YUI.add('moodle-core-tooltip', function (Y, NAME) {
* Provides the base tooltip class.
* @module moodle-core-tooltip
* A base class for a tooltip.
* @param {Object} config Object literal specifying tooltip configuration properties.
* @class M.core.tooltip
* @constructor
* @extends M.core.dialogue
function TOOLTIP(config) {
if (!config) {
config = {};
// Override the default options provided by the parent class.
if (typeof config.draggable === 'undefined') {
config.draggable = true;
if (typeof config.constrain === 'undefined') {
config.constrain = true;
TOOLTIP.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [config]);
CLOSEBUTTON: '.closebutton'
CSS = {
PANELTEXT: 'tooltiptext'
pix: 'i/loading_small',
component: 'moodle'
ATTRS = {};
* Static property provides a string to identify the JavaScript class.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
TOOLTIP.NAME = 'moodle-core-tooltip';
* Static property used to define the CSS prefix applied to tooltip dialogues.
* @property CSS_PREFIX
* @type String
* @static
TOOLTIP.CSS_PREFIX = 'moodle-dialogue';
* Static property used to define the default attribute configuration for the Tooltip.
* @property ATTRS
* @type String
* @static
* The initial value of the header region before the content finishes loading.
* @attribute initialheadertext
* @type String
* @default ''
* @writeOnce
ATTRS.initialheadertext = {
value: ''
* The initial value of the body region before the content finishes loading.
* The supplid string will be wrapped in a div with the CSS.PANELTEXT class and a standard Moodle spinner
* appended.
* @attribute initialbodytext
* @type String
* @default ''
* @writeOnce
ATTRS.initialbodytext = {
value: '',
setter: function(content) {
var parentnode,
parentnode = Y.Node.create('
* @attribute initialfootertext
* @type String
* @default ''
* @writeOnce
ATTRS.initialfootertext = {
value: null,
setter: function(content) {
if (content) {
return Y.Node.create('
.set('text', content);
* The function which handles setting the content of the title region.
* The specified function will be called with a context of the tooltip instance.
* The default function will simply set the value of the title to object.heading as returned by the AJAX call.
* @attribute headerhandler
* @type Function|String|null
* @default set_header_content
ATTRS.headerhandler = {
value: 'set_header_content'
* The function which handles setting the content of the body region.
* The specified function will be called with a context of the tooltip instance.
* The default function will simply set the value of the body area to a div containing object.text as returned
* by the AJAX call.
* @attribute bodyhandler
* @type Function|String|null
* @default set_body_content
ATTRS.bodyhandler = {
value: 'set_body_content'
* The function which handles setting the content of the footer region.
* The specified function will be called with a context of the tooltip instance.
* By default, the footer is not set.
* @attribute footerhandler
* @type Function|String|null
* @default null
ATTRS.footerhandler = {
value: null
* The function which handles modifying the URL that was clicked on.
* The default function rewrites '.php' to '_ajax.php'.
* @attribute urlmodifier
* @type Function|String|null
* @default null
ATTRS.urlmodifier = {
value: null
* Set the Y.Cache object to use.
* By default a new Y.Cache object will be created for each instance of the tooltip.
* In certain situations, where multiple tooltips may share the same cache, it may be preferable to
* seed this cache from the calling method.
* @attribute textcache
* @type Y.Cache|null
* @default null
ATTRS.textcache = {
value: null
* Set the default size of the Y.Cache object.
* This is only used if no textcache is specified.
* @attribute textcachesize
* @type Number
* @default 10
ATTRS.textcachesize = {
value: 10
Y.extend(TOOLTIP, M.core.dialogue, {
// The bounding box.
bb: null,
// Any event listeners we may need to cancel later.
listenevents: [],
// Cache of objects we've already retrieved.
textcache: null,
// The align position. This differs for RTL languages so we calculate once and store.
alignpoints: [
initializer: function() {
// Set the initial values for the handlers.
// These cannot be set in the attributes section as context isn't present at that time.
if (!this.get('headerhandler')) {
this.set('headerhandler', this.set_header_content);
if (!this.get('bodyhandler')) {
this.set('bodyhandler', this.set_body_content);
if (!this.get('footerhandler')) {
this.set('footerhandler', function() {});
if (!this.get('urlmodifier')) {
this.set('urlmodifier', this.modify_url);
// Set up the dialogue with initial content.
headerContent: this.get('initialheadertext'),
bodyContent: this.get('initialbodytext'),
footerContent: this.get('initialfootertext')
// Hide and then render the dialogue.
