/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('graphics-svg', function (Y, NAME) { var IMPLEMENTATION = "svg", SHAPE = "shape", SPLITPATHPATTERN = /[a-z][^a-z]*/ig, SPLITARGSPATTERN = /[\-]?[0-9]*[0-9|\.][0-9]*/g, Y_LANG = Y.Lang, AttributeLite = Y.AttributeLite, SVGGraphic, SVGShape, SVGCircle, SVGRect, SVGPath, SVGEllipse, SVGPieSlice, DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc, _getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName; function SVGDrawing(){} /** * SVG implementation of the `Drawing` class. * `SVGDrawing` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Drawing` class. * If the browser has SVG capabilities, the `Drawing` * class will point to the `SVGDrawing` class. * * @module graphics * @class SVGDrawing * @constructor */ SVGDrawing.prototype = { /** * Rounds a value to the nearest hundredth. * * @method _round * @param {Number} val Value to be rounded. * @return Number * @private */ _round: function(val) { return Math.round(val * 100)/100; }, /** * Maps path to methods * * @property _pathSymbolToMethod * @type Object * @private */ _pathSymbolToMethod: { M: "moveTo", m: "relativeMoveTo", L: "lineTo", l: "relativeLineTo", C: "curveTo", c: "relativeCurveTo", Q: "quadraticCurveTo", q: "relativeQuadraticCurveTo", z: "closePath", Z: "closePath" }, /** * Current x position of the drawing. * * @property _currentX * @type Number * @private */ _currentX: 0, /** * Current y position of the drqwing. * * @property _currentY * @type Number * @private */ _currentY: 0, /** * Indicates the type of shape * * @private * @property _type * @readOnly * @type String */ _type: "path", /** * Draws a bezier curve. * * @method curveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ curveTo: function() { this._curveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Draws a bezier curve relative to the current coordinates. * * @method relativeCurveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeCurveTo: function() { this._curveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements curveTo methods. * * @method _curveTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _curveTo: function(args, relative) { var w, h, pts, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y, right, left, bottom, top, i, len, pathArrayLen, currentArray, command = relative ? "c" : "C", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; if(this._pathType !== command) { this._pathType = command; currentArray = [command]; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } else { currentArray = this._pathArray[Math.max(0, this._pathArray.length - 1)]; if(!currentArray) { currentArray = []; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } } pathArrayLen = this._pathArray.length - 1; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen] = this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].concat(args); len = args.length - 5; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 6) { cp1x = parseFloat(args[i]) + relativeX; cp1y = parseFloat(args[i + 1]) + relativeY; cp2x = parseFloat(args[i + 2]) + relativeX; cp2y = parseFloat(args[i + 3]) + relativeY; x = parseFloat(args[i + 4]) + relativeX; y = parseFloat(args[i + 5]) + relativeY; right = Math.max(x, Math.max(cp1x, cp2x)); bottom = Math.max(y, Math.max(cp1y, cp2y)); left = Math.min(x, Math.min(cp1x, cp2x)); top = Math.min(y, Math.min(cp1y, cp2y)); w = Math.abs(right - left); h = Math.abs(bottom - top); pts = [[this._currentX, this._currentY] , [cp1x, cp1y], [cp2x, cp2y], [x, y]]; this._setCurveBoundingBox(pts, w, h); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; } }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve. * * @method quadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ quadraticCurveTo: function() { this._quadraticCurveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve relative to the current position. * * @method quadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeQuadraticCurveTo: function() { this._quadraticCurveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements quadraticCurveTo methods. * * @method _quadraticCurveTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _quadraticCurveTo: function(args, relative) { var cpx, cpy, x, y, pathArrayLen, currentArray, w, h, pts, right, left, bottom, top, i, len, command = relative ? "q" : "Q", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; if(this._pathType !== command) { this._pathType = command; currentArray = [command]; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } else { currentArray = this._pathArray[Math.max(0, this._pathArray.length - 1)]; if(!currentArray) { currentArray = []; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } } pathArrayLen = this._pathArray.length - 1; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen] = this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].concat(args); len = args.length - 3; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 4) { cpx = parseFloat(args[i]) + relativeX; cpy = parseFloat(args[i + 1]) + relativeY; x = parseFloat(args[i + 2]) + relativeX; y = parseFloat(args[i + 3]) + relativeY; right = Math.max(x, cpx); bottom = Math.max(y, cpy); left = Math.min(x, cpx); top = Math.min(y, cpy); w = Math.abs(right - left); h = Math.abs(bottom - top); pts = [[this._currentX, this._currentY] , [cpx, cpy], [x, y]]; this._setCurveBoundingBox(pts, w, h); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; } }, /** * Draws a rectangle. