. /** * Insights generator. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2019 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_analytics; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/messagelib.php'); /** * Insights generator. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2019 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class insights_generator { /** * @var int */ private $modelid; /** * @var \core_analytics\local\target\base */ private $target; /** * @var int[] */ private $contextcourseids; /** * Constructor. * * @param int $modelid * @param \core_analytics\local\target\base $target */ public function __construct(int $modelid, \core_analytics\local\target\base $target) { $this->modelid = $modelid; $this->target = $target; } /** * Generates insight notifications. * * @param array $samplecontexts The contexts these predictions belong to * @param \core_analytics\prediction[] $predictions The prediction records * @return null */ public function generate($samplecontexts, $predictions) { global $OUTPUT; $analyserclass = $this->target->get_analyser_class(); // We will need to restore it later. $actuallanguage = current_language(); if ($analyserclass::one_sample_per_analysable()) { // Iterate through the predictions and the users in each prediction (likely to be just one). foreach ($predictions as $prediction) { $context = $samplecontexts[$prediction->get_prediction_data()->contextid]; $users = $this->target->get_insights_users($context); foreach ($users as $user) { $this->set_notification_language($user); list($insighturl, $fullmessage, $fullmessagehtml) = $this->prediction_info($prediction); $this->notification($context, $user, $insighturl, $fullmessage, $fullmessagehtml); } } } else { // Iterate through the context and the users in each context. foreach ($samplecontexts as $context) { $users = $this->target->get_insights_users($context); foreach ($users as $user) { $this->set_notification_language($user); $insighturl = $this->target->get_insight_context_url($this->modelid, $context); $fullmessage = get_string('insightinfomessage', 'analytics', $insighturl->out(false)); $fullmessagehtml = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_analytics/insight_info_message', ['url' => $insighturl->out(false)] ); $this->notification($context, $user, $insighturl, $fullmessage, $fullmessagehtml); } } } force_current_language($actuallanguage); } /** * Generates a insight notification for the user. * * @param \context $context * @param \stdClass $user * @param \moodle_url $insighturl The insight URL * @param string $fullmessage * @param string $fullmessagehtml * @return null */ private function notification(\context $context, \stdClass $user, \moodle_url $insighturl, string $fullmessage, string $fullmessagehtml) { $message = new \core\message\message(); $message->component = 'moodle'; $message->name = 'insights'; $message->userfrom = \core_user::get_noreply_user(); $message->userto = $user; $message->subject = $this->target->get_insight_subject($this->modelid, $context); // Same than the subject. $message->contexturlname = $message->subject; $message->courseid = $this->get_context_courseid($context); $message->fullmessage = $fullmessage; $message->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; $message->fullmessagehtml = $fullmessagehtml; $message->smallmessage = $fullmessage; $message->contexturl = $insighturl->out(false); message_send($message); } /** * Returns the course context of the provided context reading an internal cache first. * * @param \context $context * @return int */ private function get_context_courseid(\context $context) { if (empty($this->contextcourseids[$context->id])) { $coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false); if (!$coursecontext) { // Default to the frontpage course context. $coursecontext = \context_course::instance(SITEID); } $this->contextcourseids[$context->id] = $coursecontext->instanceid; } return $this->contextcourseids[$context->id]; } /** * Extracts info from the prediction for display purposes. * * @param \core_analytics\prediction $prediction * @return array Three items array with formats [\moodle_url, string, string] */ private function prediction_info(\core_analytics\prediction $prediction) { global $OUTPUT; $predictionactions = $this->target->prediction_actions($prediction, true, true); // For FORMAT_PLAIN. $fullmessageplaintext = ''; // For FORMAT_HTML. $messageactions = []; $insighturl = null; foreach ($predictionactions as $action) { $actionurl = $action->get_url(); if (!$actionurl->get_param('forwardurl')) { $actiondoneurl = new \moodle_url('/report/insights/done.php'); // Set the forward url to the 'done' script. $actionurl->param('forwardurl', $actiondoneurl->out(false)); } if (empty($insighturl)) { // We use the primary action url as insight url so we log that the user followed the provided link. $insighturl = $action->get_url(); } $actiondata = (object)['url' => $action->get_url()->out(false), 'text' => $action->get_text()]; $fullmessageplaintext .= get_string('insightinfomessageaction', 'analytics', $actiondata) . PHP_EOL; $messageactions[] = $actiondata; } $fullmessagehtml = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_analytics/insight_info_message_prediction', ['actions' => $messageactions]); return [$insighturl, $fullmessageplaintext, $fullmessagehtml]; } /** * Sets the session language to the language used by the notification receiver. * * @param \stdClass $user The user who will receive the message * @return null */ private function set_notification_language($user) { global $CFG; // Copied from current_language(). if (!empty($user->lang)) { $lang = $user->lang; } else if (isset($CFG->lang)) { $lang = $CFG->lang; } else { $lang = 'en'; } force_current_language($lang); } }