YUI.add('yui2-progressbar', function(Y) { var YAHOO = Y.YUI2; /* Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 2.9.0 */ /** * * @module progressbar * @requires yahoo, dom, event, element * @optional animation * @title ProgressBar Widget */ (function () { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Lang = YAHOO.lang, // ClassNames CLASS_PROGBAR = 'yui-pb', CLASS_MASK = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-mask', CLASS_BAR = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-bar', CLASS_ANIM = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-anim', CLASS_TL = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-tl', CLASS_TR = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-tr', CLASS_BL = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-bl', CLASS_BR = CLASS_PROGBAR + '-br', // Configuration attributes WIDTH = 'width', HEIGHT = 'height', MIN_VALUE = 'minValue', MAX_VALUE = 'maxValue', VALUE = 'value', ANIM = 'anim', DIRECTION = 'direction', DIRECTION_LTR = 'ltr', DIRECTION_RTL = 'rtl', DIRECTION_TTB = 'ttb', DIRECTION_BTT = 'btt', BAR_EL = 'barEl', MASK_EL = 'maskEl', ARIA_TEXT_TEMPLATE = 'ariaTextTemplate', ACC = 'animAcceleration', BG_POSITION = 'background-position', PX = 'px', // Events START = 'start', PROGRESS = 'progress', COMPLETE = 'complete'; /** * The ProgressBar widget provides an easy way to draw a bar depicting progress of an operation, * a level meter, rating or any such simple linear measure. * It allows for highly customized styles including animation, vertical or horizontal and forward or reverse. * @namespace YAHOO.widget * @class ProgressBar * @extends YAHOO.util.Element * @param oConfigs {object} An object containing any configuration attributes to be set * @constructor */ var Prog = function(oConfigs) { Prog.superclass.constructor.call(this, document.createElement('div') , oConfigs); this._init(oConfigs); }; YAHOO.widget.ProgressBar = Prog; /** * String containing the HTML string which is the basis for the Progress * Bar. Value is inserted into the DOM with innerHTML. * * @property ProgressBar.MARKUP * @type HTML * @static * @final * @default (too long) */ Prog.MARKUP = [ '
' ].join(''); Lang.extend(Prog, YAHOO.util.Element, { /** * Initialization code for the widget, separate from the constructor to allow for overriding/patching. * It is called after initAttributes * * @method _init * @param oConfigs {Object} (Optional) Object literal definition of configuration values. * @protected */ _init: function (oConfigs) { /** * Fires when the value is about to change. It reports the starting value * @event start * @type CustomEvent * @param value {Number} the current (initial) value */ // No actual creation required, event will be created when subscribed to //this.createEvent(START); /** * If animation is active, it will trigger several times during the animation providing intermediate values * If animation is not active, it will fire only once providing the end value * @event progress * @type CustomEvent * @param value{Number} the current, changing value */ // No actual creation required, event will be created when subscribed to //this.createEvent(PROGRESS); /** * Fires at the end of the animation or immediately upon changing values if animation is not loaded * @event complete * @type CustomEvent * @param value {Number} the current (final) value */ // No actual creation required, event will be created when listened to //this.createEvent(COMPLETE); }, /** * Implementation of Element's abstract method. Sets up config values. * * @method initAttributes * @param oConfigs {Object} (Optional) Object literal definition of configuration values. * @private */ initAttributes: function (oConfigs) { Prog.