/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('graphics-vml', function (Y, NAME) { var IMPLEMENTATION = "vml", SHAPE = "shape", SPLITPATHPATTERN = /[a-z][^a-z]*/ig, SPLITARGSPATTERN = /[\-]?[0-9]*[0-9|\.][0-9]*/g, Y_LANG = Y.Lang, IS_NUM = Y_LANG.isNumber, IS_ARRAY = Y_LANG.isArray, Y_DOM = Y.DOM, Y_SELECTOR = Y.Selector, DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc, AttributeLite = Y.AttributeLite, VMLShape, VMLCircle, VMLPath, VMLRect, VMLEllipse, VMLGraphic, VMLPieSlice, _getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName; function VMLDrawing() {} /** * VML implementation of the `Drawing` class. * `VMLDrawing` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Drawing` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Drawing` class will point to the `VMLDrawing` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLDrawing * @constructor */ VMLDrawing.prototype = { /** * Maps path to methods * * @property _pathSymbolToMethod * @type Object * @private */ _pathSymbolToMethod: { M: "moveTo", m: "relativeMoveTo", L: "lineTo", l: "relativeLineTo", C: "curveTo", c: "relativeCurveTo", Q: "quadraticCurveTo", q: "relativeQuadraticCurveTo", z: "closePath", Z: "closePath" }, /** * Value for rounding up to coordsize * * @property _coordSpaceMultiplier * @type Number * @private */ _coordSpaceMultiplier: 100, /** * Rounds dimensions and position values based on the coordinate space. * * @method _round * @param {Number} The value for rounding * @return Number * @private */ _round:function(val) { return Math.round(val * this._coordSpaceMultiplier); }, /** * Concatanates the path. * * @method _addToPath * @param {String} val The value to add to the path string. * @private */ _addToPath: function(val) { this._path = this._path || ""; if(this._movePath) { this._path += this._movePath; this._movePath = null; } this._path += val; }, /** * Current x position of the drawing. * * @property _currentX * @type Number * @private */ _currentX: 0, /** * Current y position of the drqwing. * * @property _currentY * @type Number * @private */ _currentY: 0, /** * Draws a bezier curve. * * @method curveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ curveTo: function() { this._curveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Draws a bezier curve. * * @method relativeCurveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeCurveTo: function() { this._curveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements curveTo methods. * * @method _curveTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _curveTo: function(args, relative) { var w, h, x, y, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, pts, right, left, bottom, top, i, len, path, command = relative ? " v " : " c ", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; len = args.length - 5; path = command; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 6) { cp1x = parseFloat(args[i]); cp1y = parseFloat(args[i + 1]); cp2x = parseFloat(args[i + 2]); cp2y = parseFloat(args[i + 3]); x = parseFloat(args[i + 4]); y = parseFloat(args[i + 5]); if(i > 0) { path = path + ", "; } path = path + this._round(cp1x) + ", " + this._round(cp1y) + ", " + this._round(cp2x) + ", " + this._round(cp2y) + ", " + this._round(x) + ", " + this._round(y); cp1x = cp1x + relativeX; cp1y = cp1y + relativeY; cp2x = cp2x + relativeX; cp2y = cp2y + relativeY; x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; right = Math.max(x, Math.max(cp1x, cp2x)); bottom = Math.max(y, Math.max(cp1y, cp2y)); left = Math.min(x, Math.min(cp1x, cp2x)); top = Math.min(y, Math.min(cp1y, cp2y)); w = Math.abs(right - left); h = Math.abs(bottom - top); pts = [[this._currentX, this._currentY] , [cp1x, cp1y], [cp2x, cp2y], [x, y]]; this._setCurveBoundingBox(pts, w, h); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; } this._addToPath(path); }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve. * * @method quadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ quadraticCurveTo: function() { this._quadraticCurveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve relative to the current position. * * @method relativeQuadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeQuadraticCurveTo: function() { this._quadraticCurveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements quadraticCurveTo methods. * * @method _quadraticCurveTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _quadraticCurveTo: function(args, relative) { var cpx, cpy, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y, currentX = this._currentX, currentY = this._currentY, i, len = args.length - 3, bezierArgs = [], relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 4) { cpx = parseFloat(args[i]) + relativeX; cpy = parseFloat(args[i + 1]) + relativeY; x = parseFloat(args[i + 2]) + relativeX; y = parseFloat(args[i + 3]) + relativeY; cp1x = currentX + 0.67*(cpx - currentX); cp1y = currentY + 0.67*(cpy - currentY); cp2x = cp1x + (x - currentX) * 0.34; cp2y = cp1y + (y - currentY) * 0.34; bezierArgs.push(cp1x); bezierArgs.push(cp1y); bezierArgs.push(cp2x); bezierArgs.push(cp2y); bezierArgs.push(x); bezierArgs.push(y); } this._curveTo.apply(this, [bezierArgs, false]); }, /** * Draws a rectangle. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @chainable */ drawRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; return this; }, /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @param {Number} ew width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @param {Number} eh height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @chainable */ drawRoundRect: function(x, y, w, h, ew, eh) { this.moveTo(x, y + eh); this.lineTo(x, y + h - eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x + ew, y + h); this.lineTo(x + w - ew, y + h); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h - eh); this.lineTo(x + w, y + eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w - ew, y); this.lineTo(x + ew, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + eh); return this; }, /** * Draws a circle. Used internally by `CanvasCircle` class. * * @method drawCircle * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} r radius * @chainable * @protected */ drawCircle: function(x, y, radius) { var startAngle = 0, endAngle = 360, circum = radius * 2; endAngle *= 65535; this._drawingComplete = false; this._trackSize(x + circum, y + circum); this.moveTo((x + circum), (y + radius)); this._addToPath( " ae " + this._round(x + radius) + ", " + this._round(y + radius) + ", " + this._round(radius) + ", " + this._round(radius) + ", " + startAngle + ", " + endAngle ); return this; }, /** * Draws an ellipse. * * @method drawEllipse * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @chainable * @protected */ drawEllipse: function(x, y, w, h) { var startAngle = 0, endAngle = 360, radius = w * 0.5, yRadius = h * 0.5; endAngle *= 65535; this._drawingComplete = false; this._trackSize(x + w, y + h); this.moveTo((x + w), (y + yRadius)); this._addToPath( " ae " + this._round(x + radius) + ", " + this._round(x + radius) + ", " + this._round(y + yRadius) + ", " + this._round(radius) + ", " + this._round(yRadius) + ", " + startAngle + ", " + endAngle ); return this; }, /** * Draws a diamond. * * @method drawDiamond * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} width width * @param {Number} height height * @chainable * @protected */ drawDiamond: function(x, y, width, height) { var midWidth = width * 0.5, midHeight = height * 0.5; this.moveTo(x + midWidth, y); this.lineTo(x + width, y + midHeight); this.lineTo(x + midWidth, y + height); this.lineTo(x, y + midHeight); this.lineTo(x + midWidth, y); return this; }, /** * Draws a wedge. * * @method drawWedge * @param {Number} x x-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} y y-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} startAngle starting angle in degrees * @param {Number} arc sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise. * @param {Number} radius radius of wedge. If [optional] yRadius is defined, then radius is the x radius. * @param {Number} yRadius [optional] y radius for wedge. * @chainable * @private */ drawWedge: function(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius) { var diameter = radius * 2; if(Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; startAngle *= -65535; arc *= 65536; startAngle = Math.round(startAngle); arc = Math.round(arc); this.moveTo(x, y); this._addToPath( " ae " + this._round(x) + ", " + this._round(y) + ", " + this._round(radius) + " " + this._round(radius) + ", " + startAngle + ", " + arc ); this._trackSize(diameter, diameter); return this; }, /** * Draws a line segment from the current drawing position to the specified x and y coordinates. * * @method lineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ lineTo: function() { this._lineTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the relative x and y coordinates. * * @method relativeLineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeLineTo: function() { this._lineTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements lineTo methods. * * @method _lineTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _lineTo: function(args, relative) { var point1 = args[0], i, len, x, y, path = relative ? " r " : " l ", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; if (typeof point1 === "string" || typeof point1 === "number") { len = args.length - 1; for (i = 0; i < len; i = i + 2) { x = parseFloat(args[i]); y = parseFloat(args[i + 1]); path += ' ' + this._round(x) + ', ' + this._round(y); x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; this._trackSize.apply(this, [x, y]); } } else { len = args.