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @chainable */ drawRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y); return this; }, /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * * @method drawRoundRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @param {Number} ew width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @param {Number} eh height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @chainable */ drawRoundRect: function(x, y, w, h, ew, eh) { this.moveTo(x, y + eh); this.lineTo(x, y + h - eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x + ew, y + h); this.lineTo(x + w - ew, y + h); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h - eh); this.lineTo(x + w, y + eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w - ew, y); this.lineTo(x + ew, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + eh); return this; }, /** * Draws a circle. * * @method drawCircle * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} r radius * @chainable * @protected */ drawCircle: function(x, y, radius) { var circum = radius * 2; this._drawingComplete = false; this._trackSize(x, y); this._trackSize(x + circum, y + circum); this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; this._pathArray.push(["M", x + radius, y]); this._pathArray.push(["A", radius, radius, 0, 1, 0, x + radius, y + circum]); this._pathArray.push(["A", radius, radius, 0, 1, 0, x + radius, y]); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; return this; }, /** * Draws an ellipse. * * @method drawEllipse * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @chainable * @protected */ drawEllipse: function(x, y, w, h) { var radius = w * 0.5, yRadius = h * 0.5; this._drawingComplete = false; this._trackSize(x, y); this._trackSize(x + w, y + h); this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; this._pathArray.push(["M", x + radius, y]); this._pathArray.push(["A", radius, yRadius, 0, 1, 0, x + radius, y + h]); this._pathArray.push(["A", radius, yRadius, 0, 1, 0, x + radius, y]); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; return this; }, /** * Draws a diamond. * * @method drawDiamond * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} width width * @param {Number} height height * @chainable * @protected */ drawDiamond: function(x, y, width, height) { var midWidth = width * 0.5, midHeight = height * 0.5; this.moveTo(x + midWidth, y); this.lineTo(x + width, y + midHeight); this.lineTo(x + midWidth, y + height); this.lineTo(x, y + midHeight); this.lineTo(x + midWidth, y); return this; }, /** * Draws a wedge. * * @method drawWedge * @param {Number} x x-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} y y-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} startAngle starting angle in degrees * @param {Number} arc sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise. * @param {Number} radius radius of wedge. If [optional] yRadius is defined, then radius is the x radius. * @param {Number} yRadius [optional] y radius for wedge. * @chainable * @private */ drawWedge: function(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius, yRadius) { var segs, segAngle, theta, angle, angleMid, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, i, diameter = radius * 2, currentArray, pathArrayLen; this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; yRadius = yRadius || radius; if(this._pathType !== "M") { this._pathType = "M"; currentArray = ["M"]; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } else { currentArray = this._getCurrentArray(); } pathArrayLen = this._pathArray.length - 1; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(x); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(x); // limit sweep to reasonable numbers if(Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } // First we calculate how many segments are needed // for a smooth arc. segs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); // Now calculate the sweep of each segment. segAngle = arc / segs; // The math requires radians rather than degrees. To convert from degrees // use the formula (degrees/180)*Math.PI to get radians. theta = -(segAngle / 180) * Math.PI; // convert angle startAngle to radians angle = (startAngle / 180) * Math.PI; if(segs > 0) { // draw a line from the center to the start of the curve ax = x + Math.cos(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius; ay = y + Math.sin(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * yRadius; this._pathType = "L"; pathArrayLen++; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen] = ["L"]; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(this._round(ax)); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(this._round(ay)); pathArrayLen++; this._pathType = "Q"; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen] = ["Q"]; for(i = 0; i < segs; ++i) { angle += theta; angleMid = angle - (theta / 2); bx = x + Math.cos(angle) * radius; by = y + Math.sin(angle) * yRadius; cx = x + Math.cos(angleMid) * (radius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); cy = y + Math.sin(angleMid) * (yRadius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(this._round(cx)); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(this._round(cy)); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(this._round(bx)); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(this._round(by)); } } this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; this._trackSize(diameter, diameter); return this; }, /** * Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the specified x and y coordinates. * * @method lineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ lineTo: function() { this._lineTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the relative x and y coordinates. * * @method relativeLineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeLineTo: function() { this._lineTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements lineTo methods. * * @method _lineTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _lineTo: function(args, relative) { var point1 = args[0], i, len, pathArrayLen, currentArray, x, y, command = relative ? "l" : "L", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; this._shapeType = "path"; len = args.length; if(this._pathType !== command) { this._pathType = command; currentArray = [command]; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } else { currentArray = this._getCurrentArray(); } pathArrayLen = this._pathArray.length - 1; if (typeof point1 === 'string' || typeof point1 === 'number') { for (i = 0; i < len; i = i + 2) { x = parseFloat(args[i]); y = parseFloat(args[i + 1]); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(x); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(y); x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; this._trackSize.apply(this, [x, y]); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { x = parseFloat(args[i][0]); y = parseFloat(args[i][1]); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(x); this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].push(y); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; this._trackSize.apply(this, [x, y]); } } }, /** * Moves the current drawing position to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method moveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ moveTo: function() { this._moveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Moves the current drawing position relative to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method relativeMoveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeMoveTo: function() { this._moveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements moveTo methods. * * @method _moveTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _moveTo: function(args, relative) { var pathArrayLen, currentArray, x = parseFloat(args[0]), y = parseFloat(args[1]), command = relative ? "m" : "M", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; this._pathArray = this._pathArray || []; this._pathType = command; currentArray = [command]; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); pathArrayLen = this._pathArray.length - 1; this._pathArray[pathArrayLen] = this._pathArray[pathArrayLen].concat([x, y]); x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; this._trackSize(x, y); }, /** * Completes a drawing operation. * * @method end * @chainable */ end: function() { this._closePath(); return this; }, /** * Clears the path. * * @method clear * @chainable */ clear: function() { this._currentX = 0; this._currentY = 0; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._left = 0; this._right = 0; this._top = 0; this._bottom = 0; this._pathArray = []; this._path = ""; this._pathType = ""; return this; }, /** * Draws the path. * * @method _closePath * @private */ _closePath: function() { var pathArray, segmentArray, pathType, len, val, i, path = "", node = this.node, left = parseFloat(this._left), top = parseFloat(this._top), fill = this.get("fill"); if(this._pathArray) { pathArray = this._pathArray.concat(); while(pathArray && pathArray.length > 0) { segmentArray = pathArray.shift(); len = segmentArray.length; pathType = segmentArray[0]; if(pathType === "A") { path += pathType + segmentArray[1] + "," + segmentArray[2]; } else if(pathType === "z" || pathType === "Z") { path += " z "; } else if(pathType === "C" || pathType === "c") { path += pathType + (segmentArray[1] - left)+ "," + (segmentArray[2] - top); } else { path += " " + pathType + parseFloat(segmentArray[1] - left); } switch(pathType) { case "L" : case "l" : case "M" : case "m" : case "Q" : case "q" : for(i = 2; i < len; ++i) { val = (i % 2 === 0) ? top : left; val = segmentArray[i] - val; path += ", " + parseFloat(val); } break; case "A" : val = " " + parseFloat(segmentArray[3]) + " " + parseFloat(segmentArray[4]); val += "," + parseFloat(segmentArray[5]) + " " + parseFloat(segmentArray[6] - left); val += "," + parseFloat(segmentArray[7] - top); path += " " + val; break; case "C" : case "c" : for(i = 3; i < len - 1; i = i + 2) { val = parseFloat(segmentArray[i] - left); val = val + ", "; val = val + parseFloat(segmentArray[i + 1] - top); path += " " + val; } break; } } if(fill && fill.color) { path += 'z'; } Y.Lang.trim(path); if(path) { node.setAttribute("d", path); } this._path = path; this._fillChangeHandler(); this._strokeChangeHandler(); this._updateTransform(); } }, /** * Ends a fill and stroke * * @method closePath * @chainable */ closePath: function() { this._pathArray.push(["z"]); return this; }, /** * Returns the current array of drawing commands. * * @method _getCurrentArray * @return Array * @private */ _getCurrentArray: function() { var currentArray = this._pathArray[Math.max(0, this._pathArray.length - 1)]; if(!currentArray) { currentArray = []; this._pathArray.push(currentArray); } return currentArray; }, /** * Returns the points on a curve * * @method getBezierData * @param Array points Array containing the begin, end and control points of a curve. * @param Number t The value for incrementing the next set of points. * @return Array * @private */ getBezierData: function(points, t) { var n = points.length, tmp = [], i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i){ tmp[i] = [points[i][0], points[i][1]]; // save input } for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < n - j; ++i) { tmp[i][0] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][0] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][0]; tmp[i][1] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][1] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][1]; } } return [ tmp[0][0], tmp[0][1] ]; }, /** * Calculates the bounding box for a curve * * @method _setCurveBoundingBox * @param Array pts Array containing points for start, end and control points of a curve. * @param Number w Width used to calculate the number of points to describe the curve. * @param Number h Height used to calculate the number of points to describe the curve. * @private */ _setCurveBoundingBox: function(pts, w, h) { var i, left = this._currentX, right = left, top = this._currentY, bottom = top, len = Math.round(Math.sqrt((w * w) + (h * h))), t = 1/len, xy; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { xy = this.getBezierData(pts, t * i); left = isNaN(left) ? xy[0] : Math.min(xy[0], left); right = isNaN(right) ? xy[0] : Math.max(xy[0], right); top = isNaN(top) ? xy[1] : Math.min(xy[1], top); bottom = isNaN(bottom) ? xy[1] : Math.max(xy[1], bottom); } left = Math.round(left * 10)/10; right = Math.round(right * 10)/10; top = Math.round(top * 10)/10; bottom = Math.round(bottom * 10)/10; this._trackSize(right, bottom); this._trackSize(left, top); }, /** * Updates the size of the graphics object * * @method _trackSize * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @private */ _trackSize: function(w, h) { if (w > this._right) { this._right = w; } if(w < this._left) { this._left = w; } if (h < this._top) { this._top = h; } if (h > this._bottom) { this._bottom = h; } this._width = this._right - this._left; this._height = this._bottom - this._top; } }; Y.SVGDrawing = SVGDrawing; /** * SVG implementation of the `Shape` class. * `SVGShape` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Shape` class. * If the browser has SVG capabilities, the `Shape` * class will point to the `SVGShape` class. * * @module graphics * @class SVGShape * @constructor * @param {Object} cfg (optional) Attribute configs */ SVGShape = function() { this._transforms = []; this.matrix = new Y.Matrix(); this._normalizedMatrix = new Y.Matrix(); SVGShape.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; SVGShape.NAME = "shape"; Y.extend(SVGShape, Y.GraphicBase, Y.mix({ /** * Storage for x attribute. * * @property _x * @protected */ _x: 0, /** * Storage for y attribute. * * @property _y * @protected */ _y: 0, /** * Init method, invoked during construction. * Calls `initializer` method. * * @method init * @protected */ init: function() { this.initializer.