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, oConfigs); this.set('innerHTML',Prog.MARKUP); this.addClass(CLASS_PROGBAR); // I need to apply at least the following styles, if present in oConfigs, // to the ProgressBar so when it later reads the width and height, // they are already set to the correct values. // id is important because it can be used as a CSS selector. var key, presets = ['id',WIDTH,HEIGHT,'class','style']; while((key = presets.pop())) { if (key in oConfigs) { this.set(key,oConfigs[key]); } } /** * @attribute barEl * @description Reference to the HTML object that makes the moving bar (read-only) * @type HTMLElement (div) * @readonly */ this.setAttributeConfig(BAR_EL, { readOnly: true, value: this.getElementsByClassName(CLASS_BAR)[0] }); /** * @attribute maskEl * @description Reference to the HTML object that overlays the bar providing the mask. (read-only) * @type HTMLElement (table) * @readonly */ this.setAttributeConfig(MASK_EL, { readOnly: true, value: this.getElementsByClassName(CLASS_MASK)[0] }); /** * @attribute direction * @description Direction of movement of the bar. * It can be any of 'ltr' (left to right), 'rtl' (the reverse) , 'ttb' (top to bottom) or 'btt'. * Can only be set before rendering. * @default 'ltr' * @type String (any of "ltr", "rtl", "ttb" or "btt") */ this.setAttributeConfig(DIRECTION, { value:DIRECTION_LTR, validator:function(value) { if (this._rendered) { return false; } switch (value) { case DIRECTION_LTR: case DIRECTION_RTL: case DIRECTION_TTB: case DIRECTION_BTT: return true; default: return false; } } }); /** * @attribute maxValue * @description Represents the top value for the bar. * The bar will be fully extended when reaching this value. * Values higher than this will be ignored. * @default 100 * @type Number */ this.setAttributeConfig(MAX_VALUE, { value: 100, validator: Lang.isNumber, method: function (value) { this.get('element').setAttribute('aria-valuemax',value); if (this.get(VALUE) > value) { this.set(VALUE,value); } } }); /** * @attribute minValue * @description Represents the lowest value for the bar. * The bar will be totally collapsed when reaching this value. * Values lower than this will be ignored. * @default 0 * @type Number */ this.setAttributeConfig(MIN_VALUE, { value: 0, validator: Lang.isNumber, method: function (value) { this.get('element').setAttribute('aria-valuemin',value); if (this.get(VALUE) < value) { this.set(VALUE,value); } } }); /** * @attribute width * @description Pixel width of the ProgressBar, i.e., 200 or "200px". * It will always be returned as a string including units. * @default "200px" * @type Number or String */ this.setAttributeConfig(WIDTH, { getter: function() { return this.getStyle(WIDTH); }, method: this._widthChange }); /** * @attribute height * @description Pixel height of the ProgressBar, i.e., 200 or "200px". * It will always be returned as a string including units. * @default "20px" * @type Number or String */ this.setAttributeConfig(HEIGHT, { getter:function() { return this.getStyle(HEIGHT); }, method: this._heightChange }); /** * @attribute ariaTextTemplate * @description Text to be voiced by screen readers. * The text is processed by YAHOO.lang.substitute. * It can use the placeholders {value}, {minValue} and {maxValue} * @default "{value}" * @type String */ this.setAttributeConfig(ARIA_TEXT_TEMPLATE, { value:'{value}' }); /** * @attribute value * @description The value for the bar. * Valid values are in between the minValue and maxValue attributes. * @default 0 * @type Number */ this.setAttributeConfig(VALUE, { value: 0, validator: function(value) { return Lang.isNumber(value) && value >= this.get(MIN_VALUE) && value <= this.get(MAX_VALUE); }, method: this._valueChange }); /** * @attribute anim * @description It accepts either a boolean (recommended) or an instance of YAHOO.util.Anim. * If a boolean, it will enable/disable animation creating its own instance of the animation utility. * If given an instance of YAHOO.util.Anim it will use that instance. * The animation utility needs to be loaded. * When read, it returns the instance of the animation utility in use or null if none. * It can be used to set the animation parameters such as easing methods or duration. * @default null * @type {boolean} or {instance of YAHOO.util.Anim} */ this.setAttributeConfig(ANIM, { validator: function(value) { return !!YAHOO.util.Anim; }, setter: this._animSetter }); /** * @attribute animAcceleration * @description It accepts a number or null to cancel. * If a number, it is how fast the background image for the