YUI.add('yui2-history', function(Y) { var YAHOO = Y.YUI2; /* Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 2.9.0 */ /** * The Browser History Manager provides the ability to use the back/forward * navigation buttons in a DHTML application. It also allows a DHTML * application to be bookmarked in a specific state. * * This library requires the following static markup: * * <iframe id="yui-history-iframe" src="path-to-real-asset-in-same-domain"></iframe> * <input id="yui-history-field" type="hidden"> * * @module history * @requires yahoo,event * @namespace YAHOO.util * @title Browser History Manager */ /** * The History class provides the ability to use the back/forward navigation * buttons in a DHTML application. It also allows a DHTML application to * be bookmarked in a specific state. * * @class History * @constructor */ YAHOO.util.History = (function () { /** * Our hidden IFrame used to store the browsing history. * * @property _histFrame * @type HTMLIFrameElement * @default null * @private */ var _histFrame = null; /** * INPUT field (with type="hidden" or type="text") or TEXTAREA. * This field keeps the value of the initial state, current state * the list of all states across pages within a single browser session. * * @property _stateField * @type HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement * @default null * @private */ var _stateField = null; /** * Flag used to tell whether YAHOO.util.History.initialize has been called. * * @property _initialized * @type boolean * @default false * @private */ var _initialized = false; /** * List of registered modules. * * @property _modules * @type array * @default [] * @private */ var _modules = []; /** * List of fully qualified states. This is used only by Safari. * * @property _fqstates * @type array * @default [] * @private */ var _fqstates = []; /** * location.hash is a bit buggy on Opera. I have seen instances where * navigating the history using the back/forward buttons, and hence * changing the URL, would not change location.hash. That's ok, the * implementation of an equivalent is trivial. * * @method _getHash * @return {string} The hash portion of the document's location * @private */ function _getHash() { var i, href; href = self.location.href; i = href.indexOf("#"); return i >= 0 ? href.substr(i + 1) : null; } /** * Stores all the registered modules' initial state and current state. * On Safari, we also store all the fully qualified states visited by * the application within a single browser session. The storage takes * place in the form field specified during initialization. * * @method _storeStates * @private */ function _storeStates() { var moduleName, moduleObj, initialStates = [], currentStates = []; for (moduleName in _modules) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, moduleName)) { moduleObj = _modules[moduleName]; initialStates.push(moduleName + "=" + moduleObj.initialState); currentStates.push(moduleName + "=" + moduleObj.currentState); } } _stateField.value = initialStates.join("&") + "|" + currentStates.join("&"); } /** * Sets the new currentState attribute of all modules depending on the new * fully qualified state. Also notifies the modules which current state has * changed. * * @method _handleFQStateChange * @param {string} fqstate Fully qualified state * @private */ function _handleFQStateChange(fqstate) { var i, len, moduleName, moduleObj, modules, states, tokens, currentState; if (!fqstate) { // Notifies all modules for (moduleName in _modules) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, moduleName)) { moduleObj = _modules[moduleName]; moduleObj.currentState = moduleObj.initialState; moduleObj.onStateChange(_decode(moduleObj.currentState)); } } return; } modules = []; states = fqstate.split("&"); for (i = 0, len = states.length; i < len; i++) { tokens = states[i].split("="); if (tokens.length === 2) { moduleName = tokens[0]; currentState = tokens[1]; modules[moduleName] = currentState; } } for (moduleName in _modules) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, moduleName)) { moduleObj = _modules[moduleName]; currentState = modules[moduleName]; if (!currentState || moduleObj.currentState !== currentState) { moduleObj.currentState = typeof currentState === 'undefined' ? moduleObj.initialState : currentState; moduleObj.onStateChange(_decode(moduleObj.currentState)); } } } } /** * Update the IFrame with our new state. * * @method _updateIFrame * @private * @return {boolean} true if successful. false otherwise. */ function _updateIFrame (fqstate) { var html, doc; html = '
that also converts +
* chars into spaces.
* @method _decode
* @param {String} string string to decode
* @return {String} decoded string
* @private
* @since 2.9.0
function _decode(string) {
return decodeURIComponent(string.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
* Wrapper around encodeURIComponent()
that converts spaces to
* + chars.
* @method _encode
* @param {String} string string to encode
* @return {String} encoded string
* @private
* @since 2.9.0
function _encode(string) {
return encodeURIComponent(string).replace(/%20/g, '+');
return {
* Fired when the Browser History Manager is ready. If you subscribe to
* this event after the Browser History Manager has been initialized,
* it will not fire. Therefore, it is recommended to use the onReady
* method instead.
