. /** * Strings for component 'auth_cas', language 'en'. * * @package auth_cas * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['auth_cas_auth_name'] = 'Authentication method name'; $string['auth_cas_auth_name_description'] = 'Provide a name for the CAS authentication method that is familiar to your users.'; $string['auth_cas_auth_logo'] = 'Authentication method logo'; $string['auth_cas_auth_logo_description'] = 'Provide a logo for the CAS authentication method that is familiar to your users.'; $string['auth_cas_auth_user_create'] = 'Create users externally'; $string['auth_cas_auth_service'] = 'CAS'; $string['auth_cas_baseuri'] = 'URI of the server (nothing if no baseUri)
For example, if the CAS server responds to host.domaine.fr/CAS/ then
cas_baseuri = CAS/'; $string['auth_cas_baseuri_key'] = 'Base URI'; $string['auth_cas_broken_password'] = 'You cannot proceed without changing your password, however there is no available page for changing it. Please contact your Moodle Administrator.'; $string['auth_cas_cantconnect'] = 'LDAP part of CAS-module cannot connect to server: {$a}'; $string['auth_cas_casversion'] = 'CAS protocol version'; $string['auth_cas_certificate_check'] = 'Select \'yes\' if you want to validate the server certificate'; $string['auth_cas_certificate_path_empty'] = 'If you turn on Server validation, you need to specify a certificate path'; $string['auth_cas_certificate_check_key'] = 'Server validation'; $string['auth_cas_certificate_path'] = 'Path of the CA chain file (PEM Format) to validate the server certificate'; $string['auth_cas_certificate_path_key'] = 'Certificate path'; $string['auth_cas_create_user'] = 'Turn this on if you want to insert CAS-authenticated users in Moodle database. If not then only users who already exist in the Moodle database can log in.'; $string['auth_cas_create_user_key'] = 'Create user'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version'] = 'The SSL version (2 or 3) to use. By default PHP will try to determine this itself, although in some cases this must be set manually.'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_default'] = 'Default'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_key'] = 'cURL SSL Version'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_SSLv2'] = 'SSLv2'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_SSLv3'] = 'SSLv3'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_TLSv1x'] = 'TLSv1.x'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_TLSv10'] = 'TLSv1.0'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_TLSv11'] = 'TLSv1.1'; $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_TLSv12'] = 'TLSv1.2'; $string['auth_casdescription'] = 'This method uses a CAS server (Central Authentication Service) to authenticate users in a Single Sign On environment (SSO). You can also use a simple LDAP authentication. If the given username and password are valid according to CAS, Moodle creates a new user entry in its database, taking user attributes from LDAP if required. On following logins only the username and password are checked.'; $string['auth_cas_enabled'] = 'Turn this on if you want to use CAS authentication.'; $string['auth_cas_hostname'] = 'Hostname of the CAS server
eg: host.domain.fr'; $string['auth_cas_hostname_key'] = 'Hostname'; $string['auth_cas_changepasswordurl'] = 'Password-change URL'; $string['auth_cas_invalidcaslogin'] = 'Sorry, your login has failed - you could not be authorised'; $string['auth_cas_language'] = 'Select language for authentication pages'; $string['auth_cas_language_key'] = 'Language'; $string['auth_cas_logincas'] = 'Secure connection access'; $string['auth_cas_logout_return_url_key'] = 'Alternative logout return URL'; $string['auth_cas_logout_return_url'] = 'Provide the URL that CAS users shall be redirected to after logging out.
If left empty, users will be redirected to the location that moodle will redirect users to'; $string['auth_cas_logoutcas'] = 'Select \'yes\' if you want to logout from CAS when you disconnect from Moodle'; $string['auth_cas_logoutcas_key'] = 'CAS logout option'; $string['auth_cas_multiauth'] = 'Select \'yes\' if you want to have multi-authentication (CAS + other authentication)'; $string['auth_cas_multiauth_key'] = 'Multi-authentication'; $string['auth_casnotinstalled'] = 'Cannot use CAS authentication. The PHP LDAP module is not installed.'; $string['auth_cas_port'] = 'Port of the CAS server'; $string['auth_cas_port_key'] = 'Port'; $string['auth_cas_proxycas'] = 'Select \'yes\' if you use CAS in proxy-mode'; $string['auth_cas_proxycas_key'] = 'Proxy mode'; $string['auth_cas_server_settings'] = 'CAS server configuration'; $string['auth_cas_text'] = 'Secure connection'; $string['auth_cas_use_cas'] = 'Use CAS'; $string['auth_cas_version'] = 'CAS protocol version to use'; $string['CASform'] = 'Authentication choice'; $string['noldapserver'] = 'No LDAP server configured for CAS! Syncing disabled.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'CAS server (SSO)'; $string['synctask'] = 'CAS users sync job'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The CAS server (SSO) authentication plugin does not store any personal data.'; // Deprecated since Moodle 3.7. $string['accesCAS'] = 'CAS users'; $string['accesNOCAS'] = 'other users';