bar will move in the * opposite direction to the bar itself. null or 0 means the background won't move. * Negative values will make the background move along the bar. * Only valid with animation active and it requires a suitable background image to make it evident. * @default null * @type {number} or {null} */ this.setAttributeConfig(ACC, { value:null, validator: function(value) { return Lang.isNumber(value) || Lang.isNull(value); }, method: function(value) { this._fixAnim(this.get(ANIM),value); } }); }, /** * Renders the ProgressBar into the given container. * If the container has other content, the ProgressBar will be appended to it. * If the second argument is provided, the ProgressBar will be inserted before the given child. * The method is chainable since it returns a reference to this instance. * @method render * @param el {HTML Element} HTML element that will contain the ProgressBar * @param before {HTML Element} (optional) If present, the ProgressBar will be inserted before this element. * @return {YAHOO.widget.ProgressBar} * @chainable */ render: function(parent, before) { if (this._rendered) { return; } this._rendered = true; var direction = this.get(DIRECTION); // If the developer set a className attribute on initialization, // Element would have wiped out my own classNames // So I need to insist on them, plus add the one for direction. this.addClass(CLASS_PROGBAR); this.addClass(CLASS_PROGBAR + '-' + direction); var container = this.get('element'); container.tabIndex = 0; container.setAttribute('role','progressbar'); container.setAttribute('aria-valuemin',this.get(MIN_VALUE)); container.setAttribute('aria-valuemax',this.get(MAX_VALUE)); this.appendTo(parent,before); this.redraw(false); this._previousValue = this.get(VALUE); this._fixEdges(); this.on('minValueChange',this.redraw); this.on('maxValueChange',this.redraw); return this; }, /** * Recalculates the bar size and position and redraws it * @method redraw * @param noAnim {boolean} Don't use animation to redraw * @return void */ redraw: function (noAnim) { this._recalculateConstants(); this._valueChange(this.get(VALUE), noAnim); }, /** * Destroys the ProgressBar, related objects and unsubscribes from all events * @method destroy * @return void */ destroy: function() { this.set(ANIM,false); this.unsubscribeAll(); var el = this.get('element'); if (el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, /** * The previous value setting for the bar. Used mostly as information to event listeners * @property _previousValue * @type Number * @private * @default 0 */ _previousValue:0, /** * The actual space (in pixels) available for the bar within the mask (excludes margins) * @property _barSpace * @type Number * @private * @default 100 */ _barSpace:100, /** * The factor to convert the actual value of the bar into pixels * @property _barSpace * @type Number * @private * @default 1 */ _barFactor:1, /** * A flag to signal that rendering has already happened * @property _rendered * @type boolean * @private * @default false */ _rendered:false, /** * Method called when the height attribute is changed * @method _heightChange * @param {int or string} value New height, in pixels if int or string including units * @return void * @private */ _heightChange: function(value) { if (Lang.isNumber(value)) { value += PX; } this.setStyle(HEIGHT,value); this._fixEdges(); this.redraw(false); }, /** * Method called when the height attribute is changed * @method _widthChange * @param {int or string} value New width, in pixels if int or string including units * @return void * @private */ _widthChange: function(value) { if (Lang.isNumber(value)) { value += PX; } this.setStyle(WIDTH,value); this._fixEdges(); this.redraw(false); }, /** * Due to rounding differences, some browsers fail to cover the whole area * with the mask quadrants when the width or height is odd. This method * stretches the lower and/or right quadrants to make the difference. * @method _fixEdges * @return void * @private */ _fixEdges:function() { if (!this._rendered || YAHOO.env.ua.ie || YAHOO.env.ua.gecko ) { return; } var maskEl = this.get(MASK_EL), tlEl = Dom.getElementsByClassName(CLASS_TL,undefined,maskEl)[0], trEl = Dom.getElementsByClassName(CLASS_TR,undefined,maskEl)[0], blEl = Dom.getElementsByClassName(CLASS_BL,undefined,maskEl)[0], brEl = Dom.getElementsByClassName(CLASS_BR,undefined,maskEl)[0], newSize = (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(maskEl,HEIGHT),10) - parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tlEl,HEIGHT),10)) + PX; Dom.setStyle(blEl,HEIGHT,newSize); Dom.setStyle(brEl,HEIGHT,newSize); newSize = (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(maskEl,WIDTH),10) - parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tlEl,WIDTH),10)) + PX; Dom.setStyle(trEl,WIDTH,newSize); Dom.setStyle(brEl,WIDTH,newSize); }, /** * Calculates some auxiliary values to make the rendering faster * @method _recalculateConstants * @return void * @private */ _recalculateConstants: function() { var barEl = this.get(BAR_EL); switch (this.get(DIRECTION)) { case DIRECTION_LTR: case DIRECTION_RTL: this._barSpace = parseInt(this.get(WIDTH),10) - (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(barEl,'marginLeft'),10) || 0) - (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(barEl,'marginRight'),10) || 0); break; case DIRECTION_TTB: case DIRECTION_BTT: this._barSpace = parseInt(this.get(HEIGHT),10) - (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(barEl,'marginTop'),10) || 0)- (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(barEl,'marginBottom'),10) || 0); break; } this._barFactor = this._barSpace / (this.get(MAX_VALUE) - (this.get(MIN_VALUE) || 0)) || 1; }, /** * Called in response to a change in the anim attribute. * It creates and sets up or destroys the instance of the animation utility that will move the bar * @method _animSetter * @param value {boolean ,YAHOO.util.Anim} Enable animation or set to specific instance * @return void * @private */ _animSetter: function (value) { var anim, barEl = this.get(BAR_EL); if (value) { if (value instanceof YAHOO.util.Anim) { anim = value; } else { anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(barEl); } anim.onTween.subscribe(this._animOnTween,this,true); anim.onComplete.subscribe(this._animComplete,this,true); this._fixAnim(anim,this.get(ACC)); } else { anim = this.get(ANIM); if (anim) { anim.onTween.unsubscribeAll(); anim.onComplete.unsubscribeAll(); } anim = null; } return anim; }, /** * Temporary solution until http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528222 gets solved. * Also fixes: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528919. * It also handles moving the background as per the animAcceleration configuration attribute * since it turned out to be the best place to handle it. * @method _fixAnim * @param anim {YAHOO.util.Anim} Instance of Animation to fix * @param acc {number} Value of animAcceleration attribute * @return void * @private */ _fixAnim: function(anim, acc) { if (anim) { if (!this._oldSetAttribute) { this._oldSetAttribute = anim.setAttribute; } var pb = this; switch(this.get(DIRECTION)) { case DIRECTION_LTR: anim.setAttribute = function(attr , val , unit) { val = Math.round(val); pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,attr,val,unit); if (attr == WIDTH) { pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,BG_POSITION,-val * acc,PX); } }; break; case DIRECTION_RTL: anim.setAttribute = function(attr , val , unit) { val = Math.round(val); pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,attr,val,unit); if (attr == WIDTH) { var left = pb._barSpace - val; pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,'left',left, PX); pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this, BG_POSITION, -left + val * acc, PX); } }; break; case DIRECTION_TTB: anim.setAttribute = function(attr , val , unit) { val = Math.round(val); pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,attr,val,unit); if (attr == HEIGHT) { pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,BG_POSITION,'center ' + (- val * acc),PX); } }; break; case DIRECTION_BTT: anim.setAttribute = function(attr , val , unit) { val = Math.round(val); pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,attr,val,unit); if (attr == HEIGHT) { var top = pb._barSpace - val; pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this,'top',top, PX); pb._oldSetAttribute.call(this, BG_POSITION,'center ' + (val * acc - top), PX); } }; break; } // up to here } }, /** * Called when the animation signals it has completed. * @method _animComplete * @return void * @private */ _animComplete: function() { var value = this.get(VALUE); this._previousValue = value; this.fireEvent(PROGRESS,value); this.fireEvent(COMPLETE, value); Dom.removeClass(this.get(BAR_EL),CLASS_ANIM); }, /** * Called for each onTween event of the animation instance. * @method _animComplete * @param name {string} Name of the event fired * @param oArgs {object} Arguments provided by the Anim instance * @return void * @private */ _animOnTween:function (name,oArgs) { var value = Math.floor(this._tweenFactor * oArgs[0].currentFrame + this._previousValue); this.fireEvent(PROGRESS,value); }, /** * Called in response to a change in the value attribute. * Moves the bar to reflect the new value * @method _valueChange * @param value {number} New value to be set * @param noAnim {boolean} Disable animation for this redraw * @return void * @private */ _valueChange: function (value, noAnim) { var anim = this.get(ANIM), pixelValue = Math.floor((value - this.get(MIN_VALUE)) * this._barFactor); this._setAriaText(value); if (this._rendered) { if (anim) { anim.stop(); if (anim.isAnimated()) { anim._onComplete.fire(); } // see: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528217 } this.fireEvent(START,this._previousValue); Prog._barSizeFunctions[((noAnim !== false) && anim)?1:0][this.get(DIRECTION)].call(this, value, pixelValue, this.get(BAR_EL), anim); } }, /** * Utility method to set the ARIA value attributes * @method _setAriaText * @param value {number} Value to be voiced * @return void * @private */ _setAriaText: function(value) { var container = this.get('element'), text = Lang.substitute(this.get(ARIA_TEXT_TEMPLATE),{ value:value, minValue:this.get(MIN_VALUE), maxValue:this.get(MAX_VALUE) }); container.setAttribute('aria-valuenow',value); container.setAttribute('aria-valuetext',text); } }); /** * Collection of functions used to calculate the size of the bar. * One of this will be used depending on direction and whether animation is active. * @property _barSizeFunctions * @type {collection of functions} * @private * @static */ var b = [{},{}]; Prog._barSizeFunctions = b; b[0][DIRECTION_LTR] = function(value, pixelValue, barEl, anim) { Dom.setStyle(barEl,WIDTH, pixelValue + PX); this.fireEvent(PROGRESS,value); this.fireEvent(COMPLETE,value); }; b[0][DIRECTION_RTL] = function(value, pixelValue, barEl, anim) { Dom.setStyle(barEl,WIDTH, pixelValue + PX); Dom.setStyle(barEl,'left',(this._barSpace - pixelValue) + PX); this.fireEvent(PROGRESS,value); this.fireEvent(COMPLETE,value); }; b[0][DIRECTION_TTB] = function(value, pixelValue, barEl, anim) { Dom.setStyle(barEl,HEIGHT, pixelValue + PX); this.fireEvent(PROGRESS,value); this.fireEvent(COMPLETE,value); }; b[0][DIRECTION_BTT] = function(value, pixelValue, barEl, anim) { Dom.setStyle(barEl,HEIGHT, pixelValue + PX); Dom.setStyle(barEl,'top', (this._barSpace - pixelValue) + PX); this.fireEvent(PROGRESS,value); this.fireEvent(COMPLETE,value); }; b[1][DIRECTION_LTR] = function(value, pixelValue, barEl, anim) { Dom.addClass(barEl,CLASS_ANIM); this._tweenFactor = (value - this._previousValue) / anim.totalFrames / anim.duration; anim.attributes = {width:{ to: pixelValue }}; anim.animate(); }; b[1][DIRECTION_RTL] = b[1][DIRECTION_LTR]; b[1][DIRECTION_TTB] = function(value, pixelValue, barEl, anim) { Dom.addClass(barEl,CLASS_ANIM); this._tweenFactor = (value - this._previousValue) / anim.totalFrames / anim.duration; anim.attributes = {height:{to: pixelValue}}; anim.animate(); }; b[1][DIRECTION_BTT] = b[1][DIRECTION_TTB]; })(); YAHOO.register("progressbar", YAHOO.widget.ProgressBar, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"}); }, '2.9.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-yahoo", "yui2-dom", "yui2-event", "yui2-element", "yui2-skin-sam-progressbar"], "optional": ["yui2-animation"]});