/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('console', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Console creates a visualization for messages logged through calls to a YUI * instance's Y.log( message, category, source ) method. The * debug versions of YUI modules will include logging statements to offer some * insight into the steps executed during that module's operation. Including * log statements in your code will cause those messages to also appear in the * Console. Use Console to aid in developing your page or application. * * Entry categories "info", "warn", and "error" * are also referred to as the log level, and entries are filtered against the * configured logLevel. * * @module console */ var getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName, CHECKED = 'checked', CLEAR = 'clear', CLICK = 'click', COLLAPSED = 'collapsed', CONSOLE = 'console', CONTENT_BOX = 'contentBox', DISABLED = 'disabled', ENTRY = 'entry', ERROR = 'error', HEIGHT = 'height', INFO = 'info', LAST_TIME = 'lastTime', PAUSE = 'pause', PAUSED = 'paused', RESET = 'reset', START_TIME = 'startTime', TITLE = 'title', WARN = 'warn', DOT = '.', C_BUTTON = getCN(CONSOLE,'button'), C_CHECKBOX = getCN(CONSOLE,'checkbox'), C_CLEAR = getCN(CONSOLE,CLEAR), C_COLLAPSE = getCN(CONSOLE,'collapse'), C_COLLAPSED = getCN(CONSOLE,COLLAPSED), C_CONSOLE_CONTROLS = getCN(CONSOLE,'controls'), C_CONSOLE_HD = getCN(CONSOLE,'hd'), C_CONSOLE_BD = getCN(CONSOLE,'bd'), C_CONSOLE_FT = getCN(CONSOLE,'ft'), C_CONSOLE_TITLE = getCN(CONSOLE,TITLE), C_ENTRY = getCN(CONSOLE,ENTRY), C_ENTRY_CAT = getCN(CONSOLE,ENTRY,'cat'), C_ENTRY_CONTENT = getCN(CONSOLE,ENTRY,'content'), C_ENTRY_META = getCN(CONSOLE,ENTRY,'meta'), C_ENTRY_SRC = getCN(CONSOLE,ENTRY,'src'), C_ENTRY_TIME = getCN(CONSOLE,ENTRY,'time'), C_PAUSE = getCN(CONSOLE,PAUSE), C_PAUSE_LABEL = getCN(CONSOLE,PAUSE,'label'), RE_INLINE_SOURCE = /^(\S+)\s/, RE_AMP = /&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/g, RE_GT = />/g, RE_LT = /'+ ''+ '{sourceAndDetail}'+ ''+ ''+ '{category}'+ ''+ ' {totalTime}ms (+{elapsedTime}) {localTime}'+ ''+ '

'+ '
'+ '', L = Y.Lang, create = Y.Node.create, isNumber = L.isNumber, isString = L.isString, merge = Y.merge, substitute = Y.Lang.sub; /** A basic console that displays messages logged throughout your application. @class Console @constructor @extends Widget @param [config] {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties. **/ function Console() { Console.superclass.constructor.apply(this,arguments); } Y.Console = Y.extend(Console, Y.Widget, // Y.Console prototype { /** * Category to prefix all event subscriptions to allow for ease of detach * during destroy. * * @property _evtCat * @type string * @protected */ _evtCat : null, /** * Reference to the Node instance containing the header contents. * * @property _head * @type Node * @default null * @protected */ _head : null, /** * Reference to the Node instance that will house the console messages. * * @property _body * @type Node * @default null * @protected */ _body : null, /** * Reference to the Node instance containing the footer contents. * * @property _foot * @type Node * @default null * @protected */ _foot : null, /** * Holds the object API returned from Y.later for the print * loop interval. * * @property _printLoop * @type Object * @default null * @protected */ _printLoop : null, /** * Array of normalized message objects awaiting printing. * * @property buffer * @type Array * @default null * @protected */ buffer : null, /** * Wrapper for Y.log. * * @method log * @param arg* {MIXED} (all arguments passed through to Y.log) * @chainable */ log : function () { Y.log.apply(Y,arguments); return this; }, /** * Clear the console of messages and flush the buffer of pending messages. * * @method clearConsole * @chainable */ clearConsole : function () { // TODO: clear event listeners from console contents this._body.empty(); this._cancelPrintLoop(); this.buffer = []; return this; }, /** * Clears the console and resets internal timers. * * @method reset * @chainable */ reset : function () { this.fire(RESET); return this; }, /** * Collapses the body and footer. * * @method collapse * @chainable */ collapse : function () { this.set(COLLAPSED, true); return this; }, /** * Expands the body and footer if collapsed. * * @method expand * @chainable */ expand : function () { this.set(COLLAPSED, false); return