_DENIED:
// This means we should just skip for the current user.
continue 2;
$maindoc = false;
$fileids = array();
// Seperate the main document and any files returned.
foreach ($groupdocs as $groupdoc) {
if ($groupdoc->id == $groupid) {
$maindoc = $groupdoc;
} else if (isset($groupdoc->solr_fileid)) {
$fileids[] = $groupdoc->solr_fileid;
// Store the id of this group, in order, for later merging.
$orderedids[] = $groupid;
if (!$maindoc) {
// We don't have the main doc, store what we know for later building.
$incompletedocs[$groupid] = $fileids;
} else {
if (isset($highlightingobj->$groupid)) {
// Merge the highlighting for this doc.
$this->merge_highlight_field_values($maindoc, $highlightingobj->$groupid);
$docdata = $this->standarize_solr_obj($maindoc);
$doc = $this->to_document($searcharea, $docdata);
// Now we need to attach the result files to the doc.
foreach ($fileids as $fileid) {
$completedocs[$groupid] = $doc;
if (!empty($limit) && $numgranted >= $limit) {
// We have hit the max results, we will just ignore the rest.
$incompletedocs = $this->get_missing_docs($incompletedocs);
$out = array();
// Now merge the complete and incomplete documents, in results order.
foreach ($orderedids as $docid) {
if (isset($completedocs[$docid])) {
$out[] = $completedocs[$docid];
} else if (isset($incompletedocs[$docid])) {
$out[] = $incompletedocs[$docid];
return $out;
* Retreive any missing main documents and attach provided files.
* The missingdocs array should be an array, indexed by document id, of main documents we need to retrieve. The value
* associated to the key should be an array of stored_files or stored file ids to attach to the result document.
* Return array also indexed by document id.
* @param array() $missingdocs An array, indexed by document id, with arrays of files/ids to attach.
* @return document[]
protected function get_missing_docs($missingdocs) {
if (empty($missingdocs)) {
return array();
$docids = array_keys($missingdocs);
// Build a custom query that will get all the missing documents.
$query = new \SolrQuery();
$this->set_query($query, '*');
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}id:(' . implode(' OR ', $docids) . ')');
$response = $this->get_query_response($query);
// We know the missing docs have already been checked for access, so don't recheck.
$results = $this->process_response($response, 0, true);
$out = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$resultid = $result->get('id');
if (!isset($missingdocs[$resultid])) {
// We got a result we didn't expect. Skip it.
// Attach the files.
foreach ($missingdocs[$resultid] as $filedoc) {
$out[$resultid] = $result;
return $out;
* Returns a standard php array from a \SolrObject instance.
* @param \SolrObject $obj
* @return array The returned document as an array.
public function standarize_solr_obj(\SolrObject $obj) {
$properties = $obj->getPropertyNames();
$docdata = array();
foreach($properties as $name) {
$name = trim($name);
$docdata[$name] = $obj->offsetGet($name);
return $docdata;
* Adds a document to the search engine.
* This does not commit to the search engine.
* @param document $document
* @param bool $fileindexing True if file indexing is to be used
* @return bool
public function add_document($document, $fileindexing = false) {
$docdata = $document->export_for_engine();
if (!$this->add_solr_document($docdata)) {
return false;
if ($fileindexing) {
// This will take care of updating all attached files in the index.
return true;
* Adds a text document to the search engine.
* @param array $doc
* @return bool
protected function add_solr_document($doc) {
$solrdoc = new \SolrInputDocument();
foreach ($doc as $field => $value) {
$solrdoc->addField($field, $value);
try {
$result = $this->get_search_client()->addDocument($solrdoc, true, static::AUTOCOMMIT_WITHIN);
return true;
} catch (\SolrClientException $e) {
debugging('Solr client error adding document with id ' . $doc['id'] . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} catch (\SolrServerException $e) {
// We only use the first line of the message, as it's a fully java stacktrace behind it.
$msg = strtok($e->getMessage(), "\n");
debugging('Solr server error adding document with id ' . $doc['id'] . ': ' . $msg, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return false;
* Index files attached to the docuemnt, ensuring the index matches the current document files.
* For documents that aren't known to be new, we check the index for existing files.
* - New files we will add.
* - Existing and unchanged files we will skip.
