/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('file-flash', function (Y, NAME) { /** * The FileFlash class provides a wrapper for a file pointer stored in Flash. The File wrapper * also implements the mechanics for uploading a file and tracking its progress. * @module file-flash */ /** * The class provides a wrapper for a file pointer in Flash. * @class FileFlash * @extends Base * @constructor * @param {Object} config Configuration object. */ var FileFlash = function(o) { FileFlash.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Y.extend(FileFlash, Y.Base, { /** * Construction logic executed during FileFlash instantiation. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer : function (cfg) { if (!this.get("id")) { this._set("id", Y.guid("file")); } }, /** * Handler of events dispatched by the Flash player. * * @method _swfEventHandler * @param {Event} event The event object received from the Flash player. * @protected */ _swfEventHandler: function (event) { if (event.id === this.get("id")) { switch (event.type) { /** * Signals that this file's upload has started. * * @event uploadstart * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadstart` with the * following payload: *
The Y.SWF instance of Flash uploader that's handling the upload.
*/ case "uploadstart": this.fire("uploadstart", {uploader: this.get("uploader")}); break; case "uploadprogress": /** * Signals that progress has been made on the upload of this file. * * @event uploadprogress * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadprogress` with the * following payload: *
The original event fired by the Flash uploader instance.
The number of bytes of the file that has been uploaded.
The total number of bytes in the file (the file size)
The fraction of the file that has been uploaded, out of 100.
*/ this.fire("uploadprogress", {originEvent: event, bytesLoaded: event.bytesLoaded, bytesTotal: event.bytesTotal, percentLoaded: Math.min(100, Math.round(10000*event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal)/100) }); this._set("bytesUploaded", event.bytesLoaded); break; case "uploadcomplete": /** * Signals that this file's upload has completed, but data has not yet been received from the server. * * @event uploadfinished * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadfinished` with the * following payload: *
The original event fired by the Flash player instance.
*/ this.fire("uploadfinished", {originEvent: event}); break; case "uploadcompletedata": /** * Signals that this file's upload has completed and data has been received from the server. * * @event uploadcomplete * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadcomplete` with the * following payload: *
The original event fired by the Flash player instance.
The data returned by the server.
*/ this.fire("uploadcomplete", {originEvent: event, data: event.data}); break; case "uploadcancel": /** * Signals that this file's upload has been cancelled. * * @event uploadcancel * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadcancel` with the * following payload: *
The original event fired by the Flash player instance.
*/ this.fire("uploadcancel", {originEvent: event}); break; case "uploaderror": /** * Signals that this file's upload has encountered an error. * * @event uploaderror * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploaderror` with the * following payload: *
The original event fired by the Flash player instance.
The status code reported by the Flash Player. If it's an HTTP error, * then this corresponds to the HTTP status code received by the uploader.
The text of the error event reported by the Flash Player.
Either "http" (if it's an HTTP error), or "io" (if it's a network transmission * error.)
*/ this.fire("uploaderror", {originEvent: event, status: event.status, statusText: event.message, source: event.source}); } } }, /** * Starts the upload of a specific file. * * @method startUpload * @param url {String} The URL to upload the file to. * @param parameters {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * @param fileFieldName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default) */ startUpload: function(url, parameters, fileFieldName) { if (this.get("uploader")) { var myUploader = this.get("uploader"), fileField = fileFieldName || "Filedata", id = this.get("id"), params = parameters || null; this._set("bytesUploaded", 0); myUploader.on("uploadstart", this._swfEventHandler, this); myUploader.on("uploadprogress", this._swfEventHandler, this); myUploader.on("uploadcomplete", this._swfEventHandler, this); myUploader.on("uploadcompletedata", this._swfEventHandler, this); myUploader.on("uploaderror", this._swfEventHandler, this); myUploader.callSWF("upload", [id, url, params, fileField]); } }, /** * Cancels the upload of a specific file, if currently in progress. * * @method cancelUpload */ cancelUpload: function () { if (this.get("uploader")) { this.get("uploader").callSWF("cancel", [this.get("id")]); this.fire("uploadcancel"); } } }, { /** * The identity of the class. * * @property NAME * @type String * @default 'file' * @readOnly * @protected * @static */ NAME: 'file', /** * The type of transport. * * @property TYPE * @type String * @default 'flash' * @readOnly * @protected * @static */ TYPE: "flash", /** * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of * the File. * * @property ATTRS * @type {Object} * @protected * @static */ ATTRS: { /** * A String containing the unique id of the file wrapped by the FileFlash instance. * The id is supplied by the Flash player uploader. * * @attribute id * @type {String} * @initOnly */ id: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: null }, /** * The size of the file wrapped by FileFlash. This value is supplied by the Flash player uploader. * * @attribute size * @type {Number} * @initOnly */ size: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: 0 }, /** * The name of the file wrapped by FileFlash. This value is supplied by the Flash player uploader. * * @attribute name * @type {String} * @initOnly */ name: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: null }, /** * The date that the file wrapped by FileFlash was created on. This value is supplied by the Flash player uploader. * * @attribute dateCreated * @type {Date} * @initOnly */ dateCreated: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: null }, /** * The date that the file wrapped by FileFlash was last modified on. This value is supplied by the Flash player uploader. * * @attribute dateModified * @type {Date} * @initOnly */ dateModified: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: null }, /** * The number of bytes of the file that has been uploaded to the server. This value is * non-zero only while a file is being uploaded. * * @attribute bytesUploaded * @type {Date} * @readOnly */ bytesUploaded: { readOnly: true, value: 0 }, /** * The type of the file wrapped by FileFlash. This value is provided by the Flash player * uploader. * * @attribute type * @type {String} * @initOnly */ type: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: null }, /** * The instance of Y.SWF wrapping the Flash player uploader associated with this file. * * @attribute uploder * @type {SWF} * @initOnly */ uploader: { writeOnce: "initOnly", value: null } } }); Y.FileFlash = FileFlash; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["base"]});