this; }, /** * Outputs buffered messages to the console UI. This is typically called * from a scheduled interval until the buffer is empty (referred to as the * print loop). The number of buffered messages output to the Console is * limited to the number provided as an argument. If no limit is passed, * all buffered messages are rendered. * * @method printBuffer * @param limit {Number} (optional) max number of buffered entries to write * @chainable */ printBuffer: function (limit) { var messages = this.buffer, debug = Y.config.debug, entries = [], consoleLimit= this.get('consoleLimit'), newestOnTop = this.get('newestOnTop'), anchor = newestOnTop ? this._body.get('firstChild') : null, i; if (messages.length > consoleLimit) { messages.splice(0, messages.length - consoleLimit); } limit = Math.min(messages.length, (limit || messages.length)); // turn off logging system Y.config.debug = false; if (!this.get(PAUSED) && this.get('rendered')) { for (i = 0; i < limit && messages.length; ++i) { entries[i] = this._createEntryHTML(messages.shift()); } if (!messages.length) { this._cancelPrintLoop(); } if (entries.length) { if (newestOnTop) { entries.reverse(); } this._body.insertBefore(create(entries.join('')), anchor); if (this.get('scrollIntoView')) { this.scrollToLatest(); } this._trimOldEntries(); } } // restore logging system Y.config.debug = debug; return this; }, /** * Constructor code. Set up the buffer and entry template, publish * internal events, and subscribe to the configured logEvent. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer : function () { this._evtCat = Y.stamp(this) + '|'; this.buffer = []; this.get('logSource').on(this._evtCat + this.get('logEvent'),Y.bind("_onLogEvent",this)); /** * Transfers a received message to the print loop buffer. Default * behavior defined in _defEntryFn. * * @event entry * @param event {EventFacade} An Event Facade object with the following attribute specific properties added: *
The message data normalized into an object literal (see _normalizeMessage)
* @preventable _defEntryFn */ this.publish(ENTRY, { defaultFn: this._defEntryFn }); /** * Triggers the reset behavior via the default logic in _defResetFn. * * @event reset * @param event {EventFacade} Event Facade object * @preventable _defResetFn */ this.publish(RESET, { defaultFn: this._defResetFn }); this.after('rendered', this._schedulePrint); }, /** * Tears down the instance, flushing event subscriptions and purging the UI. * * @method destructor * @protected */ destructor : function () { var bb = this.get('boundingBox'); this._cancelPrintLoop(); this.get('logSource').detach(this._evtCat + '*'); bb.purge(true); }, /** * Generate the Console UI. * * @method renderUI * @protected */ renderUI : function () { this._initHead(); this._initBody(); this._initFoot(); // Apply positioning to the bounding box if appropriate var style = this.get('style'); if (style !== 'block') { this.get('boundingBox').addClass(this.getClassName(style)); } }, /** * Sync the UI state to the current attribute state. * * @method syncUI */ syncUI : function () { this._uiUpdatePaused(this.get(PAUSED)); this._uiUpdateCollapsed(this.get(COLLAPSED)); this._uiSetHeight(this.get(HEIGHT)); }, /** * Set up event listeners to wire up the UI to the internal state. * * @method bindUI * @protected */ bindUI : function () { this.get(CONTENT_BOX).one('button.'+C_COLLAPSE). on(CLICK,this._onCollapseClick,this); this.get(CONTENT_BOX).one('input[type=checkbox].'+C_PAUSE). on(CLICK,this._onPauseClick,this); this.get(CONTENT_BOX).one('button.'+C_CLEAR). on(CLICK,this._onClearClick,this); // Attribute changes this.after(this._evtCat + 'stringsChange', this._afterStringsChange); this.after(this._evtCat + 'pausedChange', this._afterPausedChange); this.after(this._evtCat + 'consoleLimitChange', this._afterConsoleLimitChange); this.after(this._evtCat + 'collapsedChange', this._afterCollapsedChange); }, /** * Create the DOM structure for the header elements. * * @method _initHead * @protected */ _initHead : function () { var cb = this.get(CONTENT_BOX), info = merge(Console.CHROME_CLASSES, { str_collapse : this.get('strings.collapse'), str_title : this.get('strings.title') }); this._head = create(substitute(Console.HEADER_TEMPLATE,info)); cb.insertBefore(this._head,cb.get('firstChild')); }, /** * Create the DOM structure for the console body—where messages are * rendered. * * @method _initBody * @protected */ _initBody : function () { this._body = create(substitute( Console.BODY_TEMPLATE, Console.CHROME_CLASSES)); this.get(CONTENT_BOX).appendChild(this._body); }, /** * Create the DOM structure for the footer elements. * * @method _initFoot * @protected */ _initFoot : function () { var info = merge(Console.CHROME_CLASSES, { id_guid : Y.guid(), str_pause : this.get('strings.pause'), str_clear : this.get('strings.clear') }); this._foot = create(substitute(Console.FOOTER_TEMPLATE,info)); this.get(CONTENT_BOX).appendChild(this._foot); }, /** * Determine if incoming log messages are within the configured logLevel * to be buffered for printing. * * @method _isInLogLevel * @protected */ _isInLogLevel : function (e) { var cat = e.cat, lvl = this.get('logLevel'); if (lvl !== INFO) { cat = cat || INFO; if (isString(cat)) { cat = cat.toLowerCase(); } if ((cat === WARN && lvl === ERROR) || (cat === INFO && lvl !== INFO)) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * Create a log entry message from the inputs including the following keys: * * * @method _normalizeMessage * @param e {Event} custom event containing the log message * @return Object the message object * @protected */ _normalizeMessage : function (e) { var msg = e.msg, cat = e.cat, src = e.src, m = { time : new Date(), message : msg, category : cat || this.get('defaultCategory'), sourceAndDetail : src || this.get('defaultSource'), source : null, localTime : null, elapsedTime : null, totalTime : null }; // Extract m.source "Foo" from m.sourceAndDetail "Foo bar baz" m.source = RE_INLINE_SOURCE.test(m.sourceAndDetail) ? RegExp.$1 : m.sourceAndDetail; m.localTime = m.time.toLocaleTimeString ? m.time.toLocaleTimeString() : (m.time + ''); m.elapsedTime = m.time - this.get(LAST_TIME); m.totalTime = m.time - this.get(START_TIME); this._set(LAST_TIME,m.time); return m; }, /** * Sets an interval for buffered messages to be output to the console. * * @method _schedulePrint * @protected */ _schedulePrint : function () { if (!this._printLoop && !this.get(PAUSED) && this.get('rendered')) { this._printLoop = Y.later( this.get('printTimeout'), this, this.printBuffer, this.get('printLimit'), true); } }, /** * Translates message meta into the markup for a console entry. * * @method _createEntryHTML * @param m {Object} object literal containing normalized message metadata * @return String * @protected */ _createEntryHTML : function (m) { m = merge( this._htmlEscapeMessage(m), Console.ENTRY_CLASSES, { cat_class : this.getClassName(ENTRY,m.category), src_class : this.getClassName(ENTRY,m.source) }); return this.get('entryTemplate').replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function (_,token) { return token in m ? m[token] : ''; }); }, /** * Scrolls to the most recent entry * * @method scrollToLatest * @chainable */ scrollToLatest : function () { var scrollTop = this.get('newestOnTop') ? 0 : this._body.get('scrollHeight'); this._body.set('scrollTop', scrollTop); }, /** * Performs HTML escaping on strings in the message object. * * @method _htmlEscapeMessage * @param m {Object} the normalized message object * @return Object the message object with proper escapement * @protected */ _htmlEscapeMessage : function (m) { m.message = this._encodeHTML(m.message); m.source = this._encodeHTML(m.source); m.sourceAndDetail = this._encodeHTML(m.sourceAndDetail); m.category = this._encodeHTML(m.category); return m; }, /** * Removes the oldest message entries from the UI to maintain the limit * specified in the consoleLimit configuration. * * @method _trimOldEntries * @protected */ _trimOldEntries : function () { // Turn off the logging system for the duration of this operation // to prevent an infinite loop Y.config.debug = false; var bd = this._body, limit = this.get('consoleLimit'), debug = Y.config.debug, entries,e,i,l; if (bd) { entries = bd.all(DOT+C_ENTRY); l = entries.size() - limit; if (l > 0) { if (this.get('newestOnTop')) { i = limit; l = entries.size(); } else { i = 0; } this._body.setStyle('display','none'); for (;i < l; ++i) { e = entries.item(i); if (e) { e.remove(); } } this._body.setStyle('display',''); } } Y.config.debug = debug; }, /** * Returns the input string with ampersands (&), <, and > encoded * as HTML entities. * * @method _encodeHTML * @param s {String} the raw string * @return String the encoded string * @protected */ _encodeHTML : function (s) { return