XSD Data File Information ------------------------- Author: Colin Smythe (IMS, UK) Date: 31st October, 2006 Version: 2.0 Status: Public Draft Description: This is a normative representation of the IMS Packaging Extension 1.0 Information Model for binding purposes. Read the corresponding IMS Content Packaging Information Model for the Platform Independent Model representation. History: Version 2 includes the modified definition of LingualTitle. Version 1 of the IMS Packaging Utility v1.2 XSD for public draft release. It has a target namespace of http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imscp_extensionv1p2. This Utility uses this general approach to modeling: (1) All of the elements and attributes are defined as local to their host object; (2) There are multiple host objects; (3) Comments have been added to the complexType definitions. Copyright: 2006 (c) IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc. All Rights Reserved. IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS/GLC) is publishing the information contained in this binding ("Specification") for purposes of scientific experimental and scholarly collaboration only. IMS/GLC makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Specification. This material is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available basis". The Specification is at all times subject to change and revision without notice. It is your sole responsibility to evaluate the usefulness, accuracy and completeness of the Specification as it relates to you. IMS/GLC would appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions. Please contact IMS/GLC through our website at: http://www.imsglobal.org. Source XSLT File Information ---------------------------- XSL Generator: UMLtoXSDTransformv0p7.xsl XSLT Processor: Xalan Release: 1.0 Beta 1 Date: 30th November, 2005 Auto-generation Tool -------------------- This WSDL/XSD was auto-generated using the IMS WSDL/XSD auto-generation tool. While every attempt has been made to ensure that this tool auto-generates the XSDs correctly, users should be aware that this is an experimental tool. Permission is given to make use of this tool. IMS makes no claim on the materials created by third party users of this tool. Details on how to use this tool are contained in the IMS document: "IMS General Web Services: WSDL/XSD Binding Auto-generation" available at the IMS web-site. Tool Copyright: 2006 (c) IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any namespaced element from any namespace may be included within an "any" element. The namespace for the imported element must be defined in the instance, and the schema must be imported. The extension has a definition of "strict" i.e. they must have their own namespace. A bound instance of an IPointer object allows a packager to associate a specific XML node set in the same IMS Manifest Document that contains it or an XML node set in a different IMS Manifest Document instance with the parent object containing an IMS Pointer instance. A referenced node set must be a valid child of the referencing parent element, both as to kind and multiplicity in a referencing parent's context.

Represents a binding of the kinds of objects defined as children of ims-cp-imManifest : Manifest.[ ManifestMetadata, Organizations, Resources, Manifest, Extension ].

An instance of the metadata element contains data structures that declare descriptive information about a metadata element's parent only. One or more different metadata models may be declared as child extensions of a metadata element.

Represents a binding of the kinds of child objects defined for ims-cp-imMetadata: Metadata.[ Extension ].

A variant element is closely analogous to a resource element in the IMS Content Packaging Information Model. Variant is a container for a an alternative resource. A resource may contain references to assets that are all of the same type or different types (i.e., file formats). The Variant class points to the alternatibe resource. Metadata is used to describe the nature of a collection of alternative assets and their intended use. Examples include, but are not limited to, use as lingual variants, visual or auditory variants, remediation variants, or platform delivery variants. The scope of referenced assets is specific to a Variant object. Their use is in the context of the parent object containing a variant instance, typically a bound instance of a Resource object from the IMS CP namespace.

Represents a binding of the kinds of child objects defined for ims-cp-imResource: Resource.[ Metadata, File, Dependency, Extension ].