YUI.add('yui2-dom', function(Y) { var YAHOO = Y.YUI2; /* Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 2.9.0 */ /** * The dom module provides helper methods for manipulating Dom elements. * @module dom * */ (function() { // for use with generateId (global to save state if Dom is overwritten) YAHOO.env._id_counter = YAHOO.env._id_counter || 0; // internal shorthand var Y = YAHOO.util, lang = YAHOO.lang, UA = YAHOO.env.ua, trim = YAHOO.lang.trim, propertyCache = {}, // for faster hyphen converts reCache = {}, // cache className regexes RE_TABLE = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, // for _calcBorders RE_COLOR = /color$/i, // DOM aliases document = window.document, documentElement = document.documentElement, // string constants OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument', DEFAULT_VIEW = 'defaultView', DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement', COMPAT_MODE = 'compatMode', OFFSET_LEFT = 'offsetLeft', OFFSET_TOP = 'offsetTop', OFFSET_PARENT = 'offsetParent', PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode', NODE_TYPE = 'nodeType', TAG_NAME = 'tagName', SCROLL_LEFT = 'scrollLeft', SCROLL_TOP = 'scrollTop', GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT = 'getBoundingClientRect', GET_COMPUTED_STYLE = 'getComputedStyle', CURRENT_STYLE = 'currentStyle', CSS1_COMPAT = 'CSS1Compat', _BACK_COMPAT = 'BackCompat', _CLASS = 'class', // underscore due to reserved word CLASS_NAME = 'className', EMPTY = '', SPACE = ' ', C_START = '(?:^|\\s)', C_END = '(?= |$)', G = 'g', POSITION = 'position', FIXED = 'fixed', RELATIVE = 'relative', LEFT = 'left', TOP = 'top', MEDIUM = 'medium', BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = 'borderLeftWidth', BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = 'borderTopWidth', // brower detection isOpera = UA.opera, isSafari = UA.webkit, isGecko = UA.gecko, isIE = UA.ie; /** * Provides helper methods for DOM elements. * @namespace YAHOO.util * @class Dom * @requires yahoo, event */ Y.Dom = { CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES: (!documentElement.hasAttribute) ? { // IE < 8 'for': 'htmlFor', 'class': CLASS_NAME } : { // w3c 'htmlFor': 'for', 'className': _CLASS }, DOT_ATTRIBUTES: { checked: true }, /** * Returns an HTMLElement reference. * @method get * @param {String | HTMLElement |Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID for getting a DOM reference, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements. * @return {HTMLElement | Array} A DOM reference to an HTML element or an array of HTMLElements. */ get: function(el) { var id, nodes, c, i, len, attr, ret = null; if (el) { if (typeof el == 'string' || typeof el == 'number') { // id id = el + ''; el = document.getElementById(el); attr = (el) ? el.attributes : null; if (el && attr && attr.id && attr.id.value === id) { // IE: avoid false match on "name" attribute return el; } else if (el && document.all) { // filter by name el = null; nodes = document.all[id]; if (nodes && nodes.length) { for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { if (nodes[i].id === id) { return nodes[i]; } } } } } else if (Y.Element && el instanceof Y.Element) { el = el.get('element'); } else if (!el.nodeType && 'length' in el) { // array-like c = []; for (i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; ++i) { c[c.length] = Y.Dom.get(el[i]); } el = c; } ret = el; } return ret; }, getComputedStyle: function(el, property) { if (window[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE]) { return el[OWNER_DOCUMENT][DEFAULT_VIEW][GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](el, null)[property]; } else if (el[CURRENT_STYLE]) { return Y.Dom.IE_ComputedStyle.get(el, property); } }, /** * Normalizes currentStyle and ComputedStyle. * @method getStyle * @param {String | HTMLElement |Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements. * @param {String} property The style property whose value is returned. * @return {String | Array} The current value of the style property for the element(s). */ getStyle: function(el, property) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._getStyle, property); }, // branching at load instead of runtime _getStyle: function() { if (window[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE]) { // W3C DOM method return function(el, property) { property = (property === 'float') ? property = 'cssFloat' : Y.Dom._toCamel(property); var value = el.style[property], computed; if (!value) { computed = el[OWNER_DOCUMENT][DEFAULT_VIEW][GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](el, null); if (computed) { // test computed before touching for safari value = computed[property]; } } return value; }; } else if (documentElement[CURRENT_STYLE]) { return function(el, property) { var value; switch(property) { case 'opacity' :// IE opacity uses filter value = 100; try { // will error if no DXImageTransform value = el.filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha'].opacity; } catch(e) { try { // make sure its in the document value = el.filters('alpha').opacity; } catch(err) { } } return value / 100; case 'float': // fix reserved word property = 'styleFloat'; // fall through default: property = Y.Dom._toCamel(property); value = el[CURRENT_STYLE] ? el[CURRENT_STYLE][property] : null; return ( el.style[property] || value ); } }; } }(), /** * Wrapper for setting style properties of HTMLElements. Normalizes "opacity" across modern browsers. * @method setStyle * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements. * @param {String} property The style property to be set. * @param {String} val The value to apply to the given property. */ setStyle: function(el, property, val) { Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._setStyle, { prop: property, val: val }); }, _setStyle: function() { if (!window.getComputedStyle && document.documentElement.currentStyle) { return function(el, args) { var property = Y.Dom._toCamel(args.prop), val = args.val; if (el) { switch (property) { case 'opacity': // remove filter if unsetting or full opacity if (val === '' || val === null || val === 1) { el.style.removeAttribute('filter'); } else if ( lang.isString(el.style.filter) ) { // in case not appended el.