/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('axis', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides base functionality for drawing chart axes. * * @module charts * @submodule axis */ var CONFIG = Y.config, DOCUMENT = CONFIG.doc, Y_Lang = Y.Lang, IS_STRING = Y_Lang.isString, Y_DOM = Y.DOM, LeftAxisLayout, RightAxisLayout, BottomAxisLayout, TopAxisLayout; /** * Algorithmic strategy for rendering a left axis. * * @class LeftAxisLayout * @constructor * @submodule axis */ LeftAxisLayout = function() {}; LeftAxisLayout.prototype = { /** * Default margins for text fields. * * @private * @method _getDefaultMargins * @return Object */ _getDefaultMargins: function() { return { top: 0, left: 0, right: 4, bottom: 0 }; }, /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffset * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var host = this, majorTicks = host.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; host.set("topTickOffset", 0); host.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : host.set("rightTickOffset", tickLength); host.set("leftTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : host.set("rightTickOffset", 0); host.set("leftTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross": host.set("rightTickOffset", halfTick); host.set("leftTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: host.set("rightTickOffset", 0); host.set("leftTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Path} path reference to the path `Path` element in which to draw the tick. * @param {Object} pt Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @param {Object} tickStyle Hash of properties to apply to the tick. * @protected */ drawTick: function(path, pt, tickStyles) { var host = this, style = host.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:padding.left, y:pt.y}, end = {x:tickLength + padding.left, y:pt.y}; host.drawLine(path, start, end); }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var style = this.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:padding.left, y:0}; if(display === "outside") { pt.x += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.x += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} point Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(point) { return {x:point.x - this.get("leftTickOffset"), y:point.y}; }, /** * Updates the value for the `maxLabelSize` for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(labelWidth, labelHeight) { var host = this, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, sinRadians = props.sinRadians, cosRadians = props.cosRadians, max; if(rot === 0) { max = labelWidth; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = labelHeight; } else { max = (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (sinRadians * labelHeight); } host._maxLabelSize = Math.max(host._maxLabelSize, max); }, /** * Determines the available label width when the axis width has been explicitly set. * * @method getExplicitlySized * @return Boolean * @protected */ getExplicitlySized: function(styles) { if(this._explicitWidth) { var host = this, w = host._explicitWidth, totalTitleSize = host._totalTitleSize, leftTickOffset = host.get("leftTickOffset"), margin = styles.label.margin.right; host._maxLabelSize = w - (leftTickOffset + margin + totalTitleSize); return true; } return false; }, /** * Rotate and position title. * * @method positionTitle * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @protected */ positionTitle: function(label) { var host = this, bounds = host._titleBounds, margin = host.get("styles").title.margin, props = host._titleRotationProps, w = bounds.right - bounds.left, labelWidth = label.offsetWidth, labelHeight = label.offsetHeight, x = (labelWidth * -0.5) + (w * 0.5), y = (host.get("height") * 0.5) - (labelHeight * 0.5); props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; if(margin && margin.left) { x += margin.left; } props.x = x; props.y = y; props.transformOrigin = [0.5, 0.5]; host._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt, styles, i) { var host = this, offset = parseFloat(styles.label.offset), tickOffset = host.get("leftTickOffset"), totalTitleSize = this._totalTitleSize, leftOffset = pt.x + totalTitleSize - tickOffset, topOffset = pt.y, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, maxLabelSize = host._maxLabelSize, labelWidth = this._labelWidths[i], labelHeight = this._labelHeights[i]; if(rot === 0) { leftOffset -= labelWidth; topOffset -= labelHeight * offset; } else if(rot === 90) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = topOffset + labelWidth/2 - (labelWidth * offset); } else if(rot === -90) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = topOffset - labelHeight + labelWidth/2 - (labelWidth * offset); } else { leftOffset -= labelWidth + (labelHeight * absRot/360); topOffset -= labelHeight * offset; } props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; props.x = Math.round(maxLabelSize + leftOffset); props.y = Math.round(topOffset); this._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Adjusts the coordinates of an axis label based on the rotation. * * @method _setRotationCoords * @param {Object} props Coordinates, dimension and rotation properties of the label. * @protected */ _setRotationCoords: function(props) { var rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, leftOffset, topOffset, labelWidth = props.labelWidth, labelHeight = props.labelHeight; if(rot === 0) { leftOffset = labelWidth; topOffset = labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(rot === 90) { topOffset = 0; leftOffset = labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(rot === -90) { leftOffset = labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = labelHeight; } else { leftOffset = labelWidth + (labelHeight * absRot/360); topOffset = labelHeight * 0.5; } props.x -= leftOffset; props.y -= topOffset; }, /** * Returns the transformOrigin to use for an axis label based on the position of the axis * and the rotation of the label. * * @method _getTransformOrigin * @param {Number} rot The rotation (in degrees) of the label. * @return Array * @protected */ _getTransformOrigin: function(rot) { var transformOrigin; if(rot === 0) { transformOrigin = [0, 0]; } else if(rot === 90) { transformOrigin = [0.5, 0]; } else if(rot === -90) { transformOrigin = [0.5, 1]; } else { transformOrigin = [1, 0.5]; } return transformOrigin; }, /** * Adjust the position of the Axis widget's content box for internal axes. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function() { }, /** * Sets the width of the axis based on its contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var host = this, graphic = this.get("graphic"), style = host.get("styles"), label = style.label, tickOffset = host.get("leftTickOffset"), max = host._maxLabelSize, totalTitleSize = this._totalTitleSize, ttl = Math.round(totalTitleSize + tickOffset + max + label.margin.right); if(this._explicitWidth) { ttl = this._explicitWidth; } this.set("calculatedWidth", ttl); graphic.set("x", ttl - tickOffset); } }; Y.LeftAxisLayout = LeftAxisLayout; /** * RightAxisLayout contains algorithms for rendering a right axis. * * @class RightAxisLayout * @constructor * @submodule axis */ RightAxisLayout = function(){}; RightAxisLayout.prototype = { /** * Default margins for text fields. * * @private * @method _getDefaultMargins * @return Object */ _getDefaultMargins: function() { return { top: 0, left: 4, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; }, /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffset * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var host = this, majorTicks = host.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; host.set("topTickOffset", 0); host.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : host.set("leftTickOffset", tickLength); host.set("rightTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : host.set("leftTickOffset", 0); host.set("rightTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross" : host.set("rightTickOffset", halfTick); host.set("leftTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: host.set("leftTickOffset", 0); host.set("rightTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Path} path reference to the path `Path` element in which to draw the tick. * @param {Object} pt Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @param {Object} tickStyle Hash of properties to apply to the tick. * @protected */ drawTick: function(path, pt, tickStyles) { var host = this, style = host.