/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('series-column', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides functionality for creating a column series. * * @module charts * @submodule series-column */ /** * The ColumnSeries class renders columns positioned horizontally along a category or time axis. The columns' * lengths are proportional to the values they represent along a vertical axis. * and the relevant data points. * * @class ColumnSeries * @extends MarkerSeries * @uses Histogram * @constructor * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule series-column */ Y.ColumnSeries = Y.Base.create("columnSeries", Y.MarkerSeries, [Y.Histogram], { /** * Helper method for calculating the size of markers. * * @method _getMarkerDimensions * @param {Number} xcoord The x-coordinate representing the data point for the marker. * @param {Number} ycoord The y-coordinate representing the data point for the marker. * @param {Number} calculatedSize The calculated size for the marker. For a `BarSeries` is it the width. For a `ColumnSeries` it is the height. * @param {Number} offset Distance of position offset dictated by other marker series in the same graph. * @return Object * @private */ _getMarkerDimensions: function(xcoord, ycoord, calculatedSize, offset) { var config = { left: xcoord + offset }; if(this._bottomOrigin >= ycoord) { config.top = ycoord; config.calculatedSize = this._bottomOrigin - config.top; } else { config.top = this._bottomOrigin; config.calculatedSize = ycoord - this._bottomOrigin; } return config; }, /** * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker * @protected */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers && this._markers[i]) { var styles = this._copyObject(this.get("styles").marker), markerStyles, state = this._getState(type), xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), marker = this._markers[i], markers, seriesStyles, seriesCollection = this.get("seriesTypeCollection"), seriesLen = seriesCollection ? seriesCollection.length : 0, seriesSize = 0, offset = 0, renderer, n = 0, xs = [], order = this.get("order"), config; markerStyles = state === "off" || !styles[state] ? this._copyObject(styles) : this._copyObject(styles[state]); markerStyles.fill.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.fill.color, i); markerStyles.border.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.border.color, i); config = this._getMarkerDimensions(xcoords[i], ycoords[i], styles.width, offset); markerStyles.height = config.calculatedSize; markerStyles.width = Math.min(this._maxSize, markerStyles.width); marker.set(markerStyles); for(; n < seriesLen; ++n) { xs[n] = xcoords[i] + seriesSize; seriesStyles = seriesCollection[n].get("styles").marker; seriesSize += Math.min(this._maxSize, seriesStyles.width); if(order > n) { offset = seriesSize; } offset -= seriesSize/2; } for(n = 0; n < seriesLen; ++n) { markers = seriesCollection[n].get("markers"); if(markers) { renderer = markers[i]; if(renderer && renderer !== undefined) { renderer.set("x", (xs[n] - seriesSize/2)); } } } } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @readOnly * @default column */ type: { value: "column" } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from `MarkerSeries`. Below are the default values: *