/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('editor-para-ie', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Extends EditorParaBase with IE support * @class Plugin.EditorParaIE * @extends Plugin.EditorParaBase * @constructor * @module editor * @submodule editor-para-ie */ var EditorParaIE = function() { EditorParaIE.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, HOST = 'host', NODE_CHANGE = 'nodeChange', P = 'p'; Y.extend(EditorParaIE, Y.Plugin.EditorParaBase, { /** * Resolves the ROOT editor element. * @method _getRoot * @private */ _getRoot: function() { return this.get(HOST).getInstance().EditorSelection.ROOT; }, /** * nodeChange handler to handle fixing an empty document. * @private * @method _onNodeChange */ _onNodeChange: function(e) { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), btag = inst.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG, prev, LAST_CHILD = ':last-child', para, b, para2, lc, lc2, found = false; switch (e.changedType) { case 'enter-up': para = ((this._lastPara) ? this._lastPara : e.changedNode); b = para.one('br.yui-cursor'); if (this._lastPara) { delete this._lastPara; } if (b) { if (b.previous() || b.next()) { if (b.ancestor(P)) { b.remove(); } } } if (!para.test(btag)) { para2 = para.ancestor(btag); if (para2) { para = para2; para2 = null; } } if (para.test(btag)) { prev = para.previous(); if (prev) { lc = prev.one(LAST_CHILD); while (!found) { if (lc) { lc2 = lc.one(LAST_CHILD); if (lc2) { lc = lc2; } else { found = true; } } else { found = true; } } if (lc) { host.copyStyles(lc, para); } } } break; case 'enter': if (e.changedNode.test('br')) { e.changedNode.remove(); } else if (e.changedNode.test('p, span')) { b = e.changedNode.one('br.yui-cursor'); if (b) { b.remove(); } } break; } }, initializer: function() { var host = this.get(HOST); if (host.editorBR) { Y.error('Can not plug EditorPara and EditorBR at the same time.'); return; } host.on(NODE_CHANGE, Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this)); } }, { /** * editorPara * @static * @property NAME */ NAME: 'editorPara', /** * editorPara * @static * @property NS */ NS: 'editorPara', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.EditorPara = EditorParaIE; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["editor-para-base"]});