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + val * 100 + ')'; if (!el[CURRENT_STYLE] || !el[CURRENT_STYLE].hasLayout) { el.style.zoom = 1; // when no layout or cant tell } } break; case 'float': property = 'styleFloat'; default: el.style[property] = val; } } else { } }; } else { return function(el, args) { var property = Y.Dom._toCamel(args.prop), val = args.val; if (el) { if (property == 'float') { property = 'cssFloat'; } el.style[property] = val; } else { } }; } }(), /** * Gets the current position of an element based on page coordinates. * Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method getXY * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM * reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements * @return {Array} The XY position of the element(s) */ getXY: function(el) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._getXY); }, _canPosition: function(el) { return ( Y.Dom._getStyle(el, 'display') !== 'none' && Y.Dom._inDoc(el) ); }, _getXY: function(node) { var scrollLeft, scrollTop, box, doc, clientTop, clientLeft, round = Math.round, // TODO: round? xy = false; if (Y.Dom._canPosition(node)) { box = node[GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT](); doc = node[OWNER_DOCUMENT]; scrollLeft = Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(doc); scrollTop = Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(doc); xy = [box[LEFT], box[TOP]]; // remove IE default documentElement offset (border) if (clientTop || clientLeft) { xy[0] -= clientLeft; xy[1] -= clientTop; } if ((scrollTop || scrollLeft)) { xy[0] += scrollLeft; xy[1] += scrollTop; } // gecko may return sub-pixel (non-int) values xy[0] = round(xy[0]); xy[1] = round(xy[1]); } else { } return xy; }, /** * Gets the current X position of an element based on page coordinates. The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method getX * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements * @return {Number | Array} The X position of the element(s) */ getX: function(el) { var f = function(el) { return Y.Dom.getXY(el)[0]; }; return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true); }, /** * Gets the current Y position of an element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method getY * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements * @return {Number | Array} The Y position of the element(s) */ getY: function(el) { var f = function(el) { return Y.Dom.getXY(el)[1]; }; return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true); }, /** * Set the position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned. * The element(s) must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method setXY * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements * @param {Array} pos Contains X & Y values for new position (coordinates are page-based) * @param {Boolean} noRetry By default we try and set the position a second time if the first fails */ setXY: function(el, pos, noRetry) { Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._setXY, { pos: pos, noRetry: noRetry }); }, _setXY: function(node, args) { var pos = Y.Dom._getStyle(node, POSITION), setStyle = Y.Dom.setStyle, xy = args.pos, noRetry = args.noRetry, delta = [ // assuming pixels; if not we will have to retry parseInt( Y.Dom.getComputedStyle(node, LEFT), 10 ), parseInt( Y.Dom.getComputedStyle(node, TOP), 10 ) ], currentXY, newXY; currentXY = Y.Dom._getXY(node); if (!xy || currentXY === false) { // has to be part of doc to have xy return false; } if (pos == 'static') { // default to relative pos = RELATIVE; setStyle(node, POSITION, pos); } if ( isNaN(delta[0]) ) {// in case of 'auto' delta[0] = (pos == RELATIVE) ? 0 : node[OFFSET_LEFT]; } if ( isNaN(delta[1]) ) { // in case of 'auto' delta[1] = (pos == RELATIVE) ? 0 : node[OFFSET_TOP]; } if (xy[0] !== null) { // from setX setStyle(node, LEFT, xy[0] - currentXY[0] + delta[0] + 'px'); } if (xy[1] !== null) { // from setY setStyle(node, TOP, xy[1] - currentXY[1] + delta[1] + 'px'); } if (!noRetry) { newXY = Y.Dom._getXY(node); // if retry is true, try one more time if we miss if ( (xy[0] !== null && newXY[0] != xy[0]) || (xy[1] !== null && newXY[1] != xy[1]) ) { Y.Dom._setXY(node, { pos: xy, noRetry: true }); } } }, /** * Set the X position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned. * The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method setX * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements. * @param {Int} x The value to use as the X coordinate for the element(s). */ setX: function(el, x) { Y.Dom.setXY(el, [x, null]); }, /** * Set the Y position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned. * The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method setY * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements. * @param {Int} x To use as the Y coordinate for the element(s). */ setY: function(el, y) { Y.Dom.setXY(el, [null, y]); }, /** * Returns the region position of the given element. * The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or elements not appended return false). * @method getRegion * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements. * @return {Region | Array} A Region or array of Region instances containing "top, left, bottom, right" member data. */ getRegion: function(el) { var f = function(el) { var region = false; if ( Y.Dom._canPosition(el) ) { region = Y.Region.getRegion(el); } else { } return region; }; return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true); }, /** * Returns the width of the client (viewport). * @method getClientWidth * @deprecated Now using getViewportWidth. This interface left intact for back compat. * @return {Int} The width of the viewable area of the page. */ getClientWidth: function() { return Y.Dom.getViewportWidth(); }, /** * Returns the height of the client (viewport). * @method getClientHeight * @deprecated Now using getViewportHeight. This interface left intact for back compat. * @return {Int} The height of the viewable area of the page. */ getClientHeight: function() { return Y.Dom.getViewportHeight(); }, /** * Returns an array of HTMLElements with the given class. * For optimized performance, include a tag and/or root node when possible. * Note: This method operates against a live collection, so modifying the * collection in the callback (removing/appending nodes, etc.) will have * side effects. Instead you should iterate the returned nodes array, * as you would with the native "getElementsByTagName" method. * @method getElementsByClassName * @param {String} className The class name to match against * @param {String} tag (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected * @param {String | HTMLElement} root (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point. * This element is not included in the className scan. * @param {Function} apply (optional) A function to apply to each element when found * @param {Any} o (optional) An optional arg that is passed to the supplied method * @param {Boolean} overrides (optional) Whether or not to override the scope of "method" with "o" * @return {Array} An array of elements that have the given class name */ getElementsByClassName: function(className, tag, root, apply, o, overrides) { tag = tag || '*'; root = (root) ? Y.Dom.get(root) : null || document; if (!root) { return []; } var nodes = [], elements = root.getElementsByTagName(tag), hasClass = Y.Dom.hasClass; for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; ++i) { if ( hasClass(elements[i], className) ) { nodes[nodes.length] = elements[i]; } } if (apply) { Y.Dom.batch(nodes, apply, o, overrides); } return nodes; }, /** * Determines whether an HTMLElement has the given className. * @method hasClass * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to test * @param {String | RegExp} className the class name to search for, or a regular * expression to match against * @return {Boolean | Array} A boolean value or array of boolean values */ hasClass: function(el, className) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._hasClass, className); }, _hasClass: function(el, className) { var ret = false, current; if (el && className) { current = Y.Dom._getAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME) || EMPTY; if (current) { // convert line breaks, tabs and other delims to spaces current = current.replace(/\s+/g, SPACE); } if (className.exec) { ret = className.test(current); } else { ret = className && (SPACE + current + SPACE). indexOf(SPACE + className + SPACE) > -1; } } else { } return ret; }, /** * Adds a class name to a given element or collection of elements. * @method addClass * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to add the class to * @param {String} className the class name to add to the class attribute * @return {Boolean | Array} A pass/fail boolean or array of booleans */ addClass: function(el, className) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._addClass, className); }, _addClass: function(el, className) { var ret = false, current; if (el && className) { current = Y.Dom._getAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME) || EMPTY; if ( !Y.Dom._hasClass(el, className) ) { Y.Dom.setAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME, trim(current + SPACE + className)); ret = true; } } else { } return ret; }, /** * Removes a class name from a given element or collection of elements. * @method removeClass * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to remove the class from * @param {String} className the class name to remove from the class attribute * @return {Boolean | Array} A pass/fail boolean or array of booleans */ removeClass: function(el, className) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._removeClass, className); }, _removeClass: function(el, className) { var ret = false, current, newClass, attr; if (el && className) { current = Y.Dom._getAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME) || EMPTY; Y.Dom.setAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME, current.replace(Y.Dom._getClassRegex(className), EMPTY)); newClass = Y.Dom._getAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME); if (current !== newClass) { // else nothing changed Y.Dom.setAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME, trim(newClass)); // trim after comparing to current class ret = true; if (Y.Dom._getAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME) === '') { // remove class attribute if empty attr = (el.hasAttribute && el.hasAttribute(_CLASS)) ? _CLASS : CLASS_NAME; el.removeAttribute(attr); } } } else { } return ret; }, /** * Replace a class with another class for a given element or collection of elements. * If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added. * @method replaceClass * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to remove the class from * @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced * @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name * @return {Boolean | Array} A pass/fail boolean or array of booleans */ replaceClass: function(el, oldClassName, newClassName) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._replaceClass, { from: oldClassName, to: newClassName }); }, _replaceClass: function(el, classObj) { var className, from, to, ret = false, current; if (el && classObj) { from = classObj.from; to = classObj.to; if (!to) { ret = false; } else if (!from) { // just add if no "from" ret = Y.Dom._addClass(el, classObj.to); } else if (from !== to) { // else nothing to replace // May need to lead with DBLSPACE? current = Y.Dom._getAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME) || EMPTY; className = (SPACE + current.replace(Y.Dom._getClassRegex(from), SPACE + to). replace(/\s+/g, SPACE)). // normalize white space split(Y.Dom._getClassRegex(to)); // insert to into what would have been the first occurrence slot className.splice(1, 0, SPACE + to); Y.Dom.setAttribute(el, CLASS_NAME, trim(className.join(EMPTY))); ret = true; } } else { } return ret; }, /** * Returns an ID and applies it to the element "el", if provided. * @method generateId * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el (optional) An optional element array of elements to add an ID to (no ID is added if one is already present). * @param {String} prefix (optional) an optional prefix to use (defaults to "yui-gen"). * @return {String | Array} The generated ID, or array of generated IDs (or original ID if already present on an element) */ generateId: function(el, prefix) { prefix = prefix || 'yui-gen'; var f = function(el) { if (el && el.id) { // do not override existing ID return el.id; } var id = prefix + YAHOO.env._id_counter++; if (el) { if (el[OWNER_DOCUMENT] && el[OWNER_DOCUMENT].getElementById(id)) { // in case one already exists // use failed id plus prefix to help ensure uniqueness return Y.Dom.generateId(el, id + prefix); } el.id = id; } return id; }; // batch fails when no element, so just generate and return single ID return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true) || f.apply(Y.Dom, arguments); }, /** * Determines whether an HTMLElement is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy. * @method isAncestor * @param {String | HTMLElement} haystack The possible ancestor * @param {String | HTMLElement} needle The possible descendent * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the haystack is an ancestor of needle */ isAncestor: function(haystack, needle) { haystack = Y.Dom.get(haystack); needle = Y.Dom.get(needle); var ret = false; if ( (haystack && needle) && (haystack[NODE_TYPE] && needle[NODE_TYPE]) ) { if (haystack.contains && haystack !