/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('node-load', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Extended Node interface with a basic IO API. * @module node * @submodule node-load */ /** * The default IO complete handler. * @method _ioComplete * @protected * @for Node * @param {String} code The response code. * @param {Object} response The response object. * @param {Array} args An array containing the callback and selector */ Y.Node.prototype._ioComplete = function(code, response, args) { var selector = args[0], callback = args[1], tmp, content; if (response && response.responseText) { content = response.responseText; if (selector) { tmp = Y.DOM.create(content); content = Y.Selector.query(selector, tmp); } this.setContent(content); } if (callback) { callback.call(this, code, response); } }; /** * Loads content from the given url and replaces the Node's * existing content with the remote content. * @method load * @param {String} url The URL to load via XMLHttpRequest. * @param {String} selector An optional selector representing a subset of an HTML document to load. * @param {Function} callback An optional function to run after the content has been loaded. * @chainable */ Y.Node.prototype.load = function(url, selector, callback) { if (typeof selector == 'function') { callback = selector; selector = null; } var config = { context: this, on: { complete: this._ioComplete }, arguments: [selector, callback] }; Y.io(url, config); return this; }; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["node-base", "io-base"]});