* - File that are in the index but not on the document will be deleted from the index.
* - Files that have changed will be re-indexed.
* @param document $document
protected function process_document_files($document) {
if (!$this->file_indexing_enabled()) {
// Maximum rows to process at a time.
$rows = 500;
// Get the attached files.
$files = $document->get_files();
// If this isn't a new document, we need to check the exiting indexed files.
if (!$document->get_is_new()) {
// We do this progressively, so we can handle lots of files cleanly.
list($numfound, $indexedfiles) = $this->get_indexed_files($document, 0, $rows);
$count = 0;
$idstodelete = array();
do {
// Go through each indexed file. We want to not index any stored and unchanged ones, delete any missing ones.
foreach ($indexedfiles as $indexedfile) {
$fileid = $indexedfile->solr_fileid;
if (isset($files[$fileid])) {
// Check for changes that would mean we need to re-index the file. If so, just leave in $files.
// Filelib does not guarantee time modified is updated, so we will check important values.
if ($indexedfile->modified != $files[$fileid]->get_timemodified()) {
if (strcmp($indexedfile->title, $files[$fileid]->get_filename()) !== 0) {
if ($indexedfile->solr_filecontenthash != $files[$fileid]->get_contenthash()) {
if ($indexedfile->solr_fileindexstatus == document::INDEXED_FILE_FALSE &&
$this->file_is_indexable($files[$fileid])) {
// This means that the last time we indexed this file, filtering blocked it.
// Current settings say it is indexable, so we will allow it to be indexed.
// If the file is already indexed, we can just remove it from the files array and skip it.
} else {
// This means we have found a file that is no longer attached, so we need to delete from the index.
// We do it later, since this is progressive, and it could reorder results.
$idstodelete[] = $indexedfile->id;
$count += $rows;
if ($count < $numfound) {
// If we haven't hit the total count yet, fetch the next batch.
list($numfound, $indexedfiles) = $this->get_indexed_files($document, $count, $rows);
} while ($count < $numfound);
// Delete files that are no longer attached.
foreach ($idstodelete as $id) {
// We directly delete the item using the client, as the engine delete_by_id won't work on file docs.
// Now we can actually index all the remaining files.
foreach ($files as $file) {
$this->add_stored_file($document, $file);
* Get the currently indexed files for a particular document, returns the total count, and a subset of files.
* @param document $document
* @param int $start The row to start the results on. Zero indexed.
* @param int $rows The number of rows to fetch
* @return array A two element array, the first is the total number of availble results, the second is an array
* of documents for the current request.
protected function get_indexed_files($document, $start = 0, $rows = 500) {
// Build a custom query that will get any document files that are in our solr_filegroupingid.
$query = new \SolrQuery();
// We want to get all file records tied to a document.
// For efficiency, we are building our own, stripped down, query.
// We want a consistent sorting.
// We only want the bare minimum of fields.
$query->addFilterQuery('{!cache=false}solr_filegroupingid:(' . $document->get('id') . ')');
$query->addFilterQuery('type:' . \core_search\manager::TYPE_FILE);
$response = $this->get_query_response($query);
if (empty($response->response->numFound)) {
return array(0, array());
return array($response->response->numFound, $this->convert_file_results($response));
* A very lightweight handler for getting information about already indexed files from a Solr response.
* @param SolrObject $responsedoc A Solr response document
* @return stdClass[] An array of objects that contain the basic information for file processing.
protected function convert_file_results($responsedoc) {
if (!$docs = $responsedoc->response->docs) {
return array();
$out = array();
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
// Copy the bare minimim needed info.
$result = new \stdClass();
$result->id = $doc->id;
$result->modified = document::import_time_from_engine($doc->modified);
$result->title = $doc->title;
$result->solr_fileid = $doc->solr_fileid;
$result->solr_filecontenthash = $doc->solr_filecontenthash;
$result->solr_fileindexstatus = $doc->solr_fileindexstatus;
$out[] = $result;
return $out;
* Adds a file to the search engine.
* Notes about Solr and Tika indexing. We do not send the mime type, only the filename.
* Tika has much better content type detection than Moodle, and we will have many more doc failures
* if we try to send mime types.
