. /** * Strings for component 'block_activity_results', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package block_activity_results * @copyright 2015 Stephen Bourget * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['activity_results:addinstance'] = 'Add a new activity results block'; $string['bestgrade'] = 'The highest grade:'; $string['bestgrades'] = 'The {$a} highest grades:'; $string['bestgroupgrade'] = 'The group with the highest average:'; $string['bestgroupgrades'] = 'The {$a} groups with the highest average:'; $string['config_format_absolute'] = 'Absolute numbers'; $string['config_format_fraction'] = 'Fractions'; $string['config_format_percentage'] = 'Percentages'; $string['config_decimalplaces'] = 'Decimal places to display'; $string['config_grade_format'] = 'Display grades as'; $string['config_name_format'] = 'Privacy of results'; $string['config_names_anon'] = 'Anonymous results'; $string['config_names_full'] = 'Display full names'; $string['config_names_id'] = 'Display only ID numbers'; $string['config_no_activities_in_course'] = 'There are not yet any activities in this course.'; $string['config_select_activity'] = 'Which activity should this block display results from?'; $string['config_show_best'] = 'How many of the highest grades should be shown (0 to disable)?'; $string['config_show_worst'] = 'How many of the lowest grades should be shown (0 to disable)?'; $string['configuredtoshownothing'] = 'This block\'s configuration currently does not allow it to show any results.'; $string['config_use_groups'] = 'Show groups instead of students (only if the activity supports groups)?'; $string['defaulthighestgrades'] = 'Default highest grades shown'; $string['defaulthighestgrades_desc'] = 'How many of the highest grades should be shown by default?'; $string['defaultlowestgrades'] = 'Default lowest grades shown'; $string['defaultlowestgrades_desc'] = 'How many of the lowest grades should be shown by default?'; $string['defaultshowgroups'] = 'Default show groups'; $string['defaultnameoptions'] = 'Privacy of results'; $string['defaultnameoptions_desc'] = 'How should the students be identified by default?'; $string['defaultshowgroups_desc'] = 'Show groups instead of students by default (only if the activity supports groups)'; $string['defaultgradedisplay'] = 'Display grades as'; $string['defaultgradedisplay_desc'] = 'How should the grades be displayed by default?'; $string['defaultdecimalplaces'] = 'Decimal places'; $string['defaultdecimalplaces_desc'] = 'Number of decimal places to display by default'; $string['error_emptyactivityid'] = 'Please configure this block and select which activity it should display results from.'; $string['error_emptyactivityrecord'] = 'Error: the selected activity does not exist in the database.'; $string['error_nogroupsexist'] = 'Error: the block is set to display grades in group mode, but there are no groups defined.'; $string['error_unsupportedgradetype'] = 'Error: the activity selected uses a grading method that is not supported by this block.'; $string['notyetgraded'] = 'Not yet graded'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Activity results'; $string['unknown'] = 'Unknown scale'; $string['worstgrade'] = 'The lowest grade:'; $string['worstgrades'] = 'The {$a} lowest grades:'; $string['worstgroupgrade'] = 'The group with the lowest average:'; $string['worstgroupgrades'] = 'The {$a} groups with the lowest average:'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Activity results block only shows data stored in other locations.';