== needle) { // contains returns true when equal ret = haystack.contains(needle); } else if (haystack.compareDocumentPosition) { // gecko ret = !!(haystack.compareDocumentPosition(needle) & 16); } } else { } return ret; }, /** * Determines whether an HTMLElement is present in the current document. * @method inDocument * @param {String | HTMLElement} el The element to search for * @param {Object} doc An optional document to search, defaults to element's owner document * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element is present in the current document */ inDocument: function(el, doc) { return Y.Dom._inDoc(Y.Dom.get(el), doc); }, _inDoc: function(el, doc) { var ret = false; if (el && el[TAG_NAME]) { doc = doc || el[OWNER_DOCUMENT]; ret = Y.Dom.isAncestor(doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT], el); } else { } return ret; }, /** * Returns an array of HTMLElements that pass the test applied by supplied boolean method. * For optimized performance, include a tag and/or root node when possible. * Note: This method operates against a live collection, so modifying the * collection in the callback (removing/appending nodes, etc.) will have * side effects. Instead you should iterate the returned nodes array, * as you would with the native "getElementsByTagName" method. * @method getElementsBy * @param {Function} method - A boolean method for testing elements which receives the element as its only argument. * @param {String} tag (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected * @param {String | HTMLElement} root (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @param {Function} apply (optional) A function to apply to each element when found * @param {Any} o (optional) An optional arg that is passed to the supplied method * @param {Boolean} overrides (optional) Whether or not to override the scope of "method" with "o" * @return {Array} Array of HTMLElements */ getElementsBy: function(method, tag, root, apply, o, overrides, firstOnly) { tag = tag || '*'; root = (root) ? Y.Dom.get(root) : null || document; var ret = (firstOnly) ? null : [], elements; // in case Dom.get() returns null if (root) { elements = root.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; ++i) { if ( method(elements[i]) ) { if (firstOnly) { ret = elements[i]; break; } else { ret[ret.length] = elements[i]; } } } if (apply) { Y.Dom.batch(ret, apply, o, overrides); } } return ret; }, /** * Returns the first HTMLElement that passes the test applied by the supplied boolean method. * @method getElementBy * @param {Function} method - A boolean method for testing elements which receives the element as its only argument. * @param {String} tag (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected * @param {String | HTMLElement} root (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @return {HTMLElement} */ getElementBy: function(method, tag, root) { return Y.Dom.getElementsBy(method, tag, root, null, null, null, true); }, /** * Runs the supplied method against each item in the Collection/Array. * The method is called with the element(s) as the first arg, and the optional param as the second ( method(el, o) ). * @method batch * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el (optional) An element or array of elements to apply the method to * @param {Function} method The method to apply to the element(s) * @param {Any} o (optional) An optional arg that is passed to the supplied method * @param {Boolean} overrides (optional) Whether or not to override the scope of "method" with "o" * @return {Any | Array} The return value(s) from the supplied method */ batch: function(el, method, o, overrides) { var collection = [], scope = (overrides) ? o : null; el = (el && (el[TAG_NAME] || el.item)) ? el : Y.Dom.get(el); // skip get() when possible if (el && method) { if (el[TAG_NAME] || el.length === undefined) { // element or not array-like return method.call(scope, el, o); } for (var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) { collection[collection.length] = method.call(scope || el[i], el[i], o); } } else { return false; } return collection; }, /** * Returns the height of the document. * @method getDocumentHeight * @return {Int} The height of the actual document (which includes the body and its margin). */ getDocumentHeight: function() { var scrollHeight = (document[COMPAT_MODE] != CSS1_COMPAT || isSafari) ? document.body.scrollHeight : documentElement.scrollHeight, h = Math.max(scrollHeight, Y.Dom.getViewportHeight()); return h; }, /** * Returns the width of the document. * @method getDocumentWidth * @return {Int} The width of the actual document (which includes the body and its margin). */ getDocumentWidth: function() { var scrollWidth = (document[COMPAT_MODE] != CSS1_COMPAT || isSafari) ? document.body.scrollWidth : documentElement.scrollWidth, w = Math.max(scrollWidth, Y.Dom.getViewportWidth()); return w; }, /** * Returns the current height of the viewport. * @method getViewportHeight * @return {Int} The height of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars). */ getViewportHeight: function() { var height = self.innerHeight, // Safari, Opera mode = document[COMPAT_MODE]; if ( (mode || isIE) && !isOpera ) { // IE, Gecko height = (mode == CSS1_COMPAT) ? documentElement.clientHeight : // Standards document.body.clientHeight; // Quirks } return height; }, /** * Returns the current width of the viewport. * @method getViewportWidth * @return {Int} The width of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars). */ getViewportWidth: function() { var width = self.innerWidth, // Safari mode = document[COMPAT_MODE]; if (mode || isIE) { // IE, Gecko, Opera width = (mode == CSS1_COMPAT) ? documentElement.clientWidth : // Standards document.body.clientWidth; // Quirks } return width; }, /** * Returns the nearest ancestor that passes the test applied by supplied boolean method. * For performance reasons, IDs are not accepted and argument validation omitted. * @method getAncestorBy * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point * @param {Function} method - A boolean method for testing elements which receives the element as its only argument. * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getAncestorBy: function(node, method) { while ( (node = node[PARENT_NODE]) ) { // NOTE: assignment if ( Y.Dom._testElement(node, method) ) { return node; } } return null; }, /** * Returns the nearest ancestor with the given className. * @method getAncestorByClassName * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @param {String} className * @return {Object} HTMLElement */ getAncestorByClassName: function(node, className) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); if (!node) { return null; } var method = function(el) { return Y.Dom.hasClass(el, className); }; return Y.Dom.getAncestorBy(node, method); }, /** * Returns the nearest ancestor with the given tagName. * @method getAncestorByTagName * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @param {String} tagName * @return {Object} HTMLElement */ getAncestorByTagName: function(node, tagName) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); if (!node) { return null; } var method = function(el) { return el[TAG_NAME] && el[TAG_NAME].toUpperCase() == tagName.toUpperCase(); }; return Y.Dom.getAncestorBy(node, method); }, /** * Returns the previous sibling that is an HTMLElement. * For performance reasons, IDs are not accepted and argument validation omitted. * Returns the nearest HTMLElement sibling if no method provided. * @method getPreviousSiblingBy * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test siblings * that receives the sibling node being tested as its only argument * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getPreviousSiblingBy: function(node, method) { while (node) { node = node.previousSibling; if ( Y.Dom._testElement(node, method) ) { return node; } } return null; }, /** * Returns the previous sibling that is an HTMLElement * @method getPreviousSibling * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getPreviousSibling: function(node) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); if (!node) { return null; } return Y.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(node); }, /** * Returns the next HTMLElement sibling that passes the boolean method. * For performance reasons, IDs are not accepted and argument validation omitted. * Returns the nearest HTMLElement sibling if no method provided. * @method getNextSiblingBy * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test siblings * that receives the sibling node being tested as its only argument * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getNextSiblingBy: function(node, method) { while (node) { node = node.nextSibling; if ( Y.Dom._testElement(node, method) ) { return node; } } return null; }, /** * Returns the next sibling that is an HTMLElement * @method getNextSibling * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getNextSibling: function(node) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); if (!node) { return null; } return Y.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(node); }, /** * Returns the first HTMLElement child that passes the test method. * @method getFirstChildBy * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test children * that receives the node being tested as its only argument * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getFirstChildBy: function(node, method) { var child = ( Y.Dom._testElement(node.firstChild, method) ) ? node.firstChild : null; return child || Y.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(node.firstChild, method); }, /** * Returns the first HTMLElement child. * @method getFirstChild * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getFirstChild: function(node, method) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); if (!node) { return null; } return Y.Dom.getFirstChildBy(node); }, /** * Returns the last HTMLElement child that passes the test method. * @method getLastChildBy * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test children * that receives the node being tested as its only argument * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getLastChildBy: function(node, method) { if (!node) { return null; } var child = ( Y.Dom._testElement(node.lastChild, method) ) ? node.lastChild : null; return child || Y.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(node.lastChild, method); }, /** * Returns the last HTMLElement child. * @method getLastChild * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found */ getLastChild: function(node) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); return Y.Dom.getLastChildBy(node); }, /** * Returns an array of HTMLElement childNodes that pass the test method. * @method getChildrenBy * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to start from * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test children * that receives the node being tested as its only argument * @return {Array} A static array of HTMLElements */ getChildrenBy: function(node, method) { var child = Y.Dom.getFirstChildBy(node, method), children = child ? [child] : []; Y.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(child, function(node) { if ( !method || method(node) ) { children[children.length] = node; } return false; // fail test to collect all children }); return children; }, /** * Returns an array of HTMLElement childNodes. * @method getChildren * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point * @return {Array} A static array of HTMLElements */ getChildren: function(node) { node = Y.Dom.get(node); if (!node) { } return Y.Dom.getChildrenBy(node); }, /** * Returns the left scroll value of the document * @method getDocumentScrollLeft * @param {HTMLDocument} document (optional) The document to get the scroll value of * @return {Int} The amount that the document is scrolled to the left */ getDocumentScrollLeft: function(doc) { doc = doc || document; return Math.max(doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft); }, /** * Returns the top scroll value of the document * @method getDocumentScrollTop * @param {HTMLDocument} document (optional) The document to get the scroll value of * @return {Int} The amount that the document is scrolled to the top */ getDocumentScrollTop: function(doc) { doc = doc || document; return Math.max(doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop); }, /** * Inserts the new node as the previous