YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('datasource-get', function (Y, NAME) {
* Provides a DataSource implementation which can be used to retrieve data via the Get Utility.
* @module datasource
* @submodule datasource-get
* Get Utility subclass for the DataSource Utility.
* @class DataSource.Get
* @extends DataSource.Local
* @constructor
var DSGet = function() {
DSGet.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.DataSource.Get = Y.extend(DSGet, Y.DataSource.Local, {
* Passes query string to Get Utility. Fires response
event when
* response is received asynchronously.
* @method _defRequestFn
* @param e {EventFacade} Event Facade with the following properties:
* - tId (Number)
- Unique transaction ID.
* - request (Object)
- The request.
* - callback (Object)
- The callback object with the following properties:
* - success (Function)
- Success handler.
* - failure (Function)
- Failure handler.
* - cfg (Object)
- Configuration object.
* @protected
_defRequestFn: function(e) {
var uri = this.get("source"),
get = this.get("get"),
guid = Y.guid().replace(/\-/g, '_'),
generateRequest = this.get( "generateRequestCallback" ),
payload = e.details[0],
self = this;
* Stores the most recent request id for validation against stale
* response handling.
* @property _last
* @type {String}
* @protected
this._last = guid;
// Dynamically add handler function with a closure to the callback stack
// for access to guid
YUI.Env.DataSource.callbacks[guid] = function(response) {
delete YUI.Env.DataSource.callbacks[guid];
delete Y.DataSource.Local.transactions[e.tId];
var process = self.get('asyncMode') !== "ignoreStaleResponses" ||
self._last === guid;
if (process) {
payload.data = response;
self.fire("data", payload);
} else {
Y.log("DataSource ignored stale response for id " + e.tId + "(" + e.request + ")", "info", "datasource-get");
// Add the callback param to the request url
uri += e.request + generateRequest.call( this, guid );
Y.log("DataSource is querying URL " + uri, "info", "datasource-get");
Y.DataSource.Local.transactions[e.tId] = get.script(uri, {
autopurge: true,
// Works in Firefox only....
onFailure: function (o) {
delete YUI.Env.DataSource.callbacks[guid];
delete Y.DataSource.Local.transactions[e.tId];
payload.error = new Error(o.msg || "Script node data failure");
Y.log("Script node data failure", "error", "datasource-get");
self.fire("data", payload);
onTimeout: function(o) {
delete YUI.Env.DataSource.callbacks[guid];
delete Y.DataSource.Local.transactions[e.tId];
payload.error = new Error(o.msg || "Script node data timeout");
Y.log("Script node data timeout", "error", "datasource-get");
self.fire("data", payload);
return e.tId;
* Default method for adding callback param to url. See
* generateRequestCallback attribute.
* @method _generateRequest
* @param guid {String} unique identifier for callback function wrapper
* @protected
_generateRequest: function (guid) {
return "&" + this.get("scriptCallbackParam") +
"=YUI.Env.DataSource.callbacks." + guid;
}, {
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "dataSourceGet"
NAME: "dataSourceGet",
// DataSource.Get Attributes
* Pointer to Get Utility.
* @attribute get
* @type Y.Get
* @default Y.Get
get: {
value: Y.Get,
cloneDefaultValue: false
* Defines request/response management in the following manner:
* - ignoreStaleResponses
* - Send all requests, but handle only the response for the most
* recently sent request.
* - allowAll
* - Send all requests and handle all responses.
* @attribute asyncMode
* @type String
* @default "allowAll"
asyncMode: {
value: "allowAll"
* Callback string parameter name sent to the remote script. By default,
* requests are sent to
* <URI>?<scriptCallbackParam>=callbackFunction
* @attribute scriptCallbackParam
* @type String
* @default "callback"
scriptCallbackParam : {
value: "callback"
* Accepts the DataSource instance and a callback ID, and returns a callback
* param/value string that gets appended to the script URI. Implementers
* can customize this string to match their server's query syntax.
* @attribute generateRequestCallback
* @type Function
generateRequestCallback : {
value: function () {
return this._generateRequest.apply(this, arguments);
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["datasource-local", "get"]});