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:padding.left, y:pt.y}, end = {x:padding.left + tickLength, y:pt.y}; host.drawLine(path, start, end); }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var host = this, style = host.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:padding.left, y:padding.top}; if(display === "inside") { pt.x += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.x += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} point Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(point) { return {x:point.x + this.get("rightTickOffset"), y:point.y}; }, /** * Updates the value for the `maxLabelSize` for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(labelWidth, labelHeight) { var host = this, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, sinRadians = props.sinRadians, cosRadians = props.cosRadians, max; if(rot === 0) { max = labelWidth; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = labelHeight; } else { max = (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (sinRadians * labelHeight); } host._maxLabelSize = Math.max(host._maxLabelSize, max); }, /** * Determines the available label width when the axis width has been explicitly set. * * @method getExplicitlySized * @return Boolean * @protected */ getExplicitlySized: function(styles) { if(this._explicitWidth) { var host = this, w = host._explicitWidth, totalTitleSize = this._totalTitleSize, rightTickOffset = host.get("rightTickOffset"), margin = styles.label.margin.right; host._maxLabelSize = w - (rightTickOffset + margin + totalTitleSize); return true; } return false; }, /** * Rotate and position title. * * @method positionTitle * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @protected */ positionTitle: function(label) { var host = this, bounds = host._titleBounds, margin = host.get("styles").title.margin, props = host._titleRotationProps, labelWidth = label.offsetWidth, labelHeight = label.offsetHeight, w = bounds.right - bounds.left, x = this.get("width") - (labelWidth * 0.5) - (w * 0.5), y = (host.get("height") * 0.5) - (labelHeight * 0.5); props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; if(margin && margin.right) { x -= margin.left; } props.x = x; props.y = y; props.transformOrigin = [0.5, 0.5]; host._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt, styles, i) { var host = this, offset = parseFloat(styles.label.offset), tickOffset = host.get("rightTickOffset"), labelStyles = styles.label, margin = 0, leftOffset = pt.x, topOffset = pt.y, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, labelWidth = this._labelWidths[i], labelHeight = this._labelHeights[i]; if(labelStyles.margin && labelStyles.margin.left) { margin = labelStyles.margin.left; } if(rot === 0) { topOffset -= labelHeight * offset; } else if(rot === 90) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = topOffset - labelHeight + labelWidth/2 - (labelWidth * offset); } else if(rot === -90) { topOffset = topOffset + labelWidth/2 - (labelWidth * offset); leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else { topOffset -= labelHeight * offset; leftOffset += labelHeight/2 * absRot/90; } leftOffset += margin; leftOffset += tickOffset; props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; props.x = Math.round(leftOffset); props.y = Math.round(topOffset); this._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Adjusts the coordinates of an axis label based on the rotation. * * @method _setRotationCoords * @param {Object} props Coordinates, dimension and rotation properties of the label. * @protected */ _setRotationCoords: function(props) { var rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, leftOffset = 0, topOffset = 0, labelWidth = props.labelWidth, labelHeight = props.labelHeight; if(rot === 0) { topOffset = labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(rot === 90) { leftOffset = labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = labelHeight; } else if(rot === -90) { leftOffset = labelWidth * 0.5; } else { topOffset = labelHeight * 0.5; leftOffset = labelHeight/2 * absRot/90; } props.x -= leftOffset; props.y -= topOffset; }, /** * Returns the transformOrigin to use for an axis label based on the position of the axis * and the rotation of the label. * * @method _getTransformOrigin * @param {Number} rot The rotation (in degrees) of the label. * @return Array * @protected */ _getTransformOrigin: function(rot) { var transformOrigin; if(rot === 0) { transformOrigin = [0, 0]; } else if(rot === 90) { transformOrigin = [0.5, 1]; } else if(rot === -90) { transformOrigin = [0.5, 0]; } else { transformOrigin = [0, 0.5]; } return transformOrigin; }, /** * Adjusts position for inner ticks. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function(cb) { var host = this, tickOffset = host.get("leftTickOffset"), offset = 0 - tickOffset; cb.setStyle("left", offset); }, /** * Assigns a height based on the size of the contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var host = this, styles = host.get("styles"), labelStyle = styles.label, totalTitleSize = this._totalTitleSize, ttl = Math.round(host.get("rightTickOffset") + host._maxLabelSize + totalTitleSize + labelStyle.margin.left); if(this._explicitWidth) { ttl = this._explicitWidth; } host.set("calculatedWidth", ttl); host.get("contentBox").setStyle("width", ttl); } }; Y.RightAxisLayout = RightAxisLayout; /** * Contains algorithms for rendering a bottom axis. * * @class BottomAxisLayout * @Constructor * @submodule axis */ BottomAxisLayout = function(){}; BottomAxisLayout.prototype = { /** * Default margins for text fields. * * @private * @method _getDefaultMargins * @return Object */ _getDefaultMargins: function() { return { top: 4, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; }, /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffsets * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var host = this, majorTicks = host.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; host.set("leftTickOffset", 0); host.set("rightTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : host.set("topTickOffset", tickLength); host.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : host.set("topTickOffset", 0); host.set("bottomTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross": host.set("topTickOffset", halfTick); host.set("bottomTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: host.set("topTickOffset", 0); host.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var style = this.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:0, y:padding.top}; if(display === "inside") { pt.y += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.y += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Path} path reference to the path `Path` element in which to draw the tick. * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @param {Object} tickStyles hash of properties used to draw the tick * @protected */ drawTick: function(path, pt, tickStyles) { var host = this, style = host.