sibling of the reference node * @method insertBefore * @param {String | HTMLElement} newNode The node to be inserted * @param {String | HTMLElement} referenceNode The node to insert the new node before * @return {HTMLElement} The node that was inserted (or null if insert fails) */ insertBefore: function(newNode, referenceNode) { newNode = Y.Dom.get(newNode); referenceNode = Y.Dom.get(referenceNode); if (!newNode || !referenceNode || !referenceNode[PARENT_NODE]) { return null; } return referenceNode[PARENT_NODE].insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode); }, /** * Inserts the new node as the next sibling of the reference node * @method insertAfter * @param {String | HTMLElement} newNode The node to be inserted * @param {String | HTMLElement} referenceNode The node to insert the new node after * @return {HTMLElement} The node that was inserted (or null if insert fails) */ insertAfter: function(newNode, referenceNode) { newNode = Y.Dom.get(newNode); referenceNode = Y.Dom.get(referenceNode); if (!newNode || !referenceNode || !referenceNode[PARENT_NODE]) { return null; } if (referenceNode.nextSibling) { return referenceNode[PARENT_NODE].insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); } else { return referenceNode[PARENT_NODE].appendChild(newNode); } }, /** * Creates a Region based on the viewport relative to the document. * @method getClientRegion * @return {Region} A Region object representing the viewport which accounts for document scroll */ getClientRegion: function() { var t = Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(), l = Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(), r = Y.Dom.getViewportWidth() + l, b = Y.Dom.getViewportHeight() + t; return new Y.Region(t, r, b, l); }, /** * Provides a normalized attribute interface. * @method setAttribute * @param {String | HTMLElement} el The target element for the attribute. * @param {String} attr The attribute to set. * @param {String} val The value of the attribute. */ setAttribute: function(el, attr, val) { Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._setAttribute, { attr: attr, val: val }); }, _setAttribute: function(el, args) { var attr = Y.Dom._toCamel(args.attr), val = args.val; if (el && el.setAttribute) { // set as DOM property, except for BUTTON, which errors on property setter if (Y.Dom.DOT_ATTRIBUTES[attr] && el.tagName && el.tagName != 'BUTTON') { el[attr] = val; } else { attr = Y.Dom.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES[attr] || attr; el.setAttribute(attr, val); } } else { } }, /** * Provides a normalized attribute interface. * @method getAttribute * @param {String | HTMLElement} el The target element for the attribute. * @param {String} attr The attribute to get. * @return {String} The current value of the attribute. */ getAttribute: function(el, attr) { return Y.Dom.batch(el, Y.Dom._getAttribute, attr); }, _getAttribute: function(el, attr) { var val; attr = Y.Dom.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES[attr] || attr; if (Y.Dom.DOT_ATTRIBUTES[attr]) { val = el[attr]; } else if (el && 'getAttribute' in el) { if (/^(?:href|src)$/.test(attr)) { // use IE flag to return exact value val = el.getAttribute(attr, 2); } else { val = el.getAttribute(attr); } } else { } return val; }, _toCamel: function(property) { var c = propertyCache; function tU(x,l) { return l.toUpperCase(); } return c[property] || (c[property] = property.indexOf('-') === -1 ? property : property.replace( /-([a-z])/gi, tU )); }, _getClassRegex: function(className) { var re; if (className !== undefined) { // allow empty string to pass if (className.exec) { // already a RegExp re = className; } else { re = reCache[className]; if (!re) { // escape special chars (".", "[", etc.) className = className.replace(Y.Dom._patterns.CLASS_RE_TOKENS, '\\$1'); className = className.replace(/\s+/g, SPACE); // convert line breaks and other delims re = reCache[className] = new RegExp(C_START + className + C_END, G); } } } return re; }, _patterns: { ROOT_TAG: /^body|html$/i, // body for quirks mode, html for standards, CLASS_RE_TOKENS: /([\.\(\)\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\{\}\\])/g }, _testElement: function(node, method) { return node && node[NODE_TYPE] == 1 && ( !method || method(node) ); }, _calcBorders: function(node, xy2) { var t = parseInt(Y.Dom[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, BORDER_TOP_WIDTH), 10) || 0, l = parseInt(Y.Dom[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH), 10) || 0; if (isGecko) { if (RE_TABLE.test(node[TAG_NAME])) { t = 0; l = 0; } } xy2[0] += l; xy2[1] += t; return xy2; } }; var _getComputedStyle = Y.Dom[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE]; // fix opera computedStyle default color unit (convert to rgb) if (UA.opera) { Y.Dom[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = function(node, att) { var val = _getComputedStyle(node, att); if (RE_COLOR.test(att)) { val = Y.Dom.Color.toRGB(val); } return val; }; } // safari converts transparent to rgba(), others use "transparent" if (UA.webkit) { Y.Dom[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = function(node, att) { var val = _getComputedStyle(node, att); if (val === 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { val = 'transparent'; } return val; }; } if (UA.ie && UA.ie >= 8) { Y.Dom.DOT_ATTRIBUTES.type = true; // IE 8 errors on input.setAttribute('type') } })(); /** * A region is a representation of an object on a grid. It is defined * by the top, right, bottom, left extents, so is rectangular by default. If * other shapes are required, this class could be extended to support it. * @namespace YAHOO.util * @class Region * @param {Int} t the top extent * @param {Int} r the right extent * @param {Int} b the bottom extent * @param {Int} l the left extent * @constructor */ YAHOO.util.Region = function(t, r, b, l) { /** * The region's top extent * @property top * @type Int */ this.top = t; /** * The region's top extent * @property y * @type Int */ this.y = t; /** * The region's top extent as index, for symmetry with set/getXY * @property 1 * @type Int */ this[1] = t; /** * The region's right extent * @property right * @type int */ this.right = r; /** * The region's bottom extent * @property bottom * @type Int */ this.bottom = b; /** * The region's left extent * @property left * @type Int */ this.left = l; /** * The region's left extent * @property x * @type Int */ this.x = l; /** * The region's left extent as index, for