* @param document $document
* @param \stored_file $storedfile
* @return void
protected function add_stored_file($document, $storedfile) {
$filedoc = $document->export_file_for_engine($storedfile);
if (!$this->file_is_indexable($storedfile)) {
// For files that we don't consider indexable, we will still place a reference in the search engine.
$filedoc['solr_fileindexstatus'] = document::INDEXED_FILE_FALSE;
$curl = $this->get_curl_object();
$url = $this->get_connection_url('/update/extract');
// Return results as XML.
$url->param('wt', 'xml');
// This will prevent solr from automatically making fields for every tika output.
$url->param('uprefix', 'ignored_');
// Control how content is captured. This will keep our file content clean of non-important metadata.
$url->param('captureAttr', 'true');
// Move the content to a field for indexing.
$url->param('fmap.content', 'solr_filecontent');
// These are common fields that matches the standard *_point dynamic field and causes an error.
$url->param('fmap.media_white_point', 'ignored_mwp');
$url->param('fmap.media_black_point', 'ignored_mbp');
// Copy each key to the url with literal.
// We place in a temp name then copy back to the true field, which prevents errors or Tika overwriting common field names.
foreach ($filedoc as $key => $value) {
// This will take any fields from tika that match our schema and discard them, so they don't overwrite ours.
$url->param('fmap.'.$key, 'ignored_'.$key);
// Place data in a tmp field.
$url->param('literal.mdltmp_'.$key, $value);
// Then move to the final field.
$url->param('fmap.mdltmp_'.$key, $key);
// This sets the true filename for Tika.
$url->param('', $storedfile->get_filename());
// A giant block of code that is really just error checking around the curl request.
try {
// Now actually do the request.
$result = $curl->post($url->out(false), array('myfile' => $storedfile));
$code = $curl->get_errno();
$info = $curl->get_info();
// Now error handling. It is just informational, since we aren't tracking per file/doc results.
if ($code != 0) {
// This means an internal cURL error occurred error is in result.
$message = 'Curl error '.$code.' while indexing file with document id '.$filedoc['id'].': '.$result.'.';
debugging($message, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} else if (isset($info['http_code']) && ($info['http_code'] !== 200)) {
// Unexpected HTTP response code.
$message = 'Error while indexing file with document id '.$filedoc['id'];
// Try to get error message out of msg or title if it exists.
if (preg_match('|<str [^>]*name="msg"[^>]*>(.*?)</str>|i', $result, $matches)) {
$message .= ': '.$matches[1];
} else if (preg_match('|<title[^>]*>([^>]*)</title>|i', $result, $matches)) {
$message .= ': '.$matches[1];
// This is a common error, happening whenever a file fails to index for any reason, so we will make it quieter.
} else {
// Check for the expected status field.
if (preg_match('|<int [^>]*name="status"[^>]*>(\d*)</int>|i', $result, $matches)) {
// Now check for the expected status of 0, if not, error.
if ((int)$matches[1] !== 0) {
$message = 'Unexpected Solr status code '.(int)$matches[1];
$message .= ' while indexing file with document id '.$filedoc['id'].'.';
debugging($message, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} else {
// The document was successfully indexed.
} else {
// We received an unprocessable response.
$message = 'Unexpected Solr response while indexing file with document id '.$filedoc['id'].': ';
$message .= strtok($result, "\n");
debugging($message, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// There was an error, but we are not tracking per-file success, so we just continue on.
debugging('Unknown exception while indexing file "'.$storedfile->get_filename().'".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
// If we get here, the document was not indexed due to an error. So we will index just the base info without the file.
$filedoc['solr_fileindexstatus'] = document::INDEXED_FILE_ERROR;
* Checks to see if a passed file is indexable.
* @param \stored_file $file The file to check
* @return bool True if the file can be indexed
protected function file_is_indexable($file) {
if (!empty($this->config->maxindexfilekb) && ($file->get_filesize() > ($this->config->maxindexfilekb * 1024))) {
// The file is too big to index.
return false;
$mime = $file->get_mimetype();
if ($mime == 'application/vnd.moodle.backup') {
// We don't index Moodle backup files. There is nothing usefully indexable in them.
return false;
return true;
* Commits all pending changes.
* @return void
protected function commit() {
* Do any area cleanup needed, and do anything to confirm contents.