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:pt.x, y:padding.top}, end = {x:pt.x, y:tickLength + padding.top}; host.drawLine(path, start, end); }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} pt Object containing x and y coordinates * @return Object * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(point) { return {x:point.x, y:point.y + this.get("bottomTickOffset")}; }, /** * Updates the value for the `maxLabelSize` for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(labelWidth, labelHeight) { var host = this, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, sinRadians = props.sinRadians, cosRadians = props.cosRadians, max; if(rot === 0) { max = labelHeight; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = labelWidth; } else { max = (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * labelHeight); } host._maxLabelSize = Math.max(host._maxLabelSize, max); }, /** * Determines the available label height when the axis width has been explicitly set. * * @method getExplicitlySized * @return Boolean * @protected */ getExplicitlySized: function(styles) { if(this._explicitHeight) { var host = this, h = host._explicitHeight, totalTitleSize = host._totalTitleSize, bottomTickOffset = host.get("bottomTickOffset"), margin = styles.label.margin.right; host._maxLabelSize = h - (bottomTickOffset + margin + totalTitleSize); return true; } return false; }, /** * Rotate and position title. * * @method positionTitle * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @protected */ positionTitle: function(label) { var host = this, bounds = host._titleBounds, margin = host.get("styles").title.margin, props = host._titleRotationProps, h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top, labelWidth = label.offsetWidth, labelHeight = label.offsetHeight, x = (host.get("width") * 0.5) - (labelWidth * 0.5), y = host.get("height") - labelHeight/2 - h/2; props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; if(margin && margin.bottom) { y -= margin.bottom; } props.x = x; props.y = y; props.transformOrigin = [0.5, 0.5]; host._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt, styles, i) { var host = this, offset = parseFloat(styles.label.offset), tickOffset = host.get("bottomTickOffset"), labelStyles = styles.label, margin = 0, props = host._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, leftOffset = Math.round(pt.x), topOffset = Math.round(pt.y), labelWidth = host._labelWidths[i], labelHeight = host._labelHeights[i]; if(labelStyles.margin && labelStyles.margin.top) { margin = labelStyles.margin.top; } if(rot === 90) { topOffset -= labelHeight/2 * rot/90; leftOffset = leftOffset + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); } else if(rot === -90) { topOffset -= labelHeight/2 * absRot/90; leftOffset = leftOffset - labelWidth + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); } else if(rot > 0) { leftOffset = leftOffset + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); topOffset -= labelHeight/2 * rot/90; } else if(rot < 0) { leftOffset = leftOffset - labelWidth + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); topOffset -= labelHeight/2 * absRot/90; } else { leftOffset -= labelWidth * offset; } topOffset += margin; topOffset += tickOffset; props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; props.x = leftOffset; props.y = topOffset; host._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Adjusts the coordinates of an axis label based on the rotation. * * @method _setRotationCoords * @param {Object} props Coordinates, dimension and rotation properties of the label. * @protected */ _setRotationCoords: function(props) { var rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, labelWidth = props.labelWidth, labelHeight = props.labelHeight, leftOffset, topOffset; if(rot > 0) { leftOffset = 0; topOffset = labelHeight/2 * rot/90; } else if(rot < 0) { leftOffset = labelWidth; topOffset = labelHeight/2 * absRot/90; } else { leftOffset = labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = 0; } props.x -= leftOffset; props.y -= topOffset; }, /** * Returns the transformOrigin to use for an axis label based on the position of the axis * and the rotation of the label. * * @method _getTransformOrigin * @param {Number} rot The rotation (in degrees) of the label. * @return Array * @protected */ _getTransformOrigin: function(rot) { var transformOrigin; if(rot > 0) { transformOrigin = [0, 0.5]; } else if(rot < 0) { transformOrigin = [1, 0.5]; } else { transformOrigin = [0, 0]; } return transformOrigin; }, /** * Adjusts position for inner ticks. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function(cb) { var host = this; cb.setStyle("top", 0 - host.get("topTickOffset")); }, /** * Assigns a height based on the size of the contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var host = this, styles = host.get("styles"), labelStyle = styles.label, totalTitleSize = host._totalTitleSize, ttl = Math.round(host.get("bottomTickOffset") + host._maxLabelSize + labelStyle.margin.top + totalTitleSize); if(host._explicitHeight) { ttl = host._explicitHeight; } host.set("calculatedHeight", ttl); } }; Y.BottomAxisLayout = BottomAxisLayout; /** * Contains algorithms for rendering a top axis. * * @class TopAxisLayout * @constructor * @submodule axis */ TopAxisLayout = function(){}; TopAxisLayout.prototype = { /** * Default margins for text fields. * * @private * @method _getDefaultMargins * @return Object */ _getDefaultMargins: function() { return { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 4 }; }, /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffsets * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var host = this, majorTicks = host.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; host.set("leftTickOffset", 0); host.set("rightTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : host.set("bottomTickOffset", tickLength); host.set("topTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : host.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); host.set("topTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross" : host.set("topTickOffset", halfTick); host.set("bottomTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: host.set("topTickOffset", 0); host.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var host = this, style = host.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:0, y:padding.top}; if(display === "outside") { pt.y += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.y += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Path} path reference to the path `Path` element in which to draw the tick. * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @param {Object} tickStyles hash of properties used to draw the tick * @protected */ drawTick: function(path, pt, tickStyles) { var host = this, style = host.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:pt.x, y:padding.top}, end = {x:pt.x, y:tickLength + padding.top}; host.drawLine(path, start, end); }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @return Object * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(pt) { return {x:pt.x, y:pt.y - this.get("topTickOffset")}; }, /** * Updates the value for the `maxLabelSize` for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(labelWidth, labelHeight) { var host = this, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, sinRadians = props.sinRadians, cosRadians = props.cosRadians, max; if(rot === 0) { max = labelHeight; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = labelWidth; } else { max = (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * labelHeight); } host._maxLabelSize = Math.max(host._maxLabelSize, max); }, /** * Determines the available label height when the axis width has been explicitly set. * * @method getExplicitlySized * @return Boolean * @protected */ getExplicitlySized: function(styles) { if(this._explicitHeight) { var host = this, h = host._explicitHeight, totalTitleSize = host._totalTitleSize, topTickOffset = host.get("topTickOffset"), margin = styles.label.margin.right; host._maxLabelSize = h - (topTickOffset + margin + totalTitleSize); return true; } return false; }, /** * Rotate and position title. * * @method positionTitle * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @protected */ positionTitle: function(label) { var host = this, bounds = host._titleBounds, margin = host.get("styles").title.margin, props = host._titleRotationProps, labelWidth = label.offsetWidth, labelHeight = label.offsetHeight, h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top, x = (host.get("width") * 0.5) - (labelWidth * 0.5), y = h/2 - labelHeight/2; props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; if(margin && margin.top) { y += margin.top; } props.x = x; props.y = y; props.transformOrigin = [0.5, 0.5]; host._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt, styles, i) { var host = this, offset = parseFloat(styles.label.offset), totalTitleSize = this._totalTitleSize, maxLabelSize = host._maxLabelSize, leftOffset = pt.x, topOffset = pt.y + totalTitleSize + maxLabelSize, props = this._labelRotationProps, rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, labelWidth = this._labelWidths[i], labelHeight = this._labelHeights[i]; if(rot === 0) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * offset; topOffset -= labelHeight; } else { if(rot === 90) { leftOffset = leftOffset - labelWidth + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); topOffset -= (labelHeight * 0.5); } else if (rot === -90) { leftOffset = leftOffset + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); topOffset -= (labelHeight * 0.5); } else if(rot > 0) { leftOffset = leftOffset - labelWidth + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); topOffset -= labelHeight - (labelHeight * rot/180); } else { leftOffset = leftOffset + labelHeight/2 - (labelHeight * offset); topOffset -= labelHeight - (labelHeight * absRot/180); } } props.x = Math.round(leftOffset); props.y = Math.round(topOffset); props.labelWidth = labelWidth; props.labelHeight = labelHeight; this._rotate(label, props); }, /** * Adjusts the coordinates of an axis label based on the rotation. * * @method _setRotationCoords * @param {Object} props Coordinates, dimension and rotation properties of the label. * @protected */ _setRotationCoords: function(props) { var rot = props.rot, absRot = props.absRot, labelWidth = props.labelWidth, labelHeight = props.labelHeight, leftOffset, topOffset; if(rot === 0) { leftOffset = labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset = labelHeight; } else { if(rot === 90) { leftOffset = labelWidth; topOffset = (labelHeight * 0.5); } else if (rot === -90) { topOffset = (labelHeight * 0.5); } else if(rot > 0) { leftOffset = labelWidth; topOffset = labelHeight - (labelHeight * rot/180); } else { topOffset = labelHeight - (labelHeight * absRot/180); } } props.x -= leftOffset; props.y -= topOffset; }, /** * Returns the transformOrigin to use for an axis label based on the position of the axis * and the rotation of the label. * * @method _getTransformOrigin * @param {Number} rot The rotation (in degrees) of the label. * @return Array * @protected */ _getTransformOrigin: function(rot) { var transformOrigin; if(rot === 0) { transformOrigin = [0, 0]; } else { if(rot === 90) { transformOrigin = [1, 0.5]; } else if (rot === -90) { transformOrigin = [0, 0.5]; } else if(rot > 0) { transformOrigin = [1, 0.5]; } else { transformOrigin = [0, 0.5]; } } return transformOrigin; }, /** * Adjusts position for inner ticks. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function() { }, /** * Assigns a height based on the size of the contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var host = this, graphic = host.get("graphic"), styles = host.get("styles"), labelMargin = styles.label.margin, totalLabelSize = labelMargin.bottom + host._maxLabelSize, totalTitleSize = host._totalTitleSize, topTickOffset = this.get("topTickOffset"), ttl = Math.round(topTickOffset + totalLabelSize + totalTitleSize); if(this._explicitHeight) { ttl = this._explicitHeight; } host.set("calculatedHeight", ttl); graphic.set("y", ttl - topTickOffset); } }; Y.TopAxisLayout = TopAxisLayout; /** * An abstract class that provides the core functionality for draw a chart axis. Axis is used by the following classes: * * * @class Axis * @extends Widget * @uses AxisBase * @uses TopAxisLayout * @uses RightAxisLayout * @uses BottomAxisLayout * @uses LeftAxisLayout * @constructor * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule axis */ Y.Axis = Y.Base.create("axis", Y.Widget, [Y.AxisBase], { /** * Calculates and returns a value based on the number of labels and the index of * the current label. * * @method getLabelByIndex * @param {Number} i Index of the label. * @param {Number} l Total number of labels. * @return String */ getLabelByIndex: function(i, l) { var position = this.get("position"), direction = position === "left" || position === "right" ? "vertical" : "horizontal"; return this._getLabelByIndex(i, l, direction); }, /** * @method bindUI * @private */ bindUI: function() { this.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._dataChangeHandler, this)); this.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._dataChangeHandler, this)); this.after("stylesChange", this._updateHandler); this.after("overlapGraphChange", this._updateHandler); this.after("positionChange", this._positionChangeHandler); this.after("widthChange", this._handleSizeChange); this.after("heightChange", this._handleSizeChange); this.after("calculatedWidthChange", this._handleSizeChange); this.after("calculatedHeightChange", this._handleSizeChange); }, /** * Storage for calculatedWidth value. * * @property _calculatedWidth * @type Number * @private */ _calculatedWidth: 0, /** * Storage for calculatedHeight value. * * @property _calculatedHeight * @type Number * @private */ _calculatedHeight: 0, /** * Handles change to the dataProvider * * @method _dataChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object * @private */ _dataChangeHandler: function() { if(this.get("rendered")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * Handles change to the position attribute * * @method _positionChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object * @private */ _positionChangeHandler: function(e) { this._updateGraphic(e.newVal); this._updateHandler(); }, /** * Updates the the Graphic instance * * @method _updateGraphic * @param {String} position Position of axis * @private */ _updateGraphic: function(position) { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(position === "none") { if(graphic) { graphic.destroy(); } } else { if(!graphic) { this._setCanvas(); } } }, /** * Handles changes to axis. * * @method _updateHandler * @param {Object} e Event object * @private */ _updateHandler: function() { if(this.get("rendered")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * @method renderUI * @private */ renderUI: function() { this._updateGraphic(this.get("position")); }, /** * @method syncUI * @private */ syncUI: function() { var layout = this._layout, defaultMargins, styles, label, title, i; if(layout) { defaultMargins = layout._getDefaultMargins(); styles = this.get("styles"); label = styles.label.margin; title =styles.title.margin; //need to defaultMargins method to the layout classes. for(i in defaultMargins) { if(defaultMargins.hasOwnProperty(i)) { label[i] = label[i] === undefined ? defaultMargins[i] : label[i]; title[i] = title[i] === undefined ? defaultMargins[i] : title[i]; } } } this._drawAxis(); }, /** * Creates a graphic instance to be used for the axis line and ticks. * * @method _setCanvas * @private */ _setCanvas: function() { var cb = this.get("contentBox"), bb = this.get("boundingBox"), p = this.get("position"), pn = this._parentNode, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"); bb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); bb.setStyle("zIndex", 2); w = w ? w + "px" : pn.getStyle("width"); h = h ? h + "px" : pn.getStyle("height"); if(p === "top" || p === "bottom") { cb.setStyle("width", w); } else { cb.setStyle("height", h); } cb.setStyle("position", "relative"); cb.setStyle("left", "0px"); cb.setStyle("top", "0px"); this.set("graphic", new Y.Graphic()); this.get("graphic").render(cb); }, /** * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object * @protected */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var axisstyles = { majorTicks: { display:"inside", length:4, color:"#dad8c9", weight:1, alpha:1 }, minorTicks: { display:"none", length:2, color:"#dad8c9", weight:1 }, line: { weight:1, color:"#dad8c9", alpha:1 }, majorUnit: { determinant:"count", count:11, distance:75 }, top: "0px", left: "0px", width: "100px", height: "100px", label: { color:"#808080", alpha: 1, fontSize:"85%", rotation: 0, offset: 0.5, margin: { top: undefined, right: undefined, bottom: undefined, left: undefined } }, title: { color:"#808080", alpha: 1, fontSize:"85%", rotation: undefined, margin: { top: undefined, right: undefined, bottom: undefined, left: undefined } }, hideOverlappingLabelTicks: false }; return Y.merge(Y.Renderer.prototype._getDefaultStyles(), axisstyles); }, /** * Updates the axis when the size changes. * * @method _handleSizeChange * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _handleSizeChange: function(e) { var attrName = e.attrName, pos = this.get("position"), vert = pos === "left" || pos === "right", cb = this.get("contentBox"), hor = pos === "bottom" || pos === "top"; cb.setStyle("width", this.get("width")); cb.setStyle("height", this.get("height")); if((hor && attrName === "width") || (vert && attrName === "height")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * Maps key values to classes containing layout algorithms * * @property _layoutClasses * @type Object * @private */ _layoutClasses: { top : TopAxisLayout, bottom: BottomAxisLayout, left: LeftAxisLayout, right : RightAxisLayout }, /** * Draws a line segment between 2 points * * @method drawLine * @param {Object} startPoint x and y coordinates for the start point of the line segment * @param {Object} endPoint x and y coordinates for the for the end point of the line segment * @param {Object} line styles (weight, color and alpha to be applied to the line segment) * @private */ drawLine: function(path, startPoint, endPoint) { path.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); path.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y); }, /** * Generates the properties necessary for rotating and positioning a text field. * * @method _getTextRotationProps * @param {Object} styles properties for the text field * @return Object * @private */ _getTextRotationProps: function(styles) { if(styles.rotation === undefined) { switch(this.get("position")) { case "left" : styles.rotation = -90; break; case "right" : styles.rotation = 90; break; default : styles.rotation = 0; break; } } var rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, styles.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)); return { rot: rot, absRot: absRot, radCon: radCon, sinRadians: sinRadians, cosRadians: cosRadians, textAlpha: styles.alpha }; }, /** * Draws an axis. * * @method _drawAxis * @private */ _drawAxis: function () { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } this._drawing = true; this._callLater = false; if(this._layout) { var styles = this.get("styles"), line = styles.line, labelStyles = styles.label, majorTickStyles = styles.majorTicks, drawTicks = majorTickStyles.display !== "none", len, i = 0, layout = this._layout, layoutLength, lineStart, label, labelWidth, labelHeight, labelFunction = this.get("labelFunction"), labelFunctionScope = this.get("labelFunctionScope"), labelFormat = this.get("labelFormat"), graphic = this.get("graphic"), path = this.get("path"), tickPath, explicitlySized, position = this.get("position"), labelData, labelValues, point, points, firstPoint, lastPoint, firstLabel, lastLabel, staticCoord, dynamicCoord, edgeOffset, explicitLabels = this._labelValuesExplicitlySet ? this.get("labelValues") : null, direction = (position === "left" || position === "right") ? "vertical" : "horizontal"; this._labelWidths = []; this._labelHeights = []; graphic.set("autoDraw", false); path.clear(); path.set("stroke", { weight: line.weight, color: line.color, opacity: line.alpha }); this._labelRotationProps = this._getTextRotationProps(labelStyles); this._labelRotationProps.transformOrigin = layout._getTransformOrigin(this._labelRotationProps.rot); layout.setTickOffsets.apply(this); layoutLength = this.getLength(); len = this.getTotalMajorUnits(); edgeOffset = this.getEdgeOffset(len, layoutLength); this.set("edgeOffset", edgeOffset); lineStart = layout.getLineStart.apply(this); if(direction === "vertical") { staticCoord = "x"; dynamicCoord = "y"; } else { staticCoord = "y"; dynamicCoord = "x"; } labelData = this._getLabelData( lineStart[staticCoord], staticCoord, dynamicCoord, this.get("minimum"), this.get("maximum"), edgeOffset, layoutLength - edgeOffset - edgeOffset, len, explicitLabels ); points = labelData.points; labelValues = labelData.values; len = points.length; if(!this._labelValuesExplicitlySet) { this.set("labelValues", labelValues, {src: "internal"}); } //Don't create the last label or tick. if(this.get("hideFirstMajorUnit")) { firstPoint = points.shift(); firstLabel = labelValues.shift(); len = len - 1; } //Don't create the last label or tick. if(this.get("hideLastMajorUnit")) { lastPoint = points.pop(); lastLabel = labelValues.pop(); len = len - 1; } if(len < 1) { this._clearLabelCache(); } else { this.drawLine(path, lineStart, this.getLineEnd(lineStart)); if(drawTicks) { tickPath = this.get("tickPath"); tickPath.clear(); tickPath.set("stroke", { weight: majorTickStyles.weight, color: majorTickStyles.color, opacity: majorTickStyles.alpha }); for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { point = points[i]; if(point) { layout.drawTick.apply(this, [tickPath, points[i], majorTickStyles]); } } } this._createLabelCache(); this._maxLabelSize = 0; this._totalTitleSize = 0; this._titleSize = 0; this._setTitle(); explicitlySized = layout.getExplicitlySized.apply(this, [styles]); for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { point = points[i]; if(point) { label = this.getLabel(labelStyles); this._labels.push(label); this.get("appendLabelFunction")(label, labelFunction.apply(labelFunctionScope, [labelValues[i], labelFormat])); labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(!explicitlySized) { this._layout.updateMaxLabelSize.apply(this, [labelWidth, labelHeight]); } this._labelWidths.push(labelWidth); this._labelHeights.push(labelHeight); } } this._clearLabelCache(); if(this.get("overlapGraph")) { layout.offsetNodeForTick.apply(this, [this.get("contentBox")]); } layout.setCalculatedSize.apply(this); if(this._titleTextField) { this._layout.positionTitle.apply(this, [this._titleTextField]); } len = this._labels.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { layout.positionLabel.apply(this, [this.get("labels")[i], points[i], styles, i]); } if(firstPoint) { points.unshift(firstPoint); } if(lastPoint) { points.push(lastPoint); } if(firstLabel) { labelValues.unshift(firstLabel); } if(lastLabel) { labelValues.push(lastLabel); } this._tickPoints = points; } } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this._drawAxis(); } else { this._updatePathElement(); this.fire("axisRendered"); } }, /** * Calculates and sets the total size of a title. * * @method _setTotalTitleSize * @param {Object} styles Properties for the title field. * @private */ _setTotalTitleSize: function(styles) { var title = this._titleTextField, w = title.offsetWidth, h = title.offsetHeight, rot = this._titleRotationProps.rot, bounds, size, margin = styles.margin, position = this.get("position"), matrix = new Y.Matrix(); matrix.rotate(rot); bounds = matrix.getContentRect(w, h); if(position === "left" || position === "right") { size = bounds.right - bounds.left; if(margin) { size += margin.left + margin.right; } } else { size = bounds.bottom - bounds.top; if(margin) { size += margin.top + margin.bottom; } } this._titleBounds = bounds; this._totalTitleSize = size; }, /** * Updates path. * * @method _updatePathElement * @private */ _updatePathElement: function() { var path = this._path, tickPath = this._tickPath, redrawGraphic = false, graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(path) { redrawGraphic = true; path.end(); } if(tickPath) { redrawGraphic = true; tickPath.end(); } if(redrawGraphic) { graphic._redraw(); } }, /** * Updates the content and style properties for a title field. * * @method _updateTitle * @private */ _setTitle: function() { var i, styles, customStyles, title = this.get("title"), titleTextField = this._titleTextField, parentNode; if(title !== null && title !== undefined) { customStyles = { rotation: "rotation", margin: "margin", alpha: "alpha" }; styles = this.get("styles").title; if(!titleTextField) { titleTextField = DOCUMENT.createElement('span'); titleTextField.style.display = "block"; titleTextField.