/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('datatable-highlight', function (Y, NAME) { /** Adds support for highlighting columns with the mouse in a DataTable @module datatable @submodule datatable-highlight @since 3.13.0 */ var getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName; /** @class DataTable.Highlight @since 3.13.0 */ function Highlight() {} Highlight.ATTRS = { /** Setting this to true will create a delegate on the DataTable adding the default classname to the row when the mouse is over the row. @attribute highlightRows @default false @since 3.13.0 */ highlightRows: { value: false, setter: '_setHighlightRows', validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean }, /** Setting this to true will create a delegate on the DataTable adding the default classname to the column when the mouse is over the column. @attribute highlightCols @default false @since 3.13.0 */ highlightCols: { value: false, setter: '_setHighlightCols', validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean }, /** Setting this to true will create a delegate on the DataTable adding the default classname to the cell when the mouse is over it. @attribute highlightCells @default false @since 3.13.0 */ highlightCells: { value: false, setter: '_setHighlightCells', validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean } }; Highlight.prototype = { /** An object consisting of classnames for a `row`, a `col` and a `cell` to be applied to their respective objects when the user moves the mouse over the item and the attribute is set to true. @public @property highlightClassNames @type Object @since 3.13.0 */ highlightClassNames: { row: getClassName(NAME, 'row'), col: getClassName(NAME, 'col'), cell: getClassName(NAME, 'cell') }, /** A string that is used to create a column selector when the column is has the mouse over it. Can contain the css prefix (`{prefix}`) and the column name (`{col}`). Further substitution will require `_highlightCol` to be overwritten. @protected @property _colSelector @type String @since 3.13.0 */ _colSelector: '.{prefix}-data .{prefix}-col-{col}', /** A string that will be used to create Regular Expression when column highlighting is set to true. Uses the css prefix (`{prefix}`) from the DataTable object to populate. @protected @property _colNameRegex @type String @since 3.13.0 */ _colNameRegex: '{prefix}-col-(\\S*)', /** This object will contain any delegates created when their feature is turned on. @protected @property _highlightDelegates @type Object @since 3.13.0 */ _highlightDelegates: {}, /** Default setter method for row highlighting. If the value is true, a delegate is created and stored in `this._highlightDelegates.row`. This delegate will add/remove the row highlight classname to/from the row when the mouse enters/leaves a row on the `tbody` @protected @method _setHighlightRows @param {Boolean} val @return val @since 3.13.0 */ _setHighlightRows: function (val) { var del = this._highlightDelegates; if (del.row) { del.row.detach(); } if (val === true) { del.row = this.delegate('hover', Y.bind(this._highlightRow, this), Y.bind(this._highlightRow, this), "tbody tr"); } return val; }, /** Default setter method for column highlighting. If the value is true, a delegate is created and stored in `this._highlightDelegates.col`. This delegate will add/remove the column highlight classname to/from the column when the mouse enters/leaves a column on the `tbody` @protected @method _setHighlightCols @param {Boolean} val @return val @since 3.13.0 */ _setHighlightCols: function (val) { var del = this._highlightDelegates; if (del.col) { del.col.detach(); } if (val === true) { this._buildColSelRegex(); del.col = this.delegate('hover', Y.bind(this._highlightCol, this), Y.bind(this._highlightCol, this), "tr td"); } }, /** Default setter method for cell highlighting. If the value is true, a delegate is created and stored in `this._highlightDelegates.cell`. This delegate will add/remove the cell highlight classname to/from the cell when the mouse enters/leaves a cell on the `tbody` @protected @method _setHighlightCells @param {Boolean} val @return val @since 3.13.0 */ _setHighlightCells: function (val) { var del = this._highlightDelegates; if (del.cell) { del.cell.detach(); } if (val === true) { del.cell = this.delegate('hover', Y.bind(this._highlightCell, this), Y.bind(this._highlightCell, this), "tbody td"); } return val; }, /** Method called to turn on or off the row highlighting when the mouse enters or leaves the row. This is determined by the event phase of the hover event. Where `over` will turn on the highlighting and anything else will turn it off. @protected @method _highlightRow @param {EventFacade} e Event from the hover event @since 3.13.0 */ _highlightRow: function (e) { e.currentTarget.toggleClass(this.highlightClassNames.row, (e.phase === 'over')); }, /** Method called to turn on or off the column highlighting when the mouse enters or leaves the column. This is determined by the event phase of the hover event. Where `over` will turn on the highlighting and anything else will turn it off. @protected @method _highlightCol @param {EventFacade} e Event from the hover event @since 3.13.0 */ _highlightCol: function(e) { var colName = this._colNameRegex.exec(e.currentTarget.getAttribute('class')), selector = Y.Lang.sub(this._colSelector, { prefix: this._cssPrefix, col: colName[1] }); this.view.tableNode.all(selector).toggleClass(this.highlightClassNames.col, (e.phase === 'over')); }, /** Method called to turn on or off the cell highlighting when the mouse enters or leaves the cell. This is determined by the event phase of the hover event. Where `over` will turn on the highlighting and anything else will turn it off. @protected @method _highlightCell @param {EventFacade} e Event from the hover event @since 3.13.0 */ _highlightCell: function(e) { e.currentTarget.toggleClass(this.highlightClassNames.cell, (e.phase === 'over')); }, /** Used to transform the `_colNameRegex` to a Regular Expression when the column highlighting is initially turned on. If `_colNameRegex` is not a string when this method is called, no action is taken. @protected @method _buildColSelRegex @since 3.13.0 */ _buildColSelRegex: function () { var str = this._colNameRegex, regex; if (typeof str === 'string') { this._colNameRegex = new RegExp(Y.Lang.sub(str, { prefix: this._cssPrefix })); } } }; Y.DataTable.Highlight = Highlight; Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Y.DataTable.Highlight]); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["datatable-base", "event-hover"], "skinnable": true});