. /** * Lang strings for the My overview block. * * @package block_myoverview * @copyright Mark Nelson * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['all'] = 'All'; $string['allexcepthidden'] = 'All (except hidden)'; $string['addtofavourites'] = 'Star this course'; $string['aria:addtofavourites'] = 'Star for'; $string['aria:allcourses'] = 'All courses'; $string['aria:allcoursesexcepthidden'] = 'All courses except hidden courses'; $string['aria:card'] = 'Switch to card view'; $string['aria:controls'] = 'Course overview controls'; $string['aria:courseactions'] = 'Actions for current course'; $string['aria:coursesummary'] = 'Course summary text:'; $string['aria:courseprogress'] = 'Course progress:'; $string['aria:displaydropdown'] = 'Display drop-down menu'; $string['aria:favourites'] = 'Show starred courses'; $string['aria:future'] = 'Show future courses'; $string['aria:groupingdropdown'] = 'Grouping drop-down menu'; $string['aria:inprogress'] = 'Show in courses in progress'; $string['aria:lastaccessed'] = 'Sort courses by last accessed date'; $string['aria:list'] = 'Switch to list view'; $string['aria:title'] = 'Sort courses by course name'; $string['aria:past'] = 'Show past courses'; $string['aria:removefromfavourites'] = 'Remove star for'; $string['aria:summary'] = 'Switch to summary view'; $string['aria:sortingdropdown'] = 'Sorting drop-down menu'; $string['card'] = 'Card'; $string['cards'] = 'Cards'; $string['courseprogress'] = 'Course progress:'; $string['completepercent'] = '{$a}% complete'; $string['displaycategories'] = 'Display categories'; $string['displaycategories_help'] = 'Display the course category on dashboard course items including cards, list items and summary items.'; $string['favourites'] = 'Starred'; $string['future'] = 'Future'; $string['inprogress'] = 'In progress'; $string['lastaccessed'] = 'Last accessed'; $string['list'] = 'List'; $string['myoverview:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new course overview block to Dashboard'; $string['past'] = 'Past'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Course overview'; $string['privacy:metadata:overviewsortpreference'] = 'The Course overview block sort preference.'; $string['privacy:metadata:overviewviewpreference'] = 'The Course overview block view preference.'; $string['privacy:metadata:overviewgroupingpreference'] = 'The Course overview block grouping preference.'; $string['privacy:metadata:overviewpagingpreference'] = 'The Course overview block paging preference.'; $string['removefromfavourites'] = 'Unstar this course'; $string['summary'] = 'Summary'; $string['title'] = 'Course name'; $string['aria:hidecourse'] = 'Hide {$a} from view'; $string['aria:showcourse'] = 'Show {$a} in view'; $string['aria:hiddencourses'] = 'Show hidden courses'; $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden courses'; $string['hidecourse'] = 'Hide from view'; $string['hiddencourses'] = 'Hidden'; $string['show'] = 'Show this course'; $string['privacy:request:preference:set'] = 'The value of the setting \'{$a->name}\' was \'{$a->value}\''; // Deprecated since Moodle 3.6. $string['defaulttab'] = 'Default tab'; $string['defaulttab_desc'] = 'The tab that will be displayed when a user first views their course overview. When returning to their course overview, the user\'s active tab is remembered.'; $string['morecourses'] = 'More courses'; $string['nocoursesinprogress'] = 'No in progress courses'; $string['nocoursesfuture'] = 'No future courses'; $string['nocoursespast'] = 'No past courses'; $string['noevents'] = 'No upcoming activities due'; $string['next30days'] = 'Next 30 days'; $string['next7days'] = 'Next 7 days'; $string['recentlyoverdue'] = 'Recently overdue'; $string['sortbycourses'] = 'Sort by courses'; $string['sortbydates'] = 'Sort by dates'; $string['timeline'] = 'Timeline'; $string['viewcoursename'] = 'View course {$a}'; $string['privacy:metadata:overviewlasttab'] = 'This stores the last tab selected by the user on the overview block.'; $string['viewcourse'] = 'View course'; // Deprecated since Moodle 3.7. $string['complete'] = 'complete'; $string['nocourses'] = 'No courses';