/** * Check for write permission for the selected plugin type * * @module moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck * @author David Mudrak */ YUI.add('moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck', function(Y) { M.tool_installaddon = M.tool_installaddon || {}; /** * @class permcheck * @static */ M.tool_installaddon.permcheck = { /** * @method init * @param {Object} config Configuration passed from the PHP */ init : function(config) { this.config = config; var plugintypesel = Y.one('#tool_installaddon_installfromzip_plugintype'); if (plugintypesel) { plugintypesel.on('change', function() { this.check_for_permission(plugintypesel); }, this); this.repeat_permcheck_icon = Y.Node.create('
' + M.util.get_string('permcheckrepeat', 'tool_installaddon') + '
'); this.repeat_permcheck_icon.one('a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.check_for_permission(plugintypesel); }, this); } }, /** * @method check_for_permission * @param {Node} plugintypesel Plugin type selector node */ check_for_permission : function(plugintypesel) { var plugintype = plugintypesel.get('value'); if (plugintype == '') { return; } Y.log('Selected plugin type: ' + plugintype, 'debug', 'moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck'); Y.io(this.config.permcheckurl, { 'method' : 'GET', 'data' : { 'sesskey' : M.cfg.sesskey, 'plugintype' : plugintype }, 'context' : this, 'on' : { 'start' : function(transid, args) { this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckprogress', 'tool_installaddon'), 'progress'); }, 'success': function(transid, outcome, args) { var response; try { response = Y.JSON.parse(outcome.responseText); if (response.error) { Y.log(response.error, 'error', 'moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck'); this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckerror', 'tool_installaddon', response), 'error'); } else if (response.path && response.writable == 1) { this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckresultyes', 'tool_installaddon', response), 'success'); } else if (response.path && response.writable == 0) { this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckresultno', 'tool_installaddon', response), 'error'); } else { Y.log(response, 'debug', 'moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck'); this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckerror', 'tool_installaddon', response), 'error'); } } catch (e) { Y.log(e, 'error', 'moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck'); this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckerror', 'tool_installaddon'), 'error'); } }, 'failure': function(transid, outcome, args) { Y.log(outcome.statusText, 'error', 'moodle-tool_installaddon-permcheck'); this.showresult(M.util.get_string('permcheckerror', 'tool_installaddon')); } } }); }, /** * @method showresult * @param {String} msg Message to display * @param {String} status Message status */ showresult : function(msg, status) { var resultline = Y.one('#tool_installaddon_installfromzip_permcheck'); if (resultline) { if (status === 'success') { resultline.setHTML(' ' + msg + ''); } else if (status === 'progress') { resultline.setHTML(' ' + msg + ''); } else { resultline.setHTML(' ' + msg + '').append(this.repeat_permcheck_icon); } } }, /** * @property * @type {Y.Node} */ repeat_permcheck_icon : null, /** * @property * @type {Object} */ config : null }; }, '@VERSION@', { requires:['node', 'event', 'io-base'] });