* @event onLoadEvent
* @see onReady
onLoadEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("onLoad"),
* Executes the supplied callback when the Browser History Manager is
* ready. This will execute immediately if called after the Browser
* History Manager onLoad event has fired.
* @method onReady
* @param {function} fn what to execute when the Browser History Manager is ready.
* @param {object} obj an optional object to be passed back as a parameter to fn.
* @param {boolean|object} overrideContext If true, the obj passed in becomes fn's execution scope.
* @see onLoadEvent
onReady: function (fn, obj, overrideContext) {
if (_initialized) {
setTimeout(function () {
var ctx = window;
if (overrideContext) {
if (overrideContext === true) {
ctx = obj;
} else {
ctx = overrideContext;
fn.call(ctx, "onLoad", [], obj);
}, 0);
} else {
YAHOO.util.History.onLoadEvent.subscribe(fn, obj, overrideContext);
* Registers a new module.
* @method register
* @param {string} module Non-empty string uniquely identifying the
* module you wish to register.
* @param {string} initialState The initial state of the specified
* module corresponding to its earliest history entry.
* @param {function} onStateChange Callback called when the
* state of the specified module has changed.
* @param {object} obj An arbitrary object that will be passed as a
* parameter to the handler.
* @param {boolean} overrideContext If true, the obj passed in becomes the
* execution scope of the listener.
register: function (module, initialState, onStateChange, obj, overrideContext) {
var scope, wrappedFn;
if (typeof module !== "string" || YAHOO.lang.trim(module) === "" ||
typeof initialState !== "string" ||
typeof onStateChange !== "function") {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, module)) {
// Here, we used to throw an exception. However, users have
// complained about this behavior, so we now just return.
// Note: A module CANNOT be registered after calling
// YAHOO.util.History.initialize. Indeed, we set the initial state
// of each registered module in YAHOO.util.History.initialize.
// If you could register a module after initializing the Browser
// History Manager, you would not read the correct state using
// YAHOO.util.History.getCurrentState when coming back to the
// page using the back button.
if (_initialized) {
throw new Error("All modules must be registered before calling YAHOO.util.History.initialize");
// Make sure the strings passed in do not contain our separators "," and "|"
module = _encode(module);
initialState = _encode(initialState);
// If the user chooses to override the scope, we use the
// custom object passed in as the execution scope.
scope = null;
if (overrideContext === true) {
scope = obj;
} else {
scope = overrideContext;
wrappedFn = function (state) {
return onStateChange.call(scope, state, obj);
_modules[module] = {
name: module,
initialState: initialState,
currentState: initialState,
onStateChange: wrappedFn
* Initializes the Browser History Manager. Call this method
* from a script block located right after the opening body tag.
* @method initialize
* @param {string|HTML Element} stateField used
* to store application states. Must be in the static markup.
* @param {string|HTML Element} histFrame IFrame used to store
* the history (only required on Internet Explorer)
* @public
initialize: function (stateField, histFrame) {
if (_initialized) {
// The browser history manager has already been initialized.
if (YAHOO.env.ua.opera && typeof history.navigationMode !== "undefined") {
// Disable Opera's fast back/forward navigation mode and puts
// it in compatible mode. This makes anchor-based history
// navigation work after the page has been navigated away
// from and re-activated, at the cost of slowing down
// back/forward navigation to and from that page.
history.navigationMode = "compatible";
if (typeof stateField === "string") {
stateField = document.getElementById(stateField);
if (!stateField ||
stateField.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "TEXTAREA" &&
(stateField.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "INPUT" ||
stateField.type !== "hidden" &&
stateField.type !== "text")) {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
_stateField = stateField;
// IE < 8 or IE8 in quirks mode or IE7 standards mode
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie && (typeof document.documentMode === "undefined" || document.documentMode < 8)) {
if (typeof histFrame === "string") {
histFrame = document.getElementById(histFrame);
if (!histFrame || histFrame.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "IFRAME") {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
_histFrame = histFrame;
// Note that the event utility MUST be included inline in the page.
// If it gets loaded later (which you may want to do to improve the
// loading speed of your site), the onDOMReady event never fires,
// and the history library never gets fully initialized.
* Call this method when you want to store a new entry in the browser's history.
* @method navigate
* @param {string} module Non-empty string representing your module.
* @param {string} state String representing the new state of the specified module.
* @return {boolean} Indicates whether the new state was successfully added to the history.