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Initializes the shape * * @private * @method initializer */ initializer: function(cfg) { var host = this, graphic = cfg.graphic, data = this.get("data"); host.createNode(); if(graphic) { host._setGraphic(graphic); } if(data) { host._parsePathData(data); } host._updateHandler(); }, /** * Set the Graphic instance for the shape. * * @method _setGraphic * @param {Graphic | Node | HTMLElement | String} render This param is used to determine the graphic instance. If it is a * `Graphic` instance, it will be assigned to the `graphic` attribute. Otherwise, a new Graphic instance will be created * and rendered into the dom element that the render represents. * @private */ _setGraphic: function(render) { var graphic; if(render instanceof Y.SVGGraphic) { this._graphic = render; } else { graphic = new Y.SVGGraphic({ render: render }); graphic._appendShape(this); this._graphic = graphic; } }, /** * Add a class name to each node. * * @method addClass * @param {String} className the class name to add to the node's class attribute */ addClass: function(className) { var node = this.node; node.className.baseVal = Y_LANG.trim([node.className.baseVal, className].join(' ')); }, /** * Removes a class name from each node. * * @method removeClass * @param {String} className the class name to remove from the node's class attribute */ removeClass: function(className) { var node = this.node, classString = node.className.baseVal; classString = classString.replace(new RegExp(className + ' '), className).replace(new RegExp(className), ''); node.className.baseVal = classString; }, /** * Gets the current position of the node in page coordinates. * * @method getXY * @return Array The XY position of the shape. */ getXY: function() { var graphic = this._graphic, parentXY = graphic.getXY(), x = this._x, y = this._y; return [parentXY[0] + x, parentXY[1] + y]; }, /** * Set the position of the shape in page coordinates, regardless of how the node is positioned. * * @method setXY * @param {Array} Contains x & y values for new position (coordinates are page-based) */ setXY: function(xy) { var graphic = this._graphic, parentXY = graphic.getXY(); this._x = xy[0] - parentXY[0]; this._y = xy[1] - parentXY[1]; this.set("transform", this.get("transform")); }, /** * Determines whether the node is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy. * * @method contains * @param {SVGShape | HTMLElement} needle The possible node or descendent * @return Boolean Whether or not this shape is the needle or its ancestor. */ contains: function(needle) { var node = needle instanceof Y.Node ? needle._node : needle; return node === this.node; }, /** * Compares nodes to determine if they match. * Node instances can be compared to each other and/or HTMLElements. * @method compareTo * @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode The reference node to compare to the node. * @return {Boolean} True if the nodes match, false if they do not. */ compareTo: function(refNode) { var node = this.node; return node === refNode; }, /** * Test if the supplied node matches the supplied selector. * * @method test * @param {String} selector The CSS selector to test against. * @return Boolean Wheter or not the shape matches the selector. */ test: function(selector) { return Y.Selector.test(this.node, selector); }, /** * Value function for fill attribute * * @private * @method _getDefaultFill * @return Object */ _getDefaultFill: function() { return { type: "solid", opacity: 1, cx: 0.5, cy: 0.5, fx: 0.5, fy: 0.5, r: 0.5 }; }, /** * Value function for stroke attribute * * @private * @method _getDefaultStroke * @return Object */ _getDefaultStroke: function() { return { weight: 1, dashstyle: "none", color: "#000", opacity: 1.0 }; }, /** * Creates the dom node for the shape. * * @method createNode * @return HTMLElement * @private */ createNode: function() { var host = this, node = DOCUMENT.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg:" + this._type), id = host.get("id"), name = host.name, concat = host._camelCaseConcat, pointerEvents = host.get("pointerEvents"); host.node = node; host.addClass( _getClassName(SHAPE) + " " + _getClassName(concat(IMPLEMENTATION, SHAPE)) + " " + _getClassName(name) + " " + _getClassName(concat(IMPLEMENTATION, name)) ); if(id) { node.setAttribute("id", id); } if(pointerEvents) { node.setAttribute("pointer-events", pointerEvents); } if(!host.get("visible")) { Y.DOM.setStyle(node, "visibility", "hidden"); } Y.DOM.setAttribute(this.node, "shape-rendering", this.get("shapeRendering")); }, /** * Overrides default `on` method. Checks to see if its a dom interaction event. If so, * return an event attached to the `node` element. If not, return the normal functionality. * * @method on * @param {String} type event type * @param {Object} callback function * @private */ on: function(type, fn) { if(Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS[type]) { return Y.on(type, fn, "#" + this.get("id")); } return Y.on.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Adds a stroke to the shape node. * * @method _strokeChangeHandler * @private */ _strokeChangeHandler: function() { var node = this.node, stroke = this.get("stroke"), strokeOpacity, dashstyle, dash, linejoin; if(stroke && stroke.weight && stroke.weight > 0) { linejoin = stroke.linejoin || "round"; strokeOpacity = parseFloat(stroke.opacity); dashstyle = stroke.dashstyle || "none"; dash = Y_LANG.isArray(dashstyle) ? dashstyle.toString() : dashstyle; stroke.color = stroke.color || "#000000"; stroke.weight = stroke.weight || 1; stroke.opacity = Y_LANG.isNumber(strokeOpacity) ? strokeOpacity : 1; stroke.linecap = stroke.linecap || "butt"; node.