* Return false to prevent the search area completed time and stats from being updated.
* @param \core_search\base $searcharea The search area that was complete
* @param int $numdocs The number of documents that were added to the index
* @param bool $fullindex True if a full index is being performed
* @return bool True means that data is considered indexed
public function area_index_complete($searcharea, $numdocs = 0, $fullindex = false) {
return true;
* Return true if file indexing is supported and enabled. False otherwise.
* @return bool
public function file_indexing_enabled() {
return (bool)$this->config->fileindexing;
* Defragments the index.
* @return void
public function optimize() {
$this->get_search_client()->optimize(1, true, false);
* Deletes the specified document.
* @param string $id The document id to delete
* @return void
public function delete_by_id($id) {
// We need to make sure we delete the item and all related files, which can be done with solr_filegroupingid.
$this->get_search_client()->deleteByQuery('solr_filegroupingid:' . $id);
* Delete all area's documents.
* @param string $areaid
* @return void
public function delete($areaid = null) {
if ($areaid) {
$this->get_search_client()->deleteByQuery('areaid:' . $areaid);
} else {
* Pings the Solr server using search_solr config
* @return true|string Returns true if all good or an error string.
public function is_server_ready() {
$configured = $this->is_server_configured();
if ($configured !== true) {
return $configured;
// As part of the above we have already checked that we can contact the server. For pages
// where performance is important, we skip doing a full schema check as well.
if ($this->should_skip_schema_check()) {
return true;
// Update schema if required/possible.
$schemalatest = $this->check_latest_schema();
if ($schemalatest !== true) {
return $schemalatest;
// Check that the schema is already set up.
try {
$schema = new \search_solr\schema();
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return true;
* Is the solr server properly configured?.
* @return true|string Returns true if all good or an error string.
public function is_server_configured() {
if (empty($this->config->server_hostname) || empty($this->config->indexname)) {
return 'No solr configuration found';
if (!$client = $this->get_search_client(false)) {
return get_string('engineserverstatus', 'search');
try {
if ($this->get_solr_major_version() < 4) {
// Minimum solr 4.0.
return get_string('minimumsolr4', 'search_solr');
} catch (\SolrClientException $ex) {
debugging('Solr client error: ' . html_to_text($ex->getMessage()), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return get_string('engineserverstatus', 'search');
} catch (\SolrServerException $ex) {
debugging('Solr server error: ' . html_to_text($ex->getMessage()), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return get_string('engineserverstatus', 'search');
return true;
* Returns the solr server major version.
* @return int
public function get_solr_major_version() {
if ($this->solrmajorversion !== null) {
return $this->solrmajorversion;
// We should really ping first the server to see if the specified indexname is valid but
// we want to minimise solr server requests as they are expensive. system() emits a warning
// if it can not connect to the configured index in the configured server.
$systemdata = @$this->get_search_client()->system();
$solrversion = $systemdata->getResponse()->offsetGet('lucene')->offsetGet('solr-spec-version');
$this->solrmajorversion = intval(substr($solrversion, 0, strpos($solrversion, '.')));
return $this->solrmajorversion;
* Checks if the PHP Solr extension is available.
* @return bool
public function is_installed() {
return function_exists('solr_get_version');
* Returns the solr client instance.
* We don't reuse SolrClient if we are on libcurl 7.35.0, due to a bug in that version of curl.
* @throws \core_search\engine_exception
* @param bool $triggerexception
* @return \SolrClient
protected function get_search_client($triggerexception = true) {
global $CFG;
// Type comparison as it is set to false if not available.
