. /** * Plugin strings are defined here. * * @package tool_policy * @category string * @copyright 2018 David Mudrák * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['acceptanceacknowledgement'] = 'I acknowledge that I have received a request to give consent on behalf of the above user(s).'; $string['acceptancenote'] = 'Remarks'; $string['acceptancepolicies'] = 'Policies'; $string['acceptancessavedsucessfully'] = 'The agreements have been saved successfully.'; $string['acceptancestatusaccepted'] = 'Accepted'; $string['acceptancestatusacceptedbehalf'] = 'Accepted on user\'s behalf'; $string['acceptancestatusdeclined'] = 'Declined'; $string['acceptancestatusdeclinedbehalf'] = 'Declined on user\'s behalf'; $string['acceptancestatusoverall'] = 'Overall'; $string['acceptancestatuspartial'] = 'Partially accepted'; $string['acceptancestatuspending'] = 'Pending'; $string['acceptanceusers'] = 'Users'; $string['actions'] = 'Actions'; $string['activate'] = 'Set status to "Active"'; $string['activating'] = 'Activating a policy'; $string['activateconfirm'] = '

You are about to activate policy \'{$a->name}\' and make the version \'{$a->revision}\' the current one.

All users will be required to agree to this new policy version to be able to use the site.

'; $string['activateconfirmyes'] = 'Activate'; $string['agreepolicies'] = 'Please agree to the following policies'; $string['backtoprevious'] = 'Go back to previous page'; $string['backtotop'] = 'Back to top'; $string['cachedef_policy_optional'] = 'Cache of the optional/compulsory flag for policy versions'; $string['consentbulk'] = 'Consent'; $string['consentpagetitle'] = 'Consent'; $string['contactdpo'] = 'For any questions about the policies please contact the privacy officer.'; $string['dataproc'] = 'Personal data processing'; $string['declineacknowledgement'] = 'I acknowledge that I have received a request to decline consent on behalf of the above user(s).'; $string['declinethepolicy'] = 'Decline user consent'; $string['deleting'] = 'Deleting a version'; $string['deleteconfirm'] = '

Are you sure you want to delete policy \'{$a->name}\'?

This operation can not be undone.

'; $string['editingpolicydocument'] = 'Editing policy'; $string['errorpolicyversioncompulsory'] = 'Compulsory policies cannot be declined!'; $string['errorpolicyversionnotfound'] = 'There isn\'t any policy version with this identifier.'; $string['errorsaveasdraft'] = 'Minor change can not be saved as draft'; $string['errorusercantviewpolicyversion'] = 'The user doesn\'t have access to this policy version.'; $string['event_acceptance_created'] = 'User policy agreement created'; $string['event_acceptance_updated'] = 'User policy agreement updated'; $string['filtercapabilityno'] = 'Permission: Can not agree'; $string['filtercapabilityyes'] = 'Permission: Can agree'; $string['filterrevision'] = 'Version: {$a}'; $string['filterrevisionstatus'] = 'Version: {$a->name} ({$a->status})'; $string['filterrole'] = 'Role: {$a}'; $string['filters'] = 'Filters'; $string['filterstatusdeclined'] = 'Status: Declined'; $string['filterstatuspending'] = 'Status: Pending'; $string['filterstatusyes'] = 'Status: Agreed'; $string['filterplaceholder'] = 'Search keyword or select filter'; $string['filterpolicy'] = 'Policy: {$a}'; $string['guestconsent:continue'] = 'Continue'; $string['guestconsentmessage'] = 'If you continue browsing this website, you agree to our policies:'; $string['iagree'] = 'I agree to the {$a}'; $string['idontagree'] = 'No thanks, I decline {$a}'; $string['iagreetothepolicy'] = 'Give consent'; $string['inactivate'] = 'Set status to "Inactive"'; $string['inactivating'] = 'Inactivating a policy'; $string['inactivatingconfirm'] = '

You are about to inactivate policy \'{$a->name}\' version \'{$a->revision}\'.

