* Language strings.
* @package availability_completion
* @copyright 2014 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['description'] = 'Require students to complete (or not complete) another activity.';
$string['error_selectcmid'] = 'You must select an activity for the completion condition.';
$string['error_selectcmidpassfail'] = 'You must select an activity with "Require grade" completion condition set.';
$string['label_cm'] = 'Activity or resource';
$string['label_completion'] = 'Required completion status';
$string['missing'] = '(Missing activity)';
$string['option_complete'] = 'must be marked complete';
$string['option_fail'] = 'must be complete with fail grade';
$string['option_incomplete'] = 'must not be marked complete';
$string['option_pass'] = 'must be complete with pass grade';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Restriction by activity completion';
$string['requires_incomplete'] = 'The activity {$a} is incomplete';
$string['requires_complete'] = 'The activity {$a} is marked complete';
$string['requires_complete_pass'] = 'The activity {$a} is complete and passed';
$string['requires_complete_fail'] = 'The activity {$a} is complete and failed';
$string['requires_not_complete_pass'] = 'The activity {$a} is not complete and passed';
$string['requires_not_complete_fail'] = 'The activity {$a} is not complete and failed';
$string['title'] = 'Activity completion';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Restriction by activity completion plugin does not store any personal data.';