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { x = parseFloat(args[i][0]); y = parseFloat(args[i][1]); path += ' ' + this._round(x) + ', ' + this._round(y); x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; this._trackSize.apply(this, [x, y]); } } this._addToPath(path); return this; }, /** * Moves the current drawing position to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method moveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ moveTo: function() { this._moveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), false]); return this; }, /** * Moves the current drawing position relative to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method relativeMoveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. * @chainable */ relativeMoveTo: function() { this._moveTo.apply(this, [Y.Array(arguments), true]); return this; }, /** * Implements moveTo methods. * * @method _moveTo * @param {Array} args The arguments to be used. * @param {Boolean} relative Indicates whether or not to use relative coordinates. * @private */ _moveTo: function(args, relative) { var x = parseFloat(args[0]), y = parseFloat(args[1]), command = relative ? " t " : " m ", relativeX = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentX) : 0, relativeY = relative ? parseFloat(this._currentY) : 0; this._movePath = command + this._round(x) + ", " + this._round(y); x = x + relativeX; y = y + relativeY; this._trackSize(x, y); this._currentX = x; this._currentY = y; }, /** * Draws the graphic. * * @method _draw * @private */ _closePath: function() { var fill = this.get("fill"), stroke = this.get("stroke"), node = this.node, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), path = this._path, pathEnd = "", multiplier = this._coordSpaceMultiplier; this._fillChangeHandler(); this._strokeChangeHandler(); if(path) { if(fill && fill.color) { pathEnd += ' x'; } if(stroke) { pathEnd += ' e'; } } if(path) { node.path = path + pathEnd; } if(!isNaN(w) && !isNaN(h)) { node.coordOrigin = this._left + ", " + this._top; node.coordSize = (w * multiplier) + ", " + (h * multiplier); node.style.position = "absolute"; node.style.width = w + "px"; node.style.height = h + "px"; } this._path = path; this._movePath = null; this._updateTransform(); }, /** * Completes a drawing operation. * * @method end * @chainable */ end: function() { this._closePath(); return this; }, /** * Ends a fill and stroke * * @method closePath * @chainable */ closePath: function() { this._addToPath(" x e"); return this; }, /** * Clears the path. * * @method clear * @chainable */ clear: function() { this._right = 0; this._bottom = 0; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._left = 0; this._top = 0; this._path = ""; this._movePath = null; return this; }, /** * Returns the points on a curve * * @method getBezierData * @param Array points Array containing the begin, end and control points of a curve. * @param Number t The value for incrementing the next set of points. * @return Array * @private */ getBezierData: function(points, t) { var n = points.length, tmp = [], i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i){ tmp[i] = [points[i][0], points[i][1]]; // save input } for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < n - j; ++i) { tmp[i][0] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][0] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][0]; tmp[i][1] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][1] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][1]; } } return [ tmp[0][0], tmp[0][1] ]; }, /** * Calculates the bounding box for a curve * * @method _setCurveBoundingBox * @param Array pts Array containing points for start, end and control points of a curve. * @param Number w Width used to calculate the number of points to describe the curve. * @param Number h Height used to calculate the number of points to describe the curve. * @private */ _setCurveBoundingBox: function(pts, w, h) { var i, left = this._currentX, right = left, top = this._currentY, bottom = top, len = Math.round(Math.sqrt((w * w) + (h * h))), t = 1/len, xy; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { xy = this.getBezierData(pts, t * i); left = isNaN(left) ? xy[0] : Math.min(xy[0], left); right = isNaN(right) ? xy[0] : Math.max(xy[0], right); top = isNaN(top) ? xy[1] : Math.min(xy[1], top); bottom = isNaN(bottom) ? xy[1] : Math.max(xy[1], bottom); } left = Math.round(left * 10)/10; right = Math.round(right * 10)/10; top = Math.round(top * 10)/10; bottom = Math.round(bottom * 10)/10; this._trackSize(right, bottom); this._trackSize(left, top); }, /** * Updates the size of the graphics object * * @method _trackSize * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @private */ _trackSize: function(w, h) { if (w > this._right) { this._right = w; } if(w < this._left) { this._left = w; } if (h < this._top) { this._top = h; } if (h > this._bottom) { this._bottom = h; } this._width = this._right - this._left; this._height = this._bottom - this._top; }, _left: 0, _right: 0, _top: 0, _bottom: 0, _width: 0, _height: 0 }; Y.VMLDrawing = VMLDrawing; /** * VML implementation of the `Shape` class. * `VMLShape` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Shape` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Shape` class will point to the `VMLShape` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLShape * @constructor * @param {Object} cfg (optional) Attribute configs */ VMLShape = function() { this._transforms = []; this.matrix = new Y.Matrix(); this._normalizedMatrix = new Y.Matrix(); VMLShape.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLShape.NAME = "shape"; Y.extend(VMLShape, Y.GraphicBase, Y.mix({ /** * Indicates the type of shape * * @property _type * @type String * @private */ _type: "shape", /** * Init method, invoked during construction. * Calls `initializer` method. * * @method init * @protected */ init: function() { this.initializer.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Initializes the shape * * @private * @method _initialize */ initializer: function(cfg) { var host = this, graphic = cfg.graphic, data = this.get("data"); host.createNode(); if(graphic) { this._setGraphic(graphic); } if(data) { host._parsePathData(data); } this._updateHandler(); }, /** * Set the Graphic instance for the shape. * * @method _setGraphic * @param {Graphic | Node | HTMLElement | String} render This param is used to determine the graphic instance. If it is a * `Graphic` instance, it will be assigned to the `graphic` attribute. Otherwise, a new Graphic instance will be created * and rendered into the dom element that the render represents. * @private */ _setGraphic: function(render) { var graphic; if(render instanceof Y.VMLGraphic) { this._graphic = render; } else { graphic = new Y.VMLGraphic({ render: render }); graphic._appendShape(this); this._graphic = graphic; this._appendStrokeAndFill(); } }, /** * Appends fill and stroke nodes to the shape. * * @method _appendStrokeAndFill * @private */ _appendStrokeAndFill: function() { if(this._strokeNode) { this.node.appendChild(this._strokeNode); } if(this._fillNode) { this.node.appendChild(this._fillNode); } }, /** * Creates the dom node for the shape. * * @method createNode * @return HTMLElement * @private */ createNode: function() { var node, concat = this._camelCaseConcat, x = this.get("x"), y = this.get("y"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), id, type, name = this.name, nodestring, visibility = this.get("visible") ? "visible" : "hidden", strokestring, classString, stroke, endcap, opacity, joinstyle, miterlimit, dashstyle, fill, fillstring; id = this.get("id"); type = this._type === "path" ? "shape" : this._type; classString = _getClassName(SHAPE) + " " + _getClassName(concat(IMPLEMENTATION, SHAPE)) + " " + _getClassName(name) + " " + _getClassName(concat(IMPLEMENTATION, name)) + " " + IMPLEMENTATION + type; stroke = this._getStrokeProps(); fill = this._getFillProps(); nodestring = '<' + type + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsft.com:vml" id="' + id + '" class="' + classString + '" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;position:absolute;left:' + x + 'px;top:' + y + 'px;width:' + w + 'px;height:' + h + 'px;visibility:' + visibility + '"'; if(stroke && stroke.weight && stroke.weight > 0) { endcap = stroke.endcap; opacity = parseFloat(stroke.opacity); joinstyle = stroke.joinstyle; miterlimit = stroke.miterlimit; dashstyle = stroke.dashstyle; nodestring += ' stroked="t" strokecolor="' + stroke.color + '" strokeWeight="' + stroke.weight + 'px"'; strokestring = ''; node = DOCUMENT.createElement(nodestring); this.node = node; this._strokeFlag = false; this._fillFlag = false; }, /** * Add a class name to each node. * * @method addClass * @param {String} className the class name to add to the node's class attribute */ addClass: function(className) { var node = this.node; Y_DOM.addClass(node, className); }, /** * Removes a class name from each node. * * @method removeClass * @param {String} className the class name to remove from the node's class attribute */ removeClass: function(className) { var node = this.node; Y_DOM.removeClass(node, className); }, /** * Gets the current position of the node in page coordinates. * * @method getXY * @return Array The XY position of the shape. */ getXY: function() { var graphic = this._graphic, parentXY = graphic.getXY(), x = this.get("x"), y = this.get("y"); return [parentXY[0] + x, parentXY[1] + y]; }, /** * Set the position of the shape in page coordinates, regardless of how the node is positioned. * * @method setXY * @param {Array} Contains x & y values for new position (coordinates are page-based) * */ setXY: function(xy) { var graphic = this._graphic, parentXY = graphic.getXY(); this.set("x", xy[0] - parentXY[0]); this.set("y", xy[1] - parentXY[1]); }, /** * Determines whether the node is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy. * * @method contains * @param {VMLShape | HTMLElement} needle The possible node or descendent * @return Boolean Whether or not this shape is the needle or its ancestor. */ contains: function(needle) { var node = needle instanceof Y.Node ? needle._node : needle; return node === this.node; }, /** * Compares nodes to determine if they match. * Node instances can be compared to each other and/or HTMLElements. * @method compareTo * @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode The reference node to compare to the node. * @return {Boolean} True if the nodes match, false if they do not. */ compareTo: function(refNode) { var node = this.node; return node === refNode; }, /** * Test if the supplied node matches the supplied selector. * * @method test * @param {String} selector The CSS selector to test against. * @return Boolean Wheter or not the shape matches the selector. */ test: function(selector) { return Y_SELECTOR.test(this.node, selector); }, /** * Calculates and returns properties for setting an initial stroke. * * @method _getStrokeProps * @return Object * * @private */ _getStrokeProps: function() { var props, stroke = this.get("stroke"), strokeOpacity, dashstyle, dash = "", val, i = 0, len, linecap, linejoin; if(stroke && stroke.weight && stroke.weight > 0) { props = {}; linecap = stroke.linecap || "flat"; linejoin = stroke.linejoin || "round"; if(linecap !== "round" && linecap !== "square") { linecap = "flat"; } strokeOpacity = parseFloat(stroke.opacity); dashstyle = stroke.dashstyle || "none"; stroke.color = stroke.color || "#000000"; stroke.weight = stroke.weight || 1; stroke.opacity = IS_NUM(strokeOpacity) ? strokeOpacity : 1; props.stroked = true; props.color = stroke.color; props.weight = stroke.weight; props.endcap = linecap; props.opacity = stroke.opacity; if(IS_ARRAY(dashstyle)) { dash = []; len = dashstyle.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { val = dashstyle[i]; dash[i] = val / stroke.weight; } } if(linejoin === "round" || linejoin === "bevel") { props.joinstyle = linejoin; } else { linejoin = parseInt(linejoin, 10); if(IS_NUM(linejoin)) { props.miterlimit = Math.max(linejoin, 1); props.joinstyle = "miter"; } } props.dashstyle = dash; } return props; }, /** * Adds a stroke to the shape node. * * @method _strokeChangeHandler * @private */ _strokeChangeHandler: function() { if(!this._strokeFlag) { return; } var node = this.node, stroke = this.get("stroke"), strokeOpacity, dashstyle, dash = "", val, i = 0, len, linecap, linejoin; if(stroke && stroke.weight && stroke.weight > 0) { linecap = stroke.linecap || "flat"; linejoin = stroke.linejoin || "round"; if(linecap !== "round" && linecap !== "square") { linecap = "flat"; } strokeOpacity = parseFloat(stroke.opacity); dashstyle = stroke.dashstyle || "none"; stroke.color = stroke.color || "#000000"; stroke.weight = stroke.weight || 1; stroke.opacity = IS_NUM(strokeOpacity) ? strokeOpacity : 1; node.stroked = true; node.strokeColor = stroke.color; node.strokeWeight = stroke.weight + "px"; if(!this._strokeNode) { this._strokeNode = this._createGraphicNode("stroke"); node.appendChild(this._strokeNode); } this._strokeNode.endcap = linecap; this._strokeNode.opacity = stroke.opacity; if(IS_ARRAY(dashstyle)) { dash = []; len = dashstyle.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { val = dashstyle[i]; dash[i] = val / stroke.weight; } } if(linejoin === "round" || linejoin === "bevel") { this._strokeNode.joinstyle = linejoin; } else { linejoin = parseInt(linejoin, 10); if(IS_NUM(linejoin)) { this._strokeNode.miterlimit = Math.max(linejoin, 1); this._strokeNode.joinstyle = "miter"; } } this._strokeNode.dashstyle = dash; this._strokeNode.on = true; } else { if(this._strokeNode) { this._strokeNode.on = false; } node.stroked = false; } this._strokeFlag = false; }, /** * Calculates and returns properties for setting an initial fill. * * @method _getFillProps * @return Object * * @private */ _getFillProps: function() { var fill = this.get("fill"), fillOpacity, props, gradient, i, fillstring, filled = false; if(fill) { props = {}; if(fill.type === "radial" || fill.type === "linear") { fillOpacity = parseFloat(fill.opacity); fillOpacity = IS_NUM(fillOpacity) ? fillOpacity : 1; filled = true; gradient = this._getGradientFill(fill); fillstring = ''; } } } props.filled = filled; } return props; }, /** * Adds a fill to the shape node. * * @method _fillChangeHandler * @private */ _fillChangeHandler: function() { if(!this._fillFlag) { return; } var node = this.node, fill = this.get("fill"), fillOpacity, fillstring, filled = false, i, gradient; if(fill) { if(fill.type === "radial" || fill.type === "linear") { filled = true; gradient = this._getGradientFill(fill); if(this._fillNode) { for(i in gradient) { if(gradient.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if(i === "colors") { this._fillNode.colors.value = gradient[i]; } else { this._fillNode[i] = gradient[i]; } } } } else { fillstring = ''; this._fillNode = DOCUMENT.createElement(fillstring); node.appendChild(this._fillNode); } } else if(this._fillNode) { this._fillNode.opacity = 1; this._fillNode.type = "solid"; } } } node.filled = filled; this._fillFlag = false; }, //not used. remove next release. _updateFillNode: function(node) { if(!this._fillNode) { this._fillNode = this._createGraphicNode("fill"); node.appendChild(this._fillNode); } }, /** * Calculates and returns an object containing gradient properties for a fill node. * * @method _getGradientFill * @param {Object} fill Object containing fill properties. * @return Object * @private */ _getGradientFill: function(fill) { var gradientProps = {}, gradientBoxWidth, gradientBoxHeight, type = fill.type, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), isNumber = IS_NUM, stop, stops = fill.stops, len = stops.length, opacity, color, i, oi, colorstring = "", cx = fill.cx, cy = fill.cy, fx = fill.fx, fy = fill.fy, r = fill.r, pct, rotation = fill.rotation || 0; if(type === "linear") { if(rotation <= 270) { rotation = Math.abs(rotation - 270); } else if(rotation < 360) { rotation = 270 + (360 - rotation); } else { rotation = 270; } gradientProps.type = "gradient";//"gradientunscaled"; gradientProps.angle = rotation; } else if(type === "radial") { gradientBoxWidth = w * (r * 2); gradientBoxHeight = h * (r * 2); fx = r * 2 * (fx - 0.5); fy = r * 2 * (fy - 0.5); fx += cx; fy += cy; gradientProps.focussize = (gradientBoxWidth/w)/10 + "% " + (gradientBoxHeight/h)/10 + "%"; gradientProps.alignshape = false; gradientProps.type = "gradientradial"; gradientProps.focus = "100%"; gradientProps.focusposition = Math.round(fx * 100) + "% " + Math.round(fy * 100) + "%"; } for(i = 0;i < len; ++i) { stop = stops[i]; color = stop.color; opacity = stop.opacity; opacity = isNumber(opacity) ? opacity : 1; pct = stop.offset || i/(len-1); pct *= (r * 2); pct = Math.round(100 * pct) + "%"; oi = i > 0 ? i + 1 : ""; gradientProps["opacity" + oi] = opacity + ""; colorstring += ", " + pct + " " + color; } if(parseFloat(pct) < 100) { colorstring += ", 100% " + color; } gradientProps.colors = colorstring.substr(2); return gradientProps; }, /** * Adds a transform to the shape. * * @method _addTransform * @param {String} type The transform being applied. * @param {Array} args The arguments for the transform. * @private */ _addTransform: function(type, args) { args = Y.Array(args); this._transform = Y_LANG.trim(this._transform + " " + type + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")"); args.unshift(type); this._transforms.push(args); if(this.initialized) { this._updateTransform(); } }, /** * Applies all transforms. * * @method _updateTransform * @private */ _updateTransform: function() { var node = this.node, key, transform, transformOrigin, x = this.get("x"), y = this.get("y"), tx, ty, matrix = this.matrix, normalizedMatrix = this._normalizedMatrix, isPathShape = this instanceof Y.VMLPath, i, len = this._transforms.length; if(this._transforms && this._transforms.length > 0) { transformOrigin = this.get("transformOrigin"); if(isPathShape) { normalizedMatrix.translate(this._left, this._top); } //vml skew matrix transformOrigin ranges from -0.5 to 0.5. //subtract 0.5 from values tx = transformOrigin[0] - 0.5; ty = transformOrigin[1] - 0.5; //ensure the values are within the appropriate range to avoid errors tx = Math.max(-0.5, Math.min(0.5, tx)); ty = Math.max(-0.5, Math.min(0.5, ty)); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { key = this._transforms[i].shift(); if(key) { normalizedMatrix[key].apply(normalizedMatrix, this._transforms[i]); matrix[key].apply(matrix, this._transforms[i]); } } if(isPathShape) { normalizedMatrix.translate(-this._left, -this._top); } transform = normalizedMatrix.a + "," + normalizedMatrix.c + "," + normalizedMatrix.b + "," + normalizedMatrix.d + "," + 0 + "," + 0; } this._graphic.addToRedrawQueue(this); if(transform) { if(!this._skew) { this._skew = DOCUMENT.createElement( '' ); this.node.appendChild(this._skew); } this._skew.matrix = transform; this._skew.on = true; //this._skew.offset = this._getSkewOffsetValue(normalizedMatrix.dx) + "px, " + this._getSkewOffsetValue(normalizedMatrix.dy) + "px"; this._skew.origin = tx + ", " + ty; } if(this._type !== "path") { this._transforms = []; } //add the translate to the x and y coordinates node.style.left = (x + this._getSkewOffsetValue(normalizedMatrix.dx)) + "px"; node.style.top = (y + this._getSkewOffsetValue(normalizedMatrix.dy)) + "px"; }, /** * Normalizes the skew offset values between -32767 and 32767. * * @method _getSkewOffsetValue * @param {Number} val The value to normalize * @return Number * @private */ _getSkewOffsetValue: function(val) { var sign = Y.MatrixUtil.sign(val), absVal = Math.abs(val); val = Math.min(absVal, 32767) * sign; return val; }, /** * Storage for translateX * * @property _translateX * @type Number * @private */ _translateX: 0, /** * Storage for translateY * * @property _translateY * @type Number * @private */ _translateY: 0, /** * Storage for the transform attribute. * * @property _transform * @type String * @private */ _transform: "", /** * Specifies a 2d translation. * * @method translate * @param {Number} x The value to translate on the x-axis. * @param {Number} y The value to translate on the y-axis. */ translate: function(x, y) { this._translateX += x; this._translateY += y; this._addTransform("translate", arguments); }, /** * Translates the shape along the x-axis. When translating x and y coordinates, * use the `translate` method. * * @method translateX * @param {Number} x The value to translate. */ translateX: function(x) { this._translateX += x; this._addTransform("translateX", arguments); }, /** * Performs a translate on the y-coordinate. When translating x and y coordinates, * use the `translate` method. * * @method translateY * @param {Number} y The value to translate. */ translateY: function(y) { this._translateY += y; this._addTransform("translateY", arguments); }, /** * Skews the shape around the x-axis and y-axis. * * @method skew * @param {Number} x The value to skew on the x-axis. * @param {Number} y The value to skew on the y-axis. */ skew: function() { this._addTransform("skew", arguments); }, /** * Skews the shape around the x-axis. * * @method skewX * @param {Number} x x-coordinate */ skewX: function() { this._addTransform("skewX", arguments); }, /** * Skews the shape around the y-axis. * * @method skewY * @param {Number} y y-coordinate */ skewY: function() { this._addTransform("skewY", arguments); }, /** * Rotates the shape clockwise around it transformOrigin. * * @method rotate * @param {Number} deg The degree of the rotation. */ rotate: function() { this._addTransform("rotate", arguments); }, /** * Specifies a 2d scaling operation. * * @method scale * @param {Number} val */ scale: function() { this._addTransform("scale", arguments); }, /** * Overrides default `on` method. Checks to see if its a dom interaction event. If so, * return an event attached to the `node` element. If not, return the normal functionality. * * @method on * @param {String} type event type * @param {Object} callback function * @private */ on: function(type, fn) { if(Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS[type]) { return Y.on(type, fn, "#" + this.get("id")); } return Y.on.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Draws the shape. * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { }, /** * Updates `Shape` based on attribute changes. * * @method _updateHandler * @private */ _updateHandler: function() { var host = this, node = host.node; host._fillChangeHandler(); host._strokeChangeHandler(); node.style.width = this.get("width") + "px"; node.style.height = this.get("height") + "px"; this._draw(); host._updateTransform(); }, /** * Creates a graphic node * * @method _createGraphicNode * @param {String} type node type to create * @return HTMLElement * @private */ _createGraphicNode: function(type) { type = type || this._type; return DOCUMENT.createElement( '<' + type + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsft.com:vml"' + ' style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;"' + ' class="vml' + type + '"' + '/>' ); }, /** * Value function for fill attribute * * @private * @method _getDefaultFill * @return Object */ _getDefaultFill: function() { return { type: "solid", opacity: 1, cx: 0.5, cy: 0.5, fx: 0.5, fy: 0.5, r: 0.5 }; }, /** * Value function for stroke attribute * * @private * @method _getDefaultStroke * @return Object */ _getDefaultStroke: function() { return { weight: 1, dashstyle: "none", color: "#000", opacity: 1.0 }; }, /** * Sets the value of an attribute. * * @method set * @param {String|Object} name The name of the attribute. Alternatively, an object of key value pairs can * be passed in to set multiple attributes at once. * @param {Any} value The value to set the attribute to. This value is ignored if an object is received as * the name param. */ set: function() { var host = this; AttributeLite.prototype.set.apply(host, arguments); if(host.initialized) { host._updateHandler(); } }, /** * Returns the bounds for a shape. * * Calculates the a new bounding box from the original corner coordinates (base on size and position) and the transform matrix. * The calculated bounding box is used by the graphic instance to calculate its viewBox. * * @method getBounds * @return Object */ getBounds: function() { var isPathShape = this instanceof Y.VMLPath, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), x = this.get("x"), y = this.get("y"); if(isPathShape) { x = x + this._left; y = y + this._top; w = this._right - this._left; h = this._bottom - this._top; } return this._getContentRect(w, h, x, y); }, /** * Calculates the bounding box for the shape. * * @method _getContentRect * @param {Number} w width of the shape * @param {Number} h height of the shape * @param {Number} x x-coordinate of the shape * @param {Number} y y-coordinate of the shape * @private */ _getContentRect: function(w, h, x, y) { var transformOrigin = this.get("transformOrigin"), transformX = transformOrigin[0] * w, transformY = transformOrigin[1] * h, transforms = this.matrix.getTransformArray(this.get("transform")), matrix = new Y.Matrix(), i, len = transforms.length, transform, key, contentRect, isPathShape = this instanceof Y.VMLPath; if(isPathShape) { matrix.translate(this._left, this._top); } transformX = !isNaN(transformX) ? transformX : 0; transformY = !isNaN(transformY) ? transformY : 0; matrix.translate(transformX, transformY); for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { transform = transforms[i]; key = transform.shift(); if(key) { matrix[key].apply(matrix, transform); } } matrix.translate(-transformX, -transformY); if(isPathShape) { matrix.translate(-this._left, -this._top); } contentRect = matrix.getContentRect(w, h, x, y); return contentRect; }, /** * Places the shape above all other shapes. * * @method toFront */ toFront: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { graphic._toFront(this); } }, /** * Places the shape underneath all other shapes. * * @method toFront */ toBack: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { graphic._toBack(this); } }, /** * Parses path data string and call mapped methods. * * @method _parsePathData * @param {String} val The path data * @private */ _parsePathData: function(val) { var method, methodSymbol, args, commandArray = Y.Lang.trim(val.match(SPLITPATHPATTERN)), i, len, str, symbolToMethod = this._pathSymbolToMethod; if(commandArray) { this.clear(); len = commandArray.length || 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { str = commandArray[i]; methodSymbol = str.substr(0, 1); args = str.substr(1).match(SPLITARGSPATTERN); method = symbolToMethod[methodSymbol]; if(method) { if(args) { this[method].apply(this, args); } else { this[method].apply(this); } } } this.end(); } }, /** * Destroys shape * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(graphic) { graphic.removeShape(this); } else { this._destroy(); } }, /** * Implementation for shape destruction * * @method destroy * @protected */ _destroy: function() { if(this.node) { if(this._fillNode) { this.node.removeChild(this._fillNode); this._fillNode = null; } if(this._strokeNode) { this.node.removeChild(this._strokeNode); this._strokeNode = null; } Y.Event.purgeElement(this.node, true); if(this.node.parentNode) { this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); } this.node = null; } } }, Y.VMLDrawing.prototype)); VMLShape.ATTRS = { /** * An array of x, y values which indicates the transformOrigin in which to rotate the shape. Valid values range between 0 and 1 representing a * fraction of the shape's corresponding bounding box dimension. The default value is [0.5, 0.5]. * * @config transformOrigin * @type Array */ transformOrigin: { valueFn: function() { return [0.5, 0.5]; } }, /** *

A string containing, in order, transform operations applied to the shape instance. The `transform` string can contain the following values: * *

Rotates the shape clockwise around it transformOrigin.
Specifies a 2d translation.
Skews the shape around the x-axis and y-axis.
Specifies a 2d scaling operation.
Translates the shape along the x-axis.
Translates the shape along the y-axis.
Skews the shape around the x-axis.
Skews the shape around the y-axis.
Specifies a 2D transformation matrix comprised of the specified six values.


Applying transforms through the transform attribute will reset the transform matrix and apply a new transform. The shape class also contains * corresponding methods for each transform that will apply the transform to the current matrix. The below code illustrates how you might use the * `transform` attribute to instantiate a recangle with a rotation of 45 degrees.

var myRect = new Y.Rect({ type:"rect", width: 50, height: 40, transform: "rotate(45)" }; *

The code below would apply `translate` and `rotate` to an existing shape.

myRect.set("transform", "translate(40, 50) rotate(45)"); * @config transform * @type String */ transform: { setter: function(val) { var i, len, transform; this.matrix.init(); this._normalizedMatrix.init(); this._transforms = this.matrix.getTransformArray(val); len = this._transforms.length; for(i = 0;i < len; ++i) { transform = this._transforms[i]; } this._transform = val; return val; }, getter: function() { return this._transform; } }, /** * Indicates the x position of shape. * * @config x * @type Number */ x: { value: 0 }, /** * Indicates the y position of shape. * * @config y * @type Number */ y: { value: 0 }, /** * Unique id for class instance. * * @config id * @type String */ id: { valueFn: function() { return Y.guid(); }, setter: function(val) { var node = this.node; if(node) { node.setAttribute("id", val); } return val; } }, /** * * @config width */ width: { value: 0 }, /** * * @config height */ height: { value: 0 }, /** * Indicates whether the shape is visible. * * @config visible * @type Boolean */ visible: { value: true, setter: function(val){ var node = this.node, visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(node) { node.style.visibility = visibility; } return val; } }, /** * Contains information about the fill of the shape. *
The color of the fill.
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the fill. The default value is 1.
Type of fill. *
Solid single color fill. (default)
Linear gradient fill.
Radial gradient fill.

If a `linear` or `radial` is specified as the fill type. The following additional property is used: *

An array of objects containing the following properties: *
The color of the stop.
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the stop. The default value is 1. * Note: No effect for IE 6 - 8
Number between 0 and 1 indicating where the color stop is positioned.

Linear gradients also have the following property:

Linear gradients flow left to right by default. The rotation property allows you to change the * flow by rotation. (e.g. A rotation of 180 would make the gradient pain from right to left.)

Radial gradients have the following additional properties:

Radius of the gradient circle.
Focal point x-coordinate of the gradient.
Focal point y-coordinate of the gradient.

The corresponding `SVGShape` class implements the following additional properties.


The x-coordinate of the center of the gradient circle. Determines where the color stop begins. The default value 0.5.


Note: Currently, this property is not implemented for corresponding `CanvasShape` and * `VMLShape` classes which are used on Android or IE 6 - 8.


The y-coordinate of the center of the gradient circle. Determines where the color stop begins. The default value 0.5.


Note: Currently, this property is not implemented for corresponding `CanvasShape` and `VMLShape` * classes which are used on Android or IE 6 - 8.


These properties are not currently implemented in `CanvasShape` or `VMLShape`.