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", dash); node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke.color); node.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", stroke.linecap); node.setAttribute("stroke-width", stroke.weight); node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", stroke.opacity); if(linejoin === "round" || linejoin === "bevel") { node.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", linejoin); } else { linejoin = parseInt(linejoin, 10); if(Y_LANG.isNumber(linejoin)) { node.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", Math.max(linejoin, 1)); node.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "miter"); } } } else { node.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); } }, /** * Adds a fill to the shape node. * * @method _fillChangeHandler * @private */ _fillChangeHandler: function() { var node = this.node, fill = this.get("fill"), fillOpacity, type; if(fill) { type = fill.type; if(type === "linear" || type === "radial") { this._setGradientFill(fill); node.setAttribute("fill", "url(#grad" + this.get("id") + ")"); } else if(!fill.color) { node.setAttribute("fill", "none"); } else { fillOpacity = parseFloat(fill.opacity); fillOpacity = Y_LANG.isNumber(fillOpacity) ? fillOpacity : 1; node.setAttribute("fill", fill.color); node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillOpacity); } } else { node.setAttribute("fill", "none"); } }, /** * Creates a gradient fill * * @method _setGradientFill * @param {String} type gradient type * @private */ _setGradientFill: function(fill) { var offset, opacity, color, stopNode, newStop, isNumber = Y_LANG.isNumber, graphic = this._graphic, type = fill.type, gradientNode = graphic.getGradientNode("grad" + this.get("id"), type), stops = fill.stops, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), rotation = fill.rotation || 0, radCon = Math.PI/180, tanRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.tan(rotation * radCon)).toFixed(8)), i, len, def, stop, x1 = "0%", x2 = "100%", y1 = "0%", y2 = "0%", cx = fill.cx, cy = fill.cy, fx = fill.fx, fy = fill.fy, r = fill.r, stopNodes = []; if(type === "linear") { cx = w/2; cy = h/2; if(Math.abs(tanRadians) * w/2 >= h/2) { if(rotation < 180) { y1 = 0; y2 = h; } else { y1 = h; y2 = 0; } x1 = cx - ((cy - y1)/tanRadians); x2 = cx - ((cy - y2)/tanRadians); } else { if(rotation > 90 && rotation < 270) { x1 = w; x2 = 0; } else { x1 = 0; x2 = w; } y1 = ((tanRadians * (cx - x1)) - cy) * -1; y2 = ((tanRadians * (cx - x2)) - cy) * -1; } x1 = Math.round(100 * x1/w); x2 = Math.round(100 * x2/w); y1 = Math.round(100 * y1/h); y2 = Math.round(100 * y2/h); //Set default value if not valid x1 = isNumber(x1) ? x1 : 0; x2 = isNumber(x2) ? x2 : 100; y1 = isNumber(y1) ? y1 : 0; y2 = isNumber(y2) ? y2 : 0; gradientNode.setAttribute("spreadMethod", "pad"); gradientNode.setAttribute("width", w); gradientNode.setAttribute("height", h); gradientNode.setAttribute("x1", x1 + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("x2", x2 + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("y1", y1 + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("y2", y2 + "%"); } else { gradientNode.setAttribute("cx", (cx * 100) + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("cy", (cy * 100) + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("fx", (fx * 100) + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("fy", (fy * 100) + "%"); gradientNode.setAttribute("r", (r * 100) + "%"); } len = stops.length; def = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(this._stops && this._stops.length > 0) { stopNode = this._stops.shift(); newStop = false; } else { stopNode = graphic._createGraphicNode("stop"); newStop = true; } stop = stops[i]; opacity = stop.opacity; color = stop.color; offset = stop.offset || i/(len - 1); offset = Math.round(offset * 100) + "%"; opacity = isNumber(opacity) ? opacity : 1; opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, opacity)); def = (i + 1) / len; stopNode.setAttribute("offset", offset); stopNode.setAttribute("stop-color", color); stopNode.setAttribute("stop-opacity", opacity); if(newStop) { gradientNode.appendChild(stopNode); } stopNodes.push(stopNode); } while(this._stops && this._stops.length > 0) { gradientNode.removeChild(this._stops.shift()); } this._stops = stopNodes; }, _stops: null, /** * Sets the value of an attribute. * * @method set * @param {String|Object} name The name of the attribute. Alternatively, an object of key value pairs can * be passed in to set multiple attributes at once. * @param {Any} value The value to set the attribute to. This value is ignored if an object is received as * the name param. */ set: function() { var host = this; AttributeLite.prototype.set.apply(host, arguments); if(host.initialized) { host._updateHandler(); } }, /** * Specifies a 2d translation. * * @method translate * @param {Number} x The value to transate on the x-axis. * @param {Number} y The value to translate on the y-axis. */ translate: function() { this._addTransform("translate", arguments); }, /** * Translates