'; $string['inactivatingconfirmyes'] = 'Inactivate'; $string['invalidversionid'] = 'There is no policy with this identifier!'; $string['irevokethepolicy'] = 'Withdraw user consent'; $string['listactivepolicies'] = 'List of active policies'; $string['minorchange'] = 'Minor change'; $string['minorchangeinfo'] = 'A minor change does not alter the meaning of the policy. Users are not required to agree to the policy again if the edit is marked as a minor change.'; $string['managepolicies'] = 'Manage policies'; $string['movedown'] = 'Move down'; $string['moveup'] = 'Move up'; $string['mustagreetocontinue'] = 'Before continuing you need to acknowledge all these policies.'; $string['newpolicy'] = 'New policy'; $string['newversion'] = 'New version'; $string['noactivepolicies'] = 'There are no policies with an active version.'; $string['nofiltersapplied'] = 'No filters applied'; $string['nopermissiontoagreedocs'] = 'No permission to agree to the policies'; $string['nopermissiontoagreedocs_desc'] = 'Sorry, you do not have the required permissions to agree to the policies.
You will not be able to use this site until the following policies are agreed:'; $string['nopermissiontoagreedocsbehalf'] = 'No permission to agree to the policies on behalf of this user'; $string['nopermissiontoagreedocsbehalf_desc'] = 'Sorry, you do not have the required permission to agree to the following policies on behalf of {$a}:'; $string['nopermissiontoagreedocscontact'] = 'For further assistance, please contact'; $string['nopermissiontoviewpolicyversion'] = 'You do not have permissions to view this policy version.'; $string['nopolicies'] = 'There are no policies for registered users with an active version.'; $string['selectpolicyandversion'] = 'Use the filter above to select policy and/or version'; $string['steppolicies'] = 'Policy {$a->numpolicy} out of {$a->totalpolicies}'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Policies'; $string['policiesagreements'] = 'Policies and agreements'; $string['policy:accept'] = 'Agree to the policies'; $string['policy:acceptbehalf'] = 'Give consent for policies on someone else\'s behalf'; $string['policy:managedocs'] = 'Manage policies'; $string['policy:viewacceptances'] = 'View user agreement reports'; $string['policydocaudience'] = 'User consent'; $string['policydocaudience0'] = 'All users'; $string['policydocaudience1'] = 'Authenticated users'; $string['policydocaudience2'] = 'Guests'; $string['policydoccontent'] = 'Full policy'; $string['policydochdrpolicy'] = 'Policy'; $string['policydochdrversion'] = 'Document version'; $string['policydocname'] = 'Name'; $string['policydocoptional'] = 'Agreement optional'; $string['policydocoptionalyes'] = 'Optional'; $string['policydocoptionalno'] = 'Compulsory'; $string['policydocrevision'] = 'Version'; $string['policydocsummary'] = 'Summary'; $string['policydocsummary_help'] = 'This text should provide a summary of the policy, potentially in a simplified and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language.'; $string['policydoctype'] = 'Type'; $string['policydoctype0'] = 'Site policy'; $string['policydoctype1'] = 'Privacy policy'; $string['policydoctype2'] = 'Third parties policy'; $string['policydoctype99'] = 'Other policy'; $string['policydocuments'] = 'Policy documents'; $string['policynamedversion'] = 'Policy {$a->name} (version {$a->revision} - {$a->id})'; $string['policypriorityagreement'] = 'Show policy before showing other policies'; $string['policyversionacceptedinbehalf'] = 'Consent for this policy has been given on your behalf.'; $string['policyversionacceptedinotherlang'] = 'Consent for this policy version has been given in a different language.'; $string['previousversions'] = '{$a} previous versions'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances'] = 'Information about policy agreements made by users.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:policyversionid'] = 'The version of the policy for which consent was given.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:userid'] = 'The user for whom this policy agreement relates to.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:status'] = 'The status of the agreement.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:lang'] = 'The language used to display the policy when consent was given.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:usermodified'] = 'The user who gave consent for the policy, if made on behalf of another user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:timecreated'] = 'The time when the user agreed to the policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:timemodified'] = 'The time when the user updated their agreement.'; $string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:note'] = 'Any comments added by a user when giving consent on behalf of another user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:subsystem:corefiles'] = 'The policy tool stores files included in the summary and full policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions'] = 'Policy version information.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:name'] = 'The name of the policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:type'] = 'Policy type.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:audience'] = 'The type of users required to give their consent.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:archived'] = 'The policy status (active or inactive).'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:usermodified'] = 'The user who modified the policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:timecreated'] = 'The time that this version of the policy was created.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:timemodified'] = 'The time that this version of the policy was updated.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:policyid'] = 'The policy that this version is associated with.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:revision'] = 'The revision name of this version of the policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:summary'] = 'The summary of this version of the policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:summaryformat'] = 'The format of the summary field.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:content'] = 'The content of this version of the policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:versions:contentformat'] = 'The format of the content field.'; $string['privacysettings'] = 'Privacy settings'; $string['readpolicy'] = 'Please read our {$a}'; $string['refertofullpolicytext'] = 'Please refer to the full {$a} if you would like to review the text.'; $string['response'] = 'Response'; $string['responseby'] = 'Respondent'; $string['responseon'] = 'Date'; $string['revokeacknowledgement'] = 'I acknowledge that I have received a request to withdraw consent on behalf of the above user(s).'; $string['save'] = 'Save'; $string['saveasdraft'] = 'Save as draft'; $string['selectuser'] = 'Select user {$a}'; $string['selectusersforconsent'] = 'Select users to give consent on behalf of.'; $string['settodraft'] = 'Create a new draft'; $string['status'] = 'Policy status'; $string['statusformtitleaccept'] = 'Accepting policy'; $string['statusformtitledecline'] = 'Declining policy'; $string['statusformtitlerevoke'] = 'Withdrawing policy'; $string['statusinfo'] = 'A policy with \'Active\' status requires users to give their consent, either when they first log in, or in the case of existing users when they next log in.'; $string['status0'] = 'Draft'; $string['status1'] = 'Active'; $string['status2'] = 'Inactive'; $string['useracceptanceactionaccept'] = 'Accept'; $string['useracceptanceactionacceptone'] = 'Accept {$a}'; $string['useracceptanceactionacceptpending'] = 'Accept pending policies'; $string['useracceptanceactiondecline'] = 'Decline'; $string['useracceptanceactiondeclineone'] = 'Decline {$a}'; $string['useracceptanceactiondeclinepending'] = 'Decline pending policies'; $string['useracceptanceactiondetails'] = 'Details'; $string['useracceptanceactionrevoke'] = 'Withdraw'; $string['useracceptanceactionrevokeall'] = 'Withdraw accepted policies'; $string['useracceptanceactionrevokeone'] = 'Withdraw acceptance of {$a}'; $string['useracceptancecount'] = '{$a->agreedcount} of {$a->userscount} ({$a->percent}%)'; $string['useracceptancecountna'] = 'N/A'; $string['useracceptances'] = 'User agreements'; $string['userpolicysettings'] = 'Policies'; $string['usersaccepted'] = 'Agreements'; $string['viewarchived'] = 'View previous versions'; $string['viewconsentpageforuser'] = 'Viewing this page on behalf of {$a}';