* @public
navigate: function (module, state) {
var states;
if (typeof module !== "string" || typeof state !== "string") {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
states = {};
states[module] = state;
return YAHOO.util.History.multiNavigate(states);
* Call this method when you want to store a new entry in the browser's history.
* @method multiNavigate
* @param {object} states Associative array of module-state pairs to set simultaneously.
* @return {boolean} Indicates whether the new state was successfully added to the history.
* @public
multiNavigate: function (states) {
var currentStates, moduleName, moduleObj, currentState, fqstate;
if (typeof states !== "object") {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
if (!_initialized) {
throw new Error("The Browser History Manager is not initialized");
for (moduleName in states) {
if (!YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, _encode(moduleName))) {
throw new Error("The following module has not been registered: " + moduleName);
// Generate our new full state string mod1=xxx&mod2=yyy
currentStates = [];
for (moduleName in _modules) {
if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, moduleName)) {
moduleObj = _modules[moduleName];
if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(states, moduleName)) {
currentState = states[_decode(moduleName)];
} else {
currentState = _decode(moduleObj.currentState);
// Make sure the strings passed in do not contain our separators "," and "|"
moduleName = _encode(moduleName);
currentState = _encode(currentState);
currentStates.push(moduleName + "=" + currentState);
fqstate = currentStates.join("&");
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie && (typeof document.documentMode === "undefined" || document.documentMode < 8)) {
return _updateIFrame(fqstate);
} else {
// Known bug: On Safari 1.x and 2.0, if you have tab browsing
// enabled, Safari will show an endless loading icon in the
// tab. This has apparently been fixed in recent WebKit builds.
// One work around found by Dav Glass is to submit a form that
// points to the same document. This indeed works on Safari 1.x
// and 2.0 but creates bigger problems on WebKit. So for now,
// we'll consider this an acceptable bug, and hope that Apple
// comes out with their next version of Safari very soon.
self.location.hash = fqstate;
return true;
* Returns the current state of the specified module.
* @method getCurrentState
* @param {string} module Non-empty string representing your module.
* @return {string} The current state of the specified module.
* @public
getCurrentState: function (module) {
var moduleObj;
if (typeof module !== "string") {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
if (!_initialized) {
throw new Error("The Browser History Manager is not initialized");
moduleObj = YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(_modules, module)
&& _modules[module];
if (!moduleObj) {
throw new Error("No such registered module: " + module);
return _decode(moduleObj.currentState);
* Returns the state of a module according to the URL fragment
* identifier. This method is useful to initialize your modules
* if your application was bookmarked from a particular state.
* @method getBookmarkedState
* @param {string} module Non-empty string representing your module.
* @return {string} The bookmarked state of the specified module.
* @public
getBookmarkedState: function (module) {
var i, len, idx, hash, states, tokens, moduleName;
if (typeof module !== "string") {
throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument");
// Use location.href instead of location.hash which is already
// URL-decoded, which creates problems if the state value
// contained special characters...
idx = self.location.href.indexOf("#");
if (idx >= 0) {
hash = self.location.href.substr(idx + 1);
states = hash.split("&");
for (i = 0, len = states.length; i < len; i++) {
tokens = states[i].split("=");
if (tokens.length === 2) {
moduleName = tokens[0];
if (moduleName === module) {
return _decode(tokens[1]);
return null;
* Returns the value of the specified query string parameter.
* This method is not used internally by the Browser History Manager.
* However, it is provided here as a helper since many applications
* using the Browser History Manager will want to read the value of
* url parameters to initialize themselves.
* @method getQueryStringParameter
* @param {string} paramName Name of the parameter we want to look up.
* @param {string} queryString Optional URL to look at. If not specified,
* this method uses the URL in the address bar.
* @return {string} The value of the specified parameter, or null.
* @public
getQueryStringParameter: function (paramName, url) {
var i, len, idx, queryString, params, tokens;
url = url || self.location.href;
idx = url.indexOf("?");
queryString = idx >= 0 ? url.substr(idx + 1) : url;
// Remove the hash if any
idx = queryString.lastIndexOf("#");
queryString = idx >= 0 ? queryString.substr(0, idx) : queryString;
params = queryString.split("&");
for (i = 0, len = params.length; i < len; i++) {
tokens = params[i].split("=");
if (tokens.length >= 2) {
if (tokens[0] === paramName) {
return _decode(tokens[1]);
return null;
YAHOO.register("history", YAHOO.util.History, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"});
}, '2.9.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-yahoo", "yui2-event"]});