YUI.add('moodle-core-widget-focusafterclose', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides support for focusing on different nodes after the Widget is * hidden. * * If the focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide attribute is true, then the module hooks * into the show function for that Widget to try and determine which Node * caused the Widget to be shown. * * Alternatively, the focusAfterHide attribute can be passed a Node. * * @module moodle-core-widget-focusafterhide */ var CAN_RECEIVE_FOCUS_SELECTOR = 'input:not([type="hidden"]), ' + 'a[href], button, textarea, select, ' + '[tabindex], [contenteditable="true"]'; /** * Provides support for focusing on different nodes after the Widget is * hidden. * * @class M.core.WidgetFocusAfterHide */ function WidgetFocusAfterHide() { Y.after(this._bindUIFocusAfterHide, this, 'bindUI'); if (this.get('rendered')) { this._bindUIFocusAfterHide(); } } WidgetFocusAfterHide.ATTRS = { /** * Whether to focus on the target that caused the Widget to be shown. * * If this is true, and a valid Node is found, any Node specified to focusAfterHide * will be ignored. * * @attribute focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide * @default false * @type boolean */ focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide: { value: false }, /** * The Node to focus on after hiding the Widget. * * Note: If focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide is true, and a valid Node is found, then this * value will be ignored. If it is true and not found, then this value will be used as * a fallback. * * @attribute focusAfterHide * @default null * @type Node */ focusAfterHide: { value: null, type: Y.Node } }; WidgetFocusAfterHide.prototype = { /** * The list of Event Handles which we should cancel when the dialogue is destroyed. * * @property uiHandleFocusAfterHide * @type array * @protected */ _uiHandlesFocusAfterHide: [], /** * A reference to the real show method which is being overwritten. * * @property _showFocusAfterHide * @type function * @default null * @protected */ _showFocusAfterHide: null, /** * A reference to the detected previous target. * * @property _previousTargetFocusAfterHide * @type function * @default null * @protected */ _previousTargetFocusAfterHide: null, initializer: function() { if (this.get('focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide') && this.show) { // Overwrite the parent method so that we can get the focused // target. this._showFocusAfterHide = this.show; this.show = function(e) { this._showFocusAfterHide.apply(this, arguments); // We use a property rather than overriding the focusAfterHide parameter in // case the target cannot be found at hide time. this._previousTargetFocusAfterHide = null; if (e && e.currentTarget) { this._previousTargetFocusAfterHide = e.currentTarget; } }; } }, destructor: function() { new Y.EventHandle(this.uiHandleFocusAfterHide).detach(); }, /** * Set up the event handling required for this module to work. * * @method _bindUIFocusAfterHide * @private */ _bindUIFocusAfterHide: function() { // Detach the old handles first. new Y.EventHandle(this.uiHandleFocusAfterHide).detach(); this.uiHandleFocusAfterHide = [ this.after('visibleChange', this._afterHostVisibleChangeFocusAfterHide) ]; }, /** * Handle the change in UI visibility. * * This method changes the focus after the hide has taken place. * * @method _afterHostVisibleChangeFocusAfterHide * @private */ _afterHostVisibleChangeFocusAfterHide: function() { if (!this.get('visible')) { if (this._attemptFocus(this._previousTargetFocusAfterHide)) { } else if (this._attemptFocus(this.get('focusAfterHide'))) { // Fall back to the focusAfterHide value if one was specified. } else { } } }, _attemptFocus: function(node) { var focusTarget = Y.one(node); if (focusTarget) { focusTarget = focusTarget.ancestor(CAN_RECEIVE_FOCUS_SELECTOR, true); if (focusTarget) { focusTarget.focus(); return true; } } return false; } }; var NS = Y.namespace('M.core'); NS.WidgetFocusAfterHide = WidgetFocusAfterHide; }, '@VERSION@', {"requires": ["base-build", "widget"]});