. /** * Class for plans persistence. * * @package core_competency * @copyright 2015 David Monllao * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_competency; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use comment; use context_user; use dml_missing_record_exception; use lang_string; /** * Class for loading/storing plans from the DB. * * @copyright 2015 David Monllao * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class plan extends persistent { const TABLE = 'competency_plan'; /** Draft status. */ const STATUS_DRAFT = 0; /** Active status. */ const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1; /** Complete status. */ const STATUS_COMPLETE = 2; /** Waiting for review. */ const STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REVIEW = 3; /** In review. */ const STATUS_IN_REVIEW = 4; /** 10 minutes threshold **/ const DUEDATE_THRESHOLD = 600; /** @var plan object before update. */ protected $beforeupdate = null; /** * Return the definition of the properties of this model. * * @return array */ protected static function define_properties() { return array( 'name' => array( 'type' => PARAM_TEXT, ), 'description' => array( 'type' => PARAM_CLEANHTML, 'default' => '' ), 'descriptionformat' => array( 'choices' => array(FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_MOODLE, FORMAT_PLAIN, FORMAT_MARKDOWN), 'type' => PARAM_INT, 'default' => FORMAT_HTML, ), 'userid' => array( 'type' => PARAM_INT, ), 'templateid' => array( 'type' => PARAM_INT, 'default' => null, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED, ), 'origtemplateid' => array( 'type' => PARAM_INT, 'default' => null, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED, ), 'status' => array( 'choices' => array(self::STATUS_DRAFT, self::STATUS_COMPLETE, self::STATUS_ACTIVE, self::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REVIEW, self::STATUS_IN_REVIEW), 'type' => PARAM_INT, 'default' => self::STATUS_DRAFT, ), 'duedate' => array( 'type' => PARAM_INT, 'default' => 0, ), 'reviewerid' => array( 'type' => PARAM_INT, 'default' => null, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED, ) ); } /** * Hook to execute before validate. * * @return void */ protected function before_validate() { $this->beforeupdate = null; // During update. if ($this->get('id')) { $this->beforeupdate = new self($this->get('id')); } } /** * Whether the current user can comment on this plan. * * @return bool */ public function can_comment() { return static::can_comment_user($this->get('userid')); } /** * Whether the current user can manage the plan. * * @return bool */ public function can_manage() { if ($this->is_draft()) { return self::can_manage_user_draft($this->get('userid')); } return self::can_manage_user($this->get('userid')); } /** * Whether the current user can read the plan. * * @return bool */ public function can_read() { if ($this->is_draft()) { return self::can_read_user_draft($this->get('userid')); } return self::can_read_user($this->get('userid')); } /** * Whether the current user can read comments on this plan. * * @return bool */ public function can_read_comments() { return $this->can_read(); } /** * Whether the current user can request a review of the plan. * * @return bool */ public function can_request_review() { return self::can_request_review_user($this->get('userid')); } /** * Whether the current user can review the plan. * * @return bool */ public function can_review() { return self::can_review_user($this->get('userid')); } /** * Get the comment object. * * @return comment */ public function get_comment_object() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/comment/lib.php'); if (!$this->get('id')) { throw new \coding_exception('The plan must exist.'); } $comment = new comment((object) array( 'client_id' => 'plancommentarea' . $this->get('id'), 'context' => $this->get_context(), 'component' => 'competency', // This cannot be named 'core_competency'. 'itemid' => $this->get('id'), 'area' => 'plan', 'showcount' => true, )); $comment->set_fullwidth(true); return $comment; } /** * Get the competencies in this plan. * * @return competency[] */ public function get_competencies() { $competencies = array(); if ($this->get('status') == self::STATUS_COMPLETE) { // Get the competencies from the archive of the plan. $competencies = user_competency_plan::list_competencies($this->get('id'), $this->get('userid')); } else if ($this->is_based_on_template()) { // Get the competencies from the template. $competencies = template_competency::list_competencies($this->get('templateid')); } else { // Get the competencies from the plan. $competencies = plan_competency::list_competencies($this->get('id')); } return $competencies; } /** * Get a single competency from this plan. * * This will throw an exception if the competency does not belong to the plan. * * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @return competency */ public function get_competency($competencyid) { $competency = null; if ($this->get('status') == self::STATUS_COMPLETE) { // Get the competency from the archive of the plan. $competency = user_competency_plan::get_competency_by_planid($this->get('id'), $competencyid); } else if ($this->is_based_on_template()) { // Get the competency from the template. $competency = template_competency::get_competency($this->get('templateid'), $competencyid); } else { // Get the competency from the plan. $competency = plan_competency::get_competency($this->get('id'), $competencyid); } return $competency; } /** * Get the context in which the plan is attached. * * @return context_user */ public function get_context() { return context_user::instance($this->get('userid')); } /** * Human readable status name. * * @return string */ public function get_statusname() { $status = $this->get('status'); switch ($status) { case self::STATUS_DRAFT: $strname = 'draft'; break; case self::STATUS_IN_REVIEW: $strname = 'inreview'; break; case self::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REVIEW: $strname = 'waitingforreview'; break; case self::STATUS_ACTIVE: $strname = 'active'; break; case self::STATUS_COMPLETE: $strname = 'complete'; break; default: throw new \moodle_exception('errorplanstatus', 'core_competency', '', $status); break; } return get_string('planstatus' . $strname, 'core_competency'); } /** * Get the plan template. * * @return template|null */ public function get_template() { $templateid = $this->get('templateid'); if ($templateid === null) { return null; } return new template($templateid); } /** * Is the plan in draft mode? * * This method is convenient to know if the plan is a draft because whilst a draft * is being reviewed its status is not "draft" any more, but it still is a draft nonetheless. * * @return boolean */ public function is_draft() { return in_array($this->get('status'), static::get_draft_statuses()); } /** * Validate the template ID. * * @param mixed $value The value. * @return true|lang_string */ protected function validate_templateid($value) { // Checks that the template exists. if (!empty($value) && !template::record_exists($value)) { return new lang_string('invaliddata', 'error'); } return true; } /** * Validate the user ID. * * @param int $value * @return true|lang_string */ protected function validate_userid($value) { global $DB; // During create. if (!$this->get('id')) { // Check that the user exists. We do not need to do that on update because // the userid of a plan should never change. if (!$DB->record_exists('user', array('id' => $value))) { return new lang_string('invaliddata', 'error'); } } return true; } /** * Can the current user comment on a user's plan? * * @param int $planuserid The user ID the plan belongs to. * @return bool */ public static function can_comment_user($planuserid) { global $USER; $capabilities = array('moodle/competency:plancomment'); if ($USER->id == $planuserid) { $capabilities[] = 'moodle/competency:plancommentown'; } return has_any_capability($capabilities, context_user::instance($planuserid)); } /** * Can the current user manage a user's plan? * * @param int $planuserid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return bool */ public static function can_manage_user($planuserid) { global $USER; $context = context_user::instance($planuserid); $capabilities = array('moodle/competency:planmanage'); if ($context->instanceid == $USER->id) { $capabilities[] = 'moodle/competency:planmanageown'; } return has_any_capability($capabilities, $context); } /** * Can the current user manage a user's draft plan? * * @param int $planuserid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return bool */ public static function can_manage_user_draft($planuserid) { global $USER; $context = context_user::instance($planuserid); $capabilities = array('moodle/competency:planmanagedraft'); if ($context->instanceid == $USER->id) { $capabilities[] = 'moodle/competency:planmanageowndraft'; } return has_any_capability($capabilities, $context); } /** * Can the current user read the comments on a user's plan? * * @param int $planuserid The user ID the plan belongs to. * @return bool */ public static function can_read_comments_user($planuserid) { // Everyone who can read the plan can read the comments. return static::can_read_user($planuserid); } /** * Can the current user view a user's plan? * * @param int $planuserid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return bool */ public static function can_read_user($planuserid) { global $USER; $context = context_user::instance($planuserid); $capabilities = array('moodle/competency:planview'); if ($context->instanceid == $USER->id) { $capabilities[] = 'moodle/competency:planviewown'; } return has_any_capability($capabilities, $context) || self::can_manage_user($planuserid); } /** * Can the current user view a user's draft plan? * * @param int $planuserid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return bool */ public static function can_read_user_draft($planuserid) { global $USER; $context = context_user::instance($planuserid); $capabilities = array('moodle/competency:planviewdraft'); if ($context->instanceid == $USER->id) { $capabilities[] = 'moodle/competency:planviewowndraft'; } return has_any_capability($capabilities, $context) || self::can_manage_user_draft($planuserid); } /** * Can the current user request the draft to be reviewed. * * @param int $planuserid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return bool */ public static function can_request_review_user($planuserid) { global $USER; $capabilities = array('moodle/competency:planrequestreview'); if ($USER->id == $planuserid) { $capabilities[] = 'moodle/competency:planrequestreviewown'; } return has_any_capability($capabilities, context_user::instance($planuserid)); } /** * Can the current user review the plan. * * This means being able to send the plan from draft to active, and vice versa. * * @param int $planuserid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return bool */ public static function can_review_user($planuserid) { return has_capability('moodle/competency:planreview', context_user::instance($planuserid)) || self::can_manage_user($planuserid); } /** * Get the plans of a user containing a specific competency. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @return plans[] */ public static function get_by_user_and_competency($userid, $competencyid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT p.