. /** * Contains the component_favourite_service class, part of the service layer for the favourites subsystem. * * @package core_favourites * @copyright 2019 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_favourites\local\service; use \core_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository_interface; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem, for all favourites of a specific component. * * This class provides operations which can be applied to favourites within a component, based on type and context identifiers. * * All object persistence is delegated to the favourite_repository_interface object. * * @copyright 2019 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class component_favourite_service { /** @var favourite_repository_interface $repo the favourite repository object. */ protected $repo; /** @var int $component the frankenstyle component name to which this favourites service is scoped. */ protected $component; /** * The component_favourite_service constructor. * * @param string $component The frankenstyle name of the component to which this service operations are scoped. * @param \core_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository_interface $repository a favourites repository. * @throws \moodle_exception if the component name is invalid. */ public function __construct(string $component, favourite_repository_interface $repository) { if (!in_array($component, \core_component::get_component_names())) { throw new \moodle_exception("Invalid component name '$component'"); } $this->repo = $repository; $this->component = $component; } /** * Delete a collection of favourites by type and item, and optionally for a given context. * * E.g. delete all favourites of type 'message_conversations' for the conversation '11' and in the CONTEXT_COURSE context. * * @param string $itemtype the type of the favourited items. * @param int $itemid the id of the item to which the favourites relate * @param \context $context the context of the items which were favourited. */ public function delete_favourites_by_type_and_item(string $itemtype, int $itemid, \context $context = null) { $criteria = ['component' => $this->component, 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'itemid' => $itemid] + ($context ? ['contextid' => $context->id] : []); $this->repo->delete_by($criteria); } }