. /** * Lang strings. * * This files lists lang strings related to tool_monitor. * * @package tool_monitor * @copyright 2014 onwards Ankit Agarwal * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['addrule'] = 'Add a new rule'; $string['allevents'] = 'All events'; $string['allmodules'] = 'All instances'; $string['area'] = 'Area'; $string['areatomonitor'] = 'Area to monitor'; $string['cachedef_eventsubscriptions'] = 'This stores the list of event subscriptions for individual courses'; $string['contactadmin'] = 'Contact your administrator to enable it.'; $string['core'] = 'Core'; $string['currentsubscriptions'] = 'Your current subscriptions'; $string['defaultmessagetemplate'] = 'Rule name: {rulename}
Description: {description}
Event name: {eventname}'; $string['deleterule'] = 'Delete rule'; $string['deletesubscription'] = 'Delete subscription'; $string['description'] = 'Description:'; $string['disablefieldswarning'] = 'Some fields can not be edited as this rule already has subscriptions.'; $string['duplicaterule'] = 'Duplicate rule'; $string['editrule'] = 'Edit rule'; $string['enablehelp'] = 'Enable/disable event monitoring'; $string['enablehelp_help'] = 'Event monitoring must be enabled before you can create and subscribe to rules. Note that enabling Event monitoring may affect the performance of your site.'; $string['event'] = 'Event'; $string['eventnotfound'] = 'Event not found'; $string['eventrulecreated'] = 'Rule created'; $string['eventruledeleted'] = 'Rule deleted'; $string['eventruleupdated'] = 'Rule updated'; $string['eventsubcreated'] = 'Subscription created'; $string['eventsubcriteriamet'] = 'Subscription criteria met'; $string['eventsubdeleted'] = 'Subscription deleted'; $string['errorincorrectevent'] = 'Please select an event related to the selected plugin'; $string['freqdesc'] = '{$a->freq} time(s) in {$a->mins} minute(s)'; $string['frequency'] = 'Notification threshold'; $string['frequency_help'] = 'The number of events within a specified time period required for a notification message to be sent.'; $string['inminutes'] = 'in minutes'; $string['invalidmodule'] = 'Invalid module'; $string['manageruleslink'] = 'You can manage rules from the {$a} page.'; $string['managesubscriptionslink'] = 'You can subscribe to rules from the {$a} page.'; $string['manage'] = 'Manage'; $string['managesubscriptions'] = 'Event monitoring'; $string['managerules'] = 'Event monitoring rules'; $string['messageprovider:notification'] = 'Notifications of rule subscriptions'; $string['messagetemplate'] = 'Notification message'; $string['messagetemplate_help'] = 'A notification message is sent to subscribers once the notification threshold has been reached. It can include any or all of the following placeholders: * Link to the location of the event {link} * Link to the area monitored {modulelink} * Rule name {rulename} * Description {description} * Event {eventname}'; $string['messagetemplate_link'] = 'admin/tool/monitor/managerules'; $string['moduleinstance'] = 'Instance'; $string['monitorenabled'] = 'Event monitoring is currently enabled. '; $string['monitordisabled'] = 'Event monitoring is currently disabled.'; $string['monitor:managerules'] = 'Manage event monitor rules'; $string['monitor:managetool'] = 'Enable/disable event monitoring'; $string['monitor:subscribe'] = 'Subscribe to event monitor rules'; $string['norules'] = 'There are no event monitoring rules.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Event monitor'; $string['privacy:createdrules'] = 'Event monitor rules I created'; $string['privacy:metadata:description'] = 'Description of the rule'; $string['privacy:metadata:eventname'] = 'Fully qualified name of the event'; $string['privacy:metadata:frequency'] = 'Frequency of notifications'; $string['privacy:metadata:historysummary'] = 'Stores the history of the message notifications sent'; $string['privacy:metadata:inactivedate'] = 'Period of time, in days, after which an inactive subscription will be removed completely'; $string['privacy:metadata:lastnotificationsent'] = 'When a notification was last sent for this subscription.'; $string['privacy:metadata:messagesummary'] = 'Notifications are sent to the message system.'; $string['privacy:metadata:name'] = 'Name of the rule'; $string['privacy:metadata:plugin'] = 'Frankenstlye name of the plugin'; $string['privacy:metadata:rulessummary'] = 'This stores monitor rules.'; $string['privacy:metadata:subscriptionssummary'] = 'Stores user subscriptions to various rules'; $string['privacy:metadata:template'] = 'Message template'; $string['privacy:metadata:timecreatedrule'] = 'When this rule was created'; $string['privacy:metadata:timecreatedsub'] = 'When this subscription was created'; $string['privacy:metadata:timemodifiedrule'] = 'When this rule was last modified'; $string['privacy:metadata:timesent'] = 'When the message was sent'; $string['privacy:metadata:timewindow'] = 'Time window in seconds'; $string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of user who created the rule.'; $string['privacy:metadata:useridhistory'] = 'The ID of the user to whom this notification was sent'; $string['privacy:metadata:useridsub'] = 'The ID of the subscriber.'; $string['privacy:subscriptions'] = 'My event monitor subscriptions'; $string['processevents'] = 'Process events'; $string['rulename'] = 'Rule name'; $string['ruleareyousure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the rule "{$a}"?'; $string['ruleareyousureextra'] = 'There are {$a} subscription(s) to this rule that will also be deleted.'; $string['rulecopysuccess'] = 'Rule successfully duplicated'; $string['ruledeletesuccess'] = 'Rule successfully deleted'; $string['rulehelp'] = 'Rule details'; $string['rulehelp_help'] = 'This rule listens for when the event \'{$a->eventname}\' in \'{$a->eventcomponent}\' has been triggered {$a->frequency} time(s) in {$a->minutes} minute(s).'; $string['rulenopermission'] = 'You do not have permission to subscribe to any events.'; $string['rulenopermissions'] = 'You do not have permissions to "{$a} a rule"'; $string['rulescansubscribe'] = 'Rules you can subscribe to'; $string['selectacourse'] = 'Select a course'; $string['selectcourse'] = 'Visit this report at course level to get a list of possible modules'; $string['subareyousure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the rule "{$a}"?'; $string['subcreatesuccess'] = 'Subscription successfully created'; $string['subdeletesuccess'] = 'Subscription successfully removed'; $string['subhelp'] = 'Subscription details'; $string['subhelp_help'] = 'This subscription listens for when the event \'{$a->eventname}\' has been triggered in \'{$a->moduleinstance}\' {$a->frequency} time(s) in {$a->minutes} minute(s).'; $string['subscribeto'] = 'Subscribe to rule "{$a}"'; $string['taskcleanevents'] = 'Cleanup event monitor events'; $string['taskchecksubscriptions'] = 'Activate/deactivate invalid rule subscriptions'; $string['unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe';