/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('series-marker', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides functionality for creating a marker series. * * @module charts * @submodule series-marker */ /** * The MarkerSeries class renders quantitative data by plotting relevant data points * on a graph. * * @class MarkerSeries * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses Plots * @constructor * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule series-marker */ Y.MarkerSeries = Y.Base.create("markerSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.Plots], { /** * @protected * * Method used by `styles` setter. Overrides base implementation. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object */ _setStyles: function(val) { if(!val.marker) { val = {marker:val}; } val = this._parseMarkerStyles(val); return Y.MarkerSeries.superclass._mergeStyles.apply(this, [val, this._getDefaultStyles()]); } },{ ATTRS : { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default marker */ type: { value:"marker" } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from `Renderer`. Below are the default * values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on * the graph. The color will be retrieved from the below array:
* `["#6084d0", "#eeb647", "#6c6b5f", "#d6484f", "#ce9ed1", "#ff9f3b", "#93b7ff", "#e0ddd0", "#94ecba", "#309687"]` *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on * the graph. The color will be retrieved from the below array:
* `["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"]` *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 10.
indicates the height of the marker The default value is 10.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a `mouseover` event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for `marker.over.fill.color` is equivalent to `marker.fill.color`.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["series-cartesian", "series-plot-util"]});