* FROM {' . self::TABLE . '} p LEFT JOIN {' . plan_competency::TABLE . '} pc ON pc.planid = p.id AND pc.competencyid = :competencyid1 LEFT JOIN {' . user_competency_plan::TABLE . '} ucp ON ucp.planid = p.id AND ucp.competencyid = :competencyid2 LEFT JOIN {' . template_competency::TABLE . '} tc ON tc.templateid = p.templateid AND tc.competencyid = :competencyid3 WHERE p.userid = :userid AND (pc.id IS NOT NULL OR ucp.id IS NOT NULL OR tc.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY p.id ASC'; $params = array( 'competencyid1' => $competencyid, 'competencyid2' => $competencyid, 'competencyid3' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid ); $plans = array(); $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($records as $record) { $plans[$record->id] = new plan(0, $record); } return $plans; } /** * Get the list of draft statuses. * * @return array Contains the status constants. */ public static function get_draft_statuses() { return array(self::STATUS_DRAFT, self::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REVIEW, self::STATUS_IN_REVIEW); } /** * Get the recordset of the plans that are due, incomplete and not draft. * * @return \moodle_recordset */ public static function get_recordset_for_due_and_incomplete() { global $DB; $sql = "duedate > 0 AND duedate < :now AND status = :status"; $params = array('now' => time(), 'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE); return $DB->get_recordset_select(self::TABLE, $sql, $params); } /** * Return a list of status depending on capabilities. * * @param int $userid The user to whom the plan would belong. * @return array */ public static function get_status_list($userid) { $status = array(); if (self::can_manage_user_draft($userid)) { $status[self::STATUS_DRAFT] = get_string('planstatusdraft', 'core_competency'); } if (self::can_manage_user($userid)) { $status[self::STATUS_ACTIVE] = get_string('planstatusactive', 'core_competency'); } return $status; } /** * Update from template. * * Bulk update a lot of plans from a template * * @param template $template * @return bool */ public static function update_multiple_from_template(template $template) { global $DB; if (!$template->is_valid()) { // As we will bypass this model's validation we rely on the template being validated. throw new \coding_exception('The template must be validated before updating plans.'); } $params = array( 'templateid' => $template->get('id'), 'status' => self::STATUS_COMPLETE, 'name' => $template->get('shortname'), 'description' => $template->get('description'), 'descriptionformat' => $template->get('descriptionformat'), 'duedate' => $template->get('duedate'), ); $sql = "UPDATE {" . self::TABLE . "} SET name = :name, description = :description, descriptionformat = :descriptionformat, duedate = :duedate WHERE templateid = :templateid AND status != :status"; return $DB->execute($sql, $params); } /** * Check if a template is associated to the plan. * * @return bool */ public function is_based_on_template() { return $this->get('templateid') !== null; } /** * Check if plan can be edited. * * @return bool */ public function can_be_edited() { return !$this->is_based_on_template() && $this->get('status') != self::STATUS_COMPLETE && $this->can_manage(); } /** * Validate the due date. * When setting a due date it must not exceed the DUEDATE_THRESHOLD. * * @param int $value The due date. * @return bool|lang_string */ protected function validate_duedate($value) { // We do not check duedate when plan is draft, complete, unset, or based on a template. if ($this->is_based_on_template() || $this->is_draft() || $this->get('status') == self::STATUS_COMPLETE || empty($value)) { return true; } // During update. if ($this->get('id')) { $before = $this->beforeupdate->get('duedate'); $beforestatus = $this->beforeupdate->get('status'); // The value has not changed, then it's always OK. Though if we're going // from draft to active it has to has to be validated. if ($before == $value && !in_array($beforestatus, self::get_draft_statuses())) { return true; } } if ($value <= time()) { // We cannot set the date in the past. return new lang_string('errorcannotsetduedateinthepast', 'core_competency'); } if ($value <= time() + self::DUEDATE_THRESHOLD) { // We cannot set the date too soon, but we can leave it empty. return new lang_string('errorcannotsetduedatetoosoon', 'core_competency'); } return true; } /** * Checks if a template has user plan records. * * @param int $templateid The template ID * @return boolean */ public static function has_records_for_template($templateid) { return self::record_exists_select('templateid = ?', array($templateid)); } /** * Count the number of plans for a template, optionally filtering by status. * * @param int $templateid The template ID * @param int $status The plan status. 0 means all statuses. * @return int */ public static function count_records_for_template($templateid, $status) { $filters = array('templateid' => $templateid); if ($status > 0) { $filters['status'] = $status; } return self::count_records($filters); } /** * Get the plans for a template, optionally filtering by status. * * @param int $templateid The template ID * @param int $status The plan status. 0 means all statuses. * @param int $skip The number of plans to skip * @param int $limit The max number of plans to return * @return int */ public static function get_records_for_template($templateid, $status = 0, $skip = 0, $limit = 100) { $filters = array('templateid' => $templateid); if ($status > 0) { $filters['status'] = $status; } return self::get_records($filters, $skip, $limit); } }