. /** * Data generators for acceptance testing. * * @package core * @category test * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php. require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../behat/behat_base.php'); use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode; use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException as PendingException; /** * Class to set up quickly a Given environment. * * Acceptance tests are block-boxed, so this steps definitions should only * be used to set up the test environment as we are not replicating user steps. * * All data generators should be in lib/testing/generator/*, shared between phpunit * and behat and they should be called from here, if possible using the standard * 'create_$elementname($options)' and if it's not possible (data generators arguments will not be * always the same) or the element is not suitable to be a data generator, create a * 'process_$elementname($options)' method and use the data generator from there if possible. * * @todo If the available elements list grows too much this class must be split into smaller pieces * @package core * @category test * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class behat_data_generators extends behat_base { /** * @var testing_data_generator */ protected $datagenerator; /** * Each element specifies: * - The data generator sufix used. * - The required fields. * - The mapping between other elements references and database field names. * @var array */ protected static $elements = array( 'users' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'user', 'required' => array('username') ), 'categories' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'category', 'required' => array('idnumber'), 'switchids' => array('category' => 'parent') ), 'courses' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'course', 'required' => array('shortname'), 'switchids' => array('category' => 'category') ), 'groups' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'group', 'required' => array('idnumber', 'course'), 'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid') ), 'groupings' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'grouping', 'required' => array('idnumber', 'course'), 'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid') ), 'course enrolments' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'enrol_user', 'required' => array('user', 'course', 'role'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'course' => 'courseid', 'role' => 'roleid') ), 'custom field categories' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'custom_field_category', 'required' => array('name', 'component', 'area', 'itemid'), 'switchids' => array() ), 'custom fields' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'custom_field', 'required' => array('name', 'category', 'type', 'shortname'), 'switchids' => array() ), 'permission overrides' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'permission_override', 'required' => array('capability', 'permission', 'role', 'contextlevel', 'reference'), 'switchids' => array('role' => 'roleid') ), 'system role assigns' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'system_role_assign', 'required' => array('user', 'role'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'role' => 'roleid') ), 'role assigns' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'role_assign', 'required' => array('user', 'role', 'contextlevel', 'reference'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'role' => 'roleid') ), 'activities' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'activity', 'required' => array('activity', 'idnumber', 'course'), 'switchids' => array('course' => 'course', 'gradecategory' => 'gradecat') ), 'blocks' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'block_instance', 'required' => array('blockname', 'contextlevel', 'reference'), ), 'group members' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'group_member', 'required' => array('user', 'group'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'group' => 'groupid') ), 'grouping groups' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'grouping_group', 'required' => array('grouping', 'group'), 'switchids' => array('grouping' => 'groupingid', 'group' => 'groupid') ), 'cohorts' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'cohort', 'required' => array('idnumber') ), 'cohort members' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'cohort_member', 'required' => array('user', 'cohort'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'cohort' => 'cohortid') ), 'roles' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'role', 'required' => array('shortname') ), 'grade categories' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'grade_category', 'required' => array('fullname', 'course'), 'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid', 'gradecategory' => 'parent') ), 'grade items' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'grade_item', 'required' => array('course'), 'switchids' => array('scale' => 'scaleid', 'outcome' => 'outcomeid', 'course' => 'courseid', 'gradecategory' => 'categoryid') ), 'grade outcomes' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'grade_outcome', 'required' => array('shortname', 'scale'), 'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid', 'gradecategory' => 'categoryid', 'scale' => 'scaleid') ), 'scales' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'scale', 'required' => array('name', 'scale'), 'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid') ), 'question categories' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'question_category', 