* Language strings.
* @package availability_profile
* @copyright 2014 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['conditiontitle'] = 'User profile field';
$string['description'] = 'Control access based on fields within the student\'s profile.';
$string['error_selectfield'] = 'You must select a profile field.';
$string['error_setvalue'] = 'You must type a value.';
$string['label_operator'] = 'Method of comparison';
$string['label_value'] = 'Value to compare against';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Restriction by profile';
$string['requires_contains'] = 'Your {$a->field} contains {$a->value}';
$string['requires_doesnotcontain'] = 'Your {$a->field} does not contain {$a->value}';
$string['requires_endswith'] = 'Your {$a->field} ends with {$a->value}';
$string['requires_isempty'] = 'Your {$a->field} is empty';
$string['requires_isequalto'] = 'Your {$a->field} is {$a->value}';
$string['requires_isnotempty'] = 'Your {$a->field} is not empty';
$string['requires_notendswith'] = 'Your {$a->field} does not end with {$a->value}';
$string['requires_notisequalto'] = 'Your {$a->field} is not {$a->value}';
$string['requires_notstartswith'] = 'Your {$a->field} does not start with {$a->value}';
$string['requires_startswith'] = 'Your {$a->field} starts with {$a->value}';
$string['missing'] = '(Missing custom field: {$a})';
$string['title'] = 'User profile';
$string['op_contains'] = 'contains';
$string['op_doesnotcontain'] = 'doesn\'t contain';
$string['op_endswith'] = 'ends with';
$string['op_isempty'] = 'is empty';
$string['op_isequalto'] = 'is equal to';
$string['op_isnotempty'] = 'is not empty';
$string['op_startswith'] = 'starts with';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Restriction by profile plugin does not store any personal data.';