* Strings for component 'tool_langimport', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_22_STABLE'
* @package tool
* @subpackage langimport
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['downloadnotavailable'] = 'Unable to connect to the download server. It is not possible to install or update the language packs automatically. Please download the appropriate ZIP file(s) from {$a->src} and unzip them manually to your data directory {$a->dest}
$string['install'] = 'Install selected language pack(s)';
$string['installedlangs'] = 'Installed language packs';
$string['langimport'] = 'Language import utility';
$string['langimportdisabled'] = 'Language import feature has been disabled. You have to update your language packs manually at the file-system level. Do not forget to purge string caches after you do so.';
$string['langpackinstalled'] = 'Language pack \'{$a}\' was successfully installed';
$string['langpackinstalledevent'] = 'Language pack installed';
$string['langpackremoved'] = 'Language pack \'{$a}\' was uninstalled';
$string['langpacknotremoved'] = 'An error has occurred; language pack \'{$a}\' is not completely uninstalled. Please check file permissions.';
$string['langpackremovedevent'] = 'Language pack uninstalled';
$string['langpackupdateskipped'] = 'Update of \'{$a}\' language pack skipped';
$string['langpackuptodate'] = 'Language pack \'{$a}\' is up-to-date';
$string['langpackupdated'] = 'Language pack \'{$a}\' was successfully updated';
$string['langpackupdatedevent'] = 'Language pack updated';
$string['langunsupported'] = '
Your server does not seem to fully support the following languages:
Instead, the global locale ({$a->globallocale}) will be used to format certain strings such as dates or numbers.
'; $string['langupdatecomplete'] = 'Language pack update completed'; $string['missingcfglangotherroot'] = 'Missing configuration value $CFG->langotherroot'; $string['missinglangparent'] = 'Missing parent language {$a->parent} of {$a->lang}.'; $string['noenglishuninstall'] = 'The English language pack cannot be uninstalled.'; $string['nolangupdateneeded'] = 'All your language packs are up to date, no update is needed'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Language packs'; $string['purgestringcaches'] = 'Purge string caches'; $string['selectlangs'] = 'Select languages to uninstall'; $string['uninstall'] = 'Uninstall selected language pack(s)'; $string['uninstallconfirm'] = 'You are about to completely uninstall these language packs: {$a}. Are you sure?'; $string['updatelangs'] = 'Update all installed language packs'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Language packs plugin does not store any personal data.';