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; titleTextField.setAttribute("class", "axisTitle"); this.get("contentBox").append(titleTextField); } else if(!DOCUMENT.createElementNS) { if(titleTextField.style.filter) { titleTextField.style.filter = null; } } titleTextField.style.position = "absolute"; for(i in styles) { if(styles.hasOwnProperty(i) && !customStyles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { titleTextField.style[i] = styles[i]; } } this.get("appendTitleFunction")(titleTextField, title); this._titleTextField = titleTextField; this._titleRotationProps = this._getTextRotationProps(styles); this._setTotalTitleSize(styles); } else if(titleTextField) { parentNode = titleTextField.parentNode; if(parentNode) { parentNode.removeChild(titleTextField); } this._titleTextField = null; this._totalTitleSize = 0; } }, /** * Creates or updates an axis label. * * @method getLabel * @param {Object} styles styles applied to label * @return HTMLElement * @private */ getLabel: function(styles) { var i, label, labelCache = this._labelCache, customStyles = { rotation: "rotation", margin: "margin", alpha: "alpha" }; if(labelCache && labelCache.length > 0) { label = labelCache.shift(); } else { label = DOCUMENT.createElement("span"); label.className = Y.Lang.trim([label.className, "axisLabel"].join(' ')); this.get("contentBox").append(label); } if(!DOCUMENT.createElementNS) { if(label.style.filter) { label.style.filter = null; } } label.style.display = "block"; label.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; label.style.position = "absolute"; for(i in styles) { if(styles.hasOwnProperty(i) && !customStyles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { label.style[i] = styles[i]; } } return label; }, /** * Creates a cache of labels that can be re-used when the axis redraws. * * @method _createLabelCache * @private */ _createLabelCache: function() { if(this._labels) { while(this._labels.length > 0) { this._labelCache.push(this._labels.shift()); } } else { this._clearLabelCache(); } this._labels = []; }, /** * Removes axis labels from the dom and clears the label cache. * * @method _clearLabelCache * @private */ _clearLabelCache: function() { if(this._labelCache) { var len = this._labelCache.length, i = 0, label; for(; i < len; ++i) { label = this._labelCache[i]; this._removeChildren(label); Y.Event.purgeElement(label, true); label.parentNode.removeChild(label); } } this._labelCache = []; }, /** * Gets the end point of an axis. * * @method getLineEnd * @return Object * @private */ getLineEnd: function(pt) { var w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), pos = this.get("position"); if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { return {x:w, y:pt.y}; } else { return {x:pt.x, y:h}; } }, /** * Calcuates the width or height of an axis depending on its direction. * * @method getLength * @return Number * @private */ getLength: function() { var l, style = this.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), pos = this.get("position"); if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { l = w - (padding.left + padding.right); } else { l = h - (padding.top + padding.bottom); } return l; }, /** * Gets the position of the first point on an axis. * * @method getFirstPoint * @param {Object} pt Object containing x and y coordinates. * @return Object * @private */ getFirstPoint:function(pt) { var style = this.get("styles"), pos = this.get("position"), padding = style.padding, np = {x:pt.x, y:pt.y}; if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { np.x += padding.left + this.get("edgeOffset"); } else { np.y += this.get("height") - (padding.top + this.get("edgeOffset")); } return np; }, /** * Rotates and positions a text field. * * @method _rotate * @param {HTMLElement} label text field to rotate and position * @param {Object} props properties to be applied to the text field. * @private */ _rotate: function(label, props) { var rot = props.rot, x = props.x, y = props.y, filterString, textAlpha, matrix = new Y.Matrix(), transformOrigin = props.transformOrigin || [0, 0], offsetRect; if(DOCUMENT.createElementNS) { matrix.translate(x, y); matrix.rotate(rot); Y_DOM.setStyle(label, "transformOrigin", (transformOrigin[0] * 100) + "% " + (transformOrigin[1] * 100) + "%"); Y_DOM.setStyle(label, "transform", matrix.toCSSText()); } else { textAlpha = props.textAlpha; if(Y_Lang.isNumber(textAlpha) && textAlpha < 1 && textAlpha > -1 && !isNaN(textAlpha)) { filterString = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + Math.round(textAlpha * 100) + ")"; } if(rot !== 0) { //ms filters kind of, sort of uses a transformOrigin of 0, 0. //we'll translate the difference to create a true 0, 0 origin. matrix.rotate(rot); offsetRect = matrix.getContentRect(props.labelWidth, props.labelHeight); matrix.init(); matrix.translate(offsetRect.left, offsetRect.top); matrix.translate(x, y); this._simulateRotateWithTransformOrigin(matrix, rot, transformOrigin, props.labelWidth, props.labelHeight); if(filterString) { filterString += " "; } else { filterString = ""; } filterString += matrix.toFilterText(); label.style.left = matrix.dx + "px"; label.style.top = matrix.dy + "px"; } else { label.style.left = x + "px"; label.style.top = y + "px"; } if(filterString) { label.style.filter = filterString; } } }, /** * Simulates a rotation with a specified transformOrigin. * * @method _simulateTransformOrigin * @param {Matrix} matrix Reference to a `Matrix` instance. * @param {Number} rot The rotation (in degrees) that will be performed on a matrix. * @param {Array} transformOrigin An array represeniting the origin in which to perform the transform. The first * index represents the x origin and the second index represents the y origin. * @param {Number} w The width of the object that will be transformed. * @param {Number} h The height of the object that will be transformed. * @private */ _simulateRotateWithTransformOrigin: function(matrix, rot, transformOrigin, w, h) { var transformX = transformOrigin[0] * w, transformY = transformOrigin[1] * h; transformX = !isNaN(transformX) ? transformX : 0; transformY = !isNaN(transformY) ? transformY : 0; matrix.translate(transformX, transformY); matrix.rotate(rot); matrix.translate(-transformX, -transformY); }, /** * Returns the coordinates (top, right, bottom, left) for the bounding box of the last label. * * @method getMaxLabelBounds * @return Object */ getMaxLabelBounds: function() { return this._getLabelBounds(this.getMaximumValue()); }, /** * Returns the coordinates (top, right, bottom, left) for the bounding box of the first label. * * @method getMinLabelBounds * @return Object */ getMinLabelBounds: function() { return this._getLabelBounds(this.getMinimumValue()); }, /** * Returns the coordinates (top, right, bottom, left) for the bounding box of a label. * * @method _getLabelBounds * @param {String} Value of the label * @return Object * @private */ _getLabelBounds: function(val) { var layout = this._layout, labelStyles = this.get("styles").label, matrix = new Y.Matrix(), label, props = this._getTextRotationProps(labelStyles); props.transformOrigin = layout._getTransformOrigin(props.rot); label = this.getLabel(labelStyles); this.get("appendLabelFunction")(label, this.