/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('dd-ddm-drop', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Extends the dd-ddm Class to add support for the placement of Drop Target * shims inside the viewport shim. It also handles all Drop Target related events and interactions. * @module dd * @submodule dd-ddm-drop * @for DDM * @namespace DD */ //TODO CSS class name for the bestMatch.. Y.mix(Y.DD.DDM, { /** * This flag turns off the use of the mouseover/mouseout shim. It should not be used unless you know what you are doing. * @private * @property _noShim * @type {Boolean} */ _noShim: false, /** * Placeholder for all active shims on the page * @private * @property _activeShims * @type {Array} */ _activeShims: [], /** * This method checks the _activeShims Object to see if there is a shim active. * @private * @method _hasActiveShim * @return {Boolean} */ _hasActiveShim: function() { if (this._noShim) { return true; } return this._activeShims.length; }, /** * Adds a Drop Target to the list of active shims * @private * @method _addActiveShim * @param {Object} d The Drop instance to add to the list. */ _addActiveShim: function(d) { this._activeShims.push(d); }, /** * Removes a Drop Target to the list of active shims * @private * @method _removeActiveShim * @param {Object} d The Drop instance to remove from the list. */ _removeActiveShim: function(d) { var s = []; Y.Array.each(this._activeShims, function(v) { if (v._yuid !== d._yuid) { s.push(v); } }); this._activeShims = s; }, /** * This method will sync the position of the shims on the Drop Targets that are currently active. * @method syncActiveShims * @param {Boolean} force Resize/sync all Targets. */ syncActiveShims: function(force) { Y.later(0, this, function(force) { var drops = ((force) ? this.targets : this._lookup()); Y.Array.each(drops, function(v) { v.sizeShim.call(v); }, this); }, force); }, /** * The mode that the drag operations will run in 0 for Point, 1 for Intersect, 2 for Strict * @private * @property mode * @type Number */ mode: 0, /** * In point mode, a Drop is targeted by the cursor being over the Target * @private * @property POINT * @type Number */ POINT: 0, /** * In intersect mode, a Drop is targeted by "part" of the drag node being over the Target * @private * @property INTERSECT * @type Number */ INTERSECT: 1, /** * In strict mode, a Drop is targeted by the "entire" drag node being over the Target * @private * @property STRICT * @type Number */ STRICT: 2, /** * Should we only check targets that are in the viewport on drags (for performance), default: true * @property useHash * @type {Boolean} */ useHash: true, /** * A reference to the active Drop Target * @property activeDrop * @type {Object} */ activeDrop: null, /** * An array of the valid Drop Targets for this interaction. * @property validDrops * @type {Array} */ //TODO Change array/object literals to be in sync.. validDrops: [], /** * An object literal of Other Drop Targets that we encountered during this interaction (in the case of overlapping Drop Targets) * @property otherDrops * @type {Object} */ otherDrops: {}, /** * All of the Targets * @property targets * @type {Array} */ targets: [], /** * Add a Drop Target to the list of Valid Targets. This list get's regenerated on each new drag operation. * @private * @method _addValid * @param {Object} drop * @chainable */ _addValid: function(drop) { this.validDrops.push(drop); return this; }, /** * Removes a Drop Target from the list of Valid Targets. This list get's regenerated on each new drag operation. * @private * @method _removeValid * @param {Object} drop * @chainable */ _removeValid: function(drop) { var drops = []; Y.Array.each(this.validDrops, function(v) { if (v !== drop) { drops.push(v); } }); this.validDrops = drops; return this; }, /** * Check to see if the Drag element is over the target, method varies on current mode * @method isOverTarget * @param {Object} drop The drop to check against * @return {Boolean} */ isOverTarget: function(drop) { if (this.activeDrag && drop) { var xy = this.activeDrag.mouseXY, r, dMode = this.activeDrag.get('dragMode'), aRegion, node = drop.shim; if (xy && this.activeDrag) { aRegion = this.activeDrag.region; if (dMode === this.STRICT) { return this.activeDrag.get('dragNode').inRegion(drop.region, true, aRegion); } if (drop && drop.shim) { if ((dMode === this.INTERSECT) && this._noShim) { r = aRegion || this.activeDrag.get('node'); return drop.get('node').intersect(r, drop.region).inRegion; } if (this._noShim) { node = drop.get('node'); } return node.intersect({ top: xy[1], bottom: xy[1], left: xy[0], right: xy[0] }, drop.region).inRegion; } } } return false; }, /** * Clears