the shape along the x-axis. When translating x and y coordinates, * use the `translate` method. * * @method translateX * @param {Number} x The value to translate. */ translateX: function() { this._addTransform("translateX", arguments); }, /** * Translates the shape along the y-axis. When translating x and y coordinates, * use the `translate` method. * * @method translateY * @param {Number} y The value to translate. */ translateY: function() { this._addTransform("translateY", arguments); }, /** * Skews the shape around the x-axis and y-axis. * * @method skew * @param {Number} x The value to skew on the x-axis. * @param {Number} y The value to skew on the y-axis. */ skew: function() { this._addTransform("skew", arguments); }, /** * Skews the shape around the x-axis. * * @method skewX * @param {Number} x x-coordinate */ skewX: function() { this._addTransform("skewX", arguments); }, /** * Skews the shape around the y-axis. * * @method skewY * @param {Number} y y-coordinate */ skewY: function() { this._addTransform("skewY", arguments); }, /** * Rotates the shape clockwise around it transformOrigin. * * @method rotate * @param {Number} deg The degree of the rotation. */ rotate: function() { this._addTransform("rotate", arguments); }, /** * Specifies a 2d scaling operation. * * @method scale * @param {Number} val */ scale: function() { this._addTransform("scale", arguments); }, /** * Adds a transform to the shape. * * @method _addTransform * @param {String} type The transform being applied. * @param {Array} args The arguments for the transform. * @private */ _addTransform: function(type, args) { args = Y.Array(args); this._transform = Y_LANG.trim(this._transform + " " + type + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")"); args.unshift(type); this._transforms.push(args); if(this.initialized) { this._updateTransform(); } }, /** * Applies all transforms. * * @method _updateTransform * @private */ _updateTransform: function() { var isPath = this._type === "path", node = this.node, key, transform, transformOrigin, x, y, tx, ty, matrix = this.matrix, normalizedMatrix = this._normalizedMatrix, i, len = this._transforms.length; if(isPath || (this._transforms && this._transforms.length > 0)) { x = this._x; y = this._y; transformOrigin = this.get("transformOrigin"); tx = x + (transformOrigin[0] * this.get("width")); ty = y + (transformOrigin[1] * this.get("height")); //need to use translate for x/y coords if(isPath) { //adjust origin for custom shapes if(!(this instanceof Y.SVGPath)) { tx = this._left + (transformOrigin[0] * this.get("width")); ty = this._top + (transformOrigin[1] * this.get("height")); } normalizedMatrix.init({dx: x + this._left, dy: y + this._top}); } normalizedMatrix.translate(tx, ty); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { key = this._transforms[i].shift(); if(key) { normalizedMatrix[key].apply(normalizedMatrix, this._transforms[i]); matrix[key].apply(matrix, this._transforms[i]); } if(isPath) { this._transforms[i].unshift(key); } } normalizedMatrix.translate(-tx, -ty); transform = "matrix(" + normalizedMatrix.a + "," + normalizedMatrix.b + "," + normalizedMatrix.c + "," + normalizedMatrix.d + "," + normalizedMatrix.dx + "," + normalizedMatrix.dy + ")"; } this._graphic.addToRedrawQueue(this); if(transform) { node.setAttribute("transform", transform); } if(!isPath) { this._transforms = []; } }, /** * Draws the shape. * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { var node = this.node; node.setAttribute("width", this.get("width")); node.setAttribute("height", this.get("height")); node.setAttribute("x", this._x); node.setAttribute("y", this._y); node.style.left = this._x + "px"; node.style.top = this._y + "px"; this._fillChangeHandler(); this._strokeChangeHandler(); this._updateTransform(); }, /** * Updates `Shape` based on attribute changes. * * @method _updateHandler * @private */ _updateHandler: function() { this._draw(); }, /** * Storage for the transform attribute. * * @property _transform * @type String * @private */ _transform: "", /** * Returns the bounds for a shape. * * Calculates the a new bounding box from the original corner coordinates (base on size and position) and the transform matrix. * The calculated bounding box is used by the graphic instance to calculate its viewBox. * * @method getBounds * @return Object */ getBounds: function() { var type = this._type, stroke = this.get("stroke"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), x = type === "path" ? 0 : this._x, y = type === "path" ? 