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [val, this.get("labelFormat")])); props.labelWidth = label.offsetWidth; props.labelHeight = label.offsetHeight; this._removeChildren(label); Y.Event.purgeElement(label, true); label.parentNode.removeChild(label); props.x = 0; props.y = 0; layout._setRotationCoords(props); matrix.translate(props.x, props.y); this._simulateRotateWithTransformOrigin(matrix, props.rot, props.transformOrigin, props.labelWidth, props.labelHeight); return matrix.getContentRect(props.labelWidth, props.labelHeight); }, /** * Removes all DOM elements from an HTML element. Used to clear out labels during detruction * phase. * * @method _removeChildren * @private */ _removeChildren: function(node) { if(node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while(node.firstChild) { child = node.firstChild; this._removeChildren(child); node.removeChild(child); } } }, /** * Destructor implementation Axis class. Removes all labels and the Graphic instance from the widget. * * @method destructor * @protected */ destructor: function() { var cb = this.get("contentBox").getDOMNode(), labels = this.get("labels"), graphic = this.get("graphic"), label, len = labels ? labels.length : 0; if(len > 0) { while(labels.length > 0) { label = labels.shift(); this._removeChildren(label); cb.removeChild(label); label = null; } } if(graphic) { graphic.destroy(); } }, /** * Length in pixels of largest text bounding box. Used to calculate the height of the axis. * * @property maxLabelSize * @type Number * @protected */ _maxLabelSize: 0, /** * Updates the content of text field. This method writes a value into a text field using * `appendChild`. If the value is a `String`, it is converted to a `TextNode` first. * * @method _setText * @param label {HTMLElement} label to be updated * @param val {String} value with which to update the label * @private */ _setText: function(textField, val) { textField.innerHTML = ""; if(Y_Lang.isNumber(val)) { val = val + ""; } else if(!val) { val = ""; } if(IS_STRING(val)) { val = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(val); } textField.appendChild(val); }, /** * Returns the total number of majorUnits that will appear on an axis. * * @method getTotalMajorUnits * @return Number */ getTotalMajorUnits: function() { var units, majorUnit = this.get("styles").majorUnit, len; if(majorUnit.determinant === "count") { units = majorUnit.count; } else if(majorUnit.determinant === "distance") { len = this.getLength(); units = (len/majorUnit.distance) + 1; } return units; }, /** * Returns the distance between major units on an axis. * * @method getMajorUnitDistance * @param {Number} len Number of ticks * @param {Number} uiLen Size of the axis. * @param {Object} majorUnit Hash of properties used to determine the majorUnit * @return Number */ getMajorUnitDistance: function(len, uiLen, majorUnit) { var dist; if(majorUnit.determinant === "count") { if(!this.get("calculateEdgeOffset")) { len = len - 1; } dist = uiLen/len; } else if(majorUnit.determinant === "distance") { dist = majorUnit.distance; } return dist; }, /** * Checks to see if data extends beyond the range of the axis. If so, * that data will need to be hidden. This method is internal, temporary and subject * to removal in the future. * * @method _hasDataOverflow * @protected * @return Boolean */ _hasDataOverflow: function() { if(this.get("setMin") || this.get("setMax")) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Returns a string corresponding to the first label on an * axis. * * @method getMinimumValue * @return String */ getMinimumValue: function() { return this.get("minimum"); }, /** * Returns a string corresponding to the last label on an * axis. * * @method getMaximumValue * @return String */ getMaximumValue: function() { return this.get("maximum"); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * When set, defines the width of a vertical axis instance. By default, vertical axes automatically size based * on their contents. When the width attribute is set, the axis will not calculate its width. When the width * attribute is explicitly set, axis labels will postion themselves off of the the inner edge of the axis and the * title, if present, will position itself off of the outer edge. If a specified width is less than the sum of * the axis' contents, excess content will overflow. * * @attribute width * @type Number */ width: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { if(this._explicitWidth) { return this._explicitWidth; } return this._calculatedWidth; }, setter: function(val) { this._explicitWidth = val; return val; } }, /** * When set, defines the height of a horizontal axis instance. By default, horizontal axes automatically size based * on their contents. When the height attribute is set, the axis will not calculate its height. When the height * attribute is explicitly set, axis labels will postion themselves off of the the inner edge of the axis and the * title, if present, will position itself off of the outer edge. If a specified height is less than the sum of * the axis' contents, excess content will overflow. * * @attribute height * @type Number */ height: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { if(this._explicitHeight) { return this._explicitHeight; } return this._calculatedHeight; }, setter: function(val) { this._explicitHeight = val; return val; } }, /** * Calculated value of an axis' width. By default, the value is used internally for vertical axes. If the `width` * attribute is explicitly set, this value will be ignored. * * @attribute calculatedWidth * @type Number * @private */ calculatedWidth: { getter: function() { return this._calculatedWidth; }, setter: function(val) { this._calculatedWidth = val; return val; } }, /** * Calculated value of an axis' height. By default, the value is used internally for horizontal axes. If the `height` * attribute is explicitly set, this value will be ignored. * * @attribute calculatedHeight * @type Number * @private */ calculatedHeight: { getter: function() { return this._calculatedHeight; }, setter: function(val) { this._calculatedHeight = val; return val; } }, /** * Difference between the first/last tick and edge of axis. * * @attribute edgeOffset * @type Number * @protected */ edgeOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * The graphic in which the axis line and ticks will be rendered. * * @attribute graphic * @type Graphic */ graphic: {}, /** * @attribute path * @type Shape * @readOnly * @private */ path: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { if(!this._path) { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { this._path = graphic.addShape({type:"path"}); } } return this._path; } }, /** * @attribute tickPath * @type Shape * @readOnly * @private */ tickPath: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { if(!this._tickPath) { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { this._tickPath = graphic.addShape({type:"path"}); } } return this._tickPath; } }, /** * Contains the contents of the axis. * * @attribute node * @type HTMLElement */ node: {}, /** * Direction of the axis. * * @attribute position * @type String */ position: { lazyAdd: false, setter: function(val) { var LayoutClass = this._layoutClasses[val]; if(val && val !== "none") { this._layout = new LayoutClass(); } return val; } }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the top of the axis. * * @attribute topTickOffset * @type Number */ topTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the bottom of the axis. * * @attribute bottomTickOffset * @type Number */ bottomTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the left of the axis. * * @attribute leftTickOffset * @type Number */ leftTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the right side of the axis. * * @attribute rightTickOffset * @type Number */ rightTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Collection of labels used to render the axis. * * @attribute labels * @type Array */ labels: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._labels; } }, /** * Collection of points used for placement of labels and ticks along the axis. * * @attribute tickPoints * @type Array */ tickPoints: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { if(this.get("position") === "none") { return this.get("styles").majorUnit.count; } return this._tickPoints; } }, /** * Indicates whether the axis overlaps the graph. If an axis is the inner most axis on a given * position and the tick position is inside or cross, the axis will need to overlap the graph. * * @attribute overlapGraph * @type Boolean */ overlapGraph: { value:true, validator: function(val) { return Y_Lang.isBoolean(val); } }, /** * Length in pixels of largest text bounding box. Used to calculate the height of the axis. * * @attribute maxLabelSize * @type Number * @protected */ maxLabelSize: { getter: function() { return this._maxLabelSize; }, setter: function(val) { this._maxLabelSize = val; return val; } }, /** * Title for the axis. When specified, the title will display. The position of the title is determined by the axis position. *
Appears above the axis and it labels. The default rotation is 0.