the cache data used for this interaction. * @method clearCache */ clearCache: function() { this.validDrops = []; this.otherDrops = {}; this._activeShims = []; }, /** * Clear the cache and activate the shims of all the targets * @private * @method _activateTargets */ _activateTargets: function() { this._noShim = true; this.clearCache(); Y.Array.each(this.targets, function(v) { v._activateShim([]); if (v.get('noShim') === true) { this._noShim = false; } }, this); this._handleTargetOver(); }, /** * This method will gather the area for all potential targets and see which has the hightest covered area and return it. * @method getBestMatch * @param {Array} drops An Array of drops to scan for the best match. * @param {Boolean} all If present, it returns an Array. First item is best match, second is an Array of the other items in the original Array. * @return {Object or Array} */ getBestMatch: function(drops, all) { var biggest = null, area = 0, out; Y.Object.each(drops, function(v) { var inter = this.activeDrag.get('dragNode').intersect(v.get('node')); v.region.area = inter.area; if (inter.inRegion) { if (inter.area > area) { area = inter.area; biggest = v; } } }, this); if (all) { out = []; //TODO Sort the others in numeric order by area covered.. Y.Object.each(drops, function(v) { if (v !== biggest) { out.push(v); } }, this); return [biggest, out]; } return biggest; }, /** * This method fires the drop:hit, drag:drophit, drag:dropmiss methods and deactivates the shims.. * @private * @method _deactivateTargets */ _deactivateTargets: function() { var other = [], tmp, activeDrag = this.activeDrag, activeDrop = this.activeDrop; //TODO why is this check so hard?? if (activeDrag && activeDrop && this.otherDrops[activeDrop]) { if (!activeDrag.get('dragMode')) { //TODO otherDrops -- private.. other = this.otherDrops; delete other[activeDrop]; } else { tmp = this.getBestMatch(this.otherDrops, true); activeDrop = tmp[0]; other = tmp[1]; } activeDrag.get('node').removeClass(this.CSS_PREFIX + '-drag-over'); if (activeDrop) { activeDrop.fire('drop:hit', { drag: activeDrag, drop: activeDrop, others: other }); activeDrag.fire('drag:drophit', { drag: activeDrag, drop: activeDrop, others: other }); } } else if (activeDrag && activeDrag.get('dragging')) { activeDrag.get('node').removeClass(this.CSS_PREFIX + '-drag-over'); activeDrag.fire('drag:dropmiss', { pageX: activeDrag.lastXY[0], pageY: activeDrag.lastXY[1] }); } this.activeDrop = null; Y.Array.each(this.targets, function(v) { v._deactivateShim([]); }, this); }, /** * This method is called when the move method is called on the Drag Object. * @private * @method _dropMove */ _dropMove: function() { if (this._hasActiveShim()) { this._handleTargetOver(); } else { Y.Object.each(this.otherDrops, function(v) { v._handleOut.apply(v, []); }); } }, /** * Filters the list of Drops down to those in the viewport. * @private * @method _lookup * @return {Array} The valid Drop Targets that are in the viewport. */ _lookup: function() { if (!this.useHash || this._noShim) { return this.validDrops; } var drops = []; //Only scan drop shims that are in the Viewport Y.Array.each(this.validDrops, function(v) { if (v.shim && v.shim.inViewportRegion(false, v.region)) { drops.push(v); } }); return drops; }, /** * This method execs _handleTargetOver on all valid Drop Targets * @private * @method _handleTargetOver */ _handleTargetOver: function() { var drops = this._lookup(); Y.Array.each(drops, function(v) { v._handleTargetOver.call(v); }, this); }, /** * Add the passed in Target to the targets collection * @private * @method _regTarget * @param {Object} t The Target to add to the targets collection */ _regTarget: function(t) { this.targets.push(t); }, /** * Remove the passed in Target from the targets collection * @private * @method _unregTarget * @param {Object} drop The Target to remove from the targets collection */ _unregTarget: function(drop) { var targets = [], vdrops; Y.Array.each(this.targets, function(v) { if (v !== drop) { targets.push(v); } }, this); this.targets = targets; vdrops = []; Y.Array.each(this.validDrops, function(v) { if (v !== drop) { vdrops.push(v); } }); this.validDrops = vdrops; }, /** * Get a valid Drop instance back from a Node or a selector string, false otherwise * @method getDrop * @param {String/Object} node The Node instance or Selector string to check for a valid Drop Object * @return {Object} */ getDrop: function(node) { var drop = false, n = Y.one(node); if (n instanceof Y.Node) { Y.Array.each(this.targets, function(v) { if (n.compareTo(v.get('node'))) { drop = v; } }); } return drop; } }, true); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["dd-ddm"]});