0 : this._y, wt = 0; if(stroke && stroke.weight) { wt = stroke.weight; w = (x + w + wt) - (x - wt); h = (y + h + wt) - (y - wt); x -= wt; y -= wt; } return this._normalizedMatrix.getContentRect(w, h, x, y); }, /** * Places the shape above all other shapes. * * @method toFront */ toFront: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { graphic._toFront(this); } }, /** * Places the shape underneath all other shapes. * * @method toFront */ toBack: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { graphic._toBack(this); } }, /** * Parses path data string and call mapped methods. * * @method _parsePathData * @param {String} val The path data * @private */ _parsePathData: function(val) { var method, methodSymbol, args, commandArray = Y.Lang.trim(val.match(SPLITPATHPATTERN)), i, len, str, symbolToMethod = this._pathSymbolToMethod; if(commandArray) { this.clear(); len = commandArray.length || 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { str = commandArray[i]; methodSymbol = str.substr(0, 1); args = str.substr(1).match(SPLITARGSPATTERN); method = symbolToMethod[methodSymbol]; if(method) { if(args) { this[method].apply(this, args); } else { this[method].apply(this); } } } this.end(); } }, /** * Destroys the shape instance. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { graphic.removeShape(this); } else { this._destroy(); } }, /** * Implementation for shape destruction * * @method destroy * @protected */ _destroy: function() { if(this.node) { Y.Event.purgeElement(this.node, true); if(this.node.parentNode) { this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); } this.node = null; } } }, Y.SVGDrawing.prototype)); SVGShape.ATTRS = { /** * An array of x, y values which indicates the transformOrigin in which to rotate the shape. Valid values range between 0 and 1 representing a * fraction of the shape's corresponding bounding box dimension. The default value is [0.5, 0.5]. * * @config transformOrigin * @type Array */ transformOrigin: { valueFn: function() { return [0.5, 0.5]; } }, /** *
A string containing, in order, transform operations applied to the shape instance. The `transform` string can contain the following values: * *
Applying transforms through the transform attribute will reset the transform matrix and apply a new transform. The shape class also contains * corresponding methods for each transform that will apply the transform to the current matrix. The below code illustrates how you might use the * `transform` attribute to instantiate a recangle with a rotation of 45 degrees.
var myRect = new Y.Rect({ type:"rect", width: 50, height: 40, transform: "rotate(45)" }; *The code below would apply `translate` and `rotate` to an existing shape.
myRect.set("transform", "translate(40, 50) rotate(45)"); * @config transform * @type String */ transform: { setter: function(val) { this.matrix.init(); this._normalizedMatrix.init(); this._transforms = this.matrix.getTransformArray(val); this._transform = val; return val; }, getter: function() { return this._transform; } }, /** * Unique id for class instance. * * @config id * @type String */ id: { valueFn: function() { return Y.guid(); }, setter: function(val) { var node = this.node; if(node) { node.setAttribute("id", val); } return val; } }, /** * Indicates the x position of shape. * * @config x * @type Number */ x: { getter: function() { return this._x; }, setter: function(val) { var transform = this.get("transform"); this._x = val; if(transform) { this.set("transform", transform); } } }, /** * Indicates the y position of shape. * * @config y * @type Number */ y: { getter: function() { return this._y; }, setter: function(val) { var transform = this.get("transform"); this._y = val; if(transform) { this.set("transform", transform); } } }, /** * Indicates the width of the shape * * @config width * @type Number */ width: { value: 0 }, /** * Indicates the height of the shape * * @config height * @type Number */ height: { value: 0 }, /** * Indicates whether the shape is visible. * * @config visible * @type Boolean */ visible: { value: true, setter: function(val){ var visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(this.node) { this.node.style.visibility = visibility; } return val; } }, /** * Only implemented in SVG implementation. * Applies the SVG shape-rendering attribute to the shape. *If a `linear` or `radial` is specified as the fill type. The following additional property is used: *
Linear gradients also have the following property:
*Radial gradients have the following additional properties:
*The x-coordinate of the center of the gradient circle. Determines where the color stop begins. The default value 0.5.
*Note: Currently, this property is not implemented for corresponding `CanvasShape` and * `VMLShape` classes which are used on Android or IE 6 - 8.
*The y-coordinate of the center of the gradient circle. Determines where the color stop begins. The default value 0.5.
*Note: Currently, this property is not implemented for corresponding `CanvasShape` and `VMLShape` * classes which are used on Android or IE 6 - 8.
and height
attributes or are determined by the dimensions of the parent element. The
* content contained in the Graphic will be sized to fit with in the Graphic instance's dimensions. When using this
* setting, the preserveAspectRatio
attribute will determine how the contents are sized.width
* and height
attributes or are determined by the dimensions of the parent element. The contents of the
* Graphic instance are not affected by this setting.autoSize
is set to sizeContentToGraphic