Appears to the right of the axis and its labels. The default rotation is 90.
Appears below the axis and its labels. The default rotation is 0.
Appears to the left of the axis and its labels. The default rotation is -90.
* * @attribute title * @type String */ title: { value: null }, /** * Function used to append an axis value to an axis label. This function has the following signature: *
The axis label to be appended. (`HTMLElement`)
The value to attach to the text field. This method will accept an `HTMLELement` * or a `String`. This method does not use (`HTMLElement` | `String`)
* The default method appends a value to the `HTMLElement` using the `appendChild` method. If the given * value is a `String`, the method will convert the the value to a `textNode` before appending to the * `HTMLElement`. This method will not convert an `HTMLString` to an `HTMLElement`. * * @attribute appendLabelFunction * @type Function */ appendLabelFunction: { valueFn: function() { return this._setText; } }, /** * Function used to append a title value to the title object. This function has the following signature: *
The title text field to be appended. (`HTMLElement`)
The value to attach to the text field. This method will accept an `HTMLELement` * or a `String`. This method does not use (`HTMLElement` | `String`)
* The default method appends a value to the `HTMLElement` using the `appendChild` method. If the given * value is a `String`, the method will convert the the value to a `textNode` before appending to the * `HTMLElement` element. This method will not convert an `HTMLString` to an `HTMLElement`. * * @attribute appendTitleFunction * @type Function */ appendTitleFunction: { valueFn: function() { return this._setText; } }, /** * An array containing the unformatted values of the axis labels. By default, TimeAxis, NumericAxis and * StackedAxis labelValues are determined by the majorUnit style. By default, CategoryAxis labels are * determined by the values of the dataProvider. *

When the labelValues attribute is explicitly set, the labelValues are dictated by the set value and * the position of ticks and labels are determined by where those values would fall on the axis.

* * @attribute labelValues * @type Array */ labelValues: { lazyAdd: false, setter: function(val) { var opts = arguments[2]; if(!val || (opts && opts.src && opts.src === "internal")) { this._labelValuesExplicitlySet = false; } else { this._labelValuesExplicitlySet = true; } return val; } }, /** * Suppresses the creation of the the first visible label and tick. * * @attribute hideFirstMajorUnit * @type Boolean */ hideFirstMajorUnit: { value: false }, /** * Suppresses the creation of the the last visible label and tick. * * @attribute hideLastMajorUnit * @type Boolean */ hideLastMajorUnit: { value: false } /** * Style properties used for drawing an axis. This attribute is inherited from `Renderer`. Below are the default values: *
Properties used for drawing ticks. *
Position of the tick. Possible values are `inside`, `outside`, `cross` and `none`. * The default value is `inside`.
The length (in pixels) of the tick. The default value is 4.
The color of the tick. The default value is `#dad8c9`
Number indicating the width of the tick. The default value is 1.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the tick. The default value is 1.
Properties used for drawing the axis line. *
Number indicating the width of the axis line. The default value is 1.
The color of the axis line. The default value is `#dad8c9`.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the tick. The default value is 1.
Properties used to calculate the `majorUnit` for the axis. *
The algorithm used for calculating distance between ticks. The possible options are * `count` and `distance`. If the `determinant` is `count`, the axis ticks will spaced so that a specified number * of ticks appear on the axis. If the `determinant` is `distance`, the axis ticks will spaced out according to * the specified distance. The default value is `count`.
Number of ticks to appear on the axis when the `determinant` is `count`. The default value is 11.
The distance (in pixels) between ticks when the `determinant` is `distance`. The default * value is 75.
Properties and styles applied to the axis labels. *
The color of the labels. The default value is `#808080`.
Number between 0 and 1 indicating the opacity of the labels. The default value is 1.
The font-size of the labels. The default value is 85%
The rotation, in degrees (between -90 and 90) of the labels. The default value is 0.
A number between 0 and 1 indicating the relationship of the label to a tick. For a horizontal axis * label, a value of 0 will position the label's left side even to the the tick. A position of 1 would position the * right side of the label with the tick. A position of 0.5 would center the label horizontally with the tick. For a * vertical axis, a value of 0 would position the top of the label with the tick, a value of 1 would position the bottom * of the label with the tick and a value 0 would center the label vertically with the tick. The default value is 0.5.
The distance between the label and the axis/tick. Depending on the position of the `Axis`, * only one of the properties used. *
Pixel value used for an axis with a `position` of `bottom`. The default value is 4.
Pixel value used for an axis with a `position` of `left`. The default value is 4.
Pixel value used for an axis with a `position` of `top`. The default value is 4.
Pixel value used for an axis with a `position` of `right`. The default value is 4.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); Y.AxisType = Y.Base.create("baseAxis", Y.Axis, [], {}); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["dom", "widget", "widget-position", "widget-stack", "graphics", "axis-base"]});