'required' => array('name', 'contextlevel', 'reference'), 'switchids' => array('questioncategory' => 'parent') ), 'questions' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'question', 'required' => array('qtype', 'questioncategory', 'name'), 'switchids' => array('questioncategory' => 'category', 'user' => 'createdby') ), 'tags' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'tag', 'required' => array('name') ), 'events' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'event', 'required' => array('name', 'eventtype'), 'switchids' => array( 'user' => 'userid', 'course' => 'courseid', 'category' => 'categoryid', ) ), 'message contacts' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'message_contacts', 'required' => array('user', 'contact'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'contact' => 'contactid') ), 'private messages' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'private_messages', 'required' => array('user', 'contact', 'message'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'contact' => 'contactid') ), 'favourite conversations' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'favourite_conversations', 'required' => array('user', 'contact'), 'switchids' => array('user' => 'userid', 'contact' => 'contactid') ), 'language customisations' => array( 'datagenerator' => 'customlang', 'required' => array('component', 'stringid', 'value'), ), ); /** * Creates the specified element. * * The most reliable list of what types of thing can be created is the * $elements array defined above. * * @Given /^the following "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" exist:$/ * * @throws Exception * @throws PendingException * @param string $elementname The name of the entity to add * @param TableNode $data */ public function the_following_exist($elementname, TableNode $data) { // Now that we need them require the data generators. require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../testing/generator/lib.php'); if (empty(self::$elements[$elementname])) { throw new PendingException($elementname . ' data generator is not implemented'); } $this->datagenerator = testing_util::get_data_generator(); $elementdatagenerator = self::$elements[$elementname]['datagenerator']; $requiredfields = self::$elements[$elementname]['required']; if (!empty(self::$elements[$elementname]['switchids'])) { $switchids = self::$elements[$elementname]['switchids']; } foreach ($data->getHash() as $elementdata) { // Check if all the required fields are there. foreach ($requiredfields as $requiredfield) { if (!isset($elementdata[$requiredfield])) { throw new Exception($elementname . ' requires the field ' . $requiredfield . ' to be specified'); } } // Switch from human-friendly references to ids. if (isset($switchids)) { foreach ($switchids as $element => $field) { $methodname = 'get_' . $element . '_id'; // Not all the switch fields are required, default vars will be assigned by data generators. if (isset($elementdata[$element])) { // Temp $id var to avoid problems when $element == $field. $id = $this->{$methodname}($elementdata[$element]); unset($elementdata[$element]); $elementdata[$field] = $id; } } } // Preprocess the entities that requires a special treatment. if (method_exists($this, 'preprocess_' . $elementdatagenerator)) { $elementdata = $this->{'preprocess_' . $elementdatagenerator}($elementdata); } // Creates element. $methodname = 'create_' . $elementdatagenerator; if (method_exists($this->datagenerator, $methodname)) { // Using data generators directly. $this->datagenerator->{$methodname}($elementdata); } else if (method_exists($this, 'process_' . $elementdatagenerator)) { // Using an alternative to the direct data generator call. $this->{'process_' . $elementdatagenerator}($elementdata); } else { throw new PendingException($elementname . ' data generator is not implemented'); } } } /** * If password is not set it uses the username. * @param array $data * @return array */ protected function preprocess_user($data) { if (!isset($data['password'])) { $data['password'] = $data['username']; } return $data; } /** * If contextlevel and reference are specified for cohort, transform them to the contextid. * * @param array $data * @return array */ protected function preprocess_cohort($data) { if (isset($data['contextlevel'])) { if (!isset($data['reference'])) { throw new Exception('If field contextlevel is specified, field reference must also be present'); } $context = $this->get_context($data['contextlevel'], $data['reference']); unset($data['contextlevel']); unset($data['reference']); $data['contextid'] = $context->id; } return $data; } /** * Preprocesses the creation of a grade item. Converts gradetype text to a number. * @param array $data * @return array */ protected function preprocess_grade_item($data) { global $CFG; require_once("$CFG->libdir/grade/constants.php"); if (isset($data['gradetype'])) { $data['gradetype'] = constant("GRADE_TYPE_" . strtoupper($data['gradetype'])); } if (!empty($data['category']) && !empty($data['courseid'])) { $cat = grade_category::fetch(array('fullname' => $data['category'], 'courseid' => $data['courseid'])); if (!