// Hook into a few useful areas.
this.bb = this.get('boundingBox');
// Add an additional class to the boundingbox to allow tooltip-specific style to be
// set.
// Change the alignment if this is an RTL language.
if (window.right_to_left()) {
this.alignpoints = [
// Set up the text cache if it's not set up already.
if (!this.get('textcache')) {
this.set('textcache', new Y.Cache({
// Set a reasonable maximum cache size to prevent memory growth.
max: this.get('textcachesize')
// Disable the textcache when in developerdebug.
if (M.cfg.developerdebug) {
this.get('textcache').set('max', 0);
return this;
* Display the tooltip for the clicked link.
* The anchor for the clicked link is used.
* @method display_panel
* @param {EventFacade} e The event from the clicked link. This is used to determine the clicked URL.
display_panel: function(e) {
var clickedlink, thisevent, ajaxurl, config, cacheentry;
// Prevent the default click action and prevent the event triggering anything else.
// Cancel any existing listeners and close the panel if it's already open.
// Grab the clickedlink - this contains the URL we fetch and we align the panel to it.
clickedlink = e.target.ancestor('a', true);
// Reset the initial text to a spinner while we retrieve the text.
headerContent: this.get('initialheadertext'),
bodyContent: this.get('initialbodytext'),
footerContent: this.get('initialfootertext')
// Now that initial setup has begun, show the panel.
// Align with the link that was clicked.
this.align(clickedlink, this.alignpoints);
// Add some listen events to close on.
thisevent = this.bb.delegate('click', this.close_panel, SELECTORS.CLOSEBUTTON, this);
thisevent = Y.one('body').on('key', this.close_panel, 'esc', this);
// Listen for mousedownoutside events - clickoutside is broken on IE.
thisevent = this.bb.on('mousedownoutside', this.close_panel, this);
// Modify the URL as required.
ajaxurl = Y.bind(this.get('urlmodifier'), this, clickedlink.get('href'))();
cacheentry = this.get('textcache').retrieve(ajaxurl);
if (cacheentry) {
// The data from this help call was already cached so use that and avoid an AJAX call.
} else {
// Retrieve the actual help text we should use.
config = {
method: 'get',
context: this,
sync: false,
on: {
complete: function(tid, response) {
this._set_panel_contents(response.responseText, ajaxurl);
Y.io(ajaxurl, config);
_set_panel_contents: function(response, ajaxurl) {
var responseobject;
// Attempt to parse the response into an object.
try {
responseobject = Y.JSON.parse(response);
if (responseobject.error) {
Y.use('moodle-core-notification-ajaxexception', function() {
return new M.core.ajaxException(responseobject).show();
return this;
} catch (error) {
Y.use('moodle-core-notification-exception', function() {
return new M.core.exception(error).show();
return this;
// Set the contents using various handlers.
// We must use Y.bind to ensure that the correct context is used when the default handlers are overridden.
Y.bind(this.get('headerhandler'), this, responseobject)();
Y.bind(this.get('bodyhandler'), this, responseobject)();
Y.bind(this.get('footerhandler'), this, responseobject)();
if (ajaxurl) {
// Ensure that this data is added to the cache.
this.get('textcache').add(ajaxurl, response);
set_header_content: function(responseobject) {
this.set('headerContent', responseobject.heading);
set_body_content: function(responseobject) {
var bodycontent = Y.Node.create('
.set('innerHTML', responseobject.text)
.setAttribute('role', 'alert')
this.set('bodyContent', bodycontent);
modify_url: function(url) {
return url.replace(/\.php\?/, '_ajax.php?');
close_panel: function(e) {
// Hide the panel first.
// Cancel the listeners that we added in display_panel.
// Prevent any default click that the close button may have.
if (e) {
cancel_events: function() {
// Detach all listen events to prevent duplicate triggers.
var thisevent;
while (this.listenevents.length) {
thisevent = this.listenevents.shift();
Y.Base.modifyAttrs(TOOLTIP, {
* Whether the widget should be modal or not.
* Moodle override: We override this for tooltip to default it to false.
* @attribute Modal
* @type Boolean
* @default false
modal: {
value: false
focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide: {
value: true
M.core = M.core || {};
M.core.tooltip = M.core.tooltip = TOOLTIP;
}, '@VERSION@', {
"requires": [