/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('autocomplete-list-keys', function (Y, NAME) { /** Mixes keyboard support into AutoCompleteList. By default, this module is not loaded for iOS and Android devices. @module autocomplete @submodule autocomplete-list-keys **/ // keyCode constants. var KEY_DOWN = 40, KEY_ENTER = 13, KEY_ESC = 27, KEY_TAB = 9, KEY_UP = 38; function ListKeys() { Y.before(this._bindKeys, this, 'bindUI'); this._initKeys(); } ListKeys.prototype = { // -- Lifecycle Methods ---------------------------------------------------- /** Initializes keyboard command mappings. @method _initKeys @protected @for AutoCompleteList **/ _initKeys: function () { var keys = {}, keysVisible = {}; // Register keyboard command handlers. _keys contains handlers that will // always be called; _keysVisible contains handlers that will only be // called when the list is visible. keys[KEY_DOWN] = this._keyDown; keysVisible[KEY_ENTER] = this._keyEnter; keysVisible[KEY_ESC] = this._keyEsc; keysVisible[KEY_TAB] = this._keyTab; keysVisible[KEY_UP] = this._keyUp; this._keys = keys; this._keysVisible = keysVisible; }, destructor: function () { this._unbindKeys(); }, /** Binds keyboard events. @method _bindKeys @protected **/ _bindKeys: function () { this._keyEvents = this._inputNode.on('keydown', this._onInputKey, this); }, /** Unbinds keyboard events. @method _unbindKeys @protected **/ _unbindKeys: function () { this._keyEvents && this._keyEvents.detach(); this._keyEvents = null; }, // -- Protected Methods ---------------------------------------------------- /** Called when the down arrow key is pressed. @method _keyDown @protected **/ _keyDown: function () { if (this.get('visible')) { this._activateNextItem(); } else { this.show(); } }, /** Called when the enter key is pressed. @method _keyEnter @protected **/ _keyEnter: function (e) { var item = this.get('activeItem'); if (item) { this.selectItem(item, e); } else { // Don't prevent form submission when there's no active item. return false; } }, /** Called when the escape key is pressed. @method _keyEsc @protected **/ _keyEsc: function () { this.hide(); }, /** Called when the tab key is pressed. @method _keyTab @protected **/ _keyTab: function (e) { var item; if (this.get('tabSelect')) { item = this.get('activeItem'); if (item) { this.selectItem(item, e); return true; } } return false; }, /** Called when the up arrow key is pressed. @method _keyUp @protected **/ _keyUp: function () { this._activatePrevItem(); }, // -- Protected Event Handlers --------------------------------------------- /** Handles `inputNode` key events. @method _onInputKey @param {EventTarget} e @protected **/ _onInputKey: function (e) { var handler, keyCode = e.keyCode; this._lastInputKey = keyCode; if (this.get('results').length) { handler = this._keys[keyCode]; if (!handler && this.get('visible')) { handler = this._keysVisible[keyCode]; } if (handler) { // A handler may return false to indicate that it doesn't wish // to prevent the default key behavior. if (handler.call(this, e) !== false) { e.preventDefault(); } } } } }; Y.Base.mix(Y.AutoCompleteList, [ListKeys]); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["autocomplete-list", "base-build"]});