* * @config fill * @type Object */ fill: { valueFn: "_getDefaultFill", setter: function(val) { var i, fill, tmpl = this.get("fill") || this._getDefaultFill(); if(val) { //ensure, fill type is solid if color is explicitly passed. if(val.hasOwnProperty("color")) { val.type = "solid"; } for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { tmpl[i] = val[i]; } } } fill = tmpl; if(fill && fill.color) { if(fill.color === undefined || fill.color === "none") { fill.color = null; } else { if(fill.color.toLowerCase().indexOf("rgba") > -1) { fill.opacity = Y.Color._getAlpha(fill.color); fill.color = Y.Color.toHex(fill.color); } } } this._fillFlag = true; return fill; } }, /** * Contains information about the stroke of the shape. *
The color of the stroke.
Number that indicates the width of the stroke.
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the stroke. The default value is 1.
Indicates whether to draw a dashed stroke. When set to "none", a solid stroke is drawn. When set * to an array, the first index indicates the length of the dash. The second index indicates the length of gap. *
Specifies the linecap for the stroke. The following values can be specified: *
butt (default)
Specifies a butt linecap.
Specifies a sqare linecap.
Specifies a round linecap.
Specifies a linejoin for the stroke. The following values can be specified: *
round (default)
Specifies that the linejoin will be round.
Specifies a bevel for the linejoin.
miter limit
An integer specifying the miter limit of a miter linejoin. If you want to specify a linejoin * of miter, you simply specify the limit as opposed to having separate miter and miter limit values.
* * @config stroke * @type Object */ stroke: { valueFn: "_getDefaultStroke", setter: function(val) { var i, stroke, wt, tmpl = this.get("stroke") || this._getDefaultStroke(); if(val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty("weight")) { wt = parseInt(val.weight, 10); if(!isNaN(wt)) { val.weight = wt; } } for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { tmpl[i] = val[i]; } } } if(tmpl.color && tmpl.color.toLowerCase().indexOf("rgba") > -1) { tmpl.opacity = Y.Color._getAlpha(tmpl.color); tmpl.color = Y.Color.toHex(tmpl.color); } stroke = tmpl; this._strokeFlag = true; return stroke; } }, //Not used. Remove in future. autoSize: { value: false }, // Only implemented in SVG // Determines whether the instance will receive mouse events. // // @config pointerEvents // @type string // pointerEvents: { value: "visiblePainted" }, /** * Dom node for the shape. * * @config node * @type HTMLElement * @readOnly */ node: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this.node; } }, /** * Represents an SVG Path string. This will be parsed and added to shape's API to represent the SVG data across all * implementations. Note that when using VML or SVG implementations, part of this content will be added to the DOM using * respective VML/SVG attributes. If your content comes from an untrusted source, you will need to ensure that no * malicious code is included in that content. * * @config data * @type String */ data: { setter: function(val) { if(this.get("node")) { this._parsePathData(val); } return val; } }, /** * Reference to the container Graphic. * * @config graphic * @type Graphic */ graphic: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._graphic; } } }; Y.VMLShape = VMLShape; /** * VML implementation of the `Path` class. * `VMLPath` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Path` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Path` class will point to the `VMLPath` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLPath * @extends VMLShape */ VMLPath = function() { VMLPath.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLPath.NAME = "path"; Y.extend(VMLPath, Y.VMLShape); VMLPath.ATTRS = Y.merge(Y.VMLShape.ATTRS, { /** * Indicates the width of the shape * * @config width * @type Number */ width: { getter: function() { var val = Math.max(this._right - this._left, 0); return val; } }, /** * Indicates the height of the shape * * @config height * @type Number */ height: { getter: function() { return Math.max(this._bottom - this._top, 0); } }, /** * Indicates the path used for the node. * * @config path * @type String * @readOnly */ path: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._path; } } }); Y.VMLPath = VMLPath; /** * VML implementation of the `Rect` class. * `VMLRect` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Rect` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Rect` class will point to the `VMLRect` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLRect * @constructor */ VMLRect = function() { VMLRect.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLRect.NAME = "rect"; Y.extend(VMLRect, Y.VMLShape, { /** * Indicates the type of shape * * @property _type * @type String * @private */ _type: "rect" }); VMLRect.ATTRS = Y.VMLShape.ATTRS; Y.VMLRect = VMLRect; /** * VML implementation of the `Ellipse` class. * `VMLEllipse` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Ellipse` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Ellipse` class will point to the `VMLEllipse` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLEllipse * @constructor */ VMLEllipse = function() { VMLEllipse.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLEllipse.NAME = "ellipse"; Y.extend(VMLEllipse, Y.VMLShape, { /** * Indicates the type of shape * * @property _type * @type String * @private */ _type: "oval" }); VMLEllipse.ATTRS = Y.merge(Y.VMLShape.ATTRS, { /** * Horizontal radius for the ellipse. * * @config xRadius * @type Number */ xRadius: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { var val = this.get("width"); val = Math.round((val/2) * 100)/100; return val; }, setter: function(val) { var w = val * 2; this.set("width", w); return val; } }, /** * Vertical radius for the ellipse. * * @config yRadius * @type Number * @readOnly */ yRadius: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { var val = this.get("height"); val = Math.round((val/2) * 100)/100; return val; }, setter: function(val) { var h = val * 2; this.set("height", h); return val; } } }); Y.VMLEllipse = VMLEllipse; /** * VML implementation of the `Circle` class. * `VMLCircle` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Circle` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Circle` class will point to the `VMLCircle` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLCircle * @constructor */ VMLCircle = function() { VMLCircle.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLCircle.NAME = "circle"; Y.extend(VMLCircle, VMLShape, { /** * Indicates the type of shape * * @property _type * @type String * @private */ _type: "oval" }); VMLCircle.ATTRS = Y.merge(VMLShape.ATTRS, { /** * Radius for the circle. * * @config radius * @type Number */ radius: { lazyAdd: false, value: 0 }, /** * Indicates the width of the shape * * @config width * @type Number */ width: { setter: function(val) { this.set("radius", val/2); return val; }, getter: function() { var radius = this.get("radius"), val = radius && radius > 0 ? radius * 2 : 0; return val; } }, /** * Indicates the height of the shape * * @config height * @type Number */ height: { setter: function(val) { this.set("radius", val/2); return val; }, getter: function() { var radius = this.get("radius"), val = radius && radius > 0 ? radius * 2 : 0; return val; } } }); Y.VMLCircle = VMLCircle; /** * Draws pie slices * * @module graphics * @class VMLPieSlice * @constructor */ VMLPieSlice = function() { VMLPieSlice.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLPieSlice.NAME = "vmlPieSlice"; Y.extend(VMLPieSlice, Y.VMLShape, Y.mix({ /** * Indicates the type of shape * * @property _type * @type String * @private */ _type: "shape", /** * Change event listener * * @private * @method _updateHandler */ _draw: function() { var x = this.get("cx"), y = this.get("cy"), startAngle = this.get("startAngle"), arc = this.get("arc"), radius = this.get("radius"); this.clear(); this.drawWedge(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius); this.end(); } }, Y.VMLDrawing.prototype)); VMLPieSlice.ATTRS = Y.mix({ cx: { value: 0 }, cy: { value: 0 }, /** * Starting angle in relation to a circle in which to begin the pie slice drawing. * * @config startAngle * @type Number */ startAngle: { value: 0 }, /** * Arc of the slice. * * @config arc * @type Number */ arc: { value: 0 }, /** * Radius of the circle in which the pie slice is drawn * * @config radius * @type Number */ radius: { value: 0 } }, Y.VMLShape.ATTRS); Y.VMLPieSlice = VMLPieSlice; /** * VML implementation of the `Graphic` class. * `VMLGraphic` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the `Graphic` class. * If the browser lacks SVG and Canvas * capabilities, the `Graphic` class will point to the `VMLGraphic` class. * * @module graphics * @class VMLGraphic * @constructor */ VMLGraphic = function() { VMLGraphic.