if ($this->client !== null) {
return $this->client;
$options = array(
'hostname' => $this->config->server_hostname,
'path' => '/solr/' . $this->config->indexname,
'login' => !empty($this->config->server_username) ? $this->config->server_username : '',
'password' => !empty($this->config->server_password) ? $this->config->server_password : '',
'port' => !empty($this->config->server_port) ? $this->config->server_port : '',
'secure' => !empty($this->config->secure) ? true : false,
'ssl_cert' => !empty($this->config->ssl_cert) ? $this->config->ssl_cert : '',
'ssl_key' => !empty($this->config->ssl_key) ? $this->config->ssl_key : '',
'ssl_keypassword' => !empty($this->config->ssl_keypassword) ? $this->config->ssl_keypassword : '',
'ssl_cainfo' => !empty($this->config->ssl_cainfo) ? $this->config->ssl_cainfo : '',
'ssl_capath' => !empty($this->config->ssl_capath) ? $this->config->ssl_capath : '',
'timeout' => !empty($this->config->server_timeout) ? $this->config->server_timeout : '30'
if ($CFG->proxyhost && !is_proxybypass('http://' . $this->config->server_hostname . '/')) {
$options['proxy_host'] = $CFG->proxyhost;
if (!empty($CFG->proxyport)) {
$options['proxy_port'] = $CFG->proxyport;
if (!empty($CFG->proxyuser) && !empty($CFG->proxypassword)) {
$options['proxy_login'] = $CFG->proxyuser;
$options['proxy_password'] = $CFG->proxypassword;
if (!class_exists('\SolrClient')) {
throw new \core_search\engine_exception('enginenotinstalled', 'search', '', 'solr');
$client = new \SolrClient($options);
if ($client === false && $triggerexception) {
throw new \core_search\engine_exception('engineserverstatus', 'search');
if ($this->cacheclient) {
$this->client = $client;
return $client;
* Returns a curl object for conntecting to solr.
* @return \curl
public function get_curl_object() {
if (!is_null($this->curl)) {
return $this->curl;
// Connection to Solr is allowed to use 'localhost' and other potentially blocked hosts/ports.
$this->curl = new \curl(['ignoresecurity' => true]);
$options = array();
// Build the SSL options. Based on pecl-solr and general testing.
if (!empty($this->config->secure)) {
if (!empty($this->config->ssl_cert)) {
$options['CURLOPT_SSLCERT'] = $this->config->ssl_cert;
if (!empty($this->config->ssl_key)) {
$options['CURLOPT_SSLKEY'] = $this->config->ssl_key;
if (!empty($this->config->ssl_keypassword)) {
$options['CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD'] = $this->config->ssl_keypassword;
if (!empty($this->config->ssl_cainfo)) {
$options['CURLOPT_CAINFO'] = $this->config->ssl_cainfo;
if (!empty($this->config->ssl_capath)) {
$options['CURLOPT_CAPATH'] = $this->config->ssl_capath;
// Set timeout as for Solr client.
$options['CURLOPT_TIMEOUT'] = !empty($this->config->server_timeout) ? $this->config->server_timeout : '30';
if (!empty($this->config->server_username) && !empty($this->config->server_password)) {
$authorization = $this->config->server_username . ':' . $this->config->server_password;
$this->curl->setHeader('Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($authorization));
return $this->curl;
* Return a Moodle url object for the server connection.
* @param string $path The solr path to append.
* @return \moodle_url
public function get_connection_url($path) {
// Must use the proper protocol, or SSL will fail.
$protocol = !empty($this->config->secure) ? 'https' : 'http';
$url = $protocol . '://' . rtrim($this->config->server_hostname, '/');
if (!empty($this->config->server_port)) {
$url .= ':' . $this->config->server_port;
$url .= '/solr/' . $this->config->indexname . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');
return new \moodle_url($url);
* Solr includes group support in the execute_query function.
* @return bool True
public function supports_group_filtering() {
return true;
protected function update_schema($oldversion, $newversion) {
// Construct schema.
$schema = new schema();
$cansetup = $schema->can_setup_server();
if ($cansetup !== true) {
return $cansetup;
switch ($newversion) {
// This version just requires a setup call to add new fields.
case 2017091700:
$setup = true;
// If we don't know about the schema version we might not have implemented the
// change correctly, so return.
return get_string('schemaversionunknown', 'search');
if ($setup) {
return true;
* Solr supports sort by location within course contexts or below.
* @param \context $context Context that the user requested search from
* @return array Array from order name => display text
public function get_supported_orders(\context $context) {
$orders = parent::get_supported_orders($context);
// If not within a course, no other kind of sorting supported.
$coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false);
if ($coursecontext) {
// Within a course or activity/block, support sort by location.
$orders['location'] = get_string('order_location', 'search',
return $orders;
* Solr supports search by user id.
* @return bool True
public function supports_users() {
return true;