// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see . /** * This module updates the UI during an asynchronous * backup or restore process. * * @module backup/util/async_backup * @package core * @copyright 2018 Matt Porritt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.7 */ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/str', 'core/notification', 'core/templates'], function($, ajax, Str, notification, Templates) { /** * Module level constants. * * Using var instead of const as ES6 isn't fully supported yet. */ var STATUS_EXECUTING = 800; var STATUS_FINISHED_ERR = 900; var STATUS_FINISHED_OK = 1000; /** * Module level variables. */ var Asyncbackup = {}; var checkdelay = 5000; // How often we check for progress updates. var backupid; // The backup id to get the progress for. var contextid; // The course this backup progress is for. var restoreurl; // The URL to view course restores. var typeid; // The type of operation backup or restore. var backupintervalid; // The id of the setInterval function. var allbackupintervalid; // The id of the setInterval function. /** * Helper function to update UI components. * * @param {string} backupid The id to match elements on. * @param {number} percentage The completion percentage to apply. */ function updateElement(backupid, percentage) { var percentagewidth = Math.round(percentage) + '%'; var elementbar = $('#' + backupid + '_bar'); var percentagetext = percentage.toFixed(2) + '%'; // Set progress bar percentage indicators elementbar.attr('aria-valuenow', percentagewidth); elementbar.css('width', percentagewidth); elementbar.text(percentagetext); } /** * Update backup table row when an async backup completes. * * @param {string} backupid The id to match elements on. */ function updateBackupTableRow(backupid) { var statuscell = $('#' + backupid + '_bar').parent().parent(); var tablerow = statuscell.parent(); var cellsiblings = statuscell.siblings(); var timecell = cellsiblings[1]; var timevalue = $(timecell).text(); var filenamecell = cellsiblings[0]; var filename = $(filenamecell).text(); ajax.call([{ // Get the table data via webservice. methodname: 'core_backup_get_async_backup_links_backup', args: { 'filename': filename, 'contextid': contextid }, }])[0].done(function(response) { // We have the data now update the UI. var context = { filename: filename, time: timevalue, size: response.filesize, fileurl: response.fileurl, restoreurl: response.restoreurl }; Templates.render('core/async_backup_progress_row', context).then(function(html, js) { Templates.replaceNodeContents(tablerow, html, js); return; }).fail(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load table row')); return; }); }); } /** * Update restore table row when an async restore completes. * * @param {string} backupid The id to match elements on. */ function updateRestoreTableRow(backupid) { var statuscell = $('#' + backupid + '_bar').parent().parent(); var tablerow = statuscell.parent(); var cellsiblings = statuscell.siblings(); var coursecell = cellsiblings[0]; var timecell = cellsiblings[1]; var timevalue = $(timecell).text(); ajax.call([{ // Get the table data via webservice. methodname: 'core_backup_get_async_backup_links_restore', args: { 'backupid': backupid, 'contextid': contextid }, }])[0].done(function(response) { // We have the data now update the UI. var resourcename = $(coursecell).text(); var context = { resourcename: resourcename, restoreurl: response.restoreurl, time: timevalue }; Templates.render('core/async_restore_progress_row', context).then(function(html, js) { Templates.replaceNodeContents(tablerow, html, js); return; }).fail(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load table row')); return; }); }); } /** * Update the Moodle user interface with the progress of * the backup process. * * @param {object} progress The progress and status of the process. */ function updateProgress(progress) { var percentage = progress.progress * 100; var elementbar = $('#' + backupid + '_bar'); var elementstatus = $('#' + backupid + '_status'); var elementdetail = $('#' + backupid + '_detail'); var elementbutton = $('#' + backupid + '_button'); var stringRequests; if (progress.status == STATUS_EXECUTING) { // Process is in progress. // Add in progress class color to bar elementbar.addClass('bg-success'); updateElement(backupid, percentage); // Change heading var strProcessing = 'async' + typeid + 'processing'; Str.get_string(strProcessing, 'backup').then(function(title) { elementstatus.text(title); return title; }).catch(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load string: backup ' + strProcessing)); }); } else if (progress.status == STATUS_FINISHED_ERR) { // Process completed with error. // Add in fail class color to bar elementbar.addClass('bg-danger'); // Remove in progress class color to bar elementbar.removeClass('bg-success'); updateElement(backupid, 100); // Change heading and text var strStatus = 'async' + typeid + 'error'; var strStatusDetail = 'async' + typeid + 'errordetail'; stringRequests = [ {key: strStatus, component: 'backup'}, {key: strStatusDetail, component: 'backup'} ]; Str.get_strings(stringRequests).then(function(strings) { elementstatus.text(strings[0]); elementdetail.text(strings[1]); return strings; }) .catch(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load