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLGraphic.NAME = "vmlGraphic"; VMLGraphic.ATTRS = { /** * Whether or not to render the `Graphic` automatically after to a specified parent node after init. This can be a Node * instance or a CSS selector string. * * @config render * @type Node | String */ render: {}, /** * Unique id for class instance. * * @config id * @type String */ id: { valueFn: function() { return Y.guid(); }, setter: function(val) { var node = this._node; if(node) { node.setAttribute("id", val); } return val; } }, /** * Key value pairs in which a shape instance is associated with its id. * * @config shapes * @type Object * @readOnly */ shapes: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._shapes; } }, /** * Object containing size and coordinate data for the content of a Graphic in relation to the coordSpace node. * * @config contentBounds * @type Object */ contentBounds: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._contentBounds; } }, /** * The html element that represents to coordinate system of the Graphic instance. * * @config node * @type HTMLElement */ node: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._node; } }, /** * Indicates the width of the `Graphic`. * * @config width * @type Number */ width: { setter: function(val) { if(this._node) { this._node.style.width = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Indicates the height of the `Graphic`. * * @config height * @type Number */ height: { setter: function(val) { if(this._node) { this._node.style.height = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Determines the sizing of the Graphic. * *
The Graphic's width and height attributes are, either explicitly set through the * width and height attributes or are determined by the dimensions of the parent element. The * content contained in the Graphic will be sized to fit with in the Graphic instance's dimensions. When using this * setting, the preserveAspectRatio attribute will determine how the contents are sized.
(Also accepts a value of true) The Graphic's width and height are determined by the * size and positioning of the content.
The Graphic's width and height attributes are, either explicitly set through the width * and height attributes or are determined by the dimensions of the parent element. The contents of the * Graphic instance are not affected by this setting.
* * * @config autoSize * @type Boolean | String * @default false */ autoSize: { value: false }, /** * Determines how content is sized when autoSize is set to sizeContentToGraphic. * *
Do not force uniform scaling. Scale the graphic content of the given element non-uniformly if necessary * such that the element's bounding box exactly matches the viewport rectangle.
Force uniform scaling position along the top left of the Graphic's node.
Force uniform scaling horizontally centered and positioned at the top of the Graphic's node.
Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the right and vertically from the top.
Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the left and vertically centered. *
xMidYMid (the default)
Force uniform scaling with the content centered.
Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the right and vertically centered.
Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the left and vertically from the bottom.
Force uniform scaling horizontally centered and position vertically from the bottom.
Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the right and vertically from the bottom.
* * @config preserveAspectRatio * @type String * @default xMidYMid */ preserveAspectRatio: { value: "xMidYMid" }, /** * The contentBounds will resize to greater values but not values. (for performance) * When resizing the contentBounds down is desirable, set the resizeDown value to true. * * @config resizeDown * @type Boolean */ resizeDown: { resizeDown: false }, /** * Indicates the x-coordinate for the instance. * * @config x * @type Number */ x: { getter: function() { return this._x; }, setter: function(val) { this._x = val; if(this._node) { this._node.style.left = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Indicates the y-coordinate for the instance. * * @config y * @type Number */ y: { getter: function() { return this._y; }, setter: function(val) { this._y = val; if(this._node) { this._node.style.top = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Indicates whether or not the instance will automatically redraw after a change is made to a shape. * This property will get set to false when batching operations. * * @config autoDraw * @type Boolean * @default true * @private */ autoDraw: { value: true }, visible: { value: true, setter: function(val) { this._toggleVisible(val); return val; } } }; Y.extend(VMLGraphic, Y.GraphicBase, { /** * Sets the value of an attribute. * * @method set * @param {String|Object} name The name of the attribute. Alternatively, an object of key value pairs can * be passed in to set multiple attributes at once. * @param {Any} value The value to set the attribute to. This value is ignored if an object is received as * the name param. */ set: function() { var host = this, attr = arguments[0], redrawAttrs = { autoDraw: true, autoSize: true, preserveAspectRatio: true, resizeDown: true }, key, forceRedraw = false; AttributeLite.prototype.set.apply(host, arguments); if(host._state.autoDraw === true && Y.Object.size(this._shapes) > 0) { if(Y_LANG.isString && redrawAttrs[attr]) { forceRedraw = true; } else if(Y_LANG.isObject(attr)) { for(key in redrawAttrs) { if(redrawAttrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attr[key]) { forceRedraw = true; break; } } } } if(forceRedraw) { host._redraw(); } }, /** * Storage for `x` attribute. * * @property _x * @type Number * @private */ _x: 0, /** * Storage for `y` attribute. * * @property _y * @type Number * @private */ _y: 0, /** * Gets the current position of the graphic instance in page coordinates. * * @method getXY * @return Array The XY position of the shape. */ getXY: function() { var node = this.parentNode, x = this.get("x"), y = this.get("y"), xy; if(node) { xy = Y.DOM.getXY(node); xy[0] += x; xy[1] += y; } else { xy = Y.DOM._getOffset(this._node); } return xy; }, /** * Initializes the class. * * @method initializer * @private */ initializer: function() { var render = this.get("render"), visibility = this.get("visible") ? "visible" : "hidden"; this._shapes = {}; this._contentBounds = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; this._node = this._createGraphic(); this._node.style.left = this.get("x") + "px"; this._node.style.top = this.get("y") + "px"; this._node.style.visibility = visibility; this._node.setAttribute("id", this.get("id")); if(render) { this.render(render); } }, /** * Adds the graphics node to the dom. * * @method render * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into. */ render: function(render) { var parentNode = render || DOCUMENT.body, node = this._node, w, h; if(render instanceof Y.Node) { parentNode = render._node; } else if(Y.Lang.isString(render)) { parentNode = Y.Selector.query(render, DOCUMENT.body, true); } w = this.get("width") || parseInt(Y.DOM.getComputedStyle(parentNode, "width"), 10); h = this.get("height") || parseInt(Y.DOM.getComputedStyle(parentNode, "height"), 10); parentNode.appendChild(node); this.parentNode = parentNode; this.set("width", w); this.set("height", h); return this; }, /** * Removes all nodes. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { this.removeAllShapes(); if(this._node) { this._removeChildren(this._node); if(this._node.parentNode) { this._node.parentNode.removeChild(this._node); } this._node = null; } }, /** * Generates a shape instance by type. * * @method addShape * @param {Object} cfg attributes for the shape * @return Shape */ addShape: function(cfg) { cfg.graphic = this; if(!this.get("visible")) { cfg.visible = false; } var ShapeClass = this._getShapeClass(cfg.type), shape = new ShapeClass(cfg); this._appendShape(shape); shape._appendStrokeAndFill(); return shape; }, /** * Adds a shape instance to the graphic instance. * * @method _appendShape * @param {Shape} shape The shape instance to be added to the graphic. * @private */ _appendShape: function(shape) { var node = shape.node, parentNode = this._frag || this._node; if(this.get("autoDraw") || this.get("autoSize") === "sizeContentToGraphic") { parentNode.appendChild(node); } else { this._getDocFrag().appendChild(node); } }, /** * Removes a shape instance from from the graphic instance. * * @method removeShape * @param {Shape|String} shape The instance or id of the shape to be removed. */ removeShape: function(shape) { if(!