isString(s) ? s.replace(RE_AMP,ESC_AMP). replace(RE_LT, ESC_LT). replace(RE_GT, ESC_GT) : s; }, /** * Clears the timeout for printing buffered messages. * * @method _cancelPrintLoop * @protected */ _cancelPrintLoop : function () { if (this._printLoop) { this._printLoop.cancel(); this._printLoop = null; } }, /** * Validates input value for style attribute. Accepts only values 'inline', * 'block', and 'separate'. * * @method _validateStyle * @param style {String} the proposed value * @return {Boolean} pass/fail * @protected */ _validateStyle : function (style) { return style === 'inline' || style === 'block' || style === 'separate'; }, /** * Event handler for clicking on the Pause checkbox to update the paused * attribute. * * @method _onPauseClick * @param e {Event} DOM event facade for the click event * @protected */ _onPauseClick : function (e) { this.set(PAUSED,e.target.get(CHECKED)); }, /** * Event handler for clicking on the Clear button. Pass-through to * this.clearConsole(). * * @method _onClearClick * @param e {Event} DOM event facade for the click event * @protected */ _onClearClick : function (e) { this.clearConsole(); }, /** * Event handler for clicking on the Collapse/Expand button. Sets the * "collapsed" attribute accordingly. * * @method _onCollapseClick * @param e {Event} DOM event facade for the click event * @protected */ _onCollapseClick : function (e) { this.set(COLLAPSED, !this.get(COLLAPSED)); }, /** * Validator for logSource attribute. * * @method _validateLogSource * @param v {Object} the desired logSource * @return {Boolean} true if the input is an object with an on * method * @protected */ _validateLogSource: function (v) { return v && Y.Lang.isFunction(v.on); }, /** * Setter method for logLevel attribute. Acceptable values are * "error", "warn", and "info" (case * insensitive). Other values are treated as "info". * * @method _setLogLevel * @param v {String} the desired log level * @return String One of Console.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, _WARN, or _ERROR * @protected */ _setLogLevel : function (v) { if (isString(v)) { v = v.toLowerCase(); } return (v === WARN || v === ERROR) ? v : INFO; }, /** * Getter method for useBrowserConsole attribute. Just a pass through to * the YUI instance configuration setting. * * @method _getUseBrowserConsole * @return {Boolean} or null if logSource is not a YUI instance * @protected */ _getUseBrowserConsole: function () { var logSource = this.get('logSource'); return logSource instanceof YUI ? logSource.config.useBrowserConsole : null; }, /** * Setter method for useBrowserConsole attributes. Only functional if the * logSource attribute points to a YUI instance. Passes the value down to * the YUI instance. NOTE: multiple Console instances cannot maintain * independent useBrowserConsole values, since it is just a pass through to * the YUI instance configuration. * * @method _setUseBrowserConsole * @param v {Boolean} false to disable browser console printing (default) * @return {Boolean} true|false if logSource is a YUI instance * @protected */ _setUseBrowserConsole: function (v) { var logSource = this.get('logSource'); if (logSource instanceof YUI) { v = !!v; logSource.config.useBrowserConsole = v; return v; } else { return Y.Attribute.INVALID_VALUE; } }, /** * Set the height of the Console container. Set the body height to the * difference between the configured height and the calculated heights of * the header and footer. * Overrides Widget.prototype._uiSetHeight. * * @method _uiSetHeight * @param v {String|Number} the new height * @protected */ _uiSetHeight : function (v) { Console.superclass._uiSetHeight.apply(this,arguments); if (this._head && this._foot) { var h = this.get('boundingBox').get('offsetHeight') - this._head.get('offsetHeight') - this._foot.get('offsetHeight'); this._body.setStyle(HEIGHT,h+'px'); } }, /** * Over-ride default content box sizing to do nothing, since we're sizing * the body section to fill out height ourselves. * * @method _uiSizeCB * @protected */ _uiSizeCB : function() { // Do Nothing. Ideally want to move to Widget-StdMod, which accounts for // _uiSizeCB }, /** * Updates the UI if changes are made to any of the strings in the strings * attribute. * * @method _afterStringsChange * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change * @protected */ _afterStringsChange : function (e) { var prop = e.subAttrName ? e.subAttrName.split(DOT)[1] : null, cb = this.get(CONTENT_BOX), before = e.prevVal, after = e.newVal; if ((!prop || prop === TITLE) && before.title !