string')); return; }); $('.backup_progress').children('span').removeClass('backup_stage_current'); $('.backup_progress').children('span').last().addClass('backup_stage_current'); // Stop checking when we either have an error or a completion. clearInterval(backupintervalid); } else if (progress.status == STATUS_FINISHED_OK) { // Process completed successfully. // Add in progress class color to bar elementbar.addClass('bg-success'); updateElement(backupid, 100); // Change heading and text var strComplete = 'async' + typeid + 'complete'; Str.get_string(strComplete, 'backup').then(function(title) { elementstatus.text(title); return title; }).catch(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load string: backup ' + strComplete)); }); if (typeid == 'restore') { ajax.call([{ // Get the table data via webservice. methodname: 'core_backup_get_async_backup_links_restore', args: { 'backupid': backupid, 'contextid': contextid }, }])[0].done(function(response) { var strDetail = 'async' + typeid + 'completedetail'; var strButton = 'async' + typeid + 'completebutton'; var stringRequests = [ {key: strDetail, component: 'backup', param: response.restoreurl}, {key: strButton, component: 'backup'} ]; Str.get_strings(stringRequests).then(function(strings) { elementdetail.html(strings[0]); elementbutton.text(strings[1]); elementbutton.attr('href', response.restoreurl); return strings; }) .catch(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load string')); return; }); }); } else { var strDetail = 'async' + typeid + 'completedetail'; var strButton = 'async' + typeid + 'completebutton'; stringRequests = [ {key: strDetail, component: 'backup', param: restoreurl}, {key: strButton, component: 'backup'} ]; Str.get_strings(stringRequests).then(function(strings) { elementdetail.html(strings[0]); elementbutton.text(strings[1]); elementbutton.attr('href', restoreurl); return strings; }) .catch(function() { notification.exception(new Error('Failed to load string')); return; }); } $('.backup_progress').children('span').removeClass('backup_stage_current'); $('.backup_progress').children('span').last().addClass('backup_stage_current'); // Stop checking when we either have an error or a completion. clearInterval(backupintervalid); } } /** * Update the Moodle user interface with the progress of * all the pending processes. * * @param {object} progress The progress and status of the process. */ function updateProgressAll(progress) { progress.forEach(function(element) { var percentage = element.progress * 100; var backupid = element.backupid; var elementbar = $('#' + backupid + '_bar'); var type = element.operation; if (element.status == STATUS_EXECUTING) { // Process is in element. // Add in element class color to bar elementbar.addClass('bg-success'); updateElement(backupid, percentage); } else if (element.status == STATUS_FINISHED_ERR) { // Process completed with error. // Add in fail class color to bar elementbar.addClass('bg-danger'); elementbar.addClass('complete'); // Remove in element class color to bar $('#' + backupid + '_bar').removeClass('bg-success'); updateElement(backupid, 100); } else if (element.status == STATUS_FINISHED_OK) { // Process completed successfully. // Add in element class color to bar elementbar.addClass('bg-success'); elementbar.addClass('complete'); updateElement(backupid, 100); // We have a successful backup. Update the UI with download and file details. if (type == 'backup') { updateBackupTableRow(backupid); } else { updateRestoreTableRow(backupid); } } }); } /** * Get the progress of the backup process via ajax. */ function getBackupProgress() { ajax.call([{ // Get the backup progress via webservice. methodname: 'core_backup_get_async_backup_progress', args: { 'backupids': [backupid], 'contextid': contextid }, }])[0].done(function(response) { // We have the progress now update the UI. updateProgress(response[0]); }); } /** * Get the progress of all backup processes via ajax. */ function getAllBackupProgress() { var backupids = []; var progressbars = $('.progress').find('.progress-bar').not('.complete'); progressbars.each(function() { backupids.push((this.id).substring(0, 32)); }); if (backupids.length > 0) { ajax.call([{ // Get the backup progress via webservice. methodname: 'core_backup_get_async_backup_progress', args: { 'backupids': backupids, 'contextid': contextid }, }])[0].done(function(response) { updateProgressAll(response); }); } else { clearInterval(allbackupintervalid); // No more progress bars to update, stop checking. } } /** * Get status updates for all backups. * * @public * @param {number} context The context id. */ Asyncbackup.asyncBackupAllStatus = function(context) { contextid = context; allbackupintervalid = setInterval(getAllBackupProgress, checkdelay); }; /** * Get status updates for backup. * * @public * @param {string} backup The backup record id. * @param {number} context The context id. * @param {string} restore The restore link. * @param {string} type The operation type (backup or restore). */ Asyncbackup.asyncBackupStatus = function(backup, context, restore, type) { backupid = backup; contextid = context; restoreurl = restore; if (type == 'backup') { typeid = 'backup'; } else { typeid = 'restore'; } // Remove the links from the progress bar, no going back now. $('.backup_progress').children('a').removeAttr('href'); // Periodically check for progress updates and update the UI as required. backupintervalid = setInterval(getBackupProgress, checkdelay); }; return Asyncbackup; });