symmetry with set/getXY * @property 0 * @type Int */ this[0] = l; /** * The region's total width * @property width * @type Int */ this.width = this.right - this.left; /** * The region's total height * @property height * @type Int */ this.height = this.bottom - this.top; }; /** * Returns true if this region contains the region passed in * @method contains * @param {Region} region The region to evaluate * @return {Boolean} True if the region is contained with this region, * else false */ YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.contains = function(region) { return ( region.left >= this.left && region.right <= this.right && region.top >= this.top && region.bottom <= this.bottom ); }; /** * Returns the area of the region * @method getArea * @return {Int} the region's area */ YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function() { return ( (this.bottom - this.top) * (this.right - this.left) ); }; /** * Returns the region where the passed in region overlaps with this one * @method intersect * @param {Region} region The region that intersects * @return {Region} The overlap region, or null if there is no overlap */ YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function(region) { var t = Math.max( this.top, region.top ), r = Math.min( this.right, region.right ), b = Math.min( this.bottom, region.bottom ), l = Math.max( this.left, region.left ); if (b >= t && r >= l) { return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l); } else { return null; } }; /** * Returns the region representing the smallest region that can contain both * the passed in region and this region. * @method union * @param {Region} region The region that to create the union with * @return {Region} The union region */ YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.union = function(region) { var t = Math.min( this.top, region.top ), r = Math.max( this.right, region.right ), b = Math.max( this.bottom, region.bottom ), l = Math.min( this.left, region.left ); return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l); }; /** * toString * @method toString * @return string the region properties */ YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.toString = function() { return ( "Region {" + "top: " + this.top + ", right: " + this.right + ", bottom: " + this.bottom + ", left: " + this.left + ", height: " + this.height + ", width: " + this.width + "}" ); }; /** * Returns a region that is occupied by the DOM element * @method getRegion * @param {HTMLElement} el The element * @return {Region} The region that the element occupies * @static */ YAHOO.util.Region.getRegion = function(el) { var p = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(el), t = p[1], r = p[0] + el.offsetWidth, b = p[1] + el.offsetHeight, l = p[0]; return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A point is a region that is special in that it represents a single point on * the grid. * @namespace YAHOO.util * @class Point * @param {Int} x The X position of the point * @param {Int} y The Y position of the point * @constructor * @extends YAHOO.util.Region */ YAHOO.util.Point = function(x, y) { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(x)) { // accept input from Dom.getXY, Event.getXY, etc. y = x[1]; // dont blow away x yet x = x[0]; } YAHOO.util.Point.superclass.constructor.call(this, y, x, y, x); }; YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.util.Point, YAHOO.util.Region); (function() { /** * Internal methods used to add style management functionality to DOM. * @module dom * @class IEStyle * @namespace YAHOO.util.Dom */ var Y = YAHOO.util, CLIENT_TOP = 'clientTop', CLIENT_LEFT = 'clientLeft', PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode', RIGHT = 'right', HAS_LAYOUT = 'hasLayout', PX = 'px', OPACITY = 'opacity', AUTO = 'auto', BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = 'borderLeftWidth', BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = 'borderTopWidth', BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH = 'borderRightWidth', BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH = 'borderBottomWidth', VISIBLE = 'visible', TRANSPARENT = 'transparent', HEIGHT = 'height', WIDTH = 'width', STYLE = 'style', CURRENT_STYLE = 'currentStyle', // IE getComputedStyle // TODO: unit-less lineHeight (e.g. 1.22) re_size = /^width|height$/, re_unit = /^(\d[.\d]*)+(em|ex|px|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|ms|s|hz|khz|%){1}?/i, ComputedStyle = { /** * @method get * @description Method used by DOM to get style information for IE * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to check * @param {String} property The property to check * @returns {String} The computed style */ get: function(el, property) { var value = '', current = el[CURRENT_STYLE][property]; if (property === OPACITY) { value = Y.Dom.getStyle(el, OPACITY); } else if (!current || (current.indexOf && current.indexOf(PX) > -1)) { // no need to convert value = current; } else if (Y.Dom.IE_COMPUTED[property]) { // use compute function value = Y.Dom.IE_COMPUTED[property](el, property); } else if (re_unit.test(current)) { // convert to pixel value = Y.Dom.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(el, property); } else { value = current; } return value; }, /** * @method getOffset * @description Determine the offset of an element * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to check * @param {String} prop The property to check. * @return {String} The offset */ getOffset: function(el, prop) { var current = el[CURRENT_STYLE][prop], // value of "width", "top", etc. capped = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1), // "Width", "Top", etc. offset = 'offset' + capped, // "offsetWidth", "offsetTop", etc. pixel = 'pixel' + capped, // "pixelWidth", "pixelTop", etc. value = '', actual; if (current == AUTO) { actual = el[offset]; // offsetHeight/Top etc. if (actual === undefined) { // likely "right" or "bottom" value = 0; } value = actual; if (re_size.test(prop)) { // account for box model diff el[STYLE][prop] = actual; if (el[offset] > actual) { // the difference is padding + border (works in Standards & Quirks modes) value = actual - (el[offset] - actual); } el[STYLE][prop] = AUTO; // revert to auto } } else { // convert units to px if (!el[STYLE][pixel] && !el[STYLE][prop]) { // need to map style.width to currentStyle (no currentStyle.pixelWidth) el[STYLE][prop] = current; // no style.pixelWidth if no style.width } value = el[STYLE][pixel]; } return value + PX; }, /** * @method getBorderWidth * @description Try to determine the width of an elements border * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to check * @param {String} property The property to check * @return {String} The elements border width */ getBorderWidth: function(el, property) { // clientHeight/Width = paddingBox (e.g. offsetWidth - borderWidth) // clientTop/Left = borderWidth var value = null; if (!el[CURRENT_STYLE][HAS_LAYOUT]) { // TODO: unset layout? el[STYLE].zoom = 1; // need layout to measure client } switch(property) { case BORDER_TOP_WIDTH: value = el[CLIENT_TOP]; break; case BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH: value = el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight - el[CLIENT_TOP]; break; case BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH: value = el[CLIENT_LEFT]; break; case BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH: value = el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth - el[CLIENT_LEFT]; break; } return value + PX; }, /** * @method getPixel * @description Get the pixel value from a style property * @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check * @param {String} att The attribute to check * @return {String} The pixel value */ getPixel: function(node, att) { // use pixelRight to convert to px var val = null, styleRight = node[CURRENT_STYLE][RIGHT], current = node[CURRENT_STYLE][att]; node[STYLE][RIGHT] = current; val = node[STYLE].pixelRight; node[STYLE][RIGHT] = styleRight; // revert return val + PX; }, /** * @method getMargin * @description Get the margin value from a style property * @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check * @param {String} att The attribute to check * @return {String} The margin value */ getMargin: function(node, att) { var val; if (node[CURRENT_STYLE][att] == AUTO) { val = 0 + PX; } else { val = Y.Dom.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(node, att); } return val; }, /** * @method getVisibility * @description Get the visibility of an element * @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check * @param {String} att The attribute to check * @return {String} The value */ getVisibility: function(node, att) { var current; while ( (current = node[CURRENT_STYLE]) && current[att] == 'inherit') { // NOTE: assignment in test node = node[PARENT_NODE]; } return (current) ? current[att] : VISIBLE; }, /** * @method getColor * @description Get the color of an element * @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check * @param {String} att The attribute to check * @return {String} The value */ getColor: function(node, att) { return Y.Dom.Color.toRGB(node[CURRENT_STYLE][att]) || TRANSPARENT; }, /** * @method getBorderColor * @description Get the bordercolor of an element * @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check * @param {String} att The attribute to check * @return {String} The value */ getBorderColor: function(node, att) { var current = node[CURRENT_STYLE], val = current[att] || current.color; return Y.Dom.Color.toRGB(Y.Dom.Color.toHex(val)); } }, //fontSize: getPixelFont, IEComputed = {}; IEComputed.top = IEComputed.right = IEComputed.bottom = IEComputed.left = IEComputed[WIDTH] = IEComputed[HEIGHT] = ComputedStyle.getOffset; IEComputed.color = ComputedStyle.getColor; IEComputed[BORDER_TOP_WIDTH] = IEComputed[BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH] = IEComputed[BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH] = IEComputed[BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH] = ComputedStyle.getBorderWidth; IEComputed.marginTop = IEComputed.marginRight = IEComputed.marginBottom = IEComputed.marginLeft = ComputedStyle.getMargin; IEComputed.visibility = ComputedStyle.getVisibility; IEComputed.borderColor = IEComputed.borderTopColor = IEComputed.borderRightColor = IEComputed.borderBottomColor = IEComputed.borderLeftColor = ComputedStyle.getBorderColor; Y.Dom.IE_COMPUTED = IEComputed; Y.Dom.IE_ComputedStyle = ComputedStyle; })(); (function() { /** * Add style management functionality to DOM. * @module dom * @class Color * @namespace YAHOO.util.Dom */ var TO_STRING = 'toString', PARSE_INT = parseInt, RE = RegExp, Y = YAHOO.util; Y.Dom.Color = { /** * @property KEYWORDS * @type Object * @description Color keywords used when converting to Hex */ KEYWORDS: { black: '000', silver: 'c0c0c0', gray: '808080', white: 'fff', maroon: '800000', red: 'f00', purple: '800080', fuchsia: 'f0f', green: '008000', lime: '0f0', olive: '808000', yellow: 'ff0', navy: '000080', blue: '00f', teal: '008080', aqua: '0ff' }, /** * @property re_RGB * @private * @type Regex * @description Regex to parse rgb(0,0,0) formatted strings */ re_RGB: /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i, /** * @property re_hex * @private * @type Regex * @description Regex to parse #123456 formatted strings */ re_hex: /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i, /** * @property re_hex3 * @private * @type Regex * @description Regex to parse #123 formatted strings */ re_hex3: /([0-9A-F])/gi, /** * @method toRGB * @description Converts a hex or color string to an rgb string: rgb(0,0,0) * @param {String} val The string to convert to RGB notation. * @returns {String} The converted string */ toRGB: function(val) { if (!Y.Dom.Color.re_RGB.test(val)) { val = Y.Dom.Color.toHex(val); } if(Y.Dom.Color.re_hex.exec(val)) { val = 'rgb(' + [ PARSE_INT(RE.$1, 16), PARSE_INT(RE.$2, 16), PARSE_INT(RE.$3, 16) ].join(', ') + ')'; } return val; }, /** * @method toHex * @description Converts an rgb or color string to a hex string: #123456 * @param {String} val The string to convert to hex notation. * @returns {String} The converted string */ toHex: function(val) { val = Y.Dom.Color.KEYWORDS[val] || val; if (Y.Dom.Color.re_RGB.exec(val)) { val = [ Number(RE.$1).toString(16), Number(RE.$2).toString(16), Number(RE.$3).toString(16) ]; for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (val[i].length < 2) { val[i] = '0' + val[i]; } } val = val.join(''); } if (val.length < 6) { val = val.replace(Y.Dom.Color.re_hex3, '$1$1'); } if (val !== 'transparent' && val.indexOf('#') < 0) { val = '#' + val; } return val.toUpperCase(); } }; }()); YAHOO.register("dom", YAHOO.util.Dom, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"}); if (YAHOO.env._id_counter < 1e+6) { YAHOO.env._id_counter = Y.Env._yidx * 1e+6; } }, '2.9.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-yahoo"]});