$cat) { throw new Exception('Could not resolve category with name "' . $data['category'] . '"'); } unset($data['category']); $data['categoryid'] = $cat->id; } return $data; } /** * Adapter to modules generator * @throws Exception Custom exception for test writers * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_activity($data) { global $DB, $CFG; // The the_following_exists() method checks that the field exists. $activityname = $data['activity']; unset($data['activity']); // Convert scale name into scale id (negative number indicates using scale). if (isset($data['grade']) && strlen($data['grade']) && !is_number($data['grade'])) { $data['grade'] = - $this->get_scale_id($data['grade']); require_once("$CFG->libdir/grade/constants.php"); if (!isset($data['gradetype'])) { $data['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE; } } // We split $data in the activity $record and the course module $options. $cmoptions = array(); $cmcolumns = $DB->get_columns('course_modules'); foreach ($cmcolumns as $key => $value) { if (isset($data[$key])) { $cmoptions[$key] = $data[$key]; } } // Custom exception. try { $this->datagenerator->create_module($activityname, $data, $cmoptions); } catch (coding_exception $e) { throw new Exception('\'' . $activityname . '\' activity can not be added using this step,' . ' use the step \'I add a "ACTIVITY_OR_RESOURCE_NAME_STRING" to section "SECTION_NUMBER"\' instead'); } } /** * Add a block to a page. * * @param array $data should mostly match the fields of the block_instances table. * The block type is specified by blockname. * The parentcontextid is set from contextlevel and reference. * Missing values are filled in by testing_block_generator::prepare_record. * $data is passed to create_block as both $record and $options. Normally * the keys are different, so this is a way to let people set values in either place. */ protected function process_block_instance($data) { if (empty($data['blockname'])) { throw new Exception('\'blocks\' requires the field \'block\' type to be specified'); } if (empty($data['contextlevel'])) { throw new Exception('\'blocks\' requires the field \'contextlevel\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['reference'])) { throw new Exception('\'blocks\' requires the field \'reference\' to be specified'); } $context = $this->get_context($data['contextlevel'], $data['reference']); $data['parentcontextid'] = $context->id; // Pass $data as both $record and $options. I think that is unlikely to // cause problems since the relevant key names are different. // $options is not used in most blocks I have seen, but where it is, it is necessary. $this->datagenerator->create_block($data['blockname'], $data, $data); } /** * Creates language customisation. * * @throws Exception * @throws dml_exception * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_customlang($data) { global $CFG, $DB, $USER; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/tool/customlang/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'); if (empty($data['component'])) { throw new Exception('\'customlang\' requires the field \'component\' type to be specified'); } if (empty($data['stringid'])) { throw new Exception('\'customlang\' requires the field \'stringid\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['value'])) { throw new Exception('\'customlang\' requires the field \'value\' to be specified'); } $now = time(); tool_customlang_utils::checkout($USER->lang); $record = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT s.* FROM {tool_customlang} s JOIN {tool_customlang_components} c ON s.componentid = c.id WHERE c.name = ? AND s.lang = ? AND s.stringid = ?", array($data['component'], $USER->lang, $data['stringid'])); if (empty($data['value']) && !is_null($record->local)) { $record->local = null; $record->modified = 1; $record->outdated = 0; $record->timecustomized = null; $DB->update_record('tool_customlang', $record); tool_customlang_utils::checkin($USER->lang); } if (!empty($data['value']) && $data['value'] != $record->local) { $record->local = $data['value']; $record->modified = 1; $record->outdated = 0; $record->timecustomized = $now; $DB->update_record('tool_customlang', $record); tool_customlang_utils::checkin($USER->lang); } } /** * Adapter to enrol_user() data generator. * @throws Exception * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_enrol_user($data) { global $SITE; if (empty($data['roleid'])) { throw new Exception('\'course enrolments\' requires the field \'role\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['userid'])) { throw new Exception('\'course enrolments\' requires the field \'user\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['courseid'])) { throw new Exception('\'course enrolments\' requires the field \'course\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['enrol'])) { $data['enrol'] = 'manual'; } if (!isset($data['timestart'])) { $data['timestart'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['timeend'])) { $data['timeend'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['status'])) { $data['status'] = null; } // If the provided course shortname is the site shortname we consider it a system role assign. if ($data['courseid'] == $SITE->id) { // Frontpage course assign. $context = context_course::instance($data['courseid']); role_assign($data['roleid'], $data['userid'], $context->id); } else { // Course assign. $this->datagenerator->enrol_user($data['userid'], $data['courseid'], $data['roleid'], $data['enrol'], $data['timestart'], $data['timeend'], $data['status']); } } /** * Allows/denies a capability at the specified context * * @throws Exception * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_permission_override($data) { // Will throw an exception if it does not exist. $context = $this->get_context($data['contextlevel'], $data['reference']); switch ($data['permission']) { case get_string('allow', 'role'): $permission = CAP_ALLOW; break; case get_string('prevent', 'role'): $permission = CAP_PREVENT; break; case get_string('prohibit', 'role'): $permission = CAP_PROHIBIT; break; default: throw new Exception('The \'' . $data['permission'] . '\' permission does not exist'); break; } if (is_null(get_capability_info($data['capability']))) { throw new Exception('The \'' . $data['capability'] . '\' capability does not exist'); } role_change_permission($data['roleid'], $context, $data['capability'], $permission); } /** * Assigns a role to a user at system context * * Used by "system role assigns" can be deleted when * system role assign will be deprecated in favour of * "role assigns" * * @throws Exception * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_system_role_assign($data) { if (empty($data['roleid'])) { throw new Exception('\'system role assigns\' requires the field \'role\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['userid'])) { throw new Exception('\'system role assigns\' requires the field \'user\' to be specified'); } $context = context_system::instance(); $this->datagenerator->role_assign($data['roleid'], $data['userid'], $context->id); } /** * Assigns a role to a user at the specified context * * @throws Exception * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_role_assign($data) { if (empty($data['roleid'])) { throw new Exception('\'role assigns\' requires the field \'role\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['userid'])) { throw new Exception('\'role assigns\' requires the field \'user\' to be specified'); } if (empty($data['contextlevel'])) { throw new Exception('\'role assigns\' requires the field \'contextlevel\' to be specified'); } if (!isset($data['reference'])) { throw new Exception('\'role assigns\' requires the field \'reference\' to be specified'); } // Getting the context id. $context = $this->get_context($data['contextlevel'], $data['reference']); $this->datagenerator->role_assign($data['roleid'], $data['userid'], $context->id); } /** * Creates a role. * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_role($data) { // We require the user to fill the role shortname. if (empty($data['shortname'])) { throw new Exception('\'role\' requires the field \'shortname\' to be specified'); } $this->datagenerator->create_role($data); } /** * Adds members to cohorts * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_cohort_member($data) { cohort_add_member($data['cohortid'], $data['userid']); } /** * Create a question category. * * @param array $data the row of data from the behat script. */ protected function process_question_category($data) { $context = $this->get_context($data['contextlevel'], $data['reference']); $data['contextid'] = $context->id; $this->datagenerator->get_plugin_generator('core_question')->create_question_category($data); } /** * Create a question. * * Creating questions relies on the question/type/.../tests/helper.php mechanism. * We start with test_question_maker::get_question_form_data($data['qtype'], $data['template']) * and then overlay the values from any other fields of $data that are set. * * @param array $data the row of data from the behat script. */ protected function process_question($data) { if (array_key_exists('questiontext', $data)) { $data['questiontext'] = array( 'text' => $data['questiontext'], 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, ); } if (array_key_exists('generalfeedback', $data)) { $data['generalfeedback'] = array( 'text' => $data['generalfeedback'], 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, ); } $which = null; if (!empty($data['template'])) { $which = $data['template']; } $this->datagenerator->get_plugin_generator('core_question')->create_question($data['qtype'], $which, $data); } /** * Gets the grade category id from the grade category fullname * @throws Exception * @param string $username * @return int */ protected function get_gradecategory_id($fullname) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('grade_categories', 'id', array('fullname' => $fullname))) { throw new Exception('The specified grade category with fullname "' . $fullname . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the user id from it's username. * @throws Exception * @param string $username * @return int */ protected function get_user_id($username) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $username))) { throw new Exception('The specified user with username "' . $username . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the role id from it's shortname. * @throws Exception * @param string $roleshortname * @return int */ protected function get_role_id($roleshortname) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => $roleshortname))) { throw new Exception('The specified role with shortname "' . $roleshortname . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the category id from it's idnumber. * @throws Exception * @param string $idnumber * @return int */ protected function get_category_id($idnumber) { global $DB; // If no category was specified use the data generator one. if ($idnumber == false) { return null; } if (!$id = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $idnumber))) { throw new Exception('The specified category with idnumber "' . $idnumber . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the course id from it's shortname. * @throws Exception * @param string $shortname * @return int */ protected function get_course_id($shortname) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('shortname' => $shortname))) { throw new Exception('The specified course with shortname "' . $shortname . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the group id from it's idnumber. * @throws Exception * @param string $idnumber * @return int */ protected function get_group_id($idnumber) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('groups', 'id', array('idnumber' => $idnumber))) { throw new Exception('The specified group with idnumber "' . $idnumber . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the grouping id from it's idnumber. * @throws Exception * @param string $idnumber * @return int */ protected function get_grouping_id($idnumber) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('groupings', 'id', array('idnumber' => $idnumber))) { throw new Exception('The specified grouping with idnumber "' . $idnumber . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the cohort id from it's idnumber. * @throws Exception * @param string $idnumber * @return int */ protected function get_cohort_id($idnumber) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('cohort', 'id', array('idnumber' => $idnumber))) { throw new Exception('The specified cohort with idnumber "' . $idnumber . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the outcome item id from its shortname. * @throws Exception * @param string $shortname * @return int */ protected function get_outcome_id($shortname) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('grade_outcomes', 'id', array('shortname' => $shortname))) { throw new Exception('The specified outcome with shortname "' . $shortname . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Get the id of a named scale. * @param string $name the name of the scale. * @return int the scale id. */ protected function get_scale_id($name) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('scale', 'id', array('name' => $name))) { throw new Exception('The specified scale with name "' . $name . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Get the id of a named question category (must be globally unique). * Note that 'Top' is a special value, used when setting the parent of another * category, meaning top-level. * * @param string $name the question category name. * @return int the question category id. */ protected function get_questioncategory_id($name) { global $DB; if ($name == 'Top') { return 0; } if (!$id = $DB->get_field('question_categories', 'id', array('name' => $name))) { throw new Exception('The specified question category with name "' . $name . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Gets the internal context id from the context reference. * * The context reference changes depending on the context * level, it can be the system, a user, a category, a course or * a module. * * @throws Exception * @param string $levelname The context level string introduced by the test writer * @param string $contextref The context reference introduced by the test writer * @return context */ protected function get_context($levelname, $contextref) { global $DB; // Getting context levels and names (we will be using the English ones as it is the test site language). $contextlevels = context_helper::get_all_levels(); $contextnames = array(); foreach ($contextlevels as $level => $classname) { $contextnames[context_helper::get_level_name($level)] = $level; } if (empty($contextnames[$levelname])) { throw new Exception('The specified "' . $levelname . '" context level does not exist'); } $contextlevel = $contextnames[$levelname]; // Return it, we don't need to look for other internal ids. if ($contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM) { return context_system::instance(); } switch ($contextlevel) { case CONTEXT_USER: $instanceid = $DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $contextref)); break; case CONTEXT_COURSECAT: $instanceid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $contextref)); break; case CONTEXT_COURSE: $instanceid = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('shortname' => $contextref)); break; case CONTEXT_MODULE: $instanceid = $DB->get_field('course_modules', 'id', array('idnumber' => $contextref)); break; default: break; } $contextclass = $contextlevels[$contextlevel]; if (!$context = $contextclass::instance($instanceid, IGNORE_MISSING)) { throw new Exception('The specified "' . $contextref . '" context reference does not exist'); } return $context; } /** * Adds user to contacts * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_message_contacts($data) { \core_message\api::add_contact($data['userid'], $data['contactid']); } /** * Gets the contact id from it's username. * @throws Exception * @param string $username * @return int */ protected function get_contact_id($username) { global $DB; if (!$id = $DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $username))) { throw new Exception('The specified user with username "' . $username . '" does not exist'); } return $id; } /** * Send a new message from user to contact in a private conversation * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_private_messages(array $data) { if (!$conversationid = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$data['userid'], $data['contactid']])) { $conversation = \core_message\api::create_conversation( \core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, [$data['userid'], $data['contactid']] ); $conversationid = $conversation->id; } \core_message\api::send_message_to_conversation($data['userid'], $conversationid, $data['message'], FORMAT_PLAIN); } /** * Mark a private conversation as favourite for user * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function process_favourite_conversations(array $data) { if (!$conversationid = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$data['userid'], $data['contactid']])) { $conversation = \core_message\api::create_conversation( \core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, [$data['userid'], $data['contactid']] ); $conversationid = $conversation->id; } \core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation($conversationid, $data['userid']); } }