(shape instanceof VMLShape)) { if(Y_LANG.isString(shape)) { shape = this._shapes[shape]; } } if(shape && (shape instanceof VMLShape)) { shape._destroy(); this._shapes[shape.get("id")] = null; delete this._shapes[shape.get("id")]; } if(this.get("autoDraw")) { this._redraw(); } }, /** * Removes all shape instances from the dom. * * @method removeAllShapes */ removeAllShapes: function() { var shapes = this._shapes, i; for(i in shapes) { if(shapes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shapes[i].destroy(); } } this._shapes = {}; }, /** * Removes all child nodes. * * @method _removeChildren * @param node * @private */ _removeChildren: function(node) { if(node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while(node.firstChild) { child = node.firstChild; this._removeChildren(child); node.removeChild(child); } } }, /** * Clears the graphics object. * * @method clear */ clear: function() { this.removeAllShapes(); this._removeChildren(this._node); }, /** * Toggles visibility * * @method _toggleVisible * @param {Boolean} val indicates visibilitye * @private */ _toggleVisible: function(val) { var i, shapes = this._shapes, visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(shapes) { for(i in shapes) { if(shapes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shapes[i].set("visible", val); } } } if(this._node) { this._node.style.visibility = visibility; } if(this._node) { this._node.style.visibility = visibility; } }, /** * Sets the size of the graphics object. * * @method setSize * @param w {Number} width to set for the instance. * @param h {Number} height to set for the instance. */ setSize: function(w, h) { w = Math.round(w); h = Math.round(h); this._node.style.width = w + 'px'; this._node.style.height = h + 'px'; }, /** * Sets the positon of the graphics object. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the object. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the object. */ setPosition: function(x, y) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); this._node.style.left = x + "px"; this._node.style.top = y + "px"; }, /** * Creates a group element * * @method _createGraphic * @private */ _createGraphic: function() { var group = DOCUMENT.createElement( '' ); return group; }, /** * Creates a graphic node * * @method _createGraphicNode * @param {String} type node type to create * @param {String} pe specified pointer-events value * @return HTMLElement * @private */ _createGraphicNode: function(type) { return DOCUMENT.createElement( '<' + type + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsft.com:vml"' + ' style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;zoom:1;"' + '/>' ); }, /** * Returns a shape based on the id of its dom node. * * @method getShapeById * @param {String} id Dom id of the shape's node attribute. * @return Shape */ getShapeById: function(id) { return this._shapes[id]; }, /** * Returns a shape class. Used by `addShape`. * * @method _getShapeClass * @param {Shape | String} val Indicates which shape class. * @return Function * @private */ _getShapeClass: function(val) { var shape = this._shapeClass[val]; if(shape) { return shape; } return val; }, /** * Look up for shape classes. Used by `addShape` to retrieve a class for instantiation. * * @property _shapeClass * @type Object * @private */ _shapeClass: { circle: Y.VMLCircle, rect: Y.VMLRect, path: Y.VMLPath, ellipse: Y.VMLEllipse, pieslice: Y.VMLPieSlice }, /** * Allows for creating multiple shapes in order to batch appending and redraw operations. * * @method batch * @param {Function} method Method to execute. */ batch: function(method) { var autoDraw = this.get("autoDraw"); this.set("autoDraw", false); method.apply(); this.set("autoDraw", autoDraw); }, /** * Returns a document fragment to for attaching shapes. * * @method _getDocFrag * @return DocumentFragment * @private */ _getDocFrag: function() { if(!this._frag) { this._frag = DOCUMENT.createDocumentFragment(); } return this._frag; }, /** * Adds a shape to the redraw queue and calculates the contentBounds. * * @method addToRedrawQueue * @param shape {VMLShape} * @protected */ addToRedrawQueue: function(shape) { var shapeBox, box; this._shapes[shape.get("id")] = shape; if(!this.get("resizeDown")) { shapeBox = shape.getBounds(); box = this._contentBounds; box.left = box.left < shapeBox.left ? box.left : shapeBox.left; box.top = box.top < shapeBox.top ? box.top : shapeBox.top; box.right = box.right > shapeBox.right ? box.right : shapeBox.right; box.bottom = box.bottom > shapeBox.bottom ? box.bottom : shapeBox.bottom; box.width = box.right - box.left; box.height = box.bottom - box.top; this._contentBounds = box; } if(this.get("autoDraw")) { this._redraw(); } }, /** * Redraws all shapes. * * @method _redraw * @private */ _redraw: function() { var autoSize = this.get("autoSize"), preserveAspectRatio, node = this.parentNode, nodeWidth = parseFloat(Y.DOM.getComputedStyle(node, "width")), nodeHeight = parseFloat(Y.DOM.getComputedStyle(node, "height")), xCoordOrigin = 0, yCoordOrigin = 0, box = this.get("resizeDown") ? this._getUpdatedContentBounds() : this._contentBounds, left = box.left, right = box.right, top = box.top, bottom = box.bottom, contentWidth = right - left, contentHeight = bottom - top, aspectRatio, xCoordSize, yCoordSize, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, visible = this.get("visible"); this._node.style.visibility = "hidden"; if(autoSize) { if(autoSize === "sizeContentToGraphic") { preserveAspectRatio = this.get("preserveAspectRatio"); if(preserveAspectRatio === "none" || contentWidth/contentHeight === nodeWidth/nodeHeight) { xCoordOrigin = left; yCoordOrigin = top; xCoordSize = contentWidth; yCoordSize = contentHeight; } else { if(contentWidth * nodeHeight/contentHeight > nodeWidth) { aspectRatio = nodeHeight/nodeWidth; xCoordSize = contentWidth; yCoordSize = contentWidth * aspectRatio; scaledHeight = (nodeWidth * (contentHeight/contentWidth)) * (yCoordSize/nodeHeight); yCoordOrigin = this._calculateCoordOrigin(preserveAspectRatio.slice(5).toLowerCase(), scaledHeight, yCoordSize); yCoordOrigin = top + yCoordOrigin; xCoordOrigin = left; } else { aspectRatio = nodeWidth/nodeHeight; xCoordSize = contentHeight * aspectRatio; yCoordSize = contentHeight; scaledWidth = (nodeHeight * (contentWidth/contentHeight)) * (xCoordSize/nodeWidth); xCoordOrigin = this._calculateCoordOrigin(preserveAspectRatio.slice(1, 4).toLowerCase(), scaledWidth, xCoordSize); xCoordOrigin = xCoordOrigin + left; yCoordOrigin = top; } } this._node.style.width = nodeWidth + "px"; this._node.style.height = nodeHeight + "px"; this._node.coordOrigin = xCoordOrigin + ", " + yCoordOrigin; } else { xCoordSize = contentWidth; yCoordSize = contentHeight; this._node.style.width = contentWidth + "px"; this._node.style.height = contentHeight + "px"; this._state.width = contentWidth; this._state.height = contentHeight; } this._node.coordSize = xCoordSize + ", " + yCoordSize; } else { this._node.style.width = nodeWidth + "px"; this._node.style.height = nodeHeight + "px"; this._node.coordSize = nodeWidth + ", " + nodeHeight; } if(this._frag) { this._node.appendChild(this._frag); this._frag = null; } if(visible) { this._node.style.visibility = "visible"; } }, /** * Determines the value for either an x or y coordinate to be used for the coordOrigin of the Graphic. * * @method _calculateCoordOrigin * @param {String} position The position for placement. Possible values are min, mid and max. * @param {Number} size The total scaled size of the content. * @param {Number} coordsSize The coordsSize for the Graphic. * @return Number * @private */ _calculateCoordOrigin: function(position, size, coordsSize) { var coord; switch(position) { case "min" : coord = 0; break; case "mid" : coord = (size - coordsSize)/2; break; case "max" : coord = (size - coordsSize); break; } return coord; }, /** * Recalculates and returns the `contentBounds` for the `Graphic` instance. * * @method _getUpdatedContentBounds * @return {Object} * @private */ _getUpdatedContentBounds: function() { var bounds, i, shape, queue = this._shapes, box = {}; for(i in queue) { if(queue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shape = queue[i]; bounds = shape.getBounds(); box.left = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.left) ? Math.min(box.left, bounds.left) : bounds.left; box.top = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.top) ? Math.min(box.top, bounds.top) : bounds.top; box.right = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.right) ? Math.max(box.right, bounds.right) : bounds.right; box.bottom = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.bottom) ? Math.max(box.bottom, bounds.bottom) : bounds.bottom; } } box.left = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.left) ? box.left : 0; box.top = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.top) ? box.top : 0; box.right = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.right) ? box.right : 0; box.bottom = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.bottom) ? box.bottom : 0; this._contentBounds = box; return box; }, /** * Inserts shape on the top of the tree. * * @method _toFront * @param {VMLShape} Shape to add. * @private */ _toFront: function(shape) { var contentNode = this._node; if(shape instanceof Y.VMLShape) { shape = shape.get("node"); } if(contentNode && shape) { contentNode.appendChild(shape); } }, /** * Inserts shape as the first child of the content node. * * @method _toBack * @param {VMLShape} Shape to add. * @private */ _toBack: function(shape) { var contentNode = this._node, targetNode; if(shape instanceof Y.VMLShape) { shape = shape.get("node"); } if(contentNode && shape) { targetNode = contentNode.firstChild; if(targetNode) { contentNode.insertBefore(shape, targetNode); } else { contentNode.appendChild(shape); } } } }); Y.VMLGraphic = VMLGraphic; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["graphics", "color-base"]});