== after.title) { cb.all(DOT+C_CONSOLE_TITLE).setHTML(after.title); } if ((!prop || prop === PAUSE) && before.pause !== after.pause) { cb.all(DOT+C_PAUSE_LABEL).setHTML(after.pause); } if ((!prop || prop === CLEAR) && before.clear !== after.clear) { cb.all(DOT+C_CLEAR).set('value',after.clear); } }, /** * Updates the UI and schedules or cancels the print loop. * * @method _afterPausedChange * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change * @protected */ _afterPausedChange : function (e) { var paused = e.newVal; if (e.src !== Y.Widget.SRC_UI) { this._uiUpdatePaused(paused); } if (!paused) { this._schedulePrint(); } else if (this._printLoop) { this._cancelPrintLoop(); } }, /** * Checks or unchecks the paused checkbox * * @method _uiUpdatePaused * @param on {Boolean} the new checked state * @protected */ _uiUpdatePaused : function (on) { var node = this._foot.all('input[type=checkbox].'+C_PAUSE); if (node) { node.set(CHECKED,on); } }, /** * Calls this._trimOldEntries() in response to changes in the configured * consoleLimit attribute. * * @method _afterConsoleLimitChange * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change * @protected */ _afterConsoleLimitChange : function () { this._trimOldEntries(); }, /** * Updates the className of the contentBox, which should trigger CSS to * hide or show the body and footer sections depending on the new value. * * @method _afterCollapsedChange * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change * @protected */ _afterCollapsedChange : function (e) { this._uiUpdateCollapsed(e.newVal); }, /** * Updates the UI to reflect the new Collapsed state * * @method _uiUpdateCollapsed * @param v {Boolean} true for collapsed, false for expanded * @protected */ _uiUpdateCollapsed : function (v) { var bb = this.get('boundingBox'), button = bb.all('button.'+C_COLLAPSE), method = v ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass', str = this.get('strings.'+(v ? 'expand' : 'collapse')); bb[method](C_COLLAPSED); if (button) { button.setHTML(str); } this._uiSetHeight(v ? this._head.get('offsetHeight'): this.get(HEIGHT)); }, /** * Makes adjustments to the UI if needed when the Console is hidden or shown * * @method _afterVisibleChange * @param e {Event} the visibleChange event * @protected */ _afterVisibleChange : function (e) { Console.superclass._afterVisibleChange.apply(this,arguments); this._uiUpdateFromHideShow(e.newVal); }, /** * Recalculates dimensions and updates appropriately when shown * * @method _uiUpdateFromHideShow * @param v {Boolean} true for visible, false for hidden * @protected */ _uiUpdateFromHideShow : function (v) { if (v) { this._uiSetHeight(this.get(HEIGHT)); } }, /** * Responds to log events by normalizing qualifying messages and passing * them along through the entry event for buffering etc. * * @method _onLogEvent * @param msg {String} the log message * @param cat {String} OPTIONAL the category or logLevel of the message * @param src {String} OPTIONAL the source of the message (e.g. widget name) * @protected */ _onLogEvent : function (e) { if (!this.get(DISABLED) && this._isInLogLevel(e)) { var debug = Y.config.debug; /* TODO: needed? */ Y.config.debug = false; this.fire(ENTRY, { message : this._normalizeMessage(e) }); Y.config.debug = debug; } }, /** * Clears the console, resets the startTime attribute, enables and * unpauses the widget. * * @method _defResetFn * @protected */ _defResetFn : function () { this.clearConsole(); this.set(START_TIME,new Date()); this.set(DISABLED,false); this.set(PAUSED,false); }, /** * Buffers incoming message objects and schedules the printing. * * @method _defEntryFn * @param e {Event} The Custom event carrying the message in its payload * @protected */ _defEntryFn : function (e) { if (e.message) { this.buffer.push(e.message); this._schedulePrint(); } } }, // Y.Console static properties { /** * The identity of the widget. * * @property NAME * @type String * @static */ NAME : CONSOLE, /** * Static identifier for logLevel configuration setting to allow all * incoming messages to generate Console entries. * * @property LOG_LEVEL_INFO * @type String * @static */ LOG_LEVEL_INFO : INFO, /** * Static identifier for logLevel configuration setting to allow only * incoming messages of logLevel "warn" or "error" * to generate Console entries. * * @property LOG_LEVEL_WARN * @type String * @static */ LOG_LEVEL_WARN : WARN, /** * Static identifier for logLevel configuration setting to allow only * incoming messages of logLevel "error" to generate * Console entries. * * @property LOG_LEVEL_ERROR * @type String * @static */ LOG_LEVEL_ERROR : ERROR, /** * Map (object) of classNames used to populate the placeholders in the * Console.ENTRY_TEMPLATE markup when rendering a new Console entry. * *

