/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('series-histogram-base', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides core functionality for creating a bar or column series. * * @module charts * @submodule series-histogram */ var Y_Lang = Y.Lang; /** * Histogram is the base class for Column and Bar series. * * @class Histogram * @constructor * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule series-histogram */ function Histogram(){} Histogram.prototype = { /** * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries * @protected */ drawSeries: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var style = this._copyObject(this.get("styles").marker), graphic = this.get("graphic"), setSize, calculatedSize, xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), i = 0, len = xcoords.length, top = ycoords[0], seriesTypeCollection = this.get("seriesTypeCollection"), seriesLen = seriesTypeCollection ? seriesTypeCollection.length : 0, seriesSize = 0, totalSize = 0, offset = 0, ratio, renderer, order = this.get("order"), graphOrder = this.get("graphOrder"), left, marker, setSizeKey, calculatedSizeKey, config, fillColors = null, borderColors = null, xMarkerPlane = [], yMarkerPlane = [], xMarkerPlaneLeft, xMarkerPlaneRight, yMarkerPlaneTop, yMarkerPlaneBottom, dimensions = { width: [], height: [] }, xvalues = [], yvalues = [], groupMarkers = this.get("groupMarkers"); if(Y_Lang.isArray(style.fill.color)) { fillColors = style.fill.color.concat(); } if(Y_Lang.isArray(style.border.color)) { borderColors = style.border.color.concat(); } if(this.get("direction") === "vertical") { setSizeKey = "height"; calculatedSizeKey = "width"; } else { setSizeKey = "width"; calculatedSizeKey = "height"; } setSize = style[setSizeKey]; calculatedSize = style[calculatedSizeKey]; this._createMarkerCache(); this._maxSize = graphic.get(setSizeKey); if(seriesTypeCollection && seriesLen > 1) { for(; i < seriesLen; ++i) { renderer = seriesTypeCollection[i]; seriesSize += renderer.get("styles").marker[setSizeKey]; if(order > i) { offset = seriesSize; } } totalSize = len * seriesSize; if(totalSize > this._maxSize) { ratio = graphic.get(setSizeKey)/totalSize; seriesSize *= ratio; offset *= ratio; setSize *= ratio; setSize = Math.max(setSize, 1); this._maxSize = setSize; } } else { seriesSize = style[setSizeKey]; totalSize = len * seriesSize; if(totalSize > this._maxSize) { seriesSize = this._maxSize/len; this._maxSize = seriesSize; } } offset -= seriesSize/2; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { xMarkerPlaneLeft = xcoords[i] - seriesSize/2; xMarkerPlaneRight = xMarkerPlaneLeft + seriesSize; yMarkerPlaneTop = ycoords[i] - seriesSize/2; yMarkerPlaneBottom = yMarkerPlaneTop + seriesSize; xMarkerPlane.push({start: xMarkerPlaneLeft, end: xMarkerPlaneRight}); yMarkerPlane.push({start: yMarkerPlaneTop, end: yMarkerPlaneBottom}); if(!groupMarkers && (isNaN(xcoords[i]) || isNaN(ycoords[i]))) { this._markers.push(null); continue; } config = this._getMarkerDimensions(xcoords[i], ycoords[i], calculatedSize, offset); if(!isNaN(config.calculatedSize) && config.calculatedSize > 0) { top = config.top; left = config.left; if(groupMarkers) { dimensions[setSizeKey][i] = setSize; dimensions[calculatedSizeKey][i] = config.calculatedSize; xvalues.push(left); yvalues.push(top); } else { style[setSizeKey] = setSize; style[calculatedSizeKey] = config.calculatedSize; style.x = left; style.y = top; if(fillColors) { style.fill.color = fillColors[i % fillColors.length]; } if(borderColors) { style.border.color = borderColors[i % borderColors.length]; } marker = this.getMarker(style, graphOrder, i); } } else if(!groupMarkers) { this._markers.push(null); } } this.set("xMarkerPlane", xMarkerPlane); this.set("yMarkerPlane", yMarkerPlane); if(groupMarkers) { this._createGroupMarker({ fill: style.fill, border: style.border, dimensions: dimensions, xvalues: xvalues, yvalues: yvalues, shape: style.shape }); } else { this._clearMarkerCache(); } }, /** * Collection of default colors used for marker fills in a series when not specified by user. * * @property _defaultFillColors * @type Array * @protected */ _defaultFillColors: ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"], /** * Gets the default style values for the markers. * * @method _getPlotDefaults * @return Object * @private */ _getPlotDefaults: function() { var defs = { fill:{ type: "solid", alpha: 1, colors:null, alphas: null, ratios: null }, border:{ weight: 0, alpha: 1 }, width: 12, height: 12, shape: "rect", padding:{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 } }; defs.fill.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "fill"); defs.border.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "border"); return defs; } }; Y.Histogram = Histogram; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["series-cartesian", "series-plot-util"]});