By default, the keys contained in the object are:

* * * @property ENTRY_CLASSES * @type Object * @static */ ENTRY_CLASSES : { entry_class : C_ENTRY, entry_meta_class : C_ENTRY_META, entry_cat_class : C_ENTRY_CAT, entry_src_class : C_ENTRY_SRC, entry_time_class : C_ENTRY_TIME, entry_content_class : C_ENTRY_CONTENT }, /** * Map (object) of classNames used to populate the placeholders in the * Console.HEADER_TEMPLATE, Console.BODY_TEMPLATE, and * Console.FOOTER_TEMPLATE markup when rendering the Console UI. * *

By default, the keys contained in the object are:

* * * @property CHROME_CLASSES * @type Object * @static */ CHROME_CLASSES : { console_hd_class : C_CONSOLE_HD, console_bd_class : C_CONSOLE_BD, console_ft_class : C_CONSOLE_FT, console_controls_class : C_CONSOLE_CONTROLS, console_checkbox_class : C_CHECKBOX, console_pause_class : C_PAUSE, console_pause_label_class : C_PAUSE_LABEL, console_button_class : C_BUTTON, console_clear_class : C_CLEAR, console_collapse_class : C_COLLAPSE, console_title_class : C_CONSOLE_TITLE }, /** * Markup template used to generate the DOM structure for the header * section of the Console when it is rendered. The template includes * these {placeholder}s: * * * * @property HEADER_TEMPLATE * @type String * @static */ HEADER_TEMPLATE : '
'+ '


'+ ''+ '
', /** * Markup template used to generate the DOM structure for the Console body * (where the messages are inserted) when it is rendered. The template * includes only the {placeholder} "console_bd_class", which is * constributed by Console.CHROME_CLASSES. * * @property BODY_TEMPLATE * @type String * @static */ BODY_TEMPLATE : '
', /** * Markup template used to generate the DOM structure for the footer * section of the Console when it is rendered. The template includes * many of the {placeholder}s from Console.CHROME_CLASSES as well as: * * * * @property FOOTER_TEMPLATE * @type String * @static */ FOOTER_TEMPLATE : '
'+ '
'+ '' + ''+ '
'+ '
', /** * Default markup template used to create the DOM structure for Console * entries. The markup contains {placeholder}s for content and classes * that are replaced via Y.Lang.sub. The default template contains * the {placeholder}s identified in Console.ENTRY_CLASSES as well as the * following placeholders that will be populated by the log entry data: * * * * @property ENTRY_TEMPLATE * @type String * @static */ ENTRY_TEMPLATE : ENTRY_TEMPLATE_STR, /** * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of * the Widget. * * @property ATTRS * @Type Object * @static */ ATTRS : { /** * Name of the custom event that will communicate log messages. * * @attribute logEvent * @type String * @default "yui:log" */ logEvent : { value : 'yui:log', writeOnce : true, validator : isString }, /** * Object that will emit the log events. By default the YUI instance. * To have a single Console capture events from all YUI instances, set * this to the Y.Global object. * * @attribute logSource * @type EventTarget * @default Y */ logSource : { value : Y, writeOnce : true, validator : function (v) { return this._validateLogSource(v); } }, /** * Collection of strings used to label elements in the Console UI. * Default collection contains the following name:value pairs: * * * * @attribute strings * @type Object */ strings : { valueFn: function() { return Y.Intl.get("console"); } }, /** * Boolean to pause the outputting of new messages to the console. * When paused, messages will accumulate in the buffer. * * @attribute paused * @type boolean * @default false */ paused : { value : false, validator : L.isBoolean }, /** * If a category is not specified in the Y.log(..) statement, this * category will be used. Categories "info", * "warn", and "error" are also called log level. * * @attribute defaultCategory * @type String * @default "info" */ defaultCategory : { value : INFO, validator : isString }, /** * If a source is not specified in the Y.log(..) statement, this * source will be used. * * @attribute defaultSource * @type String * @default "global" */ defaultSource : { value : 'global', validator : isString }, /** * Markup template used to create the DOM structure for Console entries. * * @attribute entryTemplate * @type String * @default Console.ENTRY_TEMPLATE */ entryTemplate : { value : ENTRY_TEMPLATE_STR, validator : isString }, /** * Minimum entry log level to render into the Console. The initial * logLevel value for all Console instances defaults from the * Y.config.logLevel YUI configuration, or Console.LOG_LEVEL_INFO if * that configuration is not set. * * Possible values are "info", "warn", * "error" (case insensitive), or their corresponding statics * Console.LOG_LEVEL_INFO and so on. * * @attribute logLevel * @type String * @default Y.config.logLevel or Console.LOG_LEVEL_INFO */ logLevel : { value : Y.config.logLevel || INFO, setter : function (v) { return this._setLogLevel(v); } }, /** * Millisecond timeout between iterations of the print loop, moving * entries from the buffer to the UI. * * @attribute printTimeout * @type Number * @default 100 */ printTimeout : { value : 100, validator : isNumber }, /** * Maximum number of entries printed in each iteration of the print * loop. This is used to prevent excessive logging locking the page UI. * * @attribute printLimit * @type Number * @default 50 */ printLimit : { value : 50, validator : isNumber }, /** * Maximum number of Console entries allowed in the Console body at one * time. This is used to keep acquired messages from exploding the * DOM tree and impacting page performance. * * @attribute consoleLimit * @type Number * @default 300 */ consoleLimit : { value : 300, validator : isNumber }, /** * New entries should display at the top of the Console or the bottom? * * @attribute newestOnTop * @type Boolean * @default true */ newestOnTop : { value : true }, /** * When new entries are added to the Console UI, should they be * scrolled into view? * * @attribute scrollIntoView * @type Boolean * @default true */ scrollIntoView : { value : true }, /** * The baseline time for this Console instance, used to measure elapsed * time from the moment the console module is used to the * moment each new entry is logged (not rendered). * * This value is reset by the instance method myConsole.reset(). * * @attribute startTime * @type Date * @default The moment the console module is used */ startTime : { value : new Date() }, /** * The precise time the last entry was logged. Used to measure elapsed * time between log messages. * * @attribute lastTime * @type Date * @default The moment the console module is used */ lastTime : { value : new Date(), readOnly: true }, /** * Controls the collapsed state of the Console * * @attribute collapsed * @type Boolean * @default false */ collapsed : { value : false }, /** * String with units, or number, representing the height of the Console, * inclusive of header and footer. If a number is provided, the default * unit, defined by Widget's DEF_UNIT, property is used. * * @attribute height * @default "300px" * @type {String | Number} */ height: { value: "300px" }, /** * String with units, or number, representing the width of the Console. * If a number is provided, the default unit, defined by Widget's * DEF_UNIT, property is used. * * @attribute width * @default "300px" * @type {String | Number} */ width: { value: "300px" }, /** * Pass through to the YUI instance useBrowserConsole configuration. * By default this is set to false, which will disable logging to the * browser console when a Console instance is created. If the * logSource is not a YUI instance, this has no effect. * * @attribute useBrowserConsole * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ useBrowserConsole : { lazyAdd: false, value: false, getter : function () { return this._getUseBrowserConsole(); }, setter : function (v) { return this._setUseBrowserConsole(v); } }, /** * Allows the Console to flow in the document. Available values are * 'inline', 'block', and 'separate' (the default). * * @attribute style * @type {String} * @default 'separate' */ style : { value : 'separate', writeOnce : true, validator : function (v) { return this._validateStyle(v); } } } }); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["yui-log", "widget"